WHAT FRAUD? Racine, Wisconsin Rolls Out Its Mobile Home Voting Station on Wheels – Paid for Exclusively with Zuckerbucks

security is hard enough with static locations and having dozens of not hundreds of mobile polling stations makes it ten time worse,,,

They have one, not dozens or hundreds. They can have members from both parties on board and it is just as secure as most polling places.

My mother was a poll worker in NC for more than a decade, even made her way to "judge" over her polling place. Most of the time there was never more than 3 poll workers there, one from each party and the "judge". All were friends and knew each other from church and other places.

How is a mobile unit any less secure than that?
They have one, not dozens or hundreds. They can have members from both parties on board and it is just as secure as most polling places.

My mother was a poll worker in NC for more than a decade, even made her way to "judge" over her polling place. Most of the time there was never more than 3 poll workers there, one from each party and the "judge". All were friends and knew each other from church and other places.

How is a mobile unit any less secure than that?
its a lot less secure due to the mobile nature of it,,
I would explain it to you but you would most likely ignore it and start using childish emojis and personal attacks like you always do,,,
So that’s the same as a rolling on wheels?

It is not like they are pushing the voting machine around all by itself, it is in a contained vehicle. Really not different than being in a school or a fire station or a church.
its a lot less secure due to the mobile nature of it,,
I would explain it to you but you would most likely ignore it and start using childish emojis and personal attacks like you always do,,,

You cannot explain it to me, so you jump to the personal attacks first to cover the fact you are still waiting for your talking points email
You cannot explain it to me, so you jump to the personal attacks first to cover the fact you are still waiting for your talking points email
I did explain it to you and it wasnt a personal attack, its what you always do win your narrative is debunked like I did this morning with the courts issue,,
I did explain it to you and it wasnt a personal attack, its what you always do win your narrative is debunked like I did this morning with the courts issue,,

You did not explain anything, you made a claim and did not back it up.
It is not like they are pushing the voting machine around all by itself, it is in a contained vehicle. Really not different than being in a school or a fire station or a church.
Why do you all want to do everything except vote in person?
This is a representative voting activity.
All the boo hoo about no car, too many children, too much effort, no time, gotta work, and many other excuses are not representative of persons who are informed and contributory to America.
Worthy things require some effort. If it’s real easy it mostly isnt worthy. Voting is a worthy thing so treat it like that or you should not be allowed to vote.
Why do you all want to do everything except vote in person?

People will be voting in person, that is the whole point of this mobile unit.

All the boo hoo about no car, too many children, too much effort, no time, gotta work, and many other excuses are not representative of persons who are informed and contributory to America.
Worthy things require some effort. If it’s real easy it mostly isnt worthy. Voting is a worthy thing so treat it like that or you should not be allowed to vote.

So, I was correct, this is just like the drive up voting in Texas, the only reason you are against it is because it makes it easier for people to vote, and you all want as few as people as possible to vote

Thanks for confirming.
People will be voting in person, that is the whole point of this mobile unit.

So, I was correct, this is just like the drive up voting in Texas, the only reason you are against it is because it makes it easier for people to vote, and you all want as few as people as possible to vote

Thanks for confirming.
I want people with initiative to vote
You want the way paved for every excuse laden lazy ass, criminal, illegal, illiterate, etc and yes you are welcome that I and all thinkers don’t
There is nothing to like nor dislike. You made a claim but could not in any way support the claim. "Because you said so" is not really good enough for most people
so you admit you just dont like the answer,,

and mobile is nothing like drive up because it can be moved and or stolen,, and thats not even getting into the private ownership,,,
I want people with initiative to vote
You want the way paved for every excuse laden lazy ass, criminal, illegal, illiterate, etc and yes you are welcome that I and all thinkers don’t

I thank you for being honest with your issues with this mobile voting unit instead of hiding behind some BS.
I thank you for being honest with your issues with this mobile voting unit instead of hiding behind some BS.
You are welcome for becoming informed that Americans don’t want chumps and cheaters to influence the election.
We want informed and motivated people. There was a time where such people were admired but Barry and TDS and boo hoo Briben have given rise to a new segment of people like you and other America haters

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