What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

What will happen if the PPACA continues to force Americans into purchasing coverage?

What a fucking moron.. Obamacare has removed 20 million middle class families from health care coverage.. where is your outrage?
But that's the problem. Republicans want all low skill labor jobs to be low pay, but they don't want to help low income and middle income students to get a college education without being in a huge debt until they are 40, or not able to go to college at all.
Let's apply the same standards you impose on everyone else. Go ahead and back that up.
Republicans are quite adamantly against this increase, to the point that they House unanimously voted down the proposed increase.

Republican Views on the Minimum Wage | Republican Views

The Republican answer to lowering college costs and college debt? Kind of funny really... go to technical or vocational school for two years instead of four years and learn a less educated job... that will ultimately pay less. From Marco Rubio:

"We need to get back to training people in this country to do the jobs of the 21st century. Why, for the life of me, I do not understand why did we stop doing vocational education in America, people that can work with their hands; people you can train to do this work while they’re still in high school so they can graduate ready to go work. But the best way to close this gap is to modernize higher education so Americans have the skills for those jobs.”

The only decent answer from a Republican candidate came from Kasich, who many here think is an idiot.

Where the 2016 Republican Candidates Stand on College Issues
When did Rubio say get a less educated job? His words you quoted don't say that. Learning a trade isn't less educated, you stupid motherfucker.

And what are you trying to say about Republicans and minimum wage? You just threw a link up like I was supposed to read your mind. You should have quit while you were behind, it looks pathetic at this point.

right, who makes more money? A carpenter? A mechanic? A lawyer? A doctor? How many jobs out there today require a 4 year degree? Hell you can't even get a job as manager of a Wal Mart without a 4 year degree. So what good is a vocational degree going to do you?
You shifted from 'skilled' to 'income'. Goddamn, you really are an idiot, that's no insult, just fact.
Notice how when he can't provide secular charities that provide an equal amount of service. He all of the sudden takes credit for the majority of Christian donations. What a loon.

WTF are you talking about? You want to make a claim, and I HAVE to do all your information digging? Since when is that how an argument works?
I know what they are. Question is do you?

You do? Once again I guess you don't know how an argument works, your opinion doesn't mean shit without something to back it up. By the way, I already posted a secular chart on here and what the political make up of each group was.

From a Study...

• Black Protestants, followed by Roman Catholics and Jews, were the most likely to give out of the desire to help the needy.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds

Guess what political group is a majority of those groups?
The number one ranked state that gives more than any other to charity is Utah.

Guess all Morman's are Liberals now.

As far as generosity goes the poor red states are more generous than the richer liberal states like NY and CA.

2015’s Most and Least Charitable States

No, nice fallacy. I already said they were Conservatives. Also look what their churches look like.


Where do you think the money to build those came from?
So.... Still no secular based charities you can tout?

Btw did you know The United Way was also founded by those Christian organizations liberals hate so much.
WTF are you talking about? You want to make a claim, and I HAVE to do all your information digging? Since when is that how an argument works?
I know what they are. Question is do you?

You do? Once again I guess you don't know how an argument works, your opinion doesn't mean shit without something to back it up. By the way, I already posted a secular chart on here and what the political make up of each group was.

From a Study...

• Black Protestants, followed by Roman Catholics and Jews, were the most likely to give out of the desire to help the needy.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds

Guess what political group is a majority of those groups?
You tell us, it doesn't say. You lost your argument long ago, you're just too stupid to know it.

Hey dumbass, I alaready posted the chart that shows the percentage of people from each political group in America and what churches they are in.

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings
Give us the numbers instead of trying to pass off your assumptions as fact. What percentage of liberals give to people oriented charities vs. conservative.

That's what you should have been focusing on instead of trying to sell smoke and mirrors.

That's what the study says... it doesn't give numbers. If you want to actually read the report, here is the website where you can register and do whatever you want with it.

Connected to Give
But that's the problem. Republicans want all low skill labor jobs to be low pay, but they don't want to help low income and middle income students to get a college education without being in a huge debt until they are 40, or not able to go to college at all.
Let's apply the same standards you impose on everyone else. Go ahead and back that up.
Republicans are quite adamantly against this increase, to the point that they House unanimously voted down the proposed increase.

Republican Views on the Minimum Wage | Republican Views

The Republican answer to lowering college costs and college debt? Kind of funny really... go to technical or vocational school for two years instead of four years and learn a less educated job... that will ultimately pay less. From Marco Rubio:

"We need to get back to training people in this country to do the jobs of the 21st century. Why, for the life of me, I do not understand why did we stop doing vocational education in America, people that can work with their hands; people you can train to do this work while they’re still in high school so they can graduate ready to go work. But the best way to close this gap is to modernize higher education so Americans have the skills for those jobs.”

