What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

Lewdog and you missed my point entirely. You, along with most liberals, are craven thieves who have the audacity to think you have a moral high ground that "entitles" you to steal from everyone else to get what you want.

I find it disgusting.
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
No it wasn't as all. Don't be dumb. I mean sure there have been hikes in prices under ObamaCare, but there are ways to curb those costs if congress actually tried to fix the law. Before ObamaCare, healthcare was still ridiculously high in comparison to other counties. Do you really think those costs will EVER decrease on their own? Don't be stupid. Inflation rises while wages remain stagnant. That's the reality of our economy.
Yes it was. Premiums were lower and so were deductibles and co pays. Plus the coverage was better.
Look at the numbers on how premiums have risen prior to the ACA & make your comparisons.

Here is a limited study, because data was not returned from all states, but it shows that part of the outcry now for premium rate increases is because people didn't know before just how much their premiums were actually going up each year, and that the diffidences in increases is far outweighed by the advantages the ACA gives families.

New Analysis of Health Insurance Premium Trends in the Individual Market Finds Average Yearly Increases of 10 Percent or More Prior to the Affordable Care Act
They pay the bills, they pay the pastor, they pay for the pastor's house...they save the money and build bigger churches...

It makes me sick every time I see these huge churches, and the money spent that could actually do something good. I used to live in Ohio, and I would regularly drive by the Solid Rock Church along I-75. It made me sick. You might know the church as the home of Butter Jesus. It was the HUGE Jesus statue that got struck by lightening and burned down. Sign from God maybe?

Build bigger churches? If you didn't know, churches across the country are closing down--not building bigger.
What a moroic thread.

Liberals destroyed the existing health care system, caused everyone to lose their plans - despite claiming people could keep their plans if they liked them, forced every American to buy a product, and hit them with a penalty tax if they could not afford it. Some of the premiuns are going up over 100%, and Obamacare is collapsing in front of our eyes .

...& libs want to blame the GOP for the collapse of Obamacare & loss of insurance?!

Actually... you have a point there Owebo.

The Libs seem to think that a raise of the min wage from nat $7.25 to $15/h will fix everything. That's an increase of [gross] $310 a month. They have often claimed that this will go into the economy since the min wage workers will spend more.

ACA, for the Bonze plan, has a monthly premium of $311/m according to CNN - Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class.
They also note that they expect that will be $744/m in 2017 (with a $6k deductible)

IT stands to reason that ditching AMA would put that $311 back into the economy.

*As a note, I find how close the two figures are rather ... amusing.

How can someone who makes $15/hr afford health insurance that costs $744/mo and has a deductible of 6000? The deductible would consume half his total take home pay. The premium would consume the other half. Only a brainwashed Hillary douche bag could believe this plan was economically viable.

If you make $15 an hour, you would get a subsidy.

You really need to STFU & get informed before continuing to embarrass yourself.
Lewdog and you missed my point entirely. You, along with most liberals, are craven thieves who have the audacity to think you have a moral high ground that "entitles" you to steal from everyone else to get what you want.

I find it disgusting.

Look, I already showed you how your idea that your tax dollars going to help someone else was flawed because my tax dollars goes to help things in your area that I don't care about either.

Now I'm going to tell you something else. I DON'T CARE WHERE THE MONEY DONATED TO A CHURCH GOES... but don't sit and tell me it is a charity that is helping people when it is going to build bigger churches and pay bills.

There is nothing encroaching about that. Now I'll say that it disgust me that people like you want to move out in the middle of nowhere to get your freedoms, and then you want to hop online and tell other people how to live and complain all the time. And if as you put it, you don't like the policies of the country, and you want to become an American world traveler... why don't you just renounce your citizenship and leave?
Give us the numbers instead of trying to pass off your assumptions as fact. What percentage of liberals give to people oriented charities vs. conservative.

That's what you should have been focusing on instead of trying to sell smoke and mirrors.

That's what the study says... it doesn't give numbers. If you want to actually read the report, here is the website where you can register and do whatever you want with it.

Connected to Give
So you can't back up your assertions. That's what I knew or you would have. No, I'm not going on a wild goose chase to register somewhere. If they had the numbers you would have put them up. Data is based on facts, you rely on opinions supported by assumptions.

I guess you don't understand how studies and statistics work.
But you're the one with assertions and no numbers.


