What global warming,ethanol,EMTALA & Obamacare all have in common...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
unintended consequences-- "A perverse effect contrary to what was originally intended (when an intended solution makes a problem worse)"
Unintended consequences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Listening to the FIRST Earth day the speaker on April 22, 1970 I heard him say global cooling was due to all the crap put into the air.
YUP.. "global cooling"... the First Earth day position...
And so we have ethanol... beloved by the global warming crowd as a way to reduce what???

Biofuels made from the leftovers of harvested corn plants are worse than gasoline for global warming in the short term, a study shows, challenging the Obama administration's conclusions that they are a much cleaner oil alternative and will help combat climate change.
The conclusions deal a blow to what are known as cellulosic biofuels, which have received more than a billion dollars in federal support but have struggled to meet volume targets mandated by law. About half of the initial market in cellulosics is expected to be derived from corn residue.

News from The Associated Press

And so we had the same UNINTENDED consequences when the elitist /global warming /government is the answer crowd decided we had to help the "unisured" with

1986 EMTALA...Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA. Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And so the snowball grows..i.e. hospitals saw more "uninsured" and to recoup costs with a wink from Medicare hospitals overcharged the payers, i.e. Medicare/insurance companies sometimes 6,000% to recoup the uninsured costs.
Guess what happened. Higher claim cost raised Medicare costs and insurance premiums. This lead to higher premiums and less insured.

So today with the gross exaggerations that gave us ethanol subsidies, EMTALA to help uninsured, raised costs and the snowball of government continued gross
exaggerations brought us Obamacare BASED on another gross exaggeration of the truly 4 million truly uninsured into 46 million that passed Obamacare by just 7 votes!
Now we are having millions thrown off their policies. Billions of dollars wasted in ethanol subsidies and taxes. ALL because of the "unintended consequences"!
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There is zero measurable correlation between the use of biofuels and improvement in air quality.

However, emissions ARE at 20-year lows thanks to the increased use of natural gas- brought to us by the wonders of hydraulic fracturing.

Result: Obama's budget calls for over $40 billion in new taxes on the oil and natural gas industries, Liberal environmentalists are calling for outright bans on hydraulic fracturing from coast to coast, and the EPA is obsessing over minor methane emissions from drilling and production.

It's a fucked up country.
What global warming,ethanol,EMTALA & Obamacare all have in common...

Curious as to why NAMBLA was left off the list. The commonality seems to be in what the advocates of each would like to accomplish.
What global warming,ethanol,EMTALA & Obamacare all have in common...

They were all supported by Republicans until Obama became president?
What global warming,ethanol,EMTALA & Obamacare all have in common...

They were all supported by Republicans until Obama became president?

EMTALA was passed by a GOP Congress you are right! And signed by Reagan! Right!
All of which again goes to show that the unintended consequences albeit compassionate.."help the uninsured".. created even MORE problems.
You don't have access as I do to a data base of 6,000 hospitals and what they bill Medicare.
I've written this before but several hospitals charge Medicare 6,000% markup as justification for EMTALA.

And so the vicious circle began with simple good deed any hospital taking Medicare payments must care for an uninsured patient.
Sounds good but when the hospitals then overbill insurance companies/Medicare to recoup.. WHO pays the bill? The insured... that is until the
premiums continue to climb and they can't afford. Who pays the $850 billion a year doctors say they bill insurance and Medicare needlessly because they fear lawsuits? And the vicious circle gets bigger and bigger .
So Obama care thinking they are helping and having problems getting it passed LIED.
The Census didn't tell the whole story i.e. of the 46 million supposedly uninsured? 10 million are not citizens! Subtract them.
Of the 36 million 14 million were eligible.. all they needed to do is register with Medicaid! But Obama's administration failed and so they pass more
legislation! Again subtract 14 million from 36 million and you have 22 million supposedly 'uninsured"!
18 million people under 34 don't want insurance. Make over $50k so they can afford their employers' health plans. So why were they included?
PUFF up the number which really is less the 4 million!
THINK about folks! This whole destructive Obamacare for 4 million! Not 46 million.
This is a perfect illustration of the "unintended consequences" and WE WiLL all now pay for it!
And there was no need. $25 billion a year in tax revenue from taxing the $270 billions lawyers make would provide all the coverage needed for the
truly 4 million uninsured! NO destruction of our health care system. NO people being dropped.!
There is zero measurable correlation between the use of biofuels and improvement in air quality.

However, emissions ARE at 20-year lows thanks to the increased use of natural gas- brought to us by the wonders of hydraulic fracturing.

Result: Obama's budget calls for over $40 billion in new taxes on the oil and natural gas industries, Liberal environmentalists are calling for outright bans on hydraulic fracturing from coast to coast, and the EPA is obsessing over minor methane emissions from drilling and production.

It's a fucked up country.
Don't forget the government desire to control bovine emissions!
Too much damn ruffage.
Methanol worked just fine as a gasoline additive until Big Ag stepped in and re-wrote the Book According to Corn. Methanol was railroaded out, and ethanol ushered in.

And now look what we've got.

A fucking travesty.
In 2005 the US Energy Policy Act included provisions for biofuels and ethanol production...Thank you Boosh!

Was there some kind of point you were trying to make? Was there somehow a "Bush too" in there? A "Bush did it so it must be OK" kind of thing? A "Bush signed a law with a million provisions, one or tow had to do with biofuels so he must be evil" kind of thing?
Or are you just plain fucking stupid?
but several hospitals charge Medicare 6,000% markup as justification for EMTALA.
Please explain this statement, and please explain how the fault is not entirely on hospitals.

