What firearms are protected by the 2nd Amendment

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Gun nuts don't even see the words 'well regulated militia' in the amendment. Maybe in colonial times every household was considered a 'militia'? WTF?

They are in effect saying this SINGLE SENTENCE has TWO meanings. Before the comma it's all about 'militias', and after the comma it's all about individual citizens - nothing to do with a group or 'militia'.

On these shaky grounds our wannabe Rambo's feel inclined to buy military hardware and set up the perimeter, against the robbers/home invaders that surely lurk in the darkness, and of course them evil Feds out to put them in reeducation camps. Fuckin lunatics.

What the hell is a gun nut? Hmm? Perhap's you're referring to the Founders who owned private weapons?! By "militia," the Founders meant "all (militarily capable) males ... bearing arms supplied by themselves. The English Bill of Rights in 1689 was crystal clear in it's writing in the right to keep and bear arms so why would the Founders who came from the same legal system give only "collective' rights???
Do we really want to give the Hutaree Apache gunships and nuclear weapons?

RGS mentioned rifles? The Davey Crocket is listed as a rifle...

What is McVeigh had a MOAB?

Or if they guys who did 9/11 had a Tsar bomb?
The second amendment does not specify a type of arms.

You Should Have a Gun « Verbellum

You should have a gun. You really should.

Politicians and news personalities and other talking heads will often tell you that you shouldn’t have a gun. They’ll tell you that guns don’t need to be useful beyond the narrow scope of hunting and personal defense. They’ll tell you that the Second Amendment must have limits so that criminals and maniacs and terrorists can’t have high-capacity magazines and machine guns.

But hunting and self-defense are two secondary reasons why the government isn’t permitted to infringe on your right, as an American citizen, to bear arms. In fact, let’s review the exact text of the Second Amendment right now:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It doesn’t say anything about hunting. It doesn’t say anything about personal defense either. It contains two major parts: a justification of the right, and an unqualified declaration of the right.

The justification explains that the importance of this right is that it allows for local, organized defense (though nowhere does it restrict the right to this purpose). It is not referring to the National Guard of each state. It is referring to civilians maintaining the ability to organize themselves into effective military units if the need should arise.

The declaration does not specify what kind of arms, nor does it provide any room for exception to the rule. The word infringe does not include any connotation of flexibility. It means, “to encroach upon,” with its origins in a Latin word meaning “to damage, break off.” Any baby-step in the direction of restricting possession and carrying of arms of any kind is an infringement of the right.

It is not an oversight that the amendment was written this way. The founders of the United States were rebels and revolutionaries. Access to weapons is what allowed them to defend their country from the theft and oppression of George III.

It’s important to note here that monarchy was a very long-standing form of government as of the late 18th century. The founders were educated people who were facing massive disillusionment with a system that had been in place from time immemorial. The Second Amendment is a recognition that even the most trusted, powerful institutions around us can turn out be destructive elements that need to be stood down. They knew it could happen even in this well-considered arrangement they had created themselves.

That is why the people of the United States have a right—second only to free speech, free religion, free assembly, and redress of grievances—to own and to carry weapons of their choosing, with no limits. Everything from slingshots to missiles to laser rifles is forbidden to the government to restrict. And that right exists primarily so that we may defend ourselves against the government if it becomes necessary, with the same level of force that the government can employ.

Unless you’ve been living in a hole for the past few decades, there’s no way you could not have noticed the government’s complete lack of impunity in its actions. There’s no way you could not have noticed that, year after year, it looks a lot more like a permanent ruling class than any kind of democracy. There’s no way you could not have noticed that something has gone awry with the founders’ great experiment.

Governments cannot be trusted to correct themselves once they’ve gone bad. Human history does not contain many examples of that. Governing bodies exist to last indefinitely, so that’s what they do—preserve the structure of rule. Sometimes, when they’re acting badly enough, that preservation can take some really ugly forms. It can kill and destroy with an unimaginable ferocity. Human history is filled with examples of this.

Unarmed citizens command no authority and present potential government thugs no deterrent to abuse. Armed citizens represent a power to be reckoned with; any large-scale assault upon them risks running into effective resistance.

No one is saying you should keep an automatic rifle loaded under your bed, ready and waiting to be brought into battle. There’s no call to attack the government. There’s no need to join a militia if you don’t want to.

But you should have a gun, and you should learn to use, store, and maintain it properly. You should assert and protect your and your fellow citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. And you should never forget why.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1939 that a firearm is protected by the 2nd Amendment if it is of use or in use by the military. All the above apply.
So now we're going by whatever the courts say at any given time?

So when the courts declare the opposite...?
the 2nd amendment doesn't specify, but the people should access to the same weapons as police and most of the military. being content with handguns and semi-automatic weapon thinking that will help you take out the government in a revolution is retarded
Fuck your army. We shall fight [ame="http://www.amazon.com/War-Flea-Classic-Guerrilla-Warfare/dp/1574885553"]the war of the flea[/ame]. Like the VC before us, we shall turn your UXO into the weapons that kill you.