Learn something, when someone does a study, they have to take those numbers and then they present findings. Those findings are based on the numbers. The page I showed, and the quote I listed were findings from that study. It's kind of like this, when I tally up all your posts I find that you are a troll. I can now substantiate those claims of you being a troll from other people through my findings. People don't need to read everyone of your posts in order to understand the findings, as I don't need to go back and read all of your previous posts to others who said you were a troll, because I have now seen that through the posts here.

See how that works?
"Findings" are interpretations. Data is the numbers. You STILL haven't shown us the percentage of liberal versus conservative human need charity donations. Fact is, you don't know. Or you would have posted it long ago.

See how this works?
Actually... you have a point there Owebo.

The Libs seem to think that a raise of the min wage from nat $7.25 to $15/h will fix everything. That's an increase of [gross] $310 a month. They have often claimed that this will go into the economy since the min wage workers will spend more.

ACA, for the Bonze plan, has a monthly premium of $311/m according to CNN - Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class.
They also note that they expect that will be $744/m in 2017 (with a $6k deductible)

IT stands to reason that ditching AMA would put that $311 back into the economy.

*As a note, I find how close the two figures are rather ... amusing.

How can someone who makes $15/hr afford health insurance that costs $744/mo and has a deductible of 6000? The deductible would consume half his total take home pay. The premium would consume the other half. Only a brainwashed Hillary douche bag could believe this plan was economically viable.

Irony...its called the "affordable" care act. Yes the left really are that dumb.
Have you ever tried to buy health insurance as a individual?

Prior to the ACA, my premiums were $1650/month/\. An equivalent policy when the Exchanges opened was $950.
That's what the study says... it doesn't give numbers. If you want to actually read the report, here is the website where you can register and do whatever you want with it.

Connected to Give
So you can't back up your assertions. That's what I knew or you would have. No, I'm not going on a wild goose chase to register somewhere. If they had the numbers you would have put them up. Data is based on facts, you rely on opinions supported by assumptions.

I guess you don't understand how studies and statistics work.
But you're the one with assertions and no numbers.


Learn something, when someone does a study, they have to take those numbers and then they present findings. Those findings are based on the numbers. The page I showed, and the quote I listed were findings from that study. It's kind of like this, when I tally up all your posts I find that you are a troll. I can now substantiate those claims of you being a troll from other people through my findings. People don't need to read everyone of your posts in order to understand the findings, as I don't need to go back and read all of your previous posts to others who said you were a troll, because I have now seen that through the posts here.

See how that works?
"Findings" are interpretations. Data is the numbers. You STILL haven't shown us the percentage of liberal versus conservative human need charity donations. Fact is, you don't know. Or you would have posted it long ago.

See how this works?

Findings are the interpretations of the numbers... derpty derp. The people doing the studies are experts, they aren't cashiers at McDonalds reading the numbers in a newspaper.
Actually... you have a point there Owebo.

The Libs seem to think that a raise of the min wage from nat $7.25 to $15/h will fix everything. That's an increase of [gross] $310 a month. They have often claimed that this will go into the economy since the min wage workers will spend more.

ACA, for the Bonze plan, has a monthly premium of $311/m according to CNN - Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class.
They also note that they expect that will be $744/m in 2017 (with a $6k deductible)

IT stands to reason that ditching AMA would put that $311 back into the economy.

*As a note, I find how close the two figures are rather ... amusing.

How can someone who makes $15/hr afford health insurance that costs $744/mo and has a deductible of 6000? The deductible would consume half his total take home pay. The premium would consume the other half. Only a brainwashed Hillary douche bag could believe this plan was economically viable.

Irony...its called the "affordable" care act. Yes the left really are that dumb.
Have you ever tried to buy health insurance as a individual?

Prior to the ACA, my premiums were $1650/month/\. An equivalent policy when the Exchanges opened was $950.

better watch it... you are going to be called a leach to society in 3...2...1
Big Pharma is not the issue.

The disproportionate ratio of sick vs healthy patients signing up is the problem.

