What happens if the Republican Party nominates an ineligible candidate for the presidency?

Many world leaders have spent years in one prison or another. Does Fani believe that Nelson Mandela should have been prohibited from running for president of South Africa because he spent years in a South African prison? Do you?
Is Trump's subjugation of the GOP so complete that it will nominate a constitutionally-ineligible candidate for the presidency?

No doubt, many in the Democratic Party hope so, but enough damage has been inflicted upon our democracy and upon law an order by a Cry Babe Sore Loser and his groveling cult.

The problem with Section 3 is that it has never been successfully enforced.

After the Civil War, the North eventually relented and candidates in the South Proudly campaigned in their old Confederate uniforms.

the only other time it has been successfully employed was in the case of Victor Berger, who was convicted of "Espionage" for merely saying a war with Germany was a terrible idea in 1917. Despite that, he was elected to Congress from Wisconsin in 1918. (Because everyone was realizing he was RIGHT!)

Congress voted not to seat him invoking the 14th Amendment and declared the seat vacant. The people of his district voted for him again in a special election, and again, Congress refused to seat him.

Eventually, the Supreme Court overturned his "Espinoage" conviction and he was seated in Congress in 2022.

Now, all that said, I have absolutely ZERO problem with Democrats filing suit in every state in the country to keep Trump off the ballot. Make him waste time and resources and emphasize the shitty thing he did on January 6th.
Many world leaders have spent years in one prison or another. Does Fani believe that Nelson Mandela should have been prohibited from running for president of South Africa because he spent years in a South African prison? Do you?
wow. the above scholar no doubt came up with the incredibly apt trump-mandela comparison all by itself..

what's next? gandhi?
It would depend on the state law. I doubt there is a state law written for this eventuality in most states though. So each state would send it's electoral votes to Washington to be opened in a joint session. What would happen is that if Trump were to be the nominee and were to win, when it came time to certify him for the election by the joint session of Congress, there would be an objection (as we saw in 2020). The chambers would vote on the objection. This is where it probably gets interesting as for a constitutional crisis. The House and the Senate would both debate this. What should happen is that if Trump is in prison, his name is taken out of consideration. Would it happen? Probably not. The GOP is completely devoid of character, scruples, and is stocked top to bottom with hypocrites who hate babies and are mean to puppies.

But Here is what I think would happen. As the votes for vice President are counted, the vice president, presumably, would get certified as VP. The 25th Amendment would then be twisted and turned to install the VP as President Elect. The 25th only is used for a seated POTUS/VPOTUS however. But I think the Court will extend that to cover the President/VP Elect though. Its a gray area.

I would imagine there is a school of thought as to where the Democrat with the 2nd highest number of electoral votes would get a sniff for President (in this case a 2nd term) but that wouldn't fly (I believe).

Isn't this the very kind of thing you all were weeping and gnashing your teeth about in 2020?
I don't think so. Maybe. I do remember a lot of celebrating your blob's ass getting kicked, Joe flipping 5 states, and Harris being VP. What do you remember?

Contesting the electoral votes. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Yet here you are endorsing such a thing

not that we EVER expect you to have standards beyond licking the jackboots of power
Contesting the electoral votes. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Yet here you are endorsing such a thing

not that we EVER expect you to have standards beyond licking the jackboots of power
You seem to be imagining things like voter fraud, poison vaccines, that anyone likes you…
You seem to be imagining things like voter fraud, poison vaccines, that anyone likes you…

Every time you personally insult me or anyone else, often viciously while imaging death on them, I imagine you administrating HOSPITAL operations.

Gonna report that? Go for it. You admitted it and you continue to wish death on folks.
There should be no political party opposing the 1,000 year democrat Reich
Desperate attempt at diversion noted.

Conservative Constitutional Scholar Michael Luttig's assessment:

The war on democracy instigated by the former president and his political party allies on January 6 was the natural and foreseeable culmination of the war for America. It was the final fateful day for the execution of a well-developed plan by the former president to overturn the 2020 presidential election at any cost, so that he could cling to power that the American People had decided to confer upon his successor, the next president of the United States instead. Knowing full well that he had lost the 2020 presidential election, the former president and his allies and supporters falsely claimed and proclaimed to the nation that he had won the election, and then he and they set about to overturn the election that he and they knew the former president had lost.
Desperate attempt at diversion noted.

Conservative Constitutional Scholar Michael Luttig's assessment:

The war on democracy instigated by the former president and his political party allies on January 6 was the natural and foreseeable culmination of the war for America. It was the final fateful day for the execution of a well-developed plan by the former president to overturn the 2020 presidential election at any cost, so that he could cling to power that the American People had decided to confer upon his successor, the next president of the United States instead. Knowing full well that he had lost the 2020 presidential election, the former president and his allies and supporters falsely claimed and proclaimed to the nation that he had won the election, and then he and they set about to overturn the election that he and they knew the former president had lost.

OMG What does Liz Cheney say??? Don't tell me we lost Liz Cheney too

Unlike you Progressive Hiveminded bots I don't Give a Fuck about what some Conservative Constitutional Scholar thinks
OMG What does Liz Cheney say??? Don't tell me we lost Liz Cheney too

Unlike you Progressive Hiveminded bots I don't Give a Fuck about what some Conservative Constitutional Scholar thinks
Your contempt for the Constitution is noted.

It follows from contempt for the democratic will of the People as expressed in free and fair elections certified by all 50 states, and contempt for law and order at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and in subsequent, ongoing adjudications.

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