What Happened When 1 Government Fell Under Influence of World’s Environmental Extremists


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

What Happened When 1 Government Fell Under Influence of World’s Environmental Extremists

7 Sep 2022 ~~ By John Stossel

Starvation. Poverty. People struggling to buy medicine and fuel.
Disaster happened after one government fell under the influence of the world’s environmental extremists.
Many “experts” say pure nature is best. United Nations officials now tell politicians that the climate “crisis” demands countries make all sorts of sacrifices, like cutting nitrogen waste.
Much of that waste comes from synthetic fertilizer, so activists applauded when Sri Lanka’s government decided to become the first country to really take their advice. Sri Lanka banned all synthetic fertilizers.
Suddenly, the same farms produced much less food. Food prices rose 80%.
One result: riots. As my new video shows, thousands swarmed the president’s mansion. Some had a cookout on his lawn.
The president resigned and fled the country.
It turns out that we need chemical fertilizers.
This is a war on affordable energy.
“We’re in the worst energy crisis in 50 years,” says Shellenberger. “Yet governments are trying to make energy more scarce and expensive. It’s totally insane. There’s no other word for it.”
The pursuit of a chemical-free world is insane. Modern technologies such as synthetic fertilizer make people’s lives better. They especially make poor people’s lives better. Banning them brings disaster.
The hardcore environmental left got its way in Sri Lanka. Let’s hope they don’t destroy more countries.

Meanwhile China and India are going all out to produce Nitrates and building coal fired generation plants to fuels their economies and feed their population.
Coincidentally the Biden administration seek to pay farmers not to plant and if they do they're being restyricted in the amount of nitrates they may use to fertize their palntings.


They fucked things up. Obviously.
Governments have a real talent for that but before now, it usually was down to incompetence. THESE PEOPLE are executing a planned demolition. The fools that vote for them year after year deserve what they suffer but the rest of us need to become ungovernable through peaceful civil disobedience and we need to create the structures for a parallel polis as rapidly as possible. It's the only hope of saving ourselves.

Saskatchewan Threatens to Arrest Inspector Trudeau's Nitrogen Agents - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1743 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Corbett • 08/26/2022
This week on the New World Next Week: it's beefed-up checks for finance groups as the Race to Zero threatens climate coal-ition footdraggers; Saskwatchewan threatens to arrest Trudeau's nitrogen agents; and the FBI's Whitmer patsies get convicted in double jeopardy.

Story #1: Finance Groups Risk Being Kicked Out of Mark Carney-Led Climate Coalition

Story #2: Saskatchewan Warns Trudeau's Federal Nitrogen Agents Could Be Arrested

Story #3: Two Guilty On All Charges in “Rigged” Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Retrial
United Nations officials now tell politicians that the climate “crisis” demands countries make all sorts of sacrifices, like cutting nitrogen waste. Suddenly, the same farms produced much less food. Food prices rose 80%.
I support the Green movement in theory. Nothing wrong with developing methods which are more renewable and less polluting! The problem with it in practice though is twofold:
  1. At best, they are trying to get stuff done in only 2 years that should be taking 20 because they waited until 2022 to implement goals that should have been started gradually back in the 1950s yet still want to end up at the same finish line in the same time, and the world, people, technologies and the economy simply can't change that fast so the movement is heading towards failure.
  2. At its core, the people driving green energy care more about a barnacle growing on an ocean rock more than they care about people, so are willing to cut right through human lives because they see humanity as a disease festering on the Earth to be controlled.

The president resigned and fled the country.
If it comes down to that here, Joe's only option will be to run out back, dive into the drink, and start swimming hard for Europe. :71:
Governments have a real talent for that but before now, it usually was down to incompetence. THESE PEOPLE are executing a planned demolition. The fools that vote for them year after year deserve what they suffer but the rest of us need to become ungovernable through peaceful civil disobedience and we need to create the structures for a parallel polis as rapidly as possible. It's the only hope of saving ourselves.
Fuck peaceful Civil disobedience. Kill the stupid NWO motherfuckers.
Fuck peaceful Civil disobedience. Kill the stupid NWO motherfuckers.

Hmm..., are you one of those MAGA semi-Fascist terrorists Joey Xi Bai Dung is talking about? You know, one of us Deplorables.
The entire globalclimatewarmingchange movement is based on the hockey stick graph lie.

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