What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

And you’re definitely a racist. Against whites.

Amazing how leftists purport to be against racism, and then gleefully reveal it within themselves.
And here you go............calling others racist.
I need an emoji of someone talking to a wall. Since we don’t have that, you’re on ignore. I find that arguing with teenage males unproductive.
I need an emoji of someone talking to a wall. Since we don’t have that, you’re on ignore. I find that arguing with teenage males unproductive.
Running away in a Karen manner.
Come up with any imbecilic diversion you’d like, useful idiot. It only illustrates how mentally inept you are.
Still not seeing your definition of Marxism. Sad that you believe in a boogeyman you can't even define.
Everyone gets five minutes of bitching then it's time to forget it or do something about it.
Typical lib, thinking you make the rules. Truth is, the situation described by the OP may have been less egregious than what was suggested, and perhaps not. This is just a way for me to fill time on my layover in O’Hare.
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Still not seeing your definition of Marxism. Sad that you believe in a boogeyman you can't even define.
I don’t have “my own” definition of Marxism, dumbass. Anyone can look it up for themselves.
If you had even rudimentary reading comprehensive abilities, you would realize that I only mentioned a central tenet of Marxism, and called out assholes who ascribe to it.
From those with means, to those with needs.
You’re not intelligent enough for adult conversation, hence my observation that you are a useful idiot.
I don’t have “my own” definition of Marxism, dumbass. Anyone can look it up for themselves.
If you had even rudimentary reading comprehensive abilities, you would realize that I only mentioned a central tenet of Marxism, and called out assholes who ascribe to it.
From those with means, to those with needs.
You’re not intelligent enough for adult conversation, hence my observation that you are a useful idiot.
"I don't have 'my own' definition of Marxism".................well, there you go......:heehee:
That doesn’t make any sense. As a consumer you have a right to complain. Doesn’t make one a “Karen”.
Of course you have the right to be a pain in the ass. Do you usually go right to the manager with every slight you receive in life, Karen?
Yes. I should have been served first because I arrived 15 minutes earlier. The woketards are so overcompensating for “black oppression” that they prioritize them over whites no matter who should be served first.

Reverse It. Say a black has been sitting ignored for 15 minutes (right there the libs would scream racism) when a white walks in. The white is immediately attended to, and the black is relegated to being served after the white, even the the black has been sitting there for 15 minutes.

What we have here is another example of reverse racism, now permeating through society.

No. As someone pointed out there are a ton of reasons why people are served before others or get their food first. What if the other person was also white? Then what? Grow the fuck up, Karen.
I am an Independent and you hate women.
Thank goodness for me, that people right-wing persuasion can't mean what they say because they can't say what they mean.

And, I have a Happy camper policy for women. Since no women are calling me on it, they can't have too much of a problem with me.
Of course you have the right to be a pain in the ass. Do you usually go right to the manager with every slight you receive in life, Karen?
Except it didn’t even occur to me to go the manager. You’re jumping to that conclusion because of the disdain you have for whites.

What you seem to be saying, Tyrone, is that when whitey sees blacks treated as superior and deserving of better treatment than whites, based solely on skin color, whitey needs to just accept that leftists will be favoring blacks from here on in, and whitey needs to be quiet.
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No. As someone pointed out there are a ton of reasons why people are served before others or get their food first. What if the other person was also white? Then what? Grow the fuck up, Karen.
Deny, deny, deny. This Is the result of “woketard” training. Out of curiosity, I just looked this restaurant chain up, and they are a very liberal company.

If a black person enters a store or restaurant, she doesn’t get to be pushed ahead of the whites because…..oh, no…..they’ve been oppressed and we must serve them first.
Of course you have the right to be a pain in the ass. Do you usually go right to the manager with every slight you receive in life, Karen?
Not I but others have that right. You want to make this personal, transocrat? We can do that. Let me know what gender you want to be today and we may proceed.
Typical lib, thinking you make the rules. Truth is, the situation described by the OP may have been less egregious than what was suggested, and perhaps not. This is just a way for me to fill time on my layover in O’Hare.
Have a good flight. Come back when you land!
Except it didn’t even occur to me to go the manager. You’re jumping to that conclusion because of the disdain you have for whites.

What you seem to be saying, Tyrone, is that when whitey sees blacks treated as superior and deserving of better treatment than whites, based solely on skin color, whitey needs to just accept that leftists will be favoring blacks from here on in, and whitey needs to be quiet.
But it DOES occur to you to come here and whine.....:heehee:
Thank goodness for me, that people right-wing persuasion can't mean what they say because they can't say what they mean.

And, I have a Happy camper policy for women. Since no women are calling me on it, they can't have too much of a problem with me.
What do you do for a living?
Deny, deny, deny. This Is the result of “woketard” training. Out of curiosity, I just looked this restaurant chain up, and they are a very liberal company.

If a black person enters a store or restaurant, she doesn’t get to be pushed ahead of the whites because…..oh, no…..they’ve been oppressed and we must serve them first.
And you take the time to look this restaurant chain up too...................:heehee:

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