What happened to the big insurrection anyway?

Only 14 months in and the Democrats shut that one off huh? There's hardly a word about it anymore, somehow there are important things to talk about like HIGH AS FUCK inflation, war in Europe and the mistake of Biden & Democrats.

But but but the insurrection was the biggest attack on our country since what was it again? Oh yeah, Pearl Harbor.

Who'd have thought it? The Democrats created another spectacle, just like the "Russian Collusion" business.

But "he attacked our Demoncracy, the Gestapo" :abgg2q.jpg:

Does this mean Trump's not going to jail and that? Wouldn't that be unexpected, COUGH!

What about the impeachment? Trump was impeached because of stuff and stuff like that. What happened to the Democrats insurrection erection, things have gone awfully limp.

How does it feel to have been had by the Democrats YET AGAIN? Rhetorical, Democrats are short on memories & long on dishonesty.
Well, recently one of the blob's "patriots" who he loves defected to Belarus...
Are you really unaware of the 14000 hours of video dems refuse to release?

refuse? could it be for security reasons or that it is helping to build their case?

shirley you aren't implying that somehow it's all theatre & they were all antifa/BLM/crisis actors putting on a false flag operation?
Lol, come November we will get a majority in both houses. Then the impeachment can begin.
There better be more than just that and throwing Progs off of committees. That is just window dressing to give the peasants some perceived justice. Somehow the old screwing will happen again. The tea party had many candidates denied and destroyed by the Progs and the Repub elites. Even elections stolen. Also, there was infiltration by the elites. We will get votes on agendas that they know Biden will veto but the same will not pass with Trump as President. And the Repub RINO will always do the soft shoe on a close vote deemed to be anti-globalist. This may be the fifth chance in a couple of decades. Hoe many do you get? We are about to get a supreme court woman who will send white people to death camps if she had the power. But as long as the elites and power families in regional areas of our nation are living high and mighty, what the hell?

Jan. 6 committee plans to use key video evidence and hire a writer to build a compelling narrative for the public

By Annie Grayer, Ryan Nobles, Gloria Borger, Paula Reid and Jamie Gangel, CNN

Updated 4:15 PM ET, Fri March 18, 2022
Washington (CNN)The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection is planning to produce a multi-media presentation and hire a writer as part of its effort to turn its largely secretive work into a compelling narrative, multiple sources tell CNN.
The online multi-media presentation, which would include links to key video evidence, would be in addition to a traditional written report, according to a source familiar with the committee's work.
Presenting its information in a comprehensive and engaging way will be crucial to creating a convincing argument for potential legislative changes as well as possible criminal referrals.
It's also a recognition of how most people consume information in 2022 -- and the massive amount of video evidence the committee has at its disposal.
"We don't want it to read like a clunky committee effort," Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin told CNN. "We want it to have an authorial voice that tells the story of what happened."
The effort to hire a writer, confirmed to CNN by three sources familiar with the discussions, comes as the panel enters a new stage of its investigation. After collecting mountains of information, committee members must now determine how much of it to use in building its case to a public still inundated with images of rioting at the US Capitol but which may not understand the full extent of the efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
The committee plans to hold a series of hearings as early as May.

Jan. 6 committee plans to use key video evidence and hire a writer to build a compelling narrative for the public

"Compelling narrative".......LOL. We'll see the ratings afterwards.....we'll see how "compelling" it was.

IMHO it won't be watched much, if at all, and it won't help the democrats in November.

Elections have consequences....investigations don't...
Only 14 months in and the Democrats shut that one off huh? There's hardly a word about it anymore, somehow there are important things to talk about like HIGH AS FUCK inflation, war in Europe and the mistake of Biden & Democrats.

But but but the insurrection was the biggest attack on our country since what was it again? Oh yeah, Pearl Harbor.

Who'd have thought it? The Democrats created another spectacle, just like the "Russian Collusion" business.

But "he attacked our Demoncracy, the Gestapo" :abgg2q.jpg:

Does this mean Trump's not going to jail and that? Wouldn't that be unexpected, COUGH!

What about the impeachment? Trump was impeached because of stuff and stuff like that. What happened to the Democrats insurrection erection, things have gone awfully limp.

How does it feel to have been had by the Democrats YET AGAIN? Rhetorical, Democrats are short on memories & long on dishonesty.
We are in the process of going after Trump. The typical RICO tactics are being used. I have all the small fish in a net and have gotten some sedition charges to stick. The fish getting fried are getting bigger. Sooner or later we get the top fish.
What happened?

Congress is still investigating Jan 6 and will produce a report

They're not investigating, they're grandstanding.

There's nothing to investigate. A bunch of people got pissed off and ransacked the Capitol.

It's not anything different from what the commies and their minions did in every major city the summer before.
They will provide facts and testimony related to Trumps Jan 6 attack on Congress
Trump is free to make up his own facts
You missed the main points.
1. There was no "insurrection"
2. J6 doesn't make anyone's radar
3. The VA & NJ elections showed what voters are focused on
4. The MSM (CNN, MSDNC, et.al.) can play it up, but no one watches those channels anymore
5. FXN will put up the real "facts"
6. There will be no indictment of Trump. You know it and I know it, its just a DNC shit-show.
Last time I checked, we control everything. mwahahaha.

Proving once again leftists are cause and effect challenged and cannot POSSIBLY see beyond the surface. First you fucks cheated, second you're too fucked to notice that while your "Demonicrats control everything" everything is going to shit.
You missed the main points.
1. There was no "insurrection"
2. J6 doesn't make anyone's radar
3. The VA & NJ elections showed what voters are focused on
4. The MSM (CNN, MSDNC, et.al.) can play it up, but no one watches those channels anymore
5. FXN will put up the real "facts"
6. There will be no indictment of Trump. You know it and I know it, its just a DNC shit-show.
It will go on Trumps permanent record

Proving once again leftists are cause and effect challenged and cannot POSSIBLY see beyond the surface. First you fucks cheated, second you're too fucked to notice that while your "Demonicrats control everything" everything is going to shit.
"First Waaah and Second waahhh"

We rule the Executive and Congress. Get ready for some Liberal judges, bud.

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