You can't support something only takers are bleeding dry. Someone has to pay the expenses and those people aren't signing up.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
No it wasn't as all. Don't be dumb. I mean sure there have been hikes in prices under ObamaCare, but there are ways to curb those costs if congress actually tried to fix the law. Before ObamaCare, healthcare was still ridiculously high in comparison to other counties. Do you really think those costs will EVER decrease on their own? Don't be stupid. Inflation rises while wages remain stagnant. That's the reality of our economy.
Yes it was. Premiums were lower and so were deductibles and co pays. Plus the coverage was better.
Look at the numbers on how premiums have risen prior to the ACA & make your comparisons.
Phony numbers since states have added and added mandates to insurance carriers. Mine got priced out of reach when every goddamn thing liberals could dream of was forced upon my insurance company. I don't want to pay for mental health, drug or alcohol coverage. That should be my choice, not some self righteous do gooder withmymoney liberals
You do? Once again I guess you don't know how an argument works, your opinion doesn't mean shit without something to back it up. By the way, I already posted a secular chart on here and what the political make up of each group was.

From a Study...

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds

Guess what political group is a majority of those groups?
The number one ranked state that gives more than any other to charity is Utah.

Guess all Morman's are Liberals now.

As far as generosity goes the poor red states are more generous than the richer liberal states like NY and CA.

2015’s Most and Least Charitable States

No, nice fallacy. I already said they were Conservatives. Also look what their churches look like.


Where do you think the money to build those came from?
So.... Still no secular based charities you can tout?

Btw did you know The United Way was also founded by those Christian organizations liberals hate so much.

Well I hate to tout them because I think they are hugely a sham, but the Clinton Foundation is reported as one of the largest giving foundation to charities in the world.

The ACLU, The Sierra Club, Doctor's Without Borders, The American Red Cross, American Goodwill, UNICEF... there is a few.
A few?

Shouldn't there be hundreds out there feeding, housing and giving healthcare to the American poor?

Haha I just named some of the largest, most major ones that help in this country and around the world. And you still aren't satisfied.
Ok so let me just ask you the most obvious question. Do you think our healthcare system was good before ObamaCare?
Yes. It was more affordable.
No it wasn't as all. Don't be dumb. I mean sure there have been hikes in prices under ObamaCare, but there are ways to curb those costs if congress actually tried to fix the law. Before ObamaCare, healthcare was still ridiculously high in comparison to other counties. Do you really think those costs will EVER decrease on their own? Don't be stupid. Inflation rises while wages remain stagnant. That's the reality of our economy.
Yes it was. Premiums were lower and so were deductibles and co pays. Plus the coverage was better.
Look at the numbers on how premiums have risen prior to the ACA & make your comparisons.

Here is a limited study, because data was not returned from all states, but it shows that part of the outcry now for premium rate increases is because people didn't know before just how much their premiums were actually going up each year, and that the diffidences in increases is far outweighed by the advantages the ACA gives families.

New Analysis of Health Insurance Premium Trends in the Individual Market Finds Average Yearly Increases of 10 Percent or More Prior to the Affordable Care Act

(sigh) Stop with the propaganda.
You are seriously trying to make the point that folks who were purchasing their own Healthcare were not aware how much their increases were?
Do you not know how stupid that is?
I've been in the Healthcare Business since 2002, an Agents book turned over every 18-24 months because of those increases that you claim the consumers didn't know about.
Aye caramba, PLEASE think before you post propaganda, there will always be somebody who can point out the silliness of things untrue.
Now if the actual point of your post is that the people who have the ACA plans that were never insured before said that you'd have a point. But that is NOT the majority of people who are participating in this fiasco.
So you can't back up your assertions. That's what I knew or you would have. No, I'm not going on a wild goose chase to register somewhere. If they had the numbers you would have put them up. Data is based on facts, you rely on opinions supported by assumptions.

I guess you don't understand how studies and statistics work.
But you're the one with assertions and no numbers.


Learn something, when someone does a study, they have to take those numbers and then they present findings. Those findings are based on the numbers. The page I showed, and the quote I listed were findings from that study. It's kind of like this, when I tally up all your posts I find that you are a troll. I can now substantiate those claims of you being a troll from other people through my findings. People don't need to read everyone of your posts in order to understand the findings, as I don't need to go back and read all of your previous posts to others who said you were a troll, because I have now seen that through the posts here.

See how that works?
"Findings" are interpretations. Data is the numbers. You STILL haven't shown us the percentage of liberal versus conservative human need charity donations. Fact is, you don't know. Or you would have posted it long ago.

See how this works?

Findings are the interpretations of the numbers... derpty derp. The people doing the studies are experts, they aren't cashiers at McDonalds reading the numbers in a newspaper.
Still no numbers or stats to back up your claims. You can't bluff your way around it.
They survived by going to the emergency room for all those yesra before Obamacare came along, didn't they?

