What happens when $100 billion a year in tax revenues disappear??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Totally unspoken and obviously no one seems to recognize that when Obama's preference comes into reality.
Each year 1,300 companies pay $100 billion in Federal, state, local and local property taxes.
In addition these companies employ over 400,000 that also pay at an average of $40,000 a year $1.2 billion personal SS/Medicare.
Then with these 400,000 being unemployed at $300/week for 99 weeks.. another $12 billion.

But Obama's preference will also affect any of you that have these 1,300 companies with offices in your property tax area.
Because these companies going out of business will no longer pay property taxes and we know from Detroit what that means!

All of the above lost TAX revenues and increased government costs... because of Obama's preferences are now in place.

Not one of you can dispute that the above lost tax revenue and increased govt. costs will NOT happen because here is Obama's
preference: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means "I want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business"!

Not ONE of you can dispute that FACT!

The fallacy of Obamacare BASED on a false premise i.e. 46 million uninsured will destroy our health care!
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How many of you that read the above still don't think Obama wants to destroy $100 billion a year in tax revenue?

I mean how dumb must you people be that don't comprehend how destructive this ACA is as it is the objective of Obama to have a single payer system that will: cover the remaining 4 million that can be insured with a simple 10% tax on lawyers that are the cause
for $850 billion a year in totally duplicated testing,etc.....
Also remember these numbers:
15,000 UPS spouses not to be covered due to ACA!

For the employer, dropping coverage is a pretty decent deal:
A company would see its health care costs reduced by over 40 percent. They don’t drop to zero, however, since the employer would still be on the hook for the fines that come along with not offering coverage.

But for the employee, it’s a pretty lousy deal. Lockton ran the numbers, using data on how much employers pay for health insurance now and how much health insurance on the exchanges is projected to cost.They found that employers foot a significantly larger chunk of the insurance bill than the federal government would, even with the new subsidies they’d receive. The firm predicts their premiums would increase anywhere from 79 to 125 percent if they lose employer coverage and have to go to the exchange. There’s such a big variation because exchange subsidies vary by income: Those who earn more are eligible for a larger subsidy.
Will Obamacare Spell the End of Employer Insurance? | Mother Jones

Do you understand this means insurance companies REVENUES are dropping because of OBAMACARE!!!

So how will the remaining companies stay in business? Raising their rates! AGAIN stupid stupid people allowing the destruction
of $100 billion a year tax generator,400,000 people being laid off ALL because of 4 million uninsured!
The second-largest health insurance company in South Carolina is pulling out of the state at the end of the year because of the Affordable Care Act. Medical Mutual of Ohio is the parent company of the Carolina Care plan, which insures about 28,000 people in South Carolina.
The company is also pulling out of Georgia and Indiana. Medical Mutual spokesman Ed Byers says, "Under new regulations, which are vast and quite complex, it is in our best interest to focus on our core market of Ohio where we are headquartered and have been doing business successfully for nearly 80 years."
Major Health Insurance Company Leaving S.C. | wltx.com
Case in point the news that Aetna will stop selling health insurance to individual consumers in California at the end of 2013, in advance of Obamacare's complete transformation of the insurance market: a transformation which just incidentally may see most private health insurance firms follow in Aetna's steps and the emergence of a single-payer system along the lines of the British National Health Service. A government-mandated and funded system which, needless to say, crushes private enterprise, and ends up costing far more for all involved than an efficient market based on individual wants, needs and capabilities constantly in flux.

Aetna Pulls Out Of California Individual Insurance Market In Response To Obamacare | Zero Hedge
Am I missing something here?
Is $100 billion a year in reduced tax revenue peanuts?
Are 400,000 people being put out of not important?
Also remember these numbers:
15,000 UPS spouses not to be covered due to ACA!

For the employer, dropping coverage is a pretty decent deal:
A company would see its health care costs reduced by over 40 percent. They don’t drop to zero, however, since the employer would still be on the hook for the fines that come along with not offering coverage.

But for the employee, it’s a pretty lousy deal. Lockton ran the numbers, using data on how much employers pay for health insurance now and how much health insurance on the exchanges is projected to cost.They found that employers foot a significantly larger chunk of the insurance bill than the federal government would, even with the new subsidies they’d receive. The firm predicts their premiums would increase anywhere from 79 to 125 percent if they lose employer coverage and have to go to the exchange. There’s such a big variation because exchange subsidies vary by income: Those who earn more are eligible for a larger subsidy.
Will Obamacare Spell the End of Employer Insurance? | Mother Jones

Do you understand this means insurance companies REVENUES are dropping because of OBAMACARE!!!

