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What happens when Biden is sworn in as POTUS next year?

Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?
Joe Biden's "dementia" is nothing more than GOP/Russian propaganda.

I don't suppose you've never seen the idiot ramble on?
You mean Trump? Yes. I have. His inability to complete a sentence much less a thought is striking.
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?

We return to the disastrous Obama era.

You know, more poverty, less family income, more debt, higher taxes, more dismal economic growth, weaker military, crummy trade deal, more Illegals, more Islam ass kissing and being the joke of the world.
We are the joke of the world now.
What have you been smoking?....we over any other nation in the world have the ability to rapidly bounce back from this....tell you what...if I'm right and you are wrong by November you promise to vote for Trump...deal?....
Well at least tell me you will be happy with Trump if we do bounce back....

Trump would have to significant,y change his stance on a number of issues for me to be happy with him.
Like what, specifically, Coyote?

so many...abortion, protecting the environment, pollution, climate change, the treatment of immigrants at the border, exploitation of our national parks....
Environement..yes. I agree about that. Hunting animals, too.
Climate change...yep. Also this.
Treatment of ILLEGALS? No. I wish he were tougher.
IMMIGRANTS? They need to hold off until we knock this latest brouhaha down. Then apply like Mario did, and Izmerelda, and Antonio and his wife Olivia and apply for citizenship after being DOCUMENTED.
What exploitation of what national parks? And what about abortion? That a fetus has a right to life if the mother refuses to abort WAY WAY before it is fully formed?
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?
I think you must still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny to even consider it a long shot of a possibility.
Cheating, dude. Its a very BIG possibility. Never underestimate the enemy. And Dems are the enemy along with lame stream media. He could win...via nefarious means. Never doubt it.
And Trump could easily win by nefarious means.
Doubtful, but yeah. Could be. Point is..do we want a man that can't string two sentences together talking to foreign leaders, seems lost, and in general is not fit...vs a man already in the trenches, dealing with someting none of us ever dealt with before, and adding to the confusion on what to do next? For me, I'd use my common sense and say leave it as it is with the potus currently there.
As a result, Trump himself has been the target of allegations about his mental health. George Conway, husband of White House advisor Kellyanne Conway, has accused the president of mental decline on numerous occasions, saying he’s not presidential but “mentally unwell.” Multiple media outlets, including The New York Times and USA Today, have published articles calling for Trump to be removed from office because he’s “psychologically unfit,” and in truly unprecedented fashion, 350 mental health professionals submitted a letter to Congress last year claiming that the president’s mental health was deteriorating.

Did you forget Trump was given a clean bill of health, including his mental health?

By the same Doc who performed Obama's check ups every year.
Did you see Trumps mental health exam?

Identify a Lion


Same exam as Obama got... ;)
If Biden wins it will be because the dems found a way to cheat....so that would be a time for all out and out war with the left.....
Yep. The ONLY way Sleepy Joe CAN win is if the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics cheat. I'm sure they're already counting on illegal votes, DEAD people votes, and of course, ballot harvesting. This ALMOST worked in 2016, thank God enough people woke up in time (myself included) to vote for President Trump.
He is a decent man Who will bring our our country back to sanity. Something that can’t be said about the current occupant.
Decent? Define decent. He's as bad as Trump when it comes to women. Ask Tara Reade and all those poor kids subjected to his fondling. And yes..I have seen dementia before. He is a prime example of the beginning of it. I feel bad for him and hope Trump does too during any debates. The man is at a loss, is lost, and does not need to be in this mess even though he is creepy and a crook to boot. Still...you would actually trust Biden to rule the USA the way he is NOW? Really?

I happen to disagree with your assessment of Biden. As far as Tara Reade she has yet to prove her case. At any rate, Trump has those same issues against him including claims of dementia And he is corrupt.
Did that woman prove her case against kavanaugh? Since when does the woman have to prove her MeToo? Werent all women supposed to be believed? Trump can speak clearly, deal with CORRUPT foreign nations taking us all for a ride and knows what to do currently.
How is he corrupt? As you said..nothing was proven with the russia thing. So..corrupt how?
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?
Joe Biden's "dementia" is nothing more than GOP/Russian propaganda.

I don't suppose you've never seen the idiot ramble on?
You mean Trump? Yes. I have. His inability to complete a sentence much less a thought is striking.
I give up. You see things not there. In all my wanderings, NOBODY has ever said Trump cannot complete a sentence. Most complain he says TOO MUCH.
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?

We return to the disastrous Obama era.