If you ever worked in an er or visiting one you would understand. The hosp er is not for colds, and do you know what the tax payers pay for er visits, a lot more than dr. visits , esp when someone has insurance, and by the way that person on the ACA is also paying taxes.

Yes I do know. The costs were added to my own insurance premium. The problem is not insurance. The problem is the greed of hospitals and health care providers.
I guess you don't understand how studies and statistics work.
But you're the one with assertions and no numbers.


Learn something, when someone does a study, they have to take those numbers and then they present findings. Those findings are based on the numbers. The page I showed, and the quote I listed were findings from that study. It's kind of like this, when I tally up all your posts I find that you are a troll. I can now substantiate those claims of you being a troll from other people through my findings. People don't need to read everyone of your posts in order to understand the findings, as I don't need to go back and read all of your previous posts to others who said you were a troll, because I have now seen that through the posts here.

See how that works?
"Findings" are interpretations. Data is the numbers. You STILL haven't shown us the percentage of liberal versus conservative human need charity donations. Fact is, you don't know. Or you would have posted it long ago.

See how this works?

Findings are the interpretations of the numbers... derpty derp. The people doing the studies are experts, they aren't cashiers at McDonalds reading the numbers in a newspaper.
Still no numbers or stats to back up your claims. You can't bluff your way around it.

...and you have provided nothing to refute my claims, or my research findings. :dunno:
Yes. It was more affordable.
No it wasn't as all. Don't be dumb. I mean sure there have been hikes in prices under ObamaCare, but there are ways to curb those costs if congress actually tried to fix the law. Before ObamaCare, healthcare was still ridiculously high in comparison to other counties. Do you really think those costs will EVER decrease on their own? Don't be stupid. Inflation rises while wages remain stagnant. That's the reality of our economy.
Yes it was. Premiums were lower and so were deductibles and co pays. Plus the coverage was better.
Look at the numbers on how premiums have risen prior to the ACA & make your comparisons.

Here is a limited study, because data was not returned from all states, but it shows that part of the outcry now for premium rate increases is because people didn't know before just how much their premiums were actually going up each year, and that the diffidences in increases is far outweighed by the advantages the ACA gives families.

New Analysis of Health Insurance Premium Trends in the Individual Market Finds Average Yearly Increases of 10 Percent or More Prior to the Affordable Care Act

(sigh) Stop with the propaganda.
You are seriously trying to make the point that folks who were purchasing their own Healthcare were not aware how much their increases were?
Do you not know how stupid that is?
I've been in the Healthcare Business since 2002, an Agents book turned over every 18-24 months because of those increases that you claim the consumers didn't know about.
Aye caramba, PLEASE think before you post propaganda, there will always be somebody who can point out the silliness of things untrue.
Now if the actual point of your post is that the people who have the ACA plans that were never insured before said that you'd have a point. But that is NOT the majority of people who are participating in this fiasco.

Ok, were you ever required prior to the ACA to report the increases to the state and get them approved?
Lewdog and you missed my point entirely. You, along with most liberals, are craven thieves who have the audacity to think you have a moral high ground that "entitles" you to steal from everyone else to get what you want.

I find it disgusting.

Look, I already showed you how your idea that your tax dollars going to help someone else was flawed because my tax dollars goes to help things in your area that I don't care about either.

Now I'm going to tell you something else. I DON'T CARE WHERE THE MONEY DONATED TO A CHURCH GOES... but don't sit and tell me it is a charity that is helping people when it is going to build bigger churches and pay bills.

There is nothing encroaching about that. Now I'll say that it disgust me that people like you want to move out in the middle of nowhere to get your freedoms, and then you want to hop online and tell other people how to live and complain all the time. And if as you put it, you don't like the policies of the country, and you want to become an American world traveler... why don't you just renounce your citizenship and leave?
You don't care where the money goes because you want to dismiss it out of hand without knowing what percent goes to the church and what goes to help. That's disingenuous and why you can't be taken seriously.
Lewdog I didn't move here sonny, the military sent my parents here to fight the god damn Cold War. Then my father ran the National Guard Pacific Front, then he retired and ran the Military Youth Academy.

and don't worry I have every intention of renouncing citizenship if you thieves remain in power. I've said it on here many times. Go vote for Clinton - my millions will be walking away just like all the businesses and the other wealthy folks who are tired of being told to shut up.

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