What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

I stopped reading when you called me a “horrible person.” All I did was point out that leftist policy is resulting in people being treated differently based on the color of their skin. Thank G-d that Virginia voters are putting a stop to teaching children to be racists.
Do you ever stop complaining?
What I deserve is to be served before a black person if I have been waiting longer than the black person, even if I am white.
Again, you don't DESERVE shit, Karen.
You leftists would be screaming racism of servers prioritized white people over blacks.
I'm a white independent that's never screamed racism in my life. That's what you entitled magaturds do. The amount of melanin in ones skin doesn't create your problem, it's your impotent entitlement making you repellent human beings that does.
People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.

That is just how the cookie crumbles.

In 1619, those colonists made a fatal blunder in starting slavery.

We in 2021 are just reaping the inevitable consequences of what was sown back then.

So just do the best you can under the circumstances.

In the coming decades, things will get even more "interesting" for the Caucasian minority that is left.

P.S. Hope you get more equal service next time. But don't hold your breath. As they say, just roll with the punches.
Look it up for yourself, dingus. If you believe it’s okay to take one man’s earnings to subsidize another man’s needs, you’re a lazy piece of shit. You can deny that is a central tenet of Marxism all you’d like, but your semantic BS only identifies you as a useful idiot for other Marxist assholes.
So....you really don't know enough to tell us what Marxism is. I'm sure you enjoy your ignorance too.
Let's see, CRT is bad because it convinces black people to be victims (even though most people don't have a deep understanding of or have ever brushed up against the topic) but the OP isn't served in the exact order she thinks she should have been and her first thought is to jump to racism? Hmm.
Yes. I should have been served first because I arrived 15 minutes earlier. The woketards are so overcompensating for “black oppression” that they prioritize them over whites no matter who should be served first.

Reverse It. Say a black has been sitting ignored for 15 minutes (right there the libs would scream racism) when a white walks in. The white is immediately attended to, and the black is relegated to being served after the white, even the the black has been sitting there for 15 minutes.

What we have here is another example of reverse racism, now permeating through society.
Someone I know is 1/8th black and applied to a decent college - and was rejected. (She had checked white, which is how she views herself.) She then applied to a much more competitive school (just under IVY, like Duke), checked black, and voila! In like Flynn.
So you are comparing two different colleges....and you think this proves something? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So you are comparing two different colleges....and you think this proves something? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What better proves it is published data, showing how blacks with mediocre grades are accepted into educational programs far more than whites with better grades.

It sure seems as though leftists want to give advantages to blacks, to the detriment of whites, via affirmative action - and then deny that blacks are favored with lower standards that allows them admission.

And please grow up and stop with the condescending emojis.
Yes. I should have been served first because I arrived 15 minutes earlier. The woketards are so overcompensating for “black oppression” that they prioritize them over whites no matter who should be served first.

Reverse It. Say a black has been sitting ignored for 15 minutes (right there the libs would scream racism) when a white walks in. The white is immediately attended to, and the black is relegated to being served after the white, even the the black has been sitting there for 15 minutes.

What we have here is another example of reverse racism, now permeating through society.
Definitely a Karen. The wait staff probably saw you coming a mile away.
Yup…. Typical leftist response. When someone points out the wrong in their policies, they’re told to quick bitching. IOW, be silent!!!

There were perhaps four or five occupied tables there. Not busy at all. The fact is that the woketards are so brainwashed into thinking blacks are all these oppressed victims that they overcompensate and treat whitey as the lowly plebe and the black as deserving better attention.
"typical leftist response".............. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.
Assuming that you’re white, I find it odd that a waitro would show preference to a black customer considering that blacks are traditionally poor tippers.
Yes. I should have been served first because I arrived 15 minutes earlier. The woketards are so overcompensating for “black oppression” that they prioritize them over whites no matter who should be served first.

Reverse It. Say a black has been sitting ignored for 15 minutes (right there the libs would scream racism) when a white walks in. The white is immediately attended to, and the black is relegated to being served after the white, even the the black has been sitting there for 15 minutes.

What we have here is another example of reverse racism, now permeating through society.
The fatal flaw is that you automatically assume that a mistake was racially motivated...being hyper sensitive about white privilege.

That has happened to me many time...and it was WHITE folks that got served before I did. (I'm white)
Definitely a Karen. The wait staff probably saw you coming a mile away.
And you’re definitely a racist. Against whites.

Amazing how leftists purport to be against racism, and then gleefully reveal it within themselves.

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