What happened to GI Joe?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014

There seemed to be a serious decline in the number of GI Joe action figures sold. What happened? Was it because of the movies? Did a decade of war put parents off of buying these for their kids? Hasbro both makes GI Joe and Marvel. Did Hasbro decided that there was more profit in Marvel toys? Why is Barbie still going strong while GI Joe is dying?
Good news. It's a start, perhaps.

The better question would be --- how did we get to be a culture that worships death at every possible opportunity in the first place? Why did a military killing machine doll ever sell at all?

Why indeed.
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The GI Joes are casualties of Iraq II and Afghanistan.

In your dreams. Lower class and lower middle class kids today are more militarized than they have ever been. When's that last time you have been to the theater? It's all war propaganda.
The GI Joes are casualties of Iraq II and Afghanistan.

There is nothing shameful in what our troops did in either war. But there sure is a lot of shame in you and what your liberal ilk have done to them. That is if liberals had any shame.
The GI Joes are casualties of Iraq II and Afghanistan.

In your dreams. Lower class and lower middle class kids today are more militarized than they have ever been. When's that last time you have been to the theater? It's all war propaganda.

Yep..like you said,airsoft and you also have paintball and COD.
Kids nowadays are exposed to more militant shit than we ever dreamed of.
I mean BB Gun wars were fun and all but you always had the asshole who wouldnt abide by the two pump rule and eventually you got tired of digging BB's out of yourself.
The GI Joes are casualties of Iraq II and Afghanistan.
There is nothing shameful in what our troops did in either war. But there sure is a lot of shame in you and what your liberal ilk have done to them. That is if liberals had any shame.
You sound sure guilty of something. None of our troops are shamed at all; only those Americans who thought war would "work" are to be shamed.
The GI Joes are casualties of Iraq II and Afghanistan.
There is nothing shameful in what our troops did in either war. But there sure is a lot of shame in you and what your liberal ilk have done to them. That is if liberals had any shame.
You sound sure guilty of something. None of our troops are shamed at all; only those Americans who thought war would "work" are to be shamed.

Once again Jake is caught in a statement he makes and tries to turn it into something else, shameful, purely shameful. You said what you said Jake.
The GI Joes are casualties of Iraq II and Afghanistan.

In your dreams. Lower class and lower middle class kids today are more militarized than they have ever been. When's that last time you have been to the theater? It's all war propaganda.

Been that way for a long, LONG time. This glorification of death started waaaay before Iraq or Afghanistan or 9/11, or even Vietnam.

Then we pretend to wonder when we have mass shooters. I mean.... DUH.
The GI Joes are casualties of Iraq II and Afghanistan.
There is nothing shameful in what our troops did in either war. But there sure is a lot of shame in you and what your liberal ilk have done to them. That is if liberals had any shame.
You sound sure guilty of something. None of our troops are shamed at all; only those Americans who thought war would "work" are to be shamed.

Once again Jake is caught in a statement he makes and tries to turn it into something else, shameful, purely shameful. You said what you said Jake.
Freewill has projected his trapped statemeont onto me. He is feeling shamed and named. He is both.
The GI Joes are casualties of Iraq II and Afghanistan.

In your dreams. Lower class and lower middle class kids today are more militarized than they have ever been. When's that last time you have been to the theater? It's all war propaganda.

Been that way for a long, LONG time. This glorification of death started waaaay before Iraq or Afghanistan or 9/11, or even Vietnam.

Then we pretend to wonder when we have mass shooters. I mean.... DUH.

Play safe and never point your gun at another person, only the target.. Yeah that is a real threatening message.

The Lone Ranger represented truth, justice and the American way (superman quote), no wonder you are confused.
The GI Joes are casualties of Iraq II and Afghanistan.

In your dreams. Lower class and lower middle class kids today are more militarized than they have ever been. When's that last time you have been to the theater? It's all war propaganda.

Been that way for a long, LONG time. This glorification of death started waaaay before Iraq or Afghanistan or 9/11, or even Vietnam.

Then we pretend to wonder when we have mass shooters. I mean.... DUH.

Play safe and never point your gun at another person, only the target.. Yeah that is a real threatening message.

The Lone Ranger represented truth, justice and the American way (superman quote), no wonder you are confused.


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