What happens when the GOP base finds out Trump is lying about bringing back jobs?

China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

YEs and a $15 minimum wage will cause you to get your food served by a robot at McDonalds.

I am sure they will invent a robot to spit on your burgers as well, just to make you feel at home

Silly far left drones!.

I't's OK to be a shit, but being a stupid shit is unforgivable. McDonald's was already looking at robots before the minimum wage even became an issue. In my first post, I pointed out that China is making robots to replace people making $170 a month. That would be a wage of $1.06 an hour for a 40 hour work week. Is that what you are advocating? Because if it is, you would be worse than a stupid shit.

See how the far left reacts to facts when it goes against their religious dogma?

SO this means that if Trump can not keep Jobs in the US that anyone you vote for will not be able to do it..

Another far left drone failed threat!
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

you know dean i bet if trump was running as a democrat with many of the same ideas he is talking about now and was bad mouthing the GOP....i bet you would be saying the guy knows what he is talking about...

No I wouldn't and that's a stupid thing to say even for you. Calling Hispanic's rapists mean he wouldn't never be the Democrat nominee. DUH! Did that need to be explained?

i did say MANY of the same ideas .....did i not?.... since we cleared that up i dont believe for a minute that you would not be backing the guy,just being a democrat you have no choice but to be that loyal little turd you are,you cant help it,you will back him if they tell you too........and of course someone bad mouthing the GOP ....how can it get any better?....

As long as the majority of GOP positions are evil, I could never vote for them. Their hatred for minorities. Their ignorance. The things they say about everything from science to education. Only two or three good things aren't enough.

who mentioned you voting for the GOP?...are you starting to dance again?...
How exactly does automation refute the fact that jobs have fled overseas?

This must be liberal regressive logic...
How exactly does automation refute the fact that jobs have fled overseas?

This must be liberal regressive logic...
Uh duh! Because those jobs are now automated. That means they won't be coming back. Wasn't that obvious?
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

you know dean i bet if trump was running as a democrat with many of the same ideas he is talking about now and was bad mouthing the GOP....i bet you would be saying the guy knows what he is talking about...

No I wouldn't and that's a stupid thing to say even for you. Calling Hispanic's rapists mean he wouldn't never be the Democrat nominee. DUH! Did that need to be explained?

i did say MANY of the same ideas .....did i not?.... since we cleared that up i dont believe for a minute that you would not be backing the guy,just being a democrat you have no choice but to be that loyal little turd you are,you cant help it,you will back him if they tell you too........and of course someone bad mouthing the GOP ....how can it get any better?....

As long as the majority of GOP positions are evil, I could never vote for them. Their hatred for minorities. Their ignorance. The things they say about everything from science to education. Only two or three good things aren't enough.

who mentioned you voting for the GOP?...are you starting to dance again?...

You said: i dont believe for a minute that you would not be backing the guy,just being a democrat you have no choice but to be that loyal little turd you are

So that leaves the Democrats since the independent is running as a Democrat, there really are only two choices between parties. That wasn't obvious to you?
It would be to anyone else.
How exactly does automation refute the fact that jobs have fled overseas?

This must be liberal regressive logic...
Uh duh! Because those jobs are now automated. That means they won't be coming back. Wasn't that obvious?

Exactly where does it say the jobs that fled to low wage countries are all automated? And exactly how are those factories still not going to bring jobs, even if that was the case?

It is the famous liberal regressive (non)logic indeed...
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

You believe that people will suddenly believe that manufacturing jobs will be swallowed up by robots, so there is no reason to vote for Trump, and all that will occur sometime this fall? Hmm, so how does Hellary bring jobs back. They all promise that crap....and they all lie.
you know dean i bet if trump was running as a democrat with many of the same ideas he is talking about now and was bad mouthing the GOP....i bet you would be saying the guy knows what he is talking about...
No I wouldn't and that's a stupid thing to say even for you. Calling Hispanic's rapists mean he wouldn't never be the Democrat nominee. DUH! Did that need to be explained?
i did say MANY of the same ideas .....did i not?.... since we cleared that up i dont believe for a minute that you would not be backing the guy,just being a democrat you have no choice but to be that loyal little turd you are,you cant help it,you will back him if they tell you too........and of course someone bad mouthing the GOP ....how can it get any better?....
As long as the majority of GOP positions are evil, I could never vote for them. Their hatred for minorities. Their ignorance. The things they say about everything from science to education. Only two or three good things aren't enough.
who mentioned you voting for the GOP?...are you starting to dance again?...

You said: i dont believe for a minute that you would not be backing the guy,just being a democrat you have no choice but to be that loyal little turd you are

So that leaves the Democrats since the independent is running as a Democrat, there really are only two choices between parties. That wasn't obvious to you?
It would be to anyone else.
so i was right?....all you had to do was say....yes i would be backing him.....oh in case it isnt obvious to you,NO ONE is forcing you to back anyone......and there is always a third choice.....but you party people automatically back your party even if,you dont care at all, for the person chosen....and i can prove that...
Lots of new jobs building robots

Yep. And all will be in China.

To the OP, the RWNJ traitors already know Trumpery is lying. They knew it the moment they knew he hires only illegals and foreigners and sends all his business to China, Mexico and Bangladesh.