The only decent answer from a Republican candidate came from Kasich, who many here think is an idiot.

Where the 2016 Republican Candidates Stand on College Issues
When did Rubio say get a less educated job? His words you quoted don't say that. Learning a trade isn't less educated, you stupid motherfucker.

And what are you trying to say about Republicans and minimum wage? You just threw a link up like I was supposed to read your mind. You should have quit while you were behind, it looks pathetic at this point.

right, who makes more money? A carpenter? A mechanic? A lawyer? A doctor? How many jobs out there today require a 4 year degree? Hell you can't even get a job as manager of a Wal Mart without a 4 year degree. So what good is a vocational degree going to do you?

Actually, some of the wealthest folks I know are in the trades. I have a friend in the refrigeration and air conditing business who runs twelve service trucks out of his business every day. The man is a millionaire. Many plumbers make tons of money. A trade skill can be ypour springboard to owning a business and becoming very successful while most college degrees will get you a job working for someone else.
Who the hell are you #@Lewdog to dictate what a church spends freely given donations on?

I'm no fan of organized religion (not the faith, but the leaders themselves), but neither YOU nor any government have the right to dictate how anyone else spends their money.

Christ I'm so tired of people who don't understand that the result of someone's (X) hours of labor should go to the person doing the work - not someone elses damn pocket. It's just nuts...
But that's the problem. Republicans want all low skill labor jobs to be low pay, but they don't want to help low income and middle income students to get a college education without being in a huge debt until they are 40, or not able to go to college at all.
Let's apply the same standards you impose on everyone else. Go ahead and back that up.
Republicans are quite adamantly against this increase, to the point that they House unanimously voted down the proposed increase.

Republican Views on the Minimum Wage | Republican Views

The Republican answer to lowering college costs and college debt? Kind of funny really... go to technical or vocational school for two years instead of four years and learn a less educated job... that will ultimately pay less. From Marco Rubio:

"We need to get back to training people in this country to do the jobs of the 21st century. Why, for the life of me, I do not understand why did we stop doing vocational education in America, people that can work with their hands; people you can train to do this work while they’re still in high school so they can graduate ready to go work. But the best way to close this gap is to modernize higher education so Americans have the skills for those jobs.”

The only decent answer from a Republican candidate came from Kasich, who many here think is an idiot.

Where the 2016 Republican Candidates Stand on College Issues
When did Rubio say get a less educated job? His words you quoted don't say that. Learning a trade isn't less educated, you stupid motherfucker.

And what are you trying to say about Republicans and minimum wage? You just threw a link up like I was supposed to read your mind. You should have quit while you were behind, it looks pathetic at this point.

right, who makes more money? A carpenter? A mechanic? A lawyer? A doctor? How many jobs out there today require a 4 year degree? Hell you can't even get a job as manager of a Wal Mart without a 4 year degree. So what good is a vocational degree going to do you?
Untrue. Kids without diplomas can and do get lower tier jobs including office work and call centers. people with a two to four year degree can and do get manager positions. You must not live in the real world.
They survived by going to the emergency room for all those yesra before Obamacare came along, didn't they?

If you ever worked in an er or visiting one you would understand. The hosp er is not for colds, and do you know what the tax payers pay for er visits, a lot more than dr. visits , esp when someone has insurance, and by the way that person on the ACA is also paying taxes.
I know what they are. Question is do you?

You do? Once again I guess you don't know how an argument works, your opinion doesn't mean shit without something to back it up. By the way, I already posted a secular chart on here and what the political make up of each group was.

From a Study...

• Black Protestants, followed by Roman Catholics and Jews, were the most likely to give out of the desire to help the needy.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds

Guess what political group is a majority of those groups?
You tell us, it doesn't say. You lost your argument long ago, you're just too stupid to know it.

Hey dumbass, I alaready posted the chart that shows the percentage of people from each political group in America and what churches they are in.

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings
Give us the numbers instead of trying to pass off your assumptions as fact. What percentage of liberals give to people oriented charities vs. conservative.

That's what you should have been focusing on instead of trying to sell smoke and mirrors.

That's what the study says... it doesn't give numbers. If you want to actually read the report, here is the website where you can register and do whatever you want with it.

Connected to Give
So you can't back up your assertions. That's what I knew or you would have. No, I'm not going on a wild goose chase to register somewhere. If they had the numbers you would have put them up. Data is based on facts, you rely on opinions supported by assumptions.
They survived by going to the emergency room for all those yesra before Obamacare came along, didn't they?