In a war between a guerrilla resistance and a conventional occupying force, the resistance will always win with enough time.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Guerrilla-Warfare-Mao-Tse-tung/dp/0252068920/ref=pd_sim_b_1]Amazon.com: On Guerrilla Warfare (9780252068928): Mao Tse-tung, Samuel B Griffith: Books[/ame]

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Guerrilla-Warfare-Ernesto-Che-Guevara/dp/9562915719/ref=pd_sim_b_4]Amazon.com: Guerrilla Warfare (9789562915717): Ernesto Che Guevara: Books[/ame]

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Tactics-Crescent-Moon-Militant-Methods/dp/0963869574]Amazon.com: Tactics of the Crescent Moon: Militant Muslim Combat Methods (9780963869579): H. John Poole, Mike Leahy, Ray L. Smith: Books[/ame]
Gun nuts don't even see the words 'well regulated militia' in the amendment. Maybe in colonial times every household was considered a 'militia'? WTF?

They are in effect saying this SINGLE SENTENCE has TWO meanings. Before the comma it's all about 'militias', and after the comma it's all about individual citizens - nothing to do with a group or 'militia'.

On these shaky grounds our wannabe Rambo's feel inclined to buy military hardware and set up the perimeter, against the robbers/home invaders that surely lurk in the darkness, and of course them evil Feds out to put them in reeducation camps. Fuckin lunatics.

What the hell is a gun nut? Hmm? Perhap's you're referring to the Founders who owned private weapons?!

Also, black people

just sayin'
By "militia," the Founders meant "all (militarily capable) males ... bearing arms supplied by themselves. The English Bill of Rights in 1689 was crystal clear in it's writing in the right to keep and bear arms so why would the Founders who came from the same legal system give only "collective' rights???

Actually, according to the militia act, it only applied to white males...

because only they were 'people'
the 2nd amendment doesn't specify, but the people should access to the same weapons as police and most of the military. being content with handguns and semi-automatic weapon thinking that will help you take out the government in a revolution is retarded
Fuck your army. We shall fight [ame="http://www.amazon.com/War-Flea-Classic-Guerrilla-Warfare/dp/1574885553"]the war of the flea[/ame]. Like the VC before us, we shall turn your UXO into the weapons that kill you.

In a war between a guerrilla resistance and a conventional occupying force, the resistance will always win with enough time.

The Brits in Malaysia would argue about that. The Apache in the SW lost. Chief Joseph and his tribe was run to the ground. Examples do exist.
Okay, but when has the US military been able to defeat a guerrilla force since then?

Nam, Korea, Afghanistan... we can defeat any standing army in the world, but a few jackasses with hand grenades tied to strings and holes in the ground and we don't know that the fuck to do

Not familiar with the Malaysia example, but I doubt Joseph had access to remotely-detonated IEDs and ricin

Then again, [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plELx_wmNgU"]they have been preparing for it [/ame]
One of these legal?

Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?
I will go with what the founding fathers had. Non-automatic weapons were not around so I doubt if they were around they would make legal assault and automatic weapons. I mean seriously, you don't need an automatic weapon to shoot a deer or to defend yourself.

So the high capacity magazines, assault rifles should be outlawed.
The 2nd is all about exercising the right to self-defense, presumably against people that are shooting back.
Why would you ban the weapons that are best suited for this?

The second doesn't specify what kind of arms.

I'm fine with a lot of stuff, but I draw the line at anything that has to take a ballistic trajectory or fires ammunition that is meant to explode. In other words, no howitzers or bazookas. Sorry guys.

I have to calculate the trajectory on a 300 yard .30-06 shot. It doesn't fly in a straight line at those distances.
You should try 600 or 1000.
The 400yds between 200 and 600 are -nothing- like the 400yds between 600 and 1000.
A guy who picks the logo of M-14 shooter wants to take a vote on the 2nd Amendment? Are you sure you want to open that can-o-worms? There are around half a million churches in the US. Which of them are covered by the 1st Amendment free exercise of religion clause?
I will go with what the founding fathers had. Non-automatic weapons were not around so I doubt if they were around they would make legal assault and automatic weapons. I mean seriously, you don't need an automatic weapon to shoot a deer or to defend yourself.

So the high capacity magazines, assault rifles should be outlawed.
The 2nd is all about exercising the right to self-defense, presumably against people that are shooting back.
Why would you ban the weapons that are best suited for this?

Cuz he's a straight-up dumbass?
You obviously did not catch the "firearm" part of the answer. Reading comprehension is your friend.

So if the drunk down the street had a few FGM-148 Javelins laying around it wouldn't bother you? Or would you be that drunk?

The court said firearms, as in rifle, shotgun and pistol. Were you born stupid or did you practice for years to get so ignorant? By the way? They let stand the restrictions on fully automatic weapons at the same time.

Who on the left is proposing a ban on handguns, rifles or shotguns?

Why do you gun nuts get so unstable when discussing guns and gun regulations?

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