What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

CRT teaches in part that there is sytemic racism and the we as white people should be aware of it, call it out when we encounter it and be aware of our own attitudes and behaviors that might constitute casual racism.
Whether you believe there is “systemic racism” or not, teaching people they should be aware of it, and act accordingly, is an opinion. Teaching opinions is detrimental to actual learning. It is the domain of religion and indoctrination, not knowledge.
Ah....another Karen.
Wrong side Karen.

I see you’re a proponent of blacks first rather than first come first served! Yeah, you give away your place in line for blacks right? I don’t for any color person. First come, first serve
Whether you believe there is “systemic racism” or not, teaching people they should be aware of it, and act accordingly, is an opinion. Teaching opinions is detrimental to actual learning. It is the domain of religion and indoctrination, not knowledge.
Sharing an opinion is not indoctrination or dogma. In addition, being exposed to an opinion causes people to think and see thing in a different light and therefor learn
And when exactly is it that whites deservepriority treatment?
What we are talking about! If a white person arrives 15 minutes before a black person at a restaurant, the white person deserves priority treatment - and not the reverse because leftists are overcompensating as a result of the CRT brainwashing.

First come, first serve.
Ummm, good poster LIsa.....where in your state is CRT being taught?
This again? CRT, as an academic theory, is not being taught - as in CRT class on M, W, F at 2 pm. Rather, teachers are being told to “embrace CRT” (as if it is factual rather than theoretic), and bear in mind how America is set up to oppress blacks when interacting with their children, and to reengineer values and beliefs.

It leads to overcompensating - favoring the black over the white to “make up for” all this oppression. And that is racist. That is why the waiter was so eager to give immediate attention to the black person after telling the white person they‘re “short staffed” (and that is why the white has been ignored).

Thank G-d my state is putting a stop to that.
Give me a fucking break! You're splitting hairs. In any case, presenting as opinion or teaching is not indocrination. That analysis is way over the top.
No, different words have different meanings. I’m just perceptive enough to call out your weak attempt to reframe what I said. Teachers have an authority that should preclude them from thinking their opinions are teachable facts.
Saying white people should be aware of systemic racism (whether it exists or not) is an opinion, not a fact.
Try smarter next time.
No, different words have different meanings. I’m just perceptive enough to call out your weak attempt to reframe what I said. Teachers have an authority that should preclude them from thinking their opinions are teachable facts.
Try smarter next time.
Yup. In VA, teachers received a memo instructing them “to embrace racism” and be mindful of it when interacting with black and white kids. They were told to be conscious of race when teaching. That is the opposite of what teachers should be doing.
Where is Critical Race Theory taught?
Good poster Orangecat responds:

"Schools, I’d imagine"
Well, that seems plausible, poster Orangecat, but......but which one?
At elementary level?
Middle school?
High school?
What about junior colleges or universities?

If so, which ones?

How do you know?
What we are talking about! If a white person arrives 15 minutes before a black person at a restaurant, the white person deserves priority treatment - and not the reverse because leftists are overcompensating as a result of the CRT brainwashing.

First come, first serve.
OK , I'm happy that you clarified that because it sounded a bit more nafarious than that, although I am not sure if you are just whitwashing it now.

Your still blathering about CRT so it appears that you did not really understand my post # 158. OK Karen?
No, different words have different meanings. I’m just perceptive enough to call out your weak attempt to reframe what I said. Teachers have an authority that should preclude them from thinking their opinions are teachable facts.
Saying white people should be aware of systemic racism (whether it exists or not) is an opinion, not a fact.
Try smarter next time.
The fundamentals of CRT are teachable facts. That is still not indoctrination
Critical race theory (CRT) is a body of legal scholarship and an academic movement of civil-rights scholars and activists who seek to examine the intersection of race and law in the United States and to challenge mainstream American liberal approaches to racial justice.
CRT examines social, cultural, and legal issues primarily as they relate to race and racism in the U.S..[5][6] A tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals.
China, Japan, South Korea and other Asian nations don't give a damn and laugh at us as they graduate and accept the best of their classes to promote their futures. And East Asia is going to be number one at some point. We won't be worrying about CRT at that point.
Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.
A Country Controlled by Birth and Not Worth

Think about the fact that you just showed that the rich are the race traitors. In order to stay on top, they must humiliate and demoralize all other Whites; Blacks don't matter except as weapons of Birth-Class Supremacy.

That's what's been behind this Civil Rights charade from the very beginning. JFK gave it it's strongest push. What was he but a spoiled fraud who would have been no more than a bartender if his Daddy, like all other plutocrats, hadn't thrown a lot of money in the right places?
Where is Critical Race Theory taught?
Good poster Orangecat responds:

Well, that seems plausible, poster Orangecat, but......but which one?
At elementary level?
Middle school?
High school?
What about junior colleges or universities?

If so, which ones?

How do you know?
I don’t have kids and therefore do not really care. That’s why I said “I imagine” and then went on to clarify that there appears to be a battle between the supporters and opponents of it. That much is obvious by this very thread.

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