The fact that Duh Donuld won't bring his own business to the US or hire Americans is a big reason they like him = he's a traitor too.

It helps that he plans to raise taxes on the working class and slash taxes for his 1% cronies.
BTW, the US has plenty of jobs but only if Repubs stop obstructing infrastructure and green energy. Other countries invest in their own country to the extent that some are selling their green energy, but not us.

Much more important that we rape the working class, starve children, shit on vets, punish women and further enrich the 1%.

Stupid RWNJs will do anything they believe will harm their own country - even vote for a reality tv personality whose only talent is insulting them.

Bottom line in this mess is that Dems don't vote, they deserve the sky high tax rates Trumpery promises.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
How exactly does automation refute the fact that jobs have fled overseas?

This must be liberal regressive logic...
Uh duh! Because those jobs are now automated. That means they won't be coming back. Wasn't that obvious?

Exactly where does it say the jobs that fled to low wage countries are all automated? And exactly how are those factories still not going to bring jobs, even if that was the case?

It is the famous liberal regressive (non)logic indeed...
Good question. I'm surprised you didn't do a Google search to find out what's going on. Here, let me do it for you since you clearly don't know how to use Google:

jobs that left us now automated

Not only are there robots, but there have been great strides in 3d printers now that they also use everything from metals to organics. It might benefit you to go learn something. They say Trump's followers are mostly uneducated. Don't prove that to be true.
How exactly does automation refute the fact that jobs have fled overseas?

This must be liberal regressive logic...
Uh duh! Because those jobs are now automated. That means they won't be coming back. Wasn't that obvious?

Exactly where does it say the jobs that fled to low wage countries are all automated? And exactly how are those factories still not going to bring jobs, even if that was the case?

It is the famous liberal regressive (non)logic indeed...
Good question. I'm surprised you didn't do a Google search to find out what's going on. Here, let me do it for you since you clearly don't know how to use Google:

jobs that left us now automated

Not only are there robots, but there have been great strides in 3d printers now that they also use everything from metals to organics. It might benefit you to go learn something. They say Trump's followers are mostly uneducated. Don't prove that to be true.

I think it would be far more effective for you to google an IQ test. Most likely you will be receiving spectacularly special results.

Damn these people are retards. No the jobs aren't automated. And no, no one is saying that the exactly same jobs are going to come back. It's a metaphor, if you don't understand it, you simply lack the intelligence to have a discussion with.

What is being said is this: by lowering taxes and general level of regressive parasitism, USA will become much more attractive business location. That's a fact...
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

I would suggest poor people have fewer kids or none at all. We need to right size our population so that every person has a job and good standard of living. Hard to feel sorry for poor people who have kids they can't afford. They raise poor children who grow up to raise poor kids who repeat the cycle. The less people the less poverty.
How exactly does automation refute the fact that jobs have fled overseas?

This must be liberal regressive logic...
Uh duh! Because those jobs are now automated. That means they won't be coming back. Wasn't that obvious?

Exactly where does it say the jobs that fled to low wage countries are all automated? And exactly how are those factories still not going to bring jobs, even if that was the case?

It is the famous liberal regressive (non)logic indeed...
Good question. I'm surprised you didn't do a Google search to find out what's going on. Here, let me do it for you since you clearly don't know how to use Google:

jobs that left us now automated

Not only are there robots, but there have been great strides in 3d printers now that they also use everything from metals to organics. It might benefit you to go learn something. They say Trump's followers are mostly uneducated. Don't prove that to be true.

I think it would be far more effective for you to google an IQ test. Most likely you will be receiving spectacularly special results.

Damn these people are retards. No the jobs aren't automated. And no, no one is saying that the exactly same jobs are going to come back. It's a metaphor, if you don't understand it, you simply lack the intelligence to have a discussion with.

What is being said is this: by lowering taxes and general level of regressive parasitism, USA will become much more attractive business location. That's a fact...
You can't lower the taxes that much. That is the GOP's failed policy that fails again and again.
To Republicans, they think that lowering taxes is the "quick fix" for the uneducated and untalented, which would be Republicans. Even funnier, they always like to say, "But America has the highest corporate tax" even though we ALL know the effective tax isn't high at all.

It's competition and innovation. Two words the GOP can't seem to figure out what they mean. What they know is "cut taxes" and "deregulate". Because if someone eats poison, the market will take care if it. You don't really need cars built with safety regulations or roads with speed limits. Deregulate.
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

I would suggest poor people have fewer kids or none at all. We need to right size our population so that every person has a job and good standard of living. Hard to feel sorry for poor people who have kids they can't afford. They raise poor children who grow up to raise poor kids who repeat the cycle. The less people the less poverty.

We could make it easier. Provide free contraception for everyone.
I't's OK to be a shit, but being a stupid shit is unforgivable. McDonald's was already looking at robots before the minimum wage even became an issue.

They were looking at it beforehand, but their interest is accelerating because of the minimum wage issue. There is no doubt that a $15 minimum wage will mean corporations will start replacing people with machines where they can.

As for Trump's claim that there are going to be lots of manufacturing jobs coming back to America from China, it's utter nonsense for the same reason. The high cost of American labor would mean companies would invest in machines, not workers.

His supporters will blame liberals.

Of course, it's all hypothetical since Trump won't be President.

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