What exactly have Liberals done for us?

You really need to feel sorry for the once proud GOP. After being slapped around the last two elections they still think it was a fluke. They continue to drive out members who appeal to moderate voters out of fear of offending their radical right wing.
The result is the face of the party remains Limbaugh, Cheney, Palin and Joe the Plumber
Less than 6% of scientists are Republican. Republicans want to teach mysticism in public schools. They are anti education and white Republicans make up the largest single group on welfare and food stamps.
So the best thing the Democrats have done is not be Republicans.

that's quite a mouthful. prove it. im bettin you can't.

Republicans want to teach mysticism in public schools

that's an out right fuckin lie turd


Repulican built this country, turd. your dictator is tearing it to pieces. right in front of your face. so fuck off you liberal pussy

Gee Bubbles, teaching so-called "intelligent design" IS mysticism. How can you not know that? You must be a "drop-out". The PEW Institute released a report last month that said "less than 6% of scientists claim to be Republican". That's the reality. That is YOUR reality. Remember Bubbles, the first Bubbles was a "chimp", but, sadly, you are merely a "clown". Now, go wash out that "potty mouth".
best out there s0n............best out there.:lol: Everything else pales by camparison, and frankly, captialism would work better without the governemtn going and fcukking with it............

Capitalism is a system of pure CONSUMTION. Left unattended it would consume EVERYTHING and there would finally be one rich guy with everything and everyone else would be dead. It only works governed and regulated.

Anyone that thinks otherwise is a complete fucking moron...that would include you.

Actually the market economy leads to the most efficient allocation of resources.

Only of those goods and services that can be quantified in value by price alone. Public goods are not efficiently allocated by the market.
You really need to feel sorry for the once proud GOP. After being slapped around the last two elections they still think it was a fluke. They continue to drive out members who appeal to moderate voters out of fear of offending their radical right wing.
The result is the face of the party remains Limbaugh, Cheney, Palin and Joe the Plumber

run outta toliet paper leftwinger???? click print
Less than 6% of scientists are Republican. Republicans want to teach mysticism in public schools. They are anti education and white Republicans make up the largest single group on welfare and food stamps.
So the best thing the Democrats have done is not be Republicans.

that's quite a mouthful. prove it. im bettin you can't.

Republicans want to teach mysticism in public schools

that's an out right fuckin lie turd


Repulican built this country, turd. your dictator is tearing it to pieces. right in front of your face. so fuck off you liberal pussy

Gee Bubbles, teaching so-called "intelligent design" IS mysticism. How can you not know that? You must be a "drop-out". The PEW Institute released a report last month that said "less than 6% of scientists claim to be Republican". That's the reality. That is YOUR reality. Remember Bubbles, the first Bubbles was a "chimp", but, sadly, you are merely a "clown". Now, go wash out that "potty mouth".


your lunch is ready shit for brains :lol:
Yes, we've survived in spite of those. However, the Federal Reserve is the cause of all of our economic downturns since its inception, and it's the income tax that allowed us to become the welfare/warfare state we are today. Not exactly positives.

And your options would have been.....???

Read the HISTORY of where the country was at the time, where it's been since, and where we are now and tell me how we could have survived then (and now) without the Federal Reserve. How much personal "stuff" would you be willing to sacrifice by using some sort of barter system? Would you be willing to have your aging parents live in your doublewide along with your immediate family? Would you be trading your services for their health care?

The gold standard isn't a barter system.

No shit. Thanks for making my point. Even 200 years ago, some had it and some didn't. Those who didn't, bartered (traded) goods and services with others. Hello?
Actually bubbles are not the fault of Capitalism. It's when the government or central bank interferes in the market by tampering with interest rates that we see misallocation of resources and bubbles forming.

Would you like to explain how capitalism would survive in this day and age without the constant flow of money through the system when most capitalists don't actually have the gold to back up their balance sheets?

It doesn't matter how much gold you have in relation to how much money is in circulation. Certainly we wouldn't be at the old peg where $20 was equal to an ounce of gold, but that's really irrelevant.

It's irrelevant now, but you can thank your lucky stars that Nixon took us off the gold standard in the 1970's. Otherwise, by now, if say China decided to call in our debt and we had to pay it back in gold equivalence, they would literally own us, without having fired a shot.

The gold standard is a monetary system in which a region's common medium of exchange are paper notes that are normally freely convertible into pre-set, fixed quantities of gold.
Ame®icano;1469533 said:
Ame®icano;1469474 said:
Eventually, everything backfires.

Seniors today are protesting against single-payer healthcare. Don't they?

They are only complaining because the right wing noise machine keeps telling them they will lose their Medicare.

Right wing is telling them what left doesn't. What do you think?

