What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

Maybe you have been there before and you are a demanding no tipping leave a messy table pain in the ass? You're still complaining. I am a courteous customer, I wait patently, I keep complaints to a minimum, I tip 20%, I stack my dishes and I hardly ever get bad service. Imagine that.
Nope. I see you’re doing the leftist thing again - blaming a white when she receives poor service. I tip well and leave a clean table.

What you leftists are doing is denying the impact of your racist, anti-white agenda.
Yes….equity of results. And that’s what the Marxist-leaning VP said would signal the end of racism: when blacks (as a group) are equal to whites (as a group). Any bad personal behavior, like having 75% of black babies out of wedlock - and its correlation to higher crime and poorer educational attainment - is ignored.

That means, according to Marxists, that blacks can continue behavior that leads to lesser success, lesser education, and more crime - and it will all be chalked up to evil whitey and the “problem of whiteness.”
"75% of black babies out of wedlock"..........:heehee: How many white babies out of wedlock?
CRT is a decades old theory that is only popular in the upper realms of academia.

It's not infiltrating schools or anything else.
It's their boogieman.....
It happened to me a few weekends ago at our local breakfast restaurant. I got skipped and someone else got their food first. You didn't see me on here bitching about it and blaming it on politics. It was just busy. Quit taking things so personally.
What???? And miss an opportunity to play the white victim??????
Poor benighted white victims......................................... :itsok:
I see you can’t deny what I said: thar blacks are being admitted to med school with scores and grades that have whites laughed out of the place - and that condescending thing. And yes, favoring blacks over better-qualified whites does come at the expense of whites,and the latter ARE victims of the leftist anti-white policies.
And yet...if "race is, or should be irrelevant....here you are whining about not being served before a black person in a restaurant.
If rwce WERE irrelevant, I would have been served first, since I arrived first. This isn’t about not being served before a black person, but being served last BECAUSE the person was black.

People should be served in order of their arrival, especially when one person has been sitting there ignored for 15 minutes and another person just arrives. Skin color is irrelevant, unless of course you’re a leftist.
Nope. I see you’re doing the leftist thing again - blaming a white when she receives poor service. I tip well and leave a clean table.

What you leftists are doing is denying the impact of your racist, anti-white agenda.
I'm doing the thing I always do when I encounter a horrible person. I can even hear your strident self important never happy voice through the screen of my computer. If this is the worst thing that has happened to you lately you have nothing at all to complain about. Life is too short to take the world personally.
"75% of black babies out of wedlock"..........:heehee: How many white babies out of wedlock?
Substantially less - around 20%. That is why whites do better in society - they have the firm foundation of an intact family, which leads to higher educational attainment and less poverty and crime.
I'm doing the thing I always do when I encounter a horrible person. I can even hear your strident self important never happy voice through the screen of my computer. If this is the worst thing that has happened to you lately you have nothing at all to complain about. Life is too short to take the world personally.
I stopped reading when you called me a “horrible person.” All I did was point out that leftist policy is resulting in people being treated differently based on the color of their skin. Thank G-d that Virginia voters are putting a stop to teaching children to be racists.
So Karen.
Wow. You leftists sure demonize someone who points out the consequences of your racist teachings. I suppose I should be grateful that you’re not siccing the FBI on me.
Define Marxism for us.
Look it up for yourself, dingus. If you believe it’s okay to take one man’s earnings to subsidize another man’s needs, you’re a lazy piece of shit. You can deny that is a central tenet of Marxism all you’d like, but your semantic BS only identifies you as a useful idiot for other Marxist assholes.
Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx. It examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. Marxism posits that the struggle between social classes—specifically between the bourgeoisie, or capitalists, and the proletariat, or workers—defines economic relations in a capitalist economy and will inevitably lead to revolutionary communism.

And that revolution is exactly what you and other so called "progressives" like you want....
Marxism is communism to you?
Let's see, CRT is bad because it convinces black people to be victims (even though most people don't have a deep understanding of or have ever brushed up against the topic) but the OP isn't served in the exact order she thinks she should have been and her first thought is to jump to racism? Hmm.
Kids all over the country are pretending they are black on their college admissions so they can get accepted.
Someone I know is 1/8th black and applied to a decent college - and was rejected. (She had checked white, which is how she views herself.) She then applied to a much more competitive school (just under IVY, like Duke), checked black, and voila! In like Flynn.
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