If you ever worked in an er or visiting one you would understand. The hosp er is not for colds, and do you know what the tax payers pay for er visits, a lot more than dr. visits , esp when someone has insurance, and by the way that person on the ACA is also paying taxes.
But government makes them take in the ER visits. Hospitals should be free to say no. Your solution is even more government.
WTF are you talking about? You want to make a claim, and I HAVE to do all your information digging? Since when is that how an argument works?
I know what they are. Question is do you?

You do? Once again I guess you don't know how an argument works, your opinion doesn't mean shit without something to back it up. By the way, I already posted a secular chart on here and what the political make up of each group was.

From a Study...

• Black Protestants, followed by Roman Catholics and Jews, were the most likely to give out of the desire to help the needy.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds

Guess what political group is a majority of those groups?
The number one ranked state that gives more than any other to charity is Utah.

Guess all Morman's are Liberals now.

As far as generosity goes the poor red states are more generous than the richer liberal states like NY and CA.

2015’s Most and Least Charitable States

No, nice fallacy. I already said they were Conservatives. Also look what their churches look like.


Where do you think the money to build those came from?
So.... Still no secular based charities you can tout?

Btw did you know The United Way was also founded by those Christian organizations liberals hate so much.

Well I hate to tout them because I think they are hugely a sham, but the Clinton Foundation is reported as one of the largest giving foundation to charities in the world.

The ACLU, The Sierra Club, Doctor's Without Borders, The American Red Cross, American Goodwill, UNICEF... there is a few.
They survived by going to the emergency room for all those yesra before Obamacare came along, didn't they?

If you ever worked in an er or visiting one you would understand. The hosp er is not for colds, and do you know what the tax payers pay for er visits, a lot more than dr. visits , esp when someone has insurance, and by the way that person on the ACA is also paying taxes.

What makes you think a person who gets a subsidy can pay that $7150 dollar ded?
What makes you think that that family who gets a subsidy and buys that Bronze Plan with an aggregate ded can pay that $14300 ded?
You do? Once again I guess you don't know how an argument works, your opinion doesn't mean shit without something to back it up. By the way, I already posted a secular chart on here and what the political make up of each group was.

From a Study...

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds

Guess what political group is a majority of those groups?
You tell us, it doesn't say. You lost your argument long ago, you're just too stupid to know it.

Hey dumbass, I alaready posted the chart that shows the percentage of people from each political group in America and what churches they are in.

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings
Give us the numbers instead of trying to pass off your assumptions as fact. What percentage of liberals give to people oriented charities vs. conservative.

That's what you should have been focusing on instead of trying to sell smoke and mirrors.

That's what the study says... it doesn't give numbers. If you want to actually read the report, here is the website where you can register and do whatever you want with it.

Connected to Give
So you can't back up your assertions. That's what I knew or you would have. No, I'm not going on a wild goose chase to register somewhere. If they had the numbers you would have put them up. Data is based on facts, you rely on opinions supported by assumptions.

I guess you don't understand how studies and statistics work.
They survived by going to the emergency room for all those yesra before Obamacare came along, didn't they?

If you ever worked in an er or visiting one you would understand. The hosp er is not for colds, and do you know what the tax payers pay for er visits, a lot more than dr. visits , esp when someone has insurance, and by the way that person on the ACA is also paying taxes.

Number one reason most people give for visiting the ER.

My doctors office was closed.
Who the hell are you #@Lewdog to dictate what a church spends freely given donations on?

I'm no fan of organized religion (not the faith, but the leaders themselves), but neither YOU nor any government have the right to dictate how anyone else spends their money.

Christ I'm so tired of people who don't understand that the result of someone's (X) hours of labor should go to the person doing the work - not someone elses damn pocket. It's just nuts...

You are misrepresenting my point. I'm saying don't categorize "donation" to the church as something that is helping other human beings, if the money is actually going for helping build a huge church, pay bills, and such.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?

1. Children dont go to collage. Adults do. I speak from experience, students have plenty of options for the required insurance, and honestly, my provider through my job covered dependents in collage long before Bammer care.

2. Yet another lie. Most providers covered preexisting conditions as long as the employee was recieving treatment 6 months prior to coming to the plan. As for the poor babies getting booted from treatment for illness, thats a lie. There are hundreds of programs out there people can get high dollar meds from for free. Well, there was until Bammer put his hands on the system.

