What exactly have Liberals done for us?

Ame®icano;1468044 said:
1. Fought for the rights of the individual against a monarchy. Wrote our Declaration of Independence and Constitution...."All men are created equal"
2. Fought for the abolition of Slavery
3. Fought for worker rights.....40 hour workweek, safe workplace, child labor laws
4. Fought for our environment
5. Fought for a womans right to vote
6. Fought for Civil Rights
7. Fought for Gay rights
8. Fought for womens equality in the workplace
9. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade

It should be noted that conservatives fought against every one of these initiatives

All those listed things would happen sooner or later regardless who got the power.

If you look closer at all listed 1-9, all that was just about the votes.

And every time there is no enough votes, Liberals come up with another special interest group that will get them or keep them atop. Once those special interest groups get what they wanted and feel safe among others, they abandon their group and assimilate with the rest.

Right now, there is a fight for government healthcare and if everything goes as planed, that would bring them new 15 million votes at the next election. If that doesnt work for any reason (any other special interest group feel threatened), they will push for something else, let's say giving legal status to illegals that equal about 10-12 million votes.

Interesting theory. So how would you explain the Republicans push for the Part D Prescription Drug Plan for seniors, which amounted to an UNFUNDED mandate costing billions per year? The political motivation was to get seniors to finally start voting Republican instead of Democrat (Rove/DeLay "Republicans for Life" strategy). But it backfired.

Eventually, everything backfires.

Seniors today are protesting against single-payer healthcare. Don't they?
Libruls also gave us Income Tax and the Federal Reserve System

And you have managed to survive in spite of those. Imagine that...

Yes, we've survived in spite of those. However, the Federal Reserve is the cause of all of our economic downturns since its inception, and it's the income tax that allowed us to become the welfare/warfare state we are today. Not exactly positives.

And your options would have been.....???

Read the HISTORY of where the country was at the time, where it's been since, and where we are now and tell me how we could have survived then (and now) without the Federal Reserve. How much personal "stuff" would you be willing to sacrifice by using some sort of barter system? Would you be willing to have your aging parents live in your doublewide along with your immediate family? Would you be trading your services for their health care?
I think the truth is, the savage capitalista's are the ones pushing their radical agenda on the rest of us, because those who'd benefit from a bit more socialism is a huge group, much larger than your 2-3 percent "rest of us" you speak of. Capitalism is always the top few percent richest, shoving their radical agenda down the throats of the rest of us.

Capitalism never works as promised. If it did, we wouldn't have bubbles and economic tsunamis. The ebbs and flows of capitalism are unfortunately becoming more dangerous now that we operate in a global environment and not in a quasi-closed society. As a nation, I wonder how many more crashes we can take and once again slooooooooowly pull ourselves out of it with a collective WHEW.

Actually bubbles are not the fault of Capitalism. It's when the government or central bank interferes in the market by tampering with interest rates that we see misallocation of resources and bubbles forming.

Would you like to explain how capitalism would survive in this day and age without the constant flow of money through the system when most capitalists don't actually have the gold to back up their balance sheets?
Ame®icano;1469426 said:
Capitalism never works as promised. If it did, we wouldn't have bubbles and economic tsunamis. The ebbs and flows of capitalism are unfortunately becoming more dangerous now that we operate in a global environment and not in a quasi-closed society. As a nation, I wonder how many more crashes we can take and once again slooooooooowly pull ourselves out of it with a collective WHEW.

As opposed to socialism and communism that actually works?

I guess you red Manifesto of the Communist Party...

There is nothing wrong with capitalism. It's the only way an economy can survive. But one more experience with the greedy imaginations of some who can manage to take down an entire financial structure is not survivable.
Ame®icano;1469474 said:
Ame®icano;1468044 said:
All those listed things would happen sooner or later regardless who got the power.

If you look closer at all listed 1-9, all that was just about the votes.

And every time there is no enough votes, Liberals come up with another special interest group that will get them or keep them atop. Once those special interest groups get what they wanted and feel safe among others, they abandon their group and assimilate with the rest.

Right now, there is a fight for government healthcare and if everything goes as planed, that would bring them new 15 million votes at the next election. If that doesnt work for any reason (any other special interest group feel threatened), they will push for something else, let's say giving legal status to illegals that equal about 10-12 million votes.

Interesting theory. So how would you explain the Republicans push for the Part D Prescription Drug Plan for seniors, which amounted to an UNFUNDED mandate costing billions per year? The political motivation was to get seniors to finally start voting Republican instead of Democrat (Rove/DeLay "Republicans for Life" strategy). But it backfired.

Eventually, everything backfires.

Seniors today are protesting against single-payer healthcare. Don't they?

They are only complaining because the right wing noise machine keeps telling them they will lose their Medicare.
And you have managed to survive in spite of those. Imagine that...

Yes, we've survived in spite of those. However, the Federal Reserve is the cause of all of our economic downturns since its inception, and it's the income tax that allowed us to become the welfare/warfare state we are today. Not exactly positives.