You know, more poverty, less family income, more debt, higher taxes, more dismal economic growth, weaker military, crummy trade deal, more Illegals, more Islam ass kissing and being the joke of the world.
We are the joke of the world now.
What have you been smoking?....we over any other nation in the world have the ability to rapidly bounce back from this....tell you what...if I'm right and you are wrong by November you promise to vote for Trump...deal?....
Well at least tell me you will be happy with Trump if we do bounce back....

Trump would have to significant,y change his stance on a number of issues for me to be happy with him.
Like what, specifically, Coyote?

so many...abortion, protecting the environment, pollution, climate change, the treatment of immigrants at the border, exploitation of our national parks....
Environement..yes. I agree about that. Hunting animals, too.
Climate change...yep. Also this.
Treatment of ILLEGALS? No. I wish he were tougher.
IMMIGRANTS? They need to hold off until we knock this latest brouhaha down. Then apply like Mario did, and Izmerelda, and Antonio and his wife Olivia and apply for citizenship after being DOCUMENTED.
What exploitation of what national parks? And what about abortion? That a fetus has a right to life if the mother refuses to abort WAY WAY before it is fully formed?
In terms of immigrants it is time we remember they to are too are human beings and children belong with their families regardless of immigration status. And no. This is not calling for open borders but a more humane approach in line with the c
values we Americans purport to possess. These are all issues where I totally disagree with Trump.
As a result, Trump himself has been the target of allegations about his mental health. George Conway, husband of White House advisor Kellyanne Conway, has accused the president of mental decline on numerous occasions, saying he’s not presidential but “mentally unwell.” Multiple media outlets, including The New York Times and USA Today, have published articles calling for Trump to be removed from office because he’s “psychologically unfit,” and in truly unprecedented fashion, 350 mental health professionals submitted a letter to Congress last year claiming that the president’s mental health was deteriorating.

Did you forget Trump was given a clean bill of health, including his mental health?

By the same Doc who performed Obama's check ups every year.
Is that the same doctor who Trump tried to reward with a cabinet position?

I'm not sure.

Did Obama try to award him a position?

Oh wait.... yup
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?

We return to the disastrous Obama era.

You know, more poverty, less family income, more debt, higher taxes, more dismal economic growth, weaker military, crummy trade deal, more Illegals, more Islam ass kissing and being the joke of the world.
We are the joke of the world now.
What have you been smoking?....we over any other nation in the world have the ability to rapidly bounce back from this....tell you what...if I'm right and you are wrong by November you promise to vote for Trump...deal?....
Well at least tell me you will be happy with Trump if we do bounce back....

Trump would have to significant,y change his stance on a number of issues for me to be happy with him.
Like what, specifically, Coyote?

so many...abortion, protecting the environment, pollution, climate change, the treatment of immigrants at the border, exploitation of our national parks....
Environement..yes. I agree about that. Hunting animals, too.
Climate change...yep. Also this.
Treatment of ILLEGALS? No. I wish he were tougher.
IMMIGRANTS? They need to hold off until we knock this latest brouhaha down. Then apply like Mario did, and Izmerelda, and Antonio and his wife Olivia and apply for citizenship after being DOCUMENTED.
What exploitation of what national parks? And what about abortion? That a fetus has a right to life if the mother refuses to abort WAY WAY before it is fully formed?
In terms of immigrants it is time we remember they to are too are human beings and children belong with their families regardless of immigration status. And no. This is not calling for open borders but a more humane approach in line with the c
values we Americans purport to possess. These are all issues where I totally disagree with Trump.
Sorry, but our own people are human too and need the help more than illegals. I'm talking ILLEGALLY entering or already here. Illegally. Period. Immigrants can wait their turn but they are pushed forward over our own. I am for US, the people already here, not the ones that come with nothing and expect assistance from tax payers. No no and double no. If that makes me mean..so be it. I'm mean.
If Biden wins it will be because the dems found a way to cheat....so that would be a time for all out and out war with the left.....
Yep. The ONLY way Sleepy Joe CAN win is if the Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics cheat. I'm sure they're already counting on illegal votes, DEAD people votes, and of course, ballot harvesting. This ALMOST worked in 2016, thank God enough people woke up in time (myself included) to vote for President Trump.
He is a decent man Who will bring our our country back to sanity. Something that can’t be said about the current occupant.
Decent? Define decent. He's as bad as Trump when it comes to women. Ask Tara Reade and all those poor kids subjected to his fondling. And yes..I have seen dementia before. He is a prime example of the beginning of it. I feel bad for him and hope Trump does too during any debates. The man is at a loss, is lost, and does not need to be in this mess even though he is creepy and a crook to boot. Still...you would actually trust Biden to rule the USA the way he is NOW? Really?

