What Happened To "Honest Joe"?

I could be wrong, let me say that up front. But I believe that an elected person has a responsibility to his/her constituents, even the ones that voted for the other guy. And his own well-being ought to come in at lest 3rd in that determination. Unfortunately, being human that doesn't happen too often, or should I say not often enough. Honestly, I believe that in McCain's case he was too enamored of his reputation for being a maverick, and that may have played too big of a part in some of his political decisions. And he took his lumps for that. As for Romney, lol I don't know what to think about that guy. My best guess is that he is guided by his own moral and religious convictions, that may in some cases not be in the best interests of his state or country or party. And he too has been vilified for that. I think there are times when you should do something that you might not agree with that might even cross your own sense of right and wrong, but you do it for the good of the country. Like voting against Trump in the impeachment trial, he should have put away his personal feelings and beliefs but he didn't do that.

As for an honest election, I doubt that we've ever had a totally honest election, or at least not that many. IMHO, there has always been and always will be a certain amount of fraud in local, state, and federal elections. The thing is to reduce it as much as possible, which I think most state legislatures are doing. Don't know how successful they will be, but at least they are trying.
I do agree...and once again I like the tone and tenor of your posts very much let me say....I so wish that what you are reaching for was actually available. Is is possible for people who voted for the other guy to respect the one who got elected instead? It may have been at one time ..... I fear however that it is no longer possible. A big yes to fraud....you are totally correct of course about its involvement in all elections up till now. The last time around however was fraud on a previously impossible scale...we have now graduated to electronic fraud which is exponentially more dangerous than the former. I say this with full knowledge of the fact that fraud is not unique to either major party and that it is only a matter of who cheats the best lately. In 2020 it was the Democrats who foisted the most effective lie machine. The problem with that is ( and they always fail to think of this ) it will be imitated from here on out by dozens of other groups. Dominion will have competition this time. There is no way in hell you are going to keep the others out of this game especially when it is so profitable and full of power effect...... I truly do fear for the future of elections .....there is a very big black cloud on the horizon.

Do you have evidence to prove the post you've written above is beyond a reasonable doubt? If so post the evidence, probative evidence not some tabloid on the Internet or an echo of other trump supporters. If not, STFU and prove to be a damn liar.

Tell the readers the whereabouts of the millions given to the "Biden Crime Famlies" (how many "Families" does Joe Biden have). If you can't account for these millions, you are proved to be a damn liar, aka a spreader of BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories - stories, not theories since a theory is not the fiction you and the rest of the Trumpanzees claim to attest.

You are one of many assholes who thrive on echoes of lies; you are deplorable, corrupt and disgusting.
We don’t need proof anymore. You leftists have destroyed that too!
We don’t need proof anymore. You leftists have destroyed that too!
Define "leftists". It seems you are one of the many Trumpanzees*' who can't define who leftists are, and what is their ideology.

You don't have an ideology, you worship the former President who is a demagogue and a charlatan.

* Those who are irrational and irritable; completely brainwashed by Fox News (Hannity, Carlson, et al) who lack logic and reason; a blindsided kook who rejects any and all negative facts or evidence concerning Trump. They remain a devout and mindless supporter of Trump, who is an authoritarian demagogue and charlatan whose goal is to destroy democracy in America.
Lots of cowards here still obsessed by and afraid of Donald Trump.
They have every right to live in fear of a president who was removed from office in a crooked election
and then is the 1/6 disturbance engineered by provocateurs from the FBI and such.

They put a mentally challenged man with a long track record of failure and mediocrity in the White House and we all see how that's going.
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Yet you expect us to take the sniveling of RINOs and never Trump hacks as gospel. I might save your post.
It has been rather hilarious to see some of the most criticized and loathed members of the Trump circle who the left repeatedly called liars, say something bad about Trump and the left take it as total gospel.
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Looks like Meister and TeeDub(?) both lack the skills and education to write a rebuttal to a clear and concise question on why Trump didn't make America Great Again. It's very clear dumb Donald and his loyalists never considered The Preamble to the Constitution, a vision and mission statement left to us by the Founders of COTUS. A document that they likely have never read and if they did only to peruse the 2nd Amendment and only these four words - shall not be infringed. And of course Arms are infringed.
Say what you will about Trump but the US has been on a steep decline ever since Biden took over.

Inflation out of control

Russia hacking US businesses, despite Biden drawing a red line in the sand

Border is completely open, even Obama said so

Virus is out of control

Afghanistan was a disaster, including our military dying in a terrorist attack and our execution of children in a drone attack and Biden not taking the advice of our military for not withdrawing so quickly

China a big problem

NK firing missiles

Iran working on nuclear weapons and not coming back to the treaty

France getting pissed off at us

infrastructure bill not getting passed

reconciliation bill not getting passed

the country is about ready to default on it's debt

millions of job openings while millions of unemployed

These are just the ones off the top of my head
Define "leftists". It seems you are one of the many Trumpanzees*' who can't define who leftists are, and what is their ideology.

You don't have an ideology, you worship the former President who is a demagogue and a charlatan.

* Those who are irrational and irritable; completely brainwashed by Fox News (Hannity, Carlson, et al) who lack logic and reason; a blindsided kook who rejects any and all negative facts or evidence concerning Trump. They remain a devout and mindless supporter of Trump, who is an authoritarian demagogue and charlatan whose goal is to destroy democracy in America.
Have you ever looked in a mirror?
What happened to Trump's Make America Great Again promise?

Was our nation more or less racist under his Administration?

