The Republican base has been tricked by Trump into thinking their jobs will "come back".

He never explains how.

The closest he comes is a statement that begins with "we're gonna make...."

That simple.

He demonstrates zero (0) understanding of what is happening, or how to deal with it.
That's a lie. He said many times trade is unfair and wants to renegotiate them. Wants to lower the corporate tax rate to half, 15%, get companies back here.

The fact is you demonstrate no understanding. Go get some basic working knowledge and get back to us.
I'm in the profession. But I'm glad you piped in.

Go ahead and explain how Trump is going to bring jobs back. Start with how the trade deals are going be negotiated and work. Please include the motivations for our trading partners to rip up the deals. And what cost savings American employers can expect as a result.

Then describe how we're going to deal with the rapid increases in technology and productivity that have already made millions of Americans unneeded and expendable, let alone what is coming.

And how we'll be able to pull this off as our international competition only expands and advances.

Oh, and please provide a time frame. I'm assuming this won't manifest over a few months.

My peers and I are having a tough time with this, I'm glad you're here to inform us.
You are full of crap. You and your peers are not having a tough time with it. You and your peers simply don't want to accept it.

If our trade partners are not motivated to change the deals, then obviously they see advantages in what they have.....

The motivation will be simple. You want to trade with us, change the deal. And they all will.

Technology is costing jobs, yes. But if there is a manufacturer with labor overseas, then it could just as easily be here.

Why would the international competition expand and advance and we wont?

And a time frame? Why a time frame? How did that "GITMO" will close day one time frame pan out?

Go back to making crap up. I find it entertaining.
That's as good as this is gonna get?
CIG wants to replace two-thirds of its 3,000 workers with machines this year. Within a few more years, it wants the operation to be almost entirely automated, creating a so-called “dark factory.” The idea is that with so few people around, you could switch the lights off and leave the place to the machines.
China Is Building a Robot Army of Model Workers

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

If Republicans can't compete with people making $1.06 an hour, how can they compete with the robots replacing those people.

And Republicans, in their vast ignorance, will insist people making 15 dollars an hour will drive business to automate.
Only they are going to automate anyway.

The only thing left is education. And we know what Republicans think of education.
The GOP base doesn't want to work. Instead, they will vote for a con man hoping he some how brings them prosperity.

It won't happen. It's a con dum dums. Get that through your tiny and pointed heads.
Sounds like you're saying Republicans are the ones creating companies and jobs.
He never explains how.

The closest he comes is a statement that begins with "we're gonna make...."

That simple.

He demonstrates zero (0) understanding of what is happening, or how to deal with it.
That's a lie. He said many times trade is unfair and wants to renegotiate them. Wants to lower the corporate tax rate to half, 15%, get companies back here.

The fact is you demonstrate no understanding. Go get some basic working knowledge and get back to us.
I'm in the profession. But I'm glad you piped in.

Go ahead and explain how Trump is going to bring jobs back. Start with how the trade deals are going be negotiated and work. Please include the motivations for our trading partners to rip up the deals. And what cost savings American employers can expect as a result.

Then describe how we're going to deal with the rapid increases in technology and productivity that have already made millions of Americans unneeded and expendable, let alone what is coming.

And how we'll be able to pull this off as our international competition only expands and advances.

Oh, and please provide a time frame. I'm assuming this won't manifest over a few months.

My peers and I are having a tough time with this, I'm glad you're here to inform us.
You are full of crap. You and your peers are not having a tough time with it. You and your peers simply don't want to accept it.

If our trade partners are not motivated to change the deals, then obviously they see advantages in what they have.....

The motivation will be simple. You want to trade with us, change the deal. And they all will.

Technology is costing jobs, yes. But if there is a manufacturer with labor overseas, then it could just as easily be here.

Why would the international competition expand and advance and we wont?

And a time frame? Why a time frame? How did that "GITMO" will close day one time frame pan out?

Go back to making crap up. I find it entertaining.
That's as good as this is gonna get?
not sure what you mean by that, but I find it interesting how people accept Hillary saying:
"I will ensure equality for all women"
"I will protect the middle class"
"I will make sure no one is left behind"

Yet no one asks HER:

"what is your plan"
"How do you plan to do it"
"What is your time frame"
He never explains how.

The closest he comes is a statement that begins with "we're gonna make...."

That simple.

He demonstrates zero (0) understanding of what is happening, or how to deal with it.
That's a lie. He said many times trade is unfair and wants to renegotiate them. Wants to lower the corporate tax rate to half, 15%, get companies back here.

The fact is you demonstrate no understanding. Go get some basic working knowledge and get back to us.
I'm in the profession. But I'm glad you piped in.

Go ahead and explain how Trump is going to bring jobs back. Start with how the trade deals are going be negotiated and work. Please include the motivations for our trading partners to rip up the deals. And what cost savings American employers can expect as a result.

Then describe how we're going to deal with the rapid increases in technology and productivity that have already made millions of Americans unneeded and expendable, let alone what is coming.

And how we'll be able to pull this off as our international competition only expands and advances.