And your options would have been.....???

Read the HISTORY of where the country was at the time, where it's been since, and where we are now and tell me how we could have survived then (and now) without the Federal Reserve. How much personal "stuff" would you be willing to sacrifice by using some sort of barter system? Would you be willing to have your aging parents live in your doublewide along with your immediate family? Would you be trading your services for their health care?

The gold standard isn't a barter system.
As the banks failed, it obviously would follow that F&F would too. Economists (even the most conservative) are no longer 'blaming' Fannie & Freddie as being instrumental. In fact, Federal Reserve Board data show that:

•More than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions.

•Private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year.

•Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law that’s being lambasted by conservative critics. That law would be the aforementioned Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).

While Fannie and Freddie were a small part of the problem, the mortgage failure actually happened as Fannie and Freddie were had reduced their holdings of subprimes from 48% to 24% between 2004 and 2006. In fact, in 2005 and 2006, private investment banks stopped using Fannie and Freddie for two-thirds of all the mortgages they initiated, preferring instead to package them into questionable mortgage-backed securities.

a small part of the problem gracy ??? ever hear of ACON ????

as far back as 2001
Housing was booming in 2001. Why it was going so good that Bush expanded the CRA to include even more minorities, with no-questions-asked loans and ZERO down payments.



the housing market started blowing up on Klintons watch

next ???
Capitalism never works as promised. If it did, we wouldn't have bubbles and economic tsunamis. The ebbs and flows of capitalism are unfortunately becoming more dangerous now that we operate in a global environment and not in a quasi-closed society. As a nation, I wonder how many more crashes we can take and once again slooooooooowly pull ourselves out of it with a collective WHEW.

Actually bubbles are not the fault of Capitalism. It's when the government or central bank interferes in the market by tampering with interest rates that we see misallocation of resources and bubbles forming.

Would you like to explain how capitalism would survive in this day and age without the constant flow of money through the system when most capitalists don't actually have the gold to back up their balance sheets?

It doesn't matter how much gold you have in relation to how much money is in circulation. Certainly we wouldn't be at the old peg where $20 was equal to an ounce of gold, but that's really irrelevant.
Ame®icano;1469474 said:
Interesting theory. So how would you explain the Republicans push for the Part D Prescription Drug Plan for seniors, which amounted to an UNFUNDED mandate costing billions per year? The political motivation was to get seniors to finally start voting Republican instead of Democrat (Rove/DeLay "Republicans for Life" strategy). But it backfired.

Eventually, everything backfires.

Seniors today are protesting against single-payer healthcare. Don't they?

They are only complaining because the right wing noise machine keeps telling them they will lose their Medicare.

Right wing is telling them what left doesn't. What do you think?
ame®icano;1469474 said:
interesting theory. So how would you explain the republicans push for the part d prescription drug plan for seniors, which amounted to an unfunded mandate costing billions per year? The political motivation was to get seniors to finally start voting republican instead of democrat (rove/delay "republicans for life" strategy). But it backfired.

eventually, everything backfires.

Seniors today are protesting against single-payer healthcare. Don't they?

they are only complaining because the right wing noise machine keeps telling them they will lose their medicare.

I think the truth is, the savage capitalista's are the ones pushing their radical agenda on the rest of us, because those who'd benefit from a bit more socialism is a huge group, much larger than your 2-3 percent "rest of us" you speak of. Capitalism is always the top few percent richest, shoving their radical agenda down the throats of the rest of us.

Capitalism never works as promised. If it did, we wouldn't have bubbles and economic tsunamis. The ebbs and flows of capitalism are unfortunately becoming more dangerous now that we operate in a global environment and not in a quasi-closed society. As a nation, I wonder how many more crashes we can take and once again slooooooooowly pull ourselves out of it with a collective WHEW.

Actually bubbles are not the fault of Capitalism. It's when the government or central bank interferes in the market by tampering with interest rates that we see misallocation of resources and bubbles forming.

The bubble forming is between your ears. The major cause of unsupported gains in valuation is due to the lack of regulation. Bankers are just like everyone. If they see a pile of money on the table they take it unless someone comes into the room and tells them it is not thiers.
1. Fought for the rights of the individual against a monarchy. Wrote our Declaration of Independence and Constitution...."All men are created equal"
2. Fought for the abolition of Slavery
3. Fought for worker rights.....40 hour workweek, safe workplace, child labor laws
4. Fought for our environment
5. Fought for a womans right to vote
6. Fought for Civil Rights
7. Fought for Gay rights
8. Fought for womens equality in the workplace
9. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade

It should be noted that conservatives fought against every one of these initiatives

That is why Liberals are Evil Incarnate.

Seriously where do you get your information, Mad Magazine? If its still in print.

The founding fathers were not flaming liberal loons! They did not and would not support any of the social programs that the libs have saddled this country with.

