What happened to the Fetal Tissue Market Issue?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
I posted a rather sick and demented thread 5 years about the bed wetting elite eating aborted fetuses but after the recent revelations about their penchant for fucking children seems to be unfolding, and they're actually unfolding it....

How far fetched is it that they actually do eat aborted baby organs and embryos?

The New York Times

New York-AP

"I was contacted yesterday by retired Hungarian Chef Boris Czégény, who worked exclusively for George Soros from 1981 until just last April 2015. He was frustrated by the media attention regarding embryonic organs, and took issue with Speaker John Boehner's faux outrage over the issue.

The back story is that early in his career as a highly paid chef working for Mr Soros, he claims to have innovated recipes using fetal organs at the request of "Georgie" , who wanted to experience the " ultimate in forbidden tastes". He says that in 1991 he was provided with significant quantities of whole embryos of various degrees of development and began to experiment. By 1993 he had created a stew from fetal hearts that was similar to a cajun gumbo in texture and spice, as well as several hors d'oeuvres made from livers, kidneys and brains.

He also maintains that almost every significant democrat politician and even some republicans, specifically speaker Boehner have enjoyed his entrees. He admits that most of them responded with degrees of revulsion when they were informed of the content, but almost every one admitted that it was indeed delicious. He makes one exception however regarding Hillary Clinton. According to Boris the first lady (at the time) seemed to have no qualms at all, and even asked if there was a recipe for Chicago Style Pizza using whole embryos, and questioned if hispanic embryos were spicier or if black ones tasted like chicken.

According to Chef Czégény the market for embryonic organs has exploded because of him, and that just .1 kilograms sells for at least $100K depending on the race of the fetus and length of gestation."

Now I was being dark as hell....

Yet we have seen so much push back from democrooks against Trump's efforts to stop sex slave traffic, other human slave traffic, and the media does everything it can to ignore these issues specifically with Epstein that I wonder if my joke thread there had some validity to the entire fetal tissue market issue? WTF could these people possibly be doing with the fetal organs and bodies of millions of babies? They have yet to provide any scientific results. Considering the costs, and lack of any documents on how these "samples" are "disposed of" it does allow for questions on what is going on.

. Just sayin...

It sounds unbelievable, but with liberal Democrats responding "funny" to my posts protesting abortion its actually not so unbelievable at all.
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The Nazis also told stories about how Jews would eat Christian babies. Once again, Pete is running straight out of the Nazi playbook.
The difference is I'm not a socialist, YOU ARE.

I posted this in satire because I don't take it serious, YOU DO.

I don't demonize "The Rich", "the 1%" or "The Jews" YOU DO.

Who is the nazi now bed wetter?

Fucking jabbering retard.

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