So how will the remaining companies stay in business? Raising their rates! AGAIN stupid stupid people allowing the destruction
of $100 billion a year tax generator,400,000 people being laid off ALL because of 4 million uninsured!

United Healthcare is the company that insures my employees. They have raised rates every year sighting higher costs at hospitals and clinics which they, United Healthcare Owns.

Healthcare is 100% subsidized for employers. My company currently pays $2,304,000.00/yr in premiums. The effective cost is $612,000.00/yr.
Also remember these numbers:
15,000 UPS spouses not to be covered due to ACA!

For the employer, dropping coverage is a pretty decent deal:
A company would see its health care costs reduced by over 40 percent. They don’t drop to zero, however, since the employer would still be on the hook for the fines that come along with not offering coverage.

But for the employee, it’s a pretty lousy deal. Lockton ran the numbers, using data on how much employers pay for health insurance now and how much health insurance on the exchanges is projected to cost.They found that employers foot a significantly larger chunk of the insurance bill than the federal government would, even with the new subsidies they’d receive. The firm predicts their premiums would increase anywhere from 79 to 125 percent if they lose employer coverage and have to go to the exchange. There’s such a big variation because exchange subsidies vary by income: Those who earn more are eligible for a larger subsidy.
Will Obamacare Spell the End of Employer Insurance? | Mother Jones

Do you understand this means insurance companies REVENUES are dropping because of OBAMACARE!!!

So how will the remaining companies stay in business? Raising their rates! AGAIN stupid stupid people allowing the destruction
of $100 billion a year tax generator,400,000 people being laid off ALL because of 4 million uninsured!

United Healthcare is the company that insures my employees. They have raised rates every year sighting higher costs at hospitals and clinics which they, United Healthcare Owns.

Healthcare is 100% subsidized for employers. My company currently pays $2,304,000.00/yr in premiums. The effective cost is $612,000.00/yr.

"my employees"???

Obviously then you understand financial statements then where did you get "effect cost" other then the FACT the
$2.3 million you pay is tax deductible.. in fact health insurance premiums are the largest tax deduction taken by tax payers.

UnitedHealthcare Employer & Individual second quarter revenues of $11.2 billion decreased $417 million
UnitedHealthcare’s commercial medical care ratio decreased 10 basis points year-over-year to 80.7 percent in the second quarter.

Do you understand what THAT 80.7% is?? Over $8.8 Billion is what United paid out in CLAIMS of every dollar of premium.. 80%!!

Now being financially adroit.. If 80% is already going out in claims WHY NOT attack the biggest creator of all these claim costs?
The $850 billion a year doctors attest they send to insurance companies,etc. for "DEFENSIVE MEDICINE"!
All out of fear of lawsuits, they order duplicate tests (and under Medicare Stark Law they can't have an interest in the referral so forget
that idiotic claim doctors make money off duplicates tests!)
Another fact you of all people should comprehend is there never were 46 million people that wanted and needed health insurance!
Bogus number as 10 million are not citizens, 14 million already covered by Medicaid and 18 million don't want and don't need insurance!
That leaves 4 million that truly want and need !
Tax the lawyers as ACA taxed tanning salons as they caused cancer!
Well $850 billion a year "cancer" i.e. defensive medicine is what YOUR premiums are paying for!
10% tax on $270 billion lawyers make would PAY a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million uninsured!

That and auditing hospitals to prevent the sometimes 6,000% MARKUP on claims hospitals send to payers would dramatically drop
insurance costs and under STATES' regulators would drop premiums!
Totally unspoken and obviously no one seems to recognize that when Obama's preference comes into reality.
Each year 1,300 companies pay $100 billion in Federal, state, local and local property taxes.
In addition these companies employ over 400,000 that also pay at an average of $40,000 a year $1.2 billion personal SS/Medicare.
Then with these 400,000 being unemployed at $300/week for 99 weeks.. another $12 billion.

But Obama's preference will also affect any of you that have these 1,300 companies with offices in your property tax area.
Because these companies going out of business will no longer pay property taxes and we know from Detroit what that means!

All of the above lost TAX revenues and increased government costs... because of Obama's preferences are now in place.

Not one of you can dispute that the above lost tax revenue and increased govt. costs will NOT happen because here is Obama's
preference: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means "I want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business"!

Not ONE of you can dispute that FACT!

The fallacy of Obamacare BASED on a false premise i.e. 46 million uninsured will destroy our health care!

your point is well taken and totally valid.

But, it will fall on the deaf ears of the libtards because in their extreme ignorance they think that obamacare will be FREE for THEM and that some evil rich guy will be the only one paying more.

