What happened to this generation?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Space opera used to be a profitable genre. Back in the 1990s and 2000s we had space operas like Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly and Babylon 5. Why don't we see space opera shows on TV anymore? What killed the genre? Does this genre do not appeal to this generation? Is it considered too nerdy?

I don't consider blowing shit up to be nerdy.

What can be done to revive this genre? What do we put in a space opera to make it appeal to this generation? Put loads of sex and violence in it like Game of Thrones? Or do we make it more tame?
Space opera used to be a profitable genre. Back in the 1990s and 2000s we had space operas like Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly and Babylon 5. Why don't we see space opera shows on TV anymore? What killed the genre? Does this genre do not appeal to this generation? Is it considered too nerdy?

I don't consider blowing shit up to be nerdy.

What can be done to revive this genre? What do we put in a space opera to make it appeal to this generation? Put loads of sex and violence in it like Game of Thrones?
There is no hope for a generation that even understands this post.
So is space opera too sophisticated for this generation? The Guardians of the Galaxy movie was successful. What about Nolan's Interstellar movie?
As I said, price-to-make vs earnings is probably a big reason why they don't get made as often as other shows. You're only going to get so much from commercials regardless of the show, but how much you can charge will vary depending on the audience. Since sci-fi has a relatively small audience compared to other genres, how much you can charge will be less than a cheap-to-make sitcom. Since what tv studios ok making has to show itself to be profitable vs how much it's gonna cost, most don't get made.

Is also the problem of everything good in the space opera genre has already been done. Repackaging a classic like they did with Battlestar Galactica is usually the only option. Though if they had any brains at all they'd do another Star Trek set in the current 'alternate timeline' of the latest movies.

Or, as a huge fan of Greg Bear's, an "Eon" movie. Hasn't been possible to do one until recently as the technology wasn't there. But it is now. Even a well rendered animated version would be awesome to see. Been able to render realistic human characters since 1999 or so when they made "Final Fantasy:Spirits Within" with realistic looking characters.

A modernized Buck Rogers would be cool, though I think the original is still worth watching for Col. Dearing in those super tight 70s disco outfits. :)
They will run a show for a season then drop them. So, then the show has to figure out someone that will pick them up. They aren't extremely profitable and are usually over budget.

Straczynski created Babylon 5 with a beginning and an end which would solve budgeting problems.Season 1 was slow and a lot of people lost interest. It ended up being a great show if people could hang on. The first season was a lot about setting the stage.

Alien Nation was pretty good but short lived and didn't qualify as it took place on earth.

I have no interest in movies, tv shows or anything else created from a video game. Star Wars has run it's course.
What happened to westerns? The wheel of popularity turns and moves on. It's vampires and zombies now. In 20 years someone will be pining for a good zombie movie.
What happened to westerns? The wheel of popularity turns and moves on. It's vampires and zombies now. In 20 years someone will be pining for a good zombie movie.

The wild west ending a long time ago. Maybe people can't relate to them. But do genres really deserve to be abandoned?
What happened to westerns? The wheel of popularity turns and moves on. It's vampires and zombies now. In 20 years someone will be pining for a good zombie movie.

The wild west ending a long time ago. Maybe people can't relate to them. But do genres really deserve to be abandoned?
Gee, but zombies still exist???

Any fool that believes in zombies needs serious mental help.
What happened to westerns? The wheel of popularity turns and moves on. It's vampires and zombies now. In 20 years someone will be pining for a good zombie movie.

The wild west ending a long time ago. Maybe people can't relate to them. But do genres really deserve to be abandoned?

I have a theory on that. It's probably not new. The peak was in 1959. The last Civil War vet died in 1956. Those shows were popular because there were still stories that had been handed down. Although, you are right to an extent. All of the tv westerns were really freaking old by the time I was born. I was handed down stories from my grandfather who had stories handed down by his.

That said, there is a pretty good size base of people that study the hell out of that era. There is a lot more knowledge now and they may make a comeback. It could be done very well because enough time has passed that all view points could be incorporated. There are no firm definitions of good v bad. The people aren't one dimensional. There are countless blood feuds. There is the Hoodoo War. There is John Wesley Hardin.

The genre was never abandoned. It still exists.
IMDb List of Western films of the 2000s and 2010s - a list by ferreiracarlos1504

Wild West

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