What happens when the Coronavirus goes through California's enormous "homeless" population ?

Well if anything, that will solve their homeless problem.
A large percentage of California's homeless are veterans. I see that the Right is still "loving" on our vets.

Conservatives always show a lot of love to veterans, its really the liberals who have problems with them. When the Tremendous businessman and veteran Erik Prince established his Blackwater startup and hired veterans to use the skills they learned in the military to earn a good living in the Private Sector, it was libs who pitched a bitch.

They are mercenaries. No the Democrats are pro veterans. Real veterans.
That's why you want to give illegals free healthcare? Better than our vetrans?
This is bound to become a disaster once it hits the camps.

Coronavirus in California: What You Need to Know

Texas, California and New York could be epicenters if the Coronavirus does take hold in this country...

and Florida.

No, because Florida does not have high amount of Chinese or Iranian populations like California, New York and Texas have...

Well I guess that means Florida is safe.....because only Chinese and Iranians can be carriers according to this Trumpian 'logic'......
Like you know one thing about any of it.
Coronavirus isn't very serious compared to the epidemics of hep, typhus and bubonic plague running through these Shithole cities. I don't think they will even notice such a mild contagion.
You might have something there. Those homeless could be so infected with so much other shit that they’ll kill of the corona virus.
A large percentage of California's homeless are veterans. I see that the Right is still "loving" on our vets.

Bodey, you have become a freaking jerk!

Is your life so dam miserable that you must come here and troll people? Is that all you have left in you?

The Veteran's Admin work hugely with the homeless.
They make sure the Vets who WANT help, get help.
I think we have a healthcare access problem in this country, and it sure isn't limited to the homeless.

Going to the doctor doesn't make it n less contagious.

Sure, I do see your point, as yes, they will get hit hard.

Stop 'thinking' about healthcare access and start doing something about it.

Farging Aholes complain easily yet have no solutions.

Throw them in a pot of Ramen and feed them to the Chinese. They eat snakes for Christ’s sake.
There are towns and cities and villages all over China that sell live dogs for their meat. Little puppies aren't so popular though. The Chinese like their dog meat to come from older dogs b/c the meat tastes better and you get more meat off an older dog.
Did I mention that the virus originated in dogs. Note to all you Chinese. You need to cook the meat longer in order to kill the virus.
Just a suggestion.

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