What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

What do you do for a living?
I am looking for a "Horrible Boss" to help me with my client relations and customer service skills.
Not I but others have that right. You want to make this personal, transocrat? We can do that. Let me know what gender you want to be today and we may proceed.

You don't have the right? That's weird, like the rest of your post. I guess it is true, Karens are very thin skinned.
It's very telling when you ask them what "Marxism" or "CRT" means, they DEMAND you look it up or they get hostile. Very telling.
You'd think they would at least say please since they want others to do their work for them.
CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.
OK Karen.

I will start by saying that assuming your account of events is accurate , it does indeed appear that there was somedesparity in the way the two of you were treated. However, I can't know, and you can't know what was in that waiters head. Nor can either of us know if the waiter knows what critical race theory is, or what his understanding of it is if he has heard of it. ( I am assuming here that the waiter is white.)

You are somewhat right in saying that "CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed" but somehow I don't think that you believe it. And while that may be true CRT does not teach that white people should bend over backwards and kiss black ass to atone for the original sinof racism

CRT teaches in part that there is sytemic racism and the we as white people should be aware of it, call it out when we encounter it and be aware of our own attitudes and behaviors that might constitute casual racism. It is also about acknowleging the reality if white privilege. As a white person I can oint to many times in my long life when such privilege was bestowed up me.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with me on my interpretation of CRT, it does not explain that waiters behavior and the way that you were treated should not be used as a condemnation of CRT
Not I meaning I find it useless to complain. But others have that right. Keep up, snowflake.

Nobody is saying anyone doesn't have the right. Karens are known for being whiny and going straight to the manager. For a political ideology that lives pretty much only in memes these days it's strange that you don't know this one.
You meant it doesn't? So it was all fake, eh?

Love your last comment there..."even when the white DESERVES priority treatment"......
That white did deserve priority treatment: because s/he was there prior to the other. First come, first served. The blacks complain if it's the other way around, after all.
CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.
Critical race theory (CRT) is a body of legal scholarship and an academic movement of civil-rights scholars and activists who seek to examine the intersection of race and law in the United States and to challenge mainstream American liberal approaches to racial justice.
CRT examines social, cultural, and legal issues primarily as they relate to race and racism in the U.S..[5][6] A tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals.

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