How is anyone supposed to know this? What policies did Trump enact or ask for that were "racist". Was the term racist thrown around more? Sure, but the "racist" cudgel is used against every President with an R next to his name.

Was our nation more healthy under Trump's leadership?

Healthy in what way? Were we eating less cheeseburgers and exercising more than now? Probably, but that's been a trend that predates this admin and probably the last 4-5 admins, what's your point?

Was our nation's economy stronger under Trump's leadership during a pandemic?

I really like how you caveated this.

Was our nation faced with Domestic Enemies more or less during his last year in office?

Also love the caveat here. But no we are not faced with more or less "domestic enemies" because of Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

Was the White House more or less in Chaos during Trump's four years in office?

Trump certainly brought more chaos than Biden. Some of that was his style. Some of that is Joe is basically and empty suit.

Was the Trump, members of his Administration and his family grifters?

Are you really going to call the Trump family grifters with all the shit the Biden family is/has been pulling? Please tell me how anyone in the Trump family enriched themselves trading on DJT's status as President.

Were more members of the Trump circle indicted, convicted and never punished when Trump set them free?

Who are you talking about?

Was Trumpism working to form a more perfect Union


Was Trump seeking to establish justice?


Was Trump working to insure Domestic Tranquility?


Did Trump provide for the common defence?

He basically ended all the wars his 2 predecessor's started and kept going. I know Joe "ended" the Afghan War technically but he doesnt get to blame the last Admin for the debacle of the withdrawl and take credit for the ending. The decision to get out and the general timeline was already decided for Uncle Joe all he had to do was listen to his Generals and not Fuck it up. Basically get the hell out of the way and stand at the podium and announce it when it was over. How did that work out?

Did Trump and his supporters in the several states secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?


Hell No! In fact Trump rejected/ignored and abused each of the bullet points in the Mission Statement left to us by the Signers of the Constitution in the Preamble.
What happened to Trump's Make America Great Again promise?

Was our nation more or less racist under his Administration?
Was our nation more healthy under Trump's leadership?
Was our nation's economy stronger under Trump's leadership during a pandemic?
Was our nation faced with Domestic Enemies more or less during his last year in office?
Was the White House more or less in Chaos during Trump's four years in office?
Was the Trump, members of his Administration and his family grifters?
Were more members of the Trump circle indicted, convicted and never punished when Trump set them free?
Was Trumpism working to form a more perfect Union
Was Trump seeking to establish justice?
Was Trump working to insure Domestic Tranquility?
Did Trump provide for the common defence?
Did Trump and his supporters in the several states secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?

Hell No! In fact Trump rejected/ignored and abused each of the bullet points in the Mission Statement left to us by the Signers of the Constitution in the Preamble.
now that's a lot of bullshit in one post!!!!
Wow, Rye, when I see a deflection as bad as yours, it is obvious someone hit a big nerve with you bringing up Joe's lack of honesty! You can't offer even a single word in his defense or praise!

What happened to Trump's Make America Great Again promise?
Nothing. America was doing fantastic under him with amazing accomplishments more than most any other president has accomplished in a single term, especially considering the democrats did everything possible trying to stop him!

Was our nation more or less racist under his Administration?
Is it more or less under Biden? Nope, probably worse.

Was our nation more healthy under Trump's leadership?

Was our nation's economy stronger under Trump's leadership during a pandemic?
Got another pandemic to compare it to to find out?

Was our nation faced with Domestic Enemies more or less during his last year in office?
Neither, unless you want to consider BLM, Antifa and the DNC domestic enemies.

Was the White House more or less in Chaos during Trump's four years in office?
Again, all caused by the democrats.

Was the Trump, members of his Administration and his family grifters?
No one compares to Hunter Biden, Master Grifter.

Were more members of the Trump circle indicted, convicted and never punished when Trump set them free?

Was Trumpism working to form a more perfect Union
Yep. In spades.

Was Trump seeking to establish justice?
You got it.

Was Trump working to insure Domestic Tranquility?

Did Trump provide for the common defence?
No one has done it better. Crime down, illegal invasion down. It was beautiful.

Did Trump and his supporters in the several states secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?
You're a fucking idiot crackpot. I won't even try to guess what crap the above is supposed to mean. At least Trump was leaving it up to the individual to decide for themselves how best to deal with Covid in a way that made them feel most safe and not trying to use gestapo tactics to violate everyone's human rights under threat of force. This is a Biden thread, cracker. Take your TDS, shove it squarely up your ass, look plainly at the TRAIN WRECK that is Joe Biden and do please take the above questions of yours, apply them to Joe and tell us how Joe isn't 10X worse than Trump!
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What happened to Trump's Make America Great Again promise?

Was our nation more or less racist under his Administration?
Was our nation more healthy under Trump's leadership?
Was our nation's economy stronger under Trump's leadership during a pandemic?
Was our nation faced with Domestic Enemies more or less during his last year in office?
Was the White House more or less in Chaos during Trump's four years in office?
Was the Trump, members of his Administration and his family grifters?
Were more members of the Trump circle indicted, convicted and never punished when Trump set them free?
Was Trumpism working to form a more perfect Union
Was Trump seeking to establish justice?
Was Trump working to insure Domestic Tranquility?
Did Trump provide for the common defence?
Did Trump and his supporters in the several states secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?

Hell No! In fact Trump rejected/ignored and abused each of the bullet points in the Mission Statement left to us by the Signers of the Constitution in the Preamble.

C'mon man, can't you fricken stay on topic?
To see how much leftists were freaking out about Trump either lying or not being truthful, they certainly don’t give a damn about Biden and the administration telling bald-faced whoppers on a daily basis.

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