I happen to disagree with your assessment of Biden. As far as Tara Reade she has yet to prove her case. At any rate, Trump has those same issues against him including claims of dementia And he is corrupt.
Did that woman prove her case against kavanaugh? Since when does the woman have to prove her MeToo? Werent all women supposed to be believed? Trump can speak clearly, deal with CORRUPT foreign nations taking us all for a ride and knows what to do currently.
How is he corrupt? As you said..nothing was proven with the russia thing. So..corrupt how?

I have already said elsewhere that I don’t buy into the “all women must be believed. Nor must all men be believed. For corruption...there are a lot of examples, from conflicts of interest regarding his businesses, his children, who run those businesses serving in WhiteHouse positions, Ivanka’s Chinese patents, attempting to extort the Ukrainian President for his personal political interests.

As far as Trump speaking clearly, that is debatable. I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump any day.
As a result, Trump himself has been the target of allegations about his mental health. George Conway, husband of White House advisor Kellyanne Conway, has accused the president of mental decline on numerous occasions, saying he’s not presidential but “mentally unwell.” Multiple media outlets, including The New York Times and USA Today, have published articles calling for Trump to be removed from office because he’s “psychologically unfit,” and in truly unprecedented fashion, 350 mental health professionals submitted a letter to Congress last year claiming that the president’s mental health was deteriorating.

Did you forget Trump was given a clean bill of health, including his mental health?

By the same Doc who performed Obama's check ups every year.
Is that the same doctor who Trump tried to reward with a cabinet position?

I'm not sure.

Did Obama try to award him a position?

Oh wait.... yup
What position?
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?

We return to the disastrous Obama era.

You know, more poverty, less family income, more debt, higher taxes, more dismal economic growth, weaker military, crummy trade deal, more Illegals, more Islam ass kissing and being the joke of the world.
We are the joke of the world now.
What have you been smoking?....we over any other nation in the world have the ability to rapidly bounce back from this....tell you what...if I'm right and you are wrong by November you promise to vote for Trump...deal?....
Well at least tell me you will be happy with Trump if we do bounce back....

Trump would have to significant,y change his stance on a number of issues for me to be happy with him.
Like what, specifically, Coyote?

so many...abortion, protecting the environment, pollution, climate change, the treatment of immigrants at the border, exploitation of our national parks....
Environement..yes. I agree about that. Hunting animals, too.
Climate change...yep. Also this.
Treatment of ILLEGALS? No. I wish he were tougher.
IMMIGRANTS? They need to hold off until we knock this latest brouhaha down. Then apply like Mario did, and Izmerelda, and Antonio and his wife Olivia and apply for citizenship after being DOCUMENTED.
What exploitation of what national parks? And what about abortion? That a fetus has a right to life if the mother refuses to abort WAY WAY before it is fully formed?
In terms of immigrants it is time we remember they to are too are human beings and children belong with their families regardless of immigration status. And no. This is not calling for open borders but a more humane approach in line with the c
values we Americans purport to possess. These are all issues where I totally disagree with Trump.
Sorry, but our own people are human too and need the help more than illegals. I'm talking ILLEGALLY entering or already here. Illegally. Period. Immigrants can wait their turn but they are pushed forward over our own. I am for US, the people already here, not the ones that come with nothing and expect assistance from tax payers. No no and double no. If that makes me mean..so be it. I'm mean.
Even if it means child abuse?
As a result, Trump himself has been the target of allegations about his mental health. George Conway, husband of White House advisor Kellyanne Conway, has accused the president of mental decline on numerous occasions, saying he’s not presidential but “mentally unwell.” Multiple media outlets, including The New York Times and USA Today, have published articles calling for Trump to be removed from office because he’s “psychologically unfit,” and in truly unprecedented fashion, 350 mental health professionals submitted a letter to Congress last year claiming that the president’s mental health was deteriorating.

Did you forget Trump was given a clean bill of health, including his mental health?

By the same Doc who performed Obama's check ups every year.
Did you see Trumps mental health exam?

Identify a Lion


Same exam as Obama got... ;)
He did?
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?
Biden lol....yeah - right.
Obvious sarcasm.
It won't matter, it's pretty clear from the over-hyping of this virus, that the minds of Americans and the local leaders are in the pockets of the world global ruling elites now.

The Constitution is dead, put a fork in it.

The global bureaucracy is in charge now.