There is absolutely nothing in the current draft health care reform bill(s) that indicate seniors will lose their Medicare benefits. Stop lying, please. A lot of seniors don't have access to any information other than what their neighbors tell them and they are being lied to. THOSE are the ones who are angry.
1. Fought for the rights of the individual against a monarchy. Wrote our Declaration of Independence and Constitution...."All men are created equal"
2. Fought for the abolition of Slavery
3. Fought for worker rights.....40 hour workweek, safe workplace, child labor laws
4. Fought for our environment
5. Fought for a womans right to vote
6. Fought for Civil Rights
7. Fought for Gay rights
8. Fought for womens equality in the workplace
9. Social Security, Medicare, Medicade

It should be noted that conservatives fought against every one of these initiatives

That is why Liberals are Evil Incarnate.

Seriously where do you get your information, Mad Magazine? If its still in print.

The founding fathers were not flaming liberal loons! They did not and would not support any of the social programs that the libs have saddled this country with.

Abraham Lincoln was a, "brace yourself now" a..........Republican!! And it was Democrats blocking blacks from schools and other public places during the CR movement.

You need to broaden areas where you get your infomatiom from, imo. Try Google!!

And how do you KNOW what the framers would have supported? Obviously, they had no idea how advanced modern society would become. They didn't have crystal balls. They designed the Constitution based on existing conditions and guesswork as to the future. But in all, their supreme priority was the wellbeing of the American people. Last I looked, that would still include well educated and healthy, without which we would have a population that can't read (heading there :( ) and too sickly to "defend" against our enemies.
damn libs... wanting people to have food, and be educated!


today's repubs are not Lincoln'sparty......

I'd have liked to see them running the southern strategy past him.


I thought about posting something similar, Jill, but of course one immediately gets accused of 'RACISM' if you even hint of southern politics. Frankly, however, trying to compare current day Democrats (liberals, if you must) to the Southern Democrats of yore is like trying to say your Commodore computer is the same as your Apple computer. There were very few southern Republicans OR southern Democrats who thought as Lincoln did.
This is incorrect.

How so? There is an uncontrovertial corralation between deregulation and bubble economics.

OK you don't have an actual bubble between your ears. It is a figure of speach.. a discription... I'll accept that my attempt to describe your brain as insufficiently lacking in scope.

No, there isn't. When interest rates are artificially lowered you get misallocation of capital which is a bubble that inevitably pops.

So who is responsible for that? None other than Alan Greenspan, the financial guru who should have known all about that kind of stuff. (Actually, he did, but kept crossing his fingers.)
best out there s0n............best out there.:lol: Everything else pales by camparison, and frankly, captialism would work better without the governemtn going and fcukking with it............

Capitalism is a system of pure CONSUMTION. Left unattended it would consume EVERYTHING and there would finally be one rich guy with everything and everyone else would be dead. It only works governed and regulated.

Anyone that thinks otherwise is a complete fucking moron...that would include you.

Actually the market economy leads to the most efficient allocation of resources.

The problem was, and you are choosing to ignore the inyourface fact, there WERE no markets left. The private money to "allocate" anything was G.O.N.E.
best out there s0n............best out there.:lol: Everything else pales by camparison, and frankly, captialism would work better without the governemtn going and fcukking with it............

Capitalism is a system of pure CONSUMTION. Left unattended it would consume EVERYTHING and there would finally be one rich guy with everything and everyone else would be dead. It only works governed and regulated.

Anyone that thinks otherwise is a complete fucking moron...that would include you.


Idiocracy. Please tell me you're not breeding.
Ame®icano;1471642 said:
You are a shrill, knob-gobbling minority that, unfortunately, has the control of the media which enables you to push your socialist agenda on the rest of us.

Then how do you explain the current Democratic majority and Obama's election?

One word: FREE

Vote for Pedro... and your wildest dreams will come true.

FREE healthcare, FREE houses, FREE cars, everything FREE...

Lemme guess...a big fan of Glenn Beck.
damn libs... wanting people to have food, and be educated!


today's repubs are not Lincoln'sparty......

I'd have liked to see them running the southern strategy past him.


I thought about posting something similar, Jill, but of course one immediately gets accused of 'RACISM' if you even hint of southern politics. Frankly, however, trying to compare current day Democrats (liberals, if you must) to the Southern Democrats of yore is like trying to say your Commodore computer is the same as your Apple computer. There were very few southern Republicans OR southern Democrats who thought as Lincoln did.

People used to todays political parties cannot grasp the concept that during the 50's and 60's liberals and conservatives could be found in each party. Liberal did not mean Democrat and Conservative did not mean republican.
The Dixiecrats of the solid south were far from liberal when it came to civil rights. They were so outraged with LBJ that they left the Democratic party. That is why the south is solid republican today.
You are a shrill, knob-gobbling minority that, unfortunately, has the control of the media which enables you to push your socialist agenda on the rest of us.

Then how do you explain the current Democratic majority and Obama's election?

well lets here. in 06 the democraps won on a lie. their agenda??? stop the war in Iraq. knowing full well Bush would veto it.

Osama??? he was elected by the liberal nazi MSM and ACORN.

yep. thats how.

When was the last time you actually tore yourself away from FOX et al., and read something? What a parrot you are. Hilarious.

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