Abraham Lincoln was a, "brace yourself now" a..........Republican!! And it was Democrats blocking blacks from schools and other public places during the CR movement.

You need to broaden areas where you get your infomatiom from, imo. Try Google!!
1. Fought for the rights of the individual against a monarchy. Wrote our Declaration of Independence and Constitution...."All men are created equal"
2. Fought for the abolition of Slavery
3. Fought for worker rights.....40 hour workweek, safe workplace, child labor laws
4. Fought for our environment
5. Fought for a womans right to vote
6. Fought for Civil Rights
7. Fought for Gay rights
8. Fought for womens equality in the workplace
9. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade

It should be noted that conservatives fought against every one of these initiatives

That is why Liberals are Evil Incarnate.

Seriously where do you get your information, Mad Magazine? If its still in print.

The founding fathers were not flaming liberal loons! They did not and would not support any of the social programs that the libs have saddled this country with.

Abraham Lincoln was a, "brace yourself now" a..........Republican!! And it was Democrats blocking blacks from schools and other public places during the CR movement.

You need to broaden areas where you get your infomatiom from, imo. Try Google!!

You are unable to tell the difference between liberals and conservatives and Democrat and Republican.
Lib/Conservatism are philosophies
Dem/repub are parties

Founding fathers were liberals. Conservatives of the day supported the monarchy. "All men are created equal" was an extremely liberal position for its time

Lincoln was a Republican. Republicans of the day were abolitionist. Republican did not mean conservative like it does today. Presidents like James Buchannon were the conservatives of the day. Don't rock the boat on slavery. They were the original "pro choice" movement. If you wanted slavery that was OK, if you didn't that was OK too.
damn libs... wanting people to have food, and be educated!


today's repubs are not Lincoln'sparty......

I'd have liked to see them running the southern strategy past him.


gee im sorry. but they helped me achieve financial independence. and work for a living. those bad repubs :cuckoo::lol:
Capitalism never works as promised. If it did, we wouldn't have bubbles and economic tsunamis. The ebbs and flows of capitalism are unfortunately becoming more dangerous now that we operate in a global environment and not in a quasi-closed society. As a nation, I wonder how many more crashes we can take and once again slooooooooowly pull ourselves out of it with a collective WHEW.

Actually bubbles are not the fault of Capitalism. It's when the government or central bank interferes in the market by tampering with interest rates that we see misallocation of resources and bubbles forming.

The bubble forming is between your ears. The major cause of unsupported gains in valuation is due to the lack of regulation. Bankers are just like everyone. If they see a pile of money on the table they take it unless someone comes into the room and tells them it is not thiers.

This is incorrect.
Actually bubbles are not the fault of Capitalism. It's when the government or central bank interferes in the market by tampering with interest rates that we see misallocation of resources and bubbles forming.

The bubble forming is between your ears. The major cause of unsupported gains in valuation is due to the lack of regulation. Bankers are just like everyone. If they see a pile of money on the table they take it unless someone comes into the room and tells them it is not thiers.

This is incorrect.

How so? There is an uncontrovertial corralation between deregulation and bubble economics.

OK you don't have an actual bubble between your ears. It is a figure of speach.. a discription... I'll accept that my attempt to describe your brain as insufficiently lacking in scope.
The bubble forming is between your ears. The major cause of unsupported gains in valuation is due to the lack of regulation. Bankers are just like everyone. If they see a pile of money on the table they take it unless someone comes into the room and tells them it is not thiers.

This is incorrect.

How so? There is an uncontrovertial corralation between deregulation and bubble economics.

OK you don't have an actual bubble between your ears. It is a figure of speach.. a discription... I'll accept that my attempt to describe your brain as insufficiently lacking in scope.

No, there isn't. When interest rates are artificially lowered you get misallocation of capital which is a bubble that inevitably pops.
This is incorrect.

How so? There is an uncontrovertial corralation between deregulation and bubble economics.

OK you don't have an actual bubble between your ears. It is a figure of speach.. a discription... I'll accept that my attempt to describe your brain as insufficiently lacking in scope.

No, there isn't. When interest rates are artificially lowered you get misallocation of capital which is a bubble that inevitably pops.

No. Definitely not.
This is incorrect.

How so? There is an uncontrovertial corralation between deregulation and bubble economics.

OK you don't have an actual bubble between your ears. It is a figure of speach.. a discription... I'll accept that my attempt to describe your brain as insufficiently lacking in scope.

No, there isn't. When interest rates are artificially lowered you get misallocation of capital which is a bubble that inevitably pops.

Allocation of capital is either allowed under the rules or it is dissallowed under the rules. That mechanism is regulated by statute and administered by regulators and supported by the justice system. The interest rates generally effect inflation ...not investment capital. Oportunity in the markets is the prime engine for investment. Not everyone ...scratch that...hardly anyone borrows money from a bank to invest in financial markets...that is until the Bush administration showed that there would be no meaningful regulation in banking.

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