Welcome to the global socialist NWO. The technocratic nightmare is here.

It won't really matter if more folks vote for Trump or not, I am pretty sure they will just rig it at this point anyhow. If they have folks convinced that a virus with less than a one percent mortality rate is lethal enough to destroy the economy and loot the middle classes of all wealth, and give it to the corporations and oligarchs?

They can convince them that their votes were fairly counted and Trump lost legitimately while they crown Biden king.

Hell, at this point, they will believe anything and roll over and take it up the butt.

In other words...you don’t think Yrump might legitimately lose?


One of these days THEY WILL ALL LOSE.

In the last election, only 58% percent of the nation voted.

When there was only 48% turnout in Venezuela, b/c those folks didn't feel any of the candidates represented them, the nations of the west refused to recognize the legitimacy of the government.

Well? What does it mean, if folks eventually wise up and realize that the ruling class journalists, the agenda driven scientists & deep state and the bureaucracy will NEVER give the people a candidate that will help main street and the average person. :dunno:

What happens if there is not enough votes to have legitimacy? Does OUR OWN GOVERNMENT admit it isn't legitimate?

When does THAT happen?

We are all under house arrest while the politicians are releasing folks from the jails and prisons.

The government is giving away money, while still taxing people? wtf?

Our whole government has gone completely insane.
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?

We return to the disastrous Obama era.

You know, more poverty, less family income, more debt, higher taxes, more dismal economic growth, weaker military, crummy trade deal, more Illegals, more Islam ass kissing and being the joke of the world.
We are the joke of the world now.
What have you been smoking?....we over any other nation in the world have the ability to rapidly bounce back from this....tell you what...if I'm right and you are wrong by November you promise to vote for Trump...deal?....
Well at least tell me you will be happy with Trump if we do bounce back....

Trump would have to significant,y change his stance on a number of issues for me to be happy with him.
Like what, specifically, Coyote?

so many...abortion, protecting the environment, pollution, climate change, the treatment of immigrants at the border, exploitation of our national parks....
Environement..yes. I agree about that. Hunting animals, too.
Climate change...yep. Also this.
Treatment of ILLEGALS? No. I wish he were tougher.
IMMIGRANTS? They need to hold off until we knock this latest brouhaha down. Then apply like Mario did, and Izmerelda, and Antonio and his wife Olivia and apply for citizenship after being DOCUMENTED.
What exploitation of what national parks? And what about abortion? That a fetus has a right to life if the mother refuses to abort WAY WAY before it is fully formed?
In terms of immigrants it is time we remember they to are too are human beings and children belong with their families regardless of immigration status. And no. This is not calling for open borders but a more humane approach in line with the c
values we Americans purport to possess. These are all issues where I totally disagree with Trump.
Sorry, but our own people are human too and need the help more than illegals. I'm talking ILLEGALLY entering or already here. Illegally. Period. Immigrants can wait their turn but they are pushed forward over our own. I am for US, the people already here, not the ones that come with nothing and expect assistance from tax payers. No no and double no. If that makes me mean..so be it. I'm mean.
Even if it means child abuse?
Even if what means child abuse?
Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?
Joe Biden's "dementia" is nothing more than GOP/Russian propaganda.

I don't suppose you've never seen the idiot ramble on?
I've watched many of tRump's press conferences.

Curious to what y'all think may happen or hope happens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want Biden especially under the circumstance he currently suffers (dementia). Whomever his VP would take his place rather soon, I suspect. But that is neither here nor there, who that VP will be. My curiosity is...what will the USA do IF he "wins"? Anything? Nothing? Do as we are told? Complain? Or something worse?
Joe Biden's "dementia" is nothing more than GOP/Russian propaganda.

I don't suppose you've never seen the idiot ramble on?
You mean Trump? Yes. I have. His inability to complete a sentence much less a thought is striking.
I give up. You see things not there. In all my wanderings, NOBODY has ever said Trump cannot complete a sentence. Most complain he says TOO MUCH.
You're joking, right?

Yes he says too much. He says it in sentence fragments. Unconnected off topic incoherence is his trademark.

How have you not heard this?
In January 2018, 552,830 people were counted as homeless in the United States.

A staggering 2.5 million children are now homeless each year in America. This historic high represents one in every 30 children in the United States.

Do not these people deserve to be first in assisting? ^

Funny, and not haha funny, when I googled How Many Homeless Illegals are in the USA...there was no definite answer. Is it because they are illegal and hiding, or because they come FIRST with housing? I think the later. Has anyone ever seen a homeless person that is here illegally and not hiding very well?

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