Oh, and please provide a time frame. I'm assuming this won't manifest over a few months.

My peers and I are having a tough time with this, I'm glad you're here to inform us.
You are full of crap. You and your peers are not having a tough time with it. You and your peers simply don't want to accept it.

If our trade partners are not motivated to change the deals, then obviously they see advantages in what they have.....

The motivation will be simple. You want to trade with us, change the deal. And they all will.

Technology is costing jobs, yes. But if there is a manufacturer with labor overseas, then it could just as easily be here.

Why would the international competition expand and advance and we wont?

And a time frame? Why a time frame? How did that "GITMO" will close day one time frame pan out?

Go back to making crap up. I find it entertaining.
That's as good as this is gonna get?
not sure what you mean by that, but I find it interesting how people accept Hillary saying:
"I will ensure equality for all women"
"I will protect the middle class"
"I will make sure no one is left behind"

Yet no one asks HER:

"what is your plan"
"How do you plan to do it"
"What is your time frame"
Of course not, we live in a bumper sticker culture, detail is icky.

The thread is about Trump, and that's why I asked.
CIG wants to replace two-thirds of its 3,000 workers with machines this year. Within a few more years, it wants the operation to be almost entirely automated, creating a so-called “dark factory.” The idea is that with so few people around, you could switch the lights off and leave the place to the machines.
China Is Building a Robot Army of Model Workers

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

If Republicans can't compete with people making $1.06 an hour, how can they compete with the robots replacing those people.

And Republicans, in their vast ignorance, will insist people making 15 dollars an hour will drive business to automate.
Only they are going to automate anyway.

The only thing left is education. And we know what Republicans think of education.
The GOP base doesn't want to work. Instead, they will vote for a con man hoping he some how brings them prosperity.

It won't happen. It's a con dum dums. Get that through your tiny and pointed heads.
Sounds like you're saying Republicans are the ones creating companies and jobs.
He is.
And he is also saying republicans want a free ride.
What planet is he/she from
Just 4 more years of obamanomics will fix those Bush years. Or is it Reagan years?
That's a lie. He said many times trade is unfair and wants to renegotiate them. Wants to lower the corporate tax rate to half, 15%, get companies back here.

The fact is you demonstrate no understanding. Go get some basic working knowledge and get back to us.
I'm in the profession. But I'm glad you piped in.

Go ahead and explain how Trump is going to bring jobs back. Start with how the trade deals are going be negotiated and work. Please include the motivations for our trading partners to rip up the deals. And what cost savings American employers can expect as a result.

Then describe how we're going to deal with the rapid increases in technology and productivity that have already made millions of Americans unneeded and expendable, let alone what is coming.

And how we'll be able to pull this off as our international competition only expands and advances.

Oh, and please provide a time frame. I'm assuming this won't manifest over a few months.

My peers and I are having a tough time with this, I'm glad you're here to inform us.
You are full of crap. You and your peers are not having a tough time with it. You and your peers simply don't want to accept it.

If our trade partners are not motivated to change the deals, then obviously they see advantages in what they have.....

The motivation will be simple. You want to trade with us, change the deal. And they all will.

Technology is costing jobs, yes. But if there is a manufacturer with labor overseas, then it could just as easily be here.

Why would the international competition expand and advance and we wont?

And a time frame? Why a time frame? How did that "GITMO" will close day one time frame pan out?

Go back to making crap up. I find it entertaining.
That's as good as this is gonna get?
not sure what you mean by that, but I find it interesting how people accept Hillary saying:
"I will ensure equality for all women"
"I will protect the middle class"
"I will make sure no one is left behind"

Yet no one asks HER:

"what is your plan"
"How do you plan to do it"
"What is your time frame"
Of course not, we live in a bumper sticker culture, detail is icky.

The thread is about Trump, and that's why I asked.

But there is a big difference between the two of them:
Trump says what his plan is...albeit with few details of how he will implement it.
Clinton simply gives the vision...she doesn't even offer a plan...much less details of implementation.
He never explains how.

The closest he comes is a statement that begins with "we're gonna make...."

That simple.

He demonstrates zero (0) understanding of what is happening, or how to deal with it.
That's a lie. He said many times trade is unfair and wants to renegotiate them. Wants to lower the corporate tax rate to half, 15%, get companies back here.

The fact is you demonstrate no understanding. Go get some basic working knowledge and get back to us.
I'm in the profession. But I'm glad you piped in.

Go ahead and explain how Trump is going to bring jobs back. Start with how the trade deals are going be negotiated and work. Please include the motivations for our trading partners to rip up the deals. And what cost savings American employers can expect as a result.

Then describe how we're going to deal with the rapid increases in technology and productivity that have already made millions of Americans unneeded and expendable, let alone what is coming.

And how we'll be able to pull this off as our international competition only expands and advances.

Oh, and please provide a time frame. I'm assuming this won't manifest over a few months.

My peers and I are having a tough time with this, I'm glad you're here to inform us.

Though I'm no huge Trump supporter, I think his stance on trade is correct for sure.

I think he's overselling just how many jobs he can bring back to this country, but I think SOME jobs can be brought back to this country for sure.

