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What happens when Biden is sworn in as POTUS next year?

Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?
IF Sleepy Creepy Groper Hair-Sniffer Senile Old Joe DOES somehow win the election, he won't even know WHERE he is, let alone WHICH office he's president of. I truly don't see him even making it to November. This is why the Dim Dems appear to have Cuomo waiting in the wings to take over. And do NOT count the Hildebeast out, I have a feeling we haven't heard the last from the monstrosity concerning the election coming up.
He will start putting his platform into effect thank goodness. The things you GOP dupes believe about him is as ridiculous as all the other stuff you believe. Hundreds of phony scandals conspiracies and misinformation. Poor America.
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?

We return to the disastrous Obama era.

You know, more poverty, less family income, more debt, higher taxes, more dismal economic growth, weaker military, crummy trade deal, more Illegals, more Islam ass kissing and being the joke of the world.
We are the joke of the world now.
What have you been smoking?....we over any other nation in the world have the ability to rapidly bounce back from this....tell you what...if I'm right and you are wrong by November you promise to vote for Trump...deal?....
Well at least tell me you will be happy with Trump if we do bounce back....

Trump would have to significant,y change his stance on a number of issues for me to be happy with him.
Like what, specifically, Coyote?

so many...abortion, protecting the environment, pollution, climate change, the treatment of immigrants at the border, exploitation of our national parks....
Environement..yes. I agree about that. Hunting animals, too.
Climate change...yep. Also this.
Treatment of ILLEGALS? No. I wish he were tougher.
IMMIGRANTS? They need to hold off until we knock this latest brouhaha down. Then apply like Mario did, and Izmerelda, and Antonio and his wife Olivia and apply for citizenship after being DOCUMENTED.
What exploitation of what national parks? And what about abortion? That a fetus has a right to life if the mother refuses to abort WAY WAY before it is fully formed?
In terms of immigrants it is time we remember they to are too are human beings and children belong with their families regardless of immigration status. And no. This is not calling for open borders but a more humane approach in line with the c
values we Americans purport to possess. These are all issues where I totally disagree with Trump.
Sorry, but our own people are human too and need the help more than illegals. I'm talking ILLEGALLY entering or already here. Illegally. Period. Immigrants can wait their turn but they are pushed forward over our own. I am for US, the people already here, not the ones that come with nothing and expect assistance from tax payers. No no and double no. If that makes me mean..so be it. I'm mean.
Even if it means child abuse?
Even if what means child abuse?
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?
Joe Biden's "dementia" is nothing more than GOP/Russian propaganda.

I don't suppose you've never seen the idiot ramble on?
You mean Trump? Yes. I have. His inability to complete a sentence much less a thought is striking.
I give up. You see things not there. In all my wanderings, NOBODY has ever said Trump cannot complete a sentence. Most complain he says TOO MUCH.
You're joking, right?

Yes he says too much. He says it in sentence fragments. Unconnected off topic incoherence is his trademark.

How have you not heard this?
It is NOTHING, and I mean, NOTHING like this.

It's downright scarey that the DNC continues to subject this guy to this. Just replace him and be done with it. Either dems will win..or repubs will but it will not be so distressing to watch. I hope Trump has pity on this guy if there is some sort of debate.
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?

Adam Schitt will try to impeach him.
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?
Joe Biden's "dementia" is nothing more than GOP/Russian propaganda.

I don't suppose you've never seen the idiot ramble on?
You mean Trump? Yes. I have. His inability to complete a sentence much less a thought is striking.
I give up. You see things not there. In all my wanderings, NOBODY has ever said Trump cannot complete a sentence. Most complain he says TOO MUCH.
You're joking, right?

Yes he says too much. He says it in sentence fragments. Unconnected off topic incoherence is his trademark.

How have you not heard this?
It is NOTHING, and I mean, NOTHING like this.

Oh please. We've seen tRump do worse.
Pigs will fly.

Trump is vulnerable, but Biden looks totally unfit. Find someone that doesn't look like they're nuts and feeding pigeons in the park FFS.
What will happen when Biden is sworn in next year

Repeal Trump tax cuts on the wealthy
Expand Obamacare
Rejoin Paris Climate accords
Return funding to WHO
Stock the courts with LIBERALS
Tear down the WALL
is NOTHING, and I mean, NOTHING like this.
Right, it's much worse.


The question was: “Is there a priority to get testing at food-processing plants all across the country?”
REPORTER: I wanted to ask you specifically about one industry in particular, and that’s food-processing plants. Is there a priority to get testing at food-processing plants all across the country?
TRUMP: "Well, you’re asking that because of what happened — it’s a fair question, too — what happened in Denver. Because in Denver, I’ve never seen — I said, “What’s going on?” We’re looking at this graph where everything’s looking beautiful and it’s coming down and then you got this one spike. It’s — I said, “What happened to Denver?”
And many people, very quickly, and they — by the way, they were on it like, so fast, you wouldn’t believe it. They knew every aspect. They had people go and — not only testing, “Who did you see? Where were you? How many people did you meet? Were you out to dinner in somebody else’s home? Where were you?” Where did — where did this number of people come from? How did — they are totally on it.
Now, this just happened. I just saw it this morning. I’m looking at everything smooth, going down, topping out. And then you have this one spike in Denver. It’s like, where did this come from?
So we’ll be looking at that. And we don’t want cases like that happening. This was — but this — this is the kind of thing can happen. This is very complex.
This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it. And they’re constantly trying to come up with a new — people go to a hospital and they catch — they go for a heart operation — that’s no problem, but they end up dying from — from problems. You know the problems I’m talking about. There’s a whole genius to it.
We’re fighting — not only is it hidden, but it’s very smart. Okay? It’s invisible and it’s hidden, but it’s — it’s very smart. And you see that in a case like a Denver.
But, you know, I think we’re doing well, and they’re on Denver like you wouldn’t believe. I came in this morning; it was a flurry. I said what’s going on? They said, “Denver.” I said, “What happened to Denver?” Because Denver was doing pretty well. And they’ve got that under control. But, yeah, that would be a case where you do some very big testing."

And this is every time he opens his mentally ill mouth.

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