What gop doesn't want you to know about the deficit


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Check out what the GOP doesn't want you to know about the deficit:
The Deficit Has Grown Mostly Because Of The Recession

The deficit has ballooned not because of specific spending measures, but because of the recession. The deficit more than doubled between 2008 and 2009, as the economy was in free fall, since laid-off workers paid less in taxes and needed more benefits. The deficit then shrank in 2010 and 2011.
Guess Who Pays For Romney's Tax Cuts For The Wealthy: The Middle Class
lol --- more of that liberal fairy dust -- you sprinkle on things to make it W's fault, huh?

Uncle Ferd says tell `em dey won't get paid till dey do sumpin' `bout it...
Simpson on $16T Debt: They Won't Fix It -- Senate, House or President
October 2, 2012 – Former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) said Tuesday the first presidential debate will “be the biggest tap dance since Fred Astaire,” and that neither political party in Washington is willing to tackle the country’s fiscal problems.
Simpson, who co-chaired the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction along with Erksine Bowles, appeared at George Washington University for an event on the upcoming election and the approaching fiscal cliff. After the event CNSNews.com asked Simpson what he expects to see during the first debate on Wednesday evening. “I think it’ll be the biggest tap dance since Fred Astaire,” he said. “There’ll be marvelous dancing and oh, it’ll be a joy.”

CNSNews.com then asked, “You mentioned that the debt, that would be one of the big things that you would like to see out of the debate, why do you think there hasn’t been much discussion about this $16 trillion debt in this election?” “It’s because it’s too sensitive, and when you have people say these people are more interested in the debt than they are human beings, and on and on it goes,” Simpson said. “Where you talk about the most vulnerable in society and the odd thing is those are the people who are going to be hurt the worst by not doing anything.”

When asked which candidate he believes would better approach the debt and deficit, Simpson said neither President Obama or his challenger Mitt Romney would fix the problems. “If they were going to deal with it, they would’ve done it,” he said. “I mean there’s a campaign going on, and neither one of them are dealing with it in any positive way that gets anywhere. They both talk about it, and they both like Bowles-Simpson and you get into specifics, and they’re gone.

“So they’re not going to deal with it – it doesn’t matter which candidate or candidate for Senate or the House,” Simpson said. “They’re not going to deal with these issues because they will get eaten by rats.” “By the AARP [American Association of Retired Persons] and Grover Norquist and the realtors, everybody out there got hit. We hit everybody,” he said of his deficit plan. “And that’s the only way this can work, and when you have 105 groups out there to rip up anything you do, then they’re not going to do anything. They’re not going to touch it.”

Check out what the GOP doesn't want you to know about the deficit:
The Deficit Has Grown Mostly Because Of The Recession

The deficit has ballooned not because of specific spending measures, but because of the recession. The deficit more than doubled between 2008 and 2009, as the economy was in free fall, since laid-off workers paid less in taxes and needed more benefits. The deficit then shrank in 2010 and 2011.
Guess Who Pays For Romney's Tax Cuts For The Wealthy: The Middle Class

Exactly right.
Check out what the GOP doesn't want you to know about the deficit:
The Deficit Has Grown Mostly Because Of The Recession

The deficit has ballooned not because of specific spending measures, but because of the recession. The deficit more than doubled between 2008 and 2009, as the economy was in free fall, since laid-off workers paid less in taxes and needed more benefits. The deficit then shrank in 2010 and 2011.
Guess Who Pays For Romney's Tax Cuts For The Wealthy: The Middle Class

Thing's obama nut suckers do not want to talk about.

Check out what the GOP doesn't want you to know about the deficit:
The Deficit Has Grown Mostly Because Of The Recession

The deficit has ballooned not because of specific spending measures, but because of the recession. The deficit more than doubled between 2008 and 2009, as the economy was in free fall, since laid-off workers paid less in taxes and needed more benefits. The deficit then shrank in 2010 and 2011.
Guess Who Pays For Romney's Tax Cuts For The Wealthy: The Middle Class

Obama in his first year with his tax cuts and spending increases had no impact huh?

Let’s see spending in 2008 $2,982.5 increased in 2009 to $3,517.7 for an 18% increase. Revenues in 2008 $2,524.0 decreased in 2009 to $2,105.0 for a 17% decrease. I think those two things combined accounted for the increased deficit and the fact that it has just continued for the past 4 years also contributed to the debt. I know we needed to save the economy but we didn't save the economy seeing that the economy never recovered. Rebuilding from the middle and spending failed to save the economy. Who in their right minds would want another 4 years of failed attempts at re-building the economy from the middle and spending?

By the way, just so you know the last time we had that big of a swing between spending and revenue was in the great depression when GDP shrunk 23% in one year. GDP shrunk 2% in 2009 so to say that caused the swing is just political speak. The spike in the deficit was mainly caused by spending increases and tax breaks for the middle class put in by Obama.

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