What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

"typical leftist response".............. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I need an emoji of someone talking to a wall. Since we don’t have that, you’re on ignore. I find that arguing with teenage males unproductive.
The fatal flaw is that you automatically assume that a mistake was racially motivated...being hyper sensitive about white privilege.

That has happened to me many time...and it was WHITE folks that got served before I did. (I'm white)
And the server probably took one look at Karen Lisa here and said...yea...fuck her...She's waitin...because she SMELLS like douchebag.

Asking to speak to the manager is a telltale sign of being a Karen. Especially when it doesn't appear "Lisa" said shit to the server her/himself. And just like any other Karen this one is limping through life with their victimhood intact.
That doesn’t make any sense. As a consumer you have a right to complain. Doesn’t make one a “Karen”.
why dont you educate us all and define marxism ?
Typical uneducated far rightie wants the Left to do their research for them.......I'm not the one throwing the term around like the boogeyman.....
Assuming that you’re white, I find it odd that a waitro would show preference to a black customer considering that blacks are traditionally poor tippers.
I don‘t know anything about how blacks tip, traditionally. All I know is that the woketard server overcompensated and ignored the whitey for 15 minutes to give priority service to the black woman who just walked in.

Possibly, it’s a “woke” company that has had “whiteness“ training and the waiter knew he better serve the black person right away.
I don‘t know anything about how blacks tip, traditionally. All I know is that the woketard server overcompensated and ignored the whitey for 15 minutes to give priority service to the black woman who just walked in.

Possibly, it’s a “woke” company that has had “whiteness“ training and the waiter knew he better serve the black person right away.
Bullshit. She took one look at you and said "Fuck that bitch".

Had nothing to do with skin color.

You EXUDE grievance and righteous privilege
I don‘t know anything about how blacks tip, traditionally. All I know is that the woketard server overcompensated and ignored the whitey for 15 minutes to give priority service to the black woman who just walked in.

Possibly, it’s a “woke” company that has had “whiteness“ training and the waiter knew he better serve the black person right away.
Still playing the Karen.
One lesson I learned a lot time ago (from friends that were servers) don't piss off the wait staff...they'll hock goobers in your dinner
I see you can’t deny what I said: thar blacks are being admitted to med school with scores and grades that have whites laughed out of the place - and that condescending thing. And yes, favoring blacks over better-qualified whites does come at the expense of whites,and the latter ARE victims of the leftist anti-white policies.
You know who takes advantage of AA more than any other demographic? White women.
If rwce WERE irrelevant, I would have been served first, since I arrived first. This isn’t about not being served before a black person, but being served last BECAUSE the person was black.

People should be served in order of their arrival, especially when one person has been sitting there ignored for 15 minutes and another person just arrives. Skin color is irrelevant, unless of course you’re a leftist.
You asked them, right? And they TOLD you it was because you were a white.....right?
What better proves it is published data, showing how blacks with mediocre grades are accepted into educational programs far more than whites with better grades.

It sure seems as though leftists want to give advantages to blacks, to the detriment of whites, via affirmative action - and then deny that blacks are favored with lower standards that allows them admission.

And please grow up and stop with the condescending emojis.


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