3. Entrepreneurs? You mean deadbeats? even this here is a huge lie. I worked for years as a subcontractor with no company insurance. Many folks have and did just fine. there were groups and such that got bargains on plans. I get my insurance through a program at my credit union for example.

4. ER visits are always expensive. Illegals and hoodrats using the ER as a primary care Dr. office. This was an issue years before Bammer care made it much, much worse.

5. What would it do to the economy? Well, most likely it will help it a bunch if employers bring back the 40 hour work week.

6. Number six is nothing but hyperbolic vaginal discharge of the stinky kind spewing from your mouth. Its like saying that for every abortion done Hillary has an orgasm. just retarded.
You tell us, it doesn't say. You lost your argument long ago, you're just too stupid to know it.

Hey dumbass, I alaready posted the chart that shows the percentage of people from each political group in America and what churches they are in.

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings
Give us the numbers instead of trying to pass off your assumptions as fact. What percentage of liberals give to people oriented charities vs. conservative.

That's what you should have been focusing on instead of trying to sell smoke and mirrors.

That's what the study says... it doesn't give numbers. If you want to actually read the report, here is the website where you can register and do whatever you want with it.

Connected to Give
So you can't back up your assertions. That's what I knew or you would have. No, I'm not going on a wild goose chase to register somewhere. If they had the numbers you would have put them up. Data is based on facts, you rely on opinions supported by assumptions.

I guess you don't understand how studies and statistics work.
But you're the one with assertions and no numbers.

Hey dumbass, I alaready posted the chart that shows the percentage of people from each political group in America and what churches they are in.

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings
Give us the numbers instead of trying to pass off your assumptions as fact. What percentage of liberals give to people oriented charities vs. conservative.

That's what you should have been focusing on instead of trying to sell smoke and mirrors.

That's what the study says... it doesn't give numbers. If you want to actually read the report, here is the website where you can register and do whatever you want with it.

Connected to Give
So you can't back up your assertions. That's what I knew or you would have. No, I'm not going on a wild goose chase to register somewhere. If they had the numbers you would have put them up. Data is based on facts, you rely on opinions supported by assumptions.

I guess you don't understand how studies and statistics work.
But you're the one with assertions and no numbers.


Learn something, when someone does a study, they have to take those numbers and then they present findings. Those findings are based on the numbers. The page I showed, and the quote I listed were findings from that study. It's kind of like this, when I tally up all your posts I find that you are a troll. I can now substantiate those claims of you being a troll from other people through my findings. People don't need to read everyone of your posts in order to understand the findings, as I don't need to go back and read all of your previous posts to others who said you were a troll, because I have now seen that through the posts here.

See how that works?
I think there are legitimate problems with ObamaCare, but they are fixable. Scrapping the law completely is a terrible idea. What republicans are too dumb to understand is that healthcare is not going to get cheaper if the law is scrapped. Big Pharma will do nothing to make their products more affordable.
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
No it wasn't as all. Don't be dumb. I mean sure there have been hikes in prices under ObamaCare, but there are ways to curb those costs if congress actually tried to fix the law. Before ObamaCare, healthcare was still ridiculously high in comparison to other counties. Do you really think those costs will EVER decrease on their own? Don't be stupid. Inflation rises while wages remain stagnant. That's the reality of our economy.
Yes it was. Premiums were lower and so were deductibles and co pays. Plus the coverage was better.
Look at the numbers on how premiums have risen prior to the ACA & make your comparisons.
I know what they are. Question is do you?

You do? Once again I guess you don't know how an argument works, your opinion doesn't mean shit without something to back it up. By the way, I already posted a secular chart on here and what the political make up of each group was.

From a Study...

• Black Protestants, followed by Roman Catholics and Jews, were the most likely to give out of the desire to help the needy.

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds

Guess what political group is a majority of those groups?
The number one ranked state that gives more than any other to charity is Utah.

Guess all Morman's are Liberals now.

As far as generosity goes the poor red states are more generous than the richer liberal states like NY and CA.

2015’s Most and Least Charitable States

No, nice fallacy. I already said they were Conservatives. Also look what their churches look like.


Where do you think the money to build those came from?
So.... Still no secular based charities you can tout?

Btw did you know The United Way was also founded by those Christian organizations liberals hate so much.

Well I hate to tout them because I think they are hugely a sham, but the Clinton Foundation is reported as one of the largest giving foundation to charities in the world.

The ACLU, The Sierra Club, Doctor's Without Borders, The American Red Cross, American Goodwill, UNICEF... there is a few.
A few?

Shouldn't there be hundreds out there feeding, housing and giving healthcare to the American poor?

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