What happens when our media and elected officials lie to us?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
This is once again my attempt to insert my commentary into Megyn Kelly's latest dialogue, this time, she describes how easy it is for our politicians to lie to us, and how destructive those lies can be when taken hold of by a biased media, until the facts are revealed. What happens when our elected officials and the media do in fact attempt to lie to and mislead us?

We revisit Nancy Pelosi's remarks about the Hobby Lobby case, but this time with a twist. We will analyze the overall impact of her remarks, and how detrimental they can be:

Give Me a Break: Megyn Reacts to Pelosi's Office Saying She "Misspoke" About Hobby Lobby Ruling - Fox News Insider

First Kelly asks:

Megyn Kelly said:
What is the result, when our elected officials mislead us, intentionally or otherwise? We ask that tonight thanks to House Minority Leader Nanci Pelosi, but it is not all about her.

To answer, the result can be quite destructive. Lies can be told so many times, by so many people, that they tend to take on an aura of truth to the unwitting; as was the case with Nancy Pelosi, who yesterday intentionally misled the public about the Supreme Court's decision in favor of Hobby Lobby with a grossly misleading representation of the ruling. No doubt, a lot of people still believed it, and still will despite the reality of the matter. She goes on to summarize:

Megyn Kelly said:
Yesterday, Pelosi held her weekly media briefing, which she used in part as an opportunity to attack the Supreme Court's decision on the Hobby Lobby religious freedom case. Parroting criticism from Democrats like Harry Reid, and suggesting that the five justices in the majority changed the laws on contraception. Listen: (Breaks to video of Pelosi's comments on the decision)

As shown elsewhere, I demonstrated to you all piece by piece how inaccurate Pelosi's claims were, how hypocritical she had been on the religious freedom issue, and why liberals had no standing on the issue of contraception. But now, we analyze the aftermath of such a grotesque misrepresentation of the facts at hand, both by the media, and by Nancy Pelosi herself.

Megyn Kelly said:
Hm, That would be frightening if it were true. It wasn't, and yet despite Ms. Pelosi's leadership position, and the fact that some of the media ran with her statements; not one major media outlet bothered to challenge her on her purported 'facts.'

As is typical with most of the left leaning major media outlets in America, none of them take the time to question the veracity of our politicians statements, that is to say, the Democrats. None of them are ever challenged to explain themselves in the public eye, because we have a media willing to shield our them from the consequences of their mistruths instead of fact checking them. The result of this is a public opinion skewed by the selective reporting and spin of these politician's remarks. But then, someone does indeed answer the call:

Megyn Kelly said:
Not one, until this broadcast last night [breaks to video of Kelly's opening statement the night before] I was so outraged that my hair was standing on edge! (laughs). Well late today, the fact checking website PolitiFact, which we called out yesterday evening, took up our challenge. They looked at Ms. Pelosi's statement, and not surprisingly rated it 'false.'

In fact, PolitiFact did rate her statement as false. However, in a very puzzling move, when PolitiFact called Pelosi's office for clarification on the statement, her spokesman simply said two words: "She misspoke." In fact, many people would be satisfied by that explanation, since they may not be too inclined to hold someone's feet to the fire. When people do not stand up for the truth, then more destruction has been wrought. It is what politicians do best: they take full advantage of the ignorance and gullibility of the masses. More destruction comes when our leaders continue to repeat their lies instead of admitting they are wrong. As a result, more people are misled, simply because nobody is willing to speak the truth. Give me a break:

Megyn Kelly said:
When PolitiFact called Ms. Pelosi's office for a statement, her media person said the Minority Leader quote, "misspoke." She "misspoke"?! What part? When she said five guys were determining 'what forms of contraception are legal?' When she said how 'frightening' that is? When she then doubled down and specifically alleged that these scary five men quote, "got down to the specifics of whether a woman should use a diaphragm?"