They have to make a choice in many cases... overcharge the paying customers as this CEO once said..
B]"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.[/B]”
From PAGE 1 of this document: http://www.ncmedicaljournal.com/wp-content/uploads/NCMJ/mar-apr-05/Yarbrough.pdf

or go close the doors.

Since Medicare winks at this practice KNOWING full well that situations like the following exist:
In 2012.. "The Florida hospital" in Tampa SENT to Medicare 1,120 claims for Computed Tomography without Contrast services..
Each claim filed with Medicare was for $3,639.
The cost to do the CAT scan to the hospital - $59
A markup of $3,580.00 over the cost to do the service of: 6,067.8% MARK UP over costs!
Now did Medicare actually PAY $3,639? No they generally reject, hospitals argue and then settle. ALL of this though costing both parties administrative expenses.

In 2009 there were 5,008 hospitals that reported $39.1 billion in unreimbursed expenses!
Source: Health Forum, AHA Annual Survey Data, 1980-2009 http://www.aha.org/content/00-10/10uncompensatedcare.pdf
My point on sharing this is that "unintended consequences" when supposedly trying to do good often cause more harm!
Obamacare EPA, ethanol,etc. all efforts at "doing good" are doing harm!
What's even worse is the bogus number of 46 million uninsured was exaggerated by 1,000%! And that's why we have the mess we have now!

So yes PART of the blame is the hospitals, but they would not have been in this situation if it weren't for "unintended consequences"!
In 2005 the US Energy Policy Act included provisions for biofuels and ethanol production...Thank you Boosh!

And thank you, Obama, for perpetuating a failed program when he could very well terminate such a flawed directive.

Again, why does Obama get more blame than the fuck who passes it in the first place? I agree he's continuing a bunch of Bush's shit but you seem to have no blame for anyone but Obama and call Obama a liberal at the same time as you complain about continuing republican policies.

Seek help.
In 2005 the US Energy Policy Act included provisions for biofuels and ethanol production...Thank you Boosh!

And thank you, Obama, for perpetuating a failed program when he could very well terminate such a flawed directive.

Again, why does Obama get more blame than the fuck who passes it in the first place? I agree he's continuing a bunch of Bush's shit but you seem to have no blame for anyone but Obama and call Obama a liberal at the same time as you complain about continuing republican policies.

Seek help.

Obama is to blame for this:
Passing Obamacare was NOT NECESSARY!
1) Based on false premise of 46 million uninsured when in reality
a) 10 million of 46 million ARE NOT citizens.
b) 14 million UNDER Obama administration of Medicaid FAILED to be enrolled in Medicaid BEFORE ACA.. so they shouldn't have been counted!
c) 18 million never wanted or needed health insurance.. under 34, make over $50k and could afford employers' plans.. BUT they should NOT be counted.

But by perpetuating the bogus 46 million uninsured.. ACA was passed and NOW we have millions LOSING their coverage!
"Unintended consequences"!
And thank you, Obama, for perpetuating a failed program when he could very well terminate such a flawed directive.

Again, why does Obama get more blame than the fuck who passes it in the first place? I agree he's continuing a bunch of Bush's shit but you seem to have no blame for anyone but Obama and call Obama a liberal at the same time as you complain about continuing republican policies.

Seek help.

Obama is to blame for this:
Passing Obamacare was NOT NECESSARY!
1) Based on false premise of 46 million uninsured when in reality
a) 10 million of 46 million ARE NOT citizens.
b) 14 million UNDER Obama administration of Medicaid FAILED to be enrolled in Medicaid BEFORE ACA.. so they shouldn't have been counted!
c) 18 million never wanted or needed health insurance.. under 34, make over $50k and could afford employers' plans.. BUT they should NOT be counted.

But by perpetuating the bogus 46 million uninsured.. ACA was passed and NOW we have millions LOSING their coverage!
"Unintended consequences"!

I know I know the old system was so awesome that nothing needed to be done and the entire rest of the world is stupid for doing the same thing. You are the only one who truely knows whats going on and the media is against you.

Did I pretty much cover every response you will ever give? Ans: Yes
Again, why does Obama get more blame than the fuck who passes it in the first place? I agree he's continuing a bunch of Bush's shit but you seem to have no blame for anyone but Obama and call Obama a liberal at the same time as you complain about continuing republican policies.

Seek help.

Obama is to blame for this:
Passing Obamacare was NOT NECESSARY!
1) Based on false premise of 46 million uninsured when in reality
a) 10 million of 46 million ARE NOT citizens.
b) 14 million UNDER Obama administration of Medicaid FAILED to be enrolled in Medicaid BEFORE ACA.. so they shouldn't have been counted!
c) 18 million never wanted or needed health insurance.. under 34, make over $50k and could afford employers' plans.. BUT they should NOT be counted.

But by perpetuating the bogus 46 million uninsured.. ACA was passed and NOW we have millions LOSING their coverage!
"Unintended consequences"!

I know I know the old system was so awesome that nothing needed to be done and the entire rest of the world is stupid for doing the same thing. You are the only one who truely knows whats going on and the media is against you.

Did I pretty much cover every response you will ever give? Ans: Yes

Did you engage in a logical fallacy? Yes, you did.
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