What happened to Fox/Repub candidates?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Well, I think they dont even need an election in 2012...and I say, lets start a petition to allow him to run for for a third term. :)

Woohoo, its good to be a dem these days.
It's not Fox's job to set up political candidates.

I seriously think this irrational hatred for all things Fox is confusing you people.
It's not Fox's job to set up political candidates.

I seriously think this irrational hatred for all things Fox is confusing you people.

I agree it should not be their job. But it appears to be one of the things they are doing.

Interesting conflicts coming up for the most trusted news network.

and btw I watch no network news now at all except some local news on local stations. I read on the web and do watch the PBS nightly news from time to time.

I mostly only watch the local news on local stations and turn it off when they go to the national segment.
It's not Fox's job to set up political candidates.

I seriously think this irrational hatred for all things Fox is confusing you people.

and yet they directly pay possible GOP presidential candidates to be on Fox.

Crooks and Liars » Answering Kurtz: Yes, Fox News IS comfortable running the 2012 field of GOP presidential candidates
I've been saying that Fox News has been running the GOP field of candidates for what seems like years now. Howard Kurtz asks the wrong question on CNN: Is Fox News in an "Uncomfortable Position" Because It Employs Potential GOP Presidential Contenders?
KURTZ: Huckabee mentioned his belief in Jesus Christ. He didn't mention his $500,000 Fox News salary. But he says he likes having a comfortable life. But the role of Fox News in this whole preseason, Gingrich and Santorum were essentially forced off the payroll, and they both are now running. Huckabee, not. It just shows you how much of a factor Fox has become in this Republican primary.
As the propaganda wing of the Republican Party, Fox is doing their job

They created the Tea Party and have done a fine job in trying to bring down the Obama Administration
It's not Fox's job to set up political candidates.

I seriously think this irrational hatred for all things Fox is confusing you people.

why is truth mistaken by you for hatred?

what is irrational is not understanding that fox was intentionally established to be the propaganda source for the right. whether you want to call it the pursuit of rupert murdoch's or roger ailes' vision, they want to be kingmakers... they want to choose which corporatist represents the right. one of the reasons palin has no credibility anymore as a possible candidate is because she refused to listen to roger ailes. he told her not to respond to the shooting of gabby giffords the way she did. she didn't listen.

notice where her fortunes are now? she's been displaced in the rightwing media by michelle bachmann.

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