A real leader admits to their faults. They don't attempt to hide them. When they do, they lead their followers down a path of no return; "wide is the gate, and narrow is the path to destruction", so to speak. What is the result of our politicians and media willfully misleading us? The result is catastrophic. When people are willing to be misled--or in fact when they have no idea they are being misled, they will be willing to mislead others; while their masters stand idly by, doing nothing. Then and only then will the seeds of mass dissonance be sewn into the fabric of a nation. However it is also then and only then, that people with enough wherewithal to think for themselves and seek the facts, that the seeds of honesty can be sewn as well.

Megyn Kelly said:
Give me a break. One of the marks of a real leader is owning up to one's mistakes--oh yeah, honesty helps a lot, too. So why does this matter? Because trust in our government is at historic lows, because a majority of Americans think this administration regularly lies to us; and because those falsehoods can be told with impunity, if a complicit media stands idly by.

In parting:

It is a given that politicians on both sides of the aisle willfully mislead the public, it is also true that our media plays a similar role. As is the case with so many of the issues and scandals plaguing America today, our media and elected officials will purposefully try to mislead us all. We can't fall for that. We aren't stupid, we are Americans. It can either be "truth, justice, and the American way" or "lies, injustice, and the wrong way."
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Didn't she help re-elect Dubya after he lied to us? Why, yes she did. Ironic that she belongs to the most dishonest news organization out there.
Didn't she help re-elect Dubya after he lied to us? Why, yes she did. Ironic that she belongs to the most dishonest news organization out there.

Uh huh, and so, Obama had six media outlets basically grovelling at his feet. Nobody stood a chance. And you lecture her about dishonesty? Sure, an irony indeed.

And for the record, "She did it for Bush" is a very weak argument. You didn't even post a link confirming she did what you claim. I'd frankly love to see it. In the meantime, you can stop doing your best Media Matters impression and come up with a cogent rebuttal. In 2003-04, she was working as an intern for NBC, and then a general assignment reporter for WJLA, the Washington D.C. ABC affiliate. You do understand that ABC and NBC isn't Fox News right? So how was she "helping to re-elect Dubya"? She was busy building her career, not helping Bush with his image.
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What happens when our media and elected officials lie to us?

Seeing as none of you are willing to do anything about it........Nothing.
We are pretty much fxxked

what can we do? they try and stat alternatives like Fox and look at the attack on them by, the LAMESTREAM MEDIA and of all people, the elected IDIOTS in the Democrat party

unfortunately to many citizens today are too lazy to question what the lamestream media puts out
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What happens when our media and elected officials lie to us?

Seeing as none of you are willing to do anything about it........Nothing.

What happens? Obama gets elected.........twice!

no kidding, Jimmy Carter was let go after a record the same as Obama's
but, that was WAY back when our country, the people and media had Integrity
Didn't she help re-elect Dubya after he lied to us? Why, yes she did. Ironic that she belongs to the most dishonest news organization out there.

The most dishonest news organization out there is, aside from the various leftwing internet propaganda organs, would be CBS that attempt to slander a sitting president with forged documents.
What happens when our media and elected officials lie to us?

There are biased media both left and right – and there are media that are neither and report the issues of the day in a factual and objective manner. And Americans have ample access to scores of media outlets as well as possessing the ability and means to research the issues on their own and discern the facts on their own, independent of 'the media.'

The likes of Megyn Kelly and Fox are examples of a bias medium on the right, where both are infamous for lies, contrivances, and spin that have nothing to do with the truth.

The notion that 'the media' manifests as some sort of monolithic entity pursuing a particular partisan agenda is ignorant and naïve, 'the media' exist for the most part solely to make a profit, not propagate some political belief.

Conservatives of course have contrived the myth of the 'liberal media' when in fact no such thing exists. That news outlets report facts that conflict with rightist dogma does not make the media 'liberal,' where it's moronic idiocy to maintain otherwise.
What happens when our media and elected officials lie to us?

Seeing as none of you are willing to do anything about it........Nothing.


We don't hold the politicians accountable by changing the systems in which they operate, and the media doesn't hold them accountable because they're influenced by their own agendas.

This is all a self-inflicted wound.


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