In short, dems and libs are the most ignorant people on the face of the earth.
Also remember these numbers:
15,000 UPS spouses not to be covered due to ACA!

For the employer, dropping coverage is a pretty decent deal:
A company would see its health care costs reduced by over 40 percent. They don’t drop to zero, however, since the employer would still be on the hook for the fines that come along with not offering coverage.

But for the employee, it’s a pretty lousy deal. Lockton ran the numbers, using data on how much employers pay for health insurance now and how much health insurance on the exchanges is projected to cost.They found that employers foot a significantly larger chunk of the insurance bill than the federal government would, even with the new subsidies they’d receive. The firm predicts their premiums would increase anywhere from 79 to 125 percent if they lose employer coverage and have to go to the exchange. There’s such a big variation because exchange subsidies vary by income: Those who earn more are eligible for a larger subsidy.
Will Obamacare Spell the End of Employer Insurance? | Mother Jones

Do you understand this means insurance companies REVENUES are dropping because of OBAMACARE!!!

So how will the remaining companies stay in business? Raising their rates! AGAIN stupid stupid people allowing the destruction
of $100 billion a year tax generator,400,000 people being laid off ALL because of 4 million uninsured!

United Healthcare is the company that insures my employees. They have raised rates every year sighting higher costs at hospitals and clinics which they, United Healthcare Owns.

Healthcare is 100% subsidized for employers. My company currently pays $2,304,000.00/yr in premiums. The effective cost is $612,000.00/yr.

"my employees"???

Obviously then you understand financial statements then where did you get "effect cost" other then the FACT the
$2.3 million you pay is tax deductible.. in fact health insurance premiums are the largest tax deduction taken by tax payers.

UnitedHealthcare Employer & Individual second quarter revenues of $11.2 billion decreased $417 million
UnitedHealthcare’s commercial medical care ratio decreased 10 basis points year-over-year to 80.7 percent in the second quarter.

Do you understand what THAT 80.7% is?? Over $8.8 Billion is what United paid out in CLAIMS of every dollar of premium.. 80%!!

Now being financially adroit.. If 80% is already going out in claims WHY NOT attack the biggest creator of all these claim costs?
The $850 billion a year doctors attest they send to insurance companies,etc. for "DEFENSIVE MEDICINE"!
All out of fear of lawsuits, they order duplicate tests (and under Medicare Stark Law they can't have an interest in the referral so forget
that idiotic claim doctors make money off duplicates tests!)
Another fact you of all people should comprehend is there never were 46 million people that wanted and needed health insurance!
Bogus number as 10 million are not citizens, 14 million already covered by Medicaid and 18 million don't want and don't need insurance!
That leaves 4 million that truly want and need !
Tax the lawyers as ACA taxed tanning salons as they caused cancer!
Well $850 billion a year "cancer" i.e. defensive medicine is what YOUR premiums are paying for!
10% tax on $270 billion lawyers make would PAY a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million uninsured!

That and auditing hospitals to prevent the sometimes 6,000% MARKUP on claims hospitals send to payers would dramatically drop
insurance costs and under STATES' regulators would drop premiums!

Efective cost is actual cost.

Good rant, but doesn't UHC own the majority of hospitals and clinics they pay?
What happens when $100 billion a year in tax revenues disappear??

i can knock this out of the park with one swing of my bat !! :up:

LIARBERALS and their cronies get more pocket change :up:

e.g., the clintons
Totally unspoken and obviously no one seems to recognize that when Obama's preference comes into reality.
Each year 1,300 companies pay $100 billion in Federal, state, local and local property taxes.
In addition these companies employ over 400,000 that also pay at an average of $40,000 a year $1.2 billion personal SS/Medicare.
Then with these 400,000 being unemployed at $300/week for 99 weeks.. another $12 billion.

But Obama's preference will also affect any of you that have these 1,300 companies with offices in your property tax area.
Because these companies going out of business will no longer pay property taxes and we know from Detroit what that means!

All of the above lost TAX revenues and increased government costs... because of Obama's preferences are now in place.

Not one of you can dispute that the above lost tax revenue and increased govt. costs will NOT happen because here is Obama's
preference: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Which means "I want to put the 1,300 health insurance companies out of business"!

Not ONE of you can dispute that FACT!

The fallacy of Obamacare BASED on a false premise i.e. 46 million uninsured will destroy our health care!

Were already losing tax revenue because of greedy businessmen.

Offshore Tax Havens Cost Average Taxpayer $1,026 a Year, Small Businesses $3,067

Offshore Tax Havens Cost Average Taxpayer $1,026 a Year, Small Businesses $3,067 | U.S. PIRG

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