Cut regulations , and lower taxes and many companies will bring production back to the US because it will not be exorbitantly more expensive to produce here any more, and the good will will be worth what extra it does cost.

As for trade deals. You and others have oft claimed that other countries won't just rip up their contracts with us. Who says they have to? Contracts are two sided, and they aren't death pacts, NAFTA as an example. We can leave that trade deal in the dust any time we want. There is no penalty for doing so, and in fact other countries do it to us all the time. Do you REALLY not support trade deals that are fair to all parties and think that if a party feels a trade deal has became unfair to them they shouldn't be able to get out of it?

I think the rapid increase in technology is eentually going to force us into a situation where upwards of 25% of the population doesn't work because well frankly at least 25% of people in this country are already outsmarted by simple robots and that is only going to worsen, and despite what morons like Rdean say, simply spending more money on education isn't going to make those people smarter. They are stupid and useless. But no one is going to get elected President by admitting that.

So, we are headed towards a uniform basic income, but not during the next President's term(s) that's a little further down the line (even though it would be CHEAPER than our current welfare programs)

Think I could get elected on that platform?

"Most of you are stupid, useless idiots who can't compete in today's world, so I will as President give you a UBI?"

I'm in the profession. But I'm glad you piped in.

Go ahead and explain how Trump is going to bring jobs back. Start with how the trade deals are going be negotiated and work. Please include the motivations for our trading partners to rip up the deals. And what cost savings American employers can expect as a result.

Then describe how we're going to deal with the rapid increases in technology and productivity that have already made millions of Americans unneeded and expendable, let alone what is coming.

And how we'll be able to pull this off as our international competition only expands and advances.

Oh, and please provide a time frame. I'm assuming this won't manifest over a few months.

My peers and I are having a tough time with this, I'm glad you're here to inform us.
You are full of crap. You and your peers are not having a tough time with it. You and your peers simply don't want to accept it.

If our trade partners are not motivated to change the deals, then obviously they see advantages in what they have.....

The motivation will be simple. You want to trade with us, change the deal. And they all will.

Technology is costing jobs, yes. But if there is a manufacturer with labor overseas, then it could just as easily be here.

Why would the international competition expand and advance and we wont?

And a time frame? Why a time frame? How did that "GITMO" will close day one time frame pan out?

Go back to making crap up. I find it entertaining.
That's as good as this is gonna get?
not sure what you mean by that, but I find it interesting how people accept Hillary saying:
"I will ensure equality for all women"
"I will protect the middle class"
"I will make sure no one is left behind"

Yet no one asks HER:

"what is your plan"
"How do you plan to do it"
"What is your time frame"
Of course not, we live in a bumper sticker culture, detail is icky.

The thread is about Trump, and that's why I asked.

But there is a big difference between the two of them:
Trump says what his plan is...albeit with few details of how he will implement it.
Clinton simply gives the vision...she doesn't even offer a plan...much less details of implementation.
Here's some stuff from her website: Manufacturing

It will be what you might expect: More government spending, some tax incentives, stronger unions, clean energy, some tax credits.
I recall Obama asserting that he will close GITMO day one....and I recall the opposition asking him what the plan was....and he had no answer.

8 years later it is still open.

As for may not agree with his plan. You may be closed minded to finding a way it can be implemented.

But at least he has a plan that both sides of the aisle can debate.

Vision campaigning is nothing more than lip service for the weak minded who support a candidate based on unimportant factors such as "skin color", sex, looks, etc.

Sadly, when a candidate does the right thing and offer a plan....he/she is vilified by the opposition with extreme, yet unlikely negative results of the plan
You are full of crap. You and your peers are not having a tough time with it. You and your peers simply don't want to accept it.

If our trade partners are not motivated to change the deals, then obviously they see advantages in what they have.....

The motivation will be simple. You want to trade with us, change the deal. And they all will.

Technology is costing jobs, yes. But if there is a manufacturer with labor overseas, then it could just as easily be here.

Why would the international competition expand and advance and we wont?

And a time frame? Why a time frame? How did that "GITMO" will close day one time frame pan out?

Go back to making crap up. I find it entertaining.
That's as good as this is gonna get?
not sure what you mean by that, but I find it interesting how people accept Hillary saying:
"I will ensure equality for all women"
"I will protect the middle class"
"I will make sure no one is left behind"

Yet no one asks HER:

"what is your plan"
"How do you plan to do it"
"What is your time frame"
Of course not, we live in a bumper sticker culture, detail is icky.

The thread is about Trump, and that's why I asked.

But there is a big difference between the two of them:
Trump says what his plan is...albeit with few details of how he will implement it.
Clinton simply gives the vision...she doesn't even offer a plan...much less details of implementation.
Here's some stuff from her website: Manufacturing

It will be what you might expect: More government spending, some tax incentives, stronger unions, clean energy, some tax credits.
You can prevent a boat from sinking by installing a very expensive water pump that pumps the water quicker than it comes in....and when the hole gets bigger, install an even more expensive pump...and so on.

Or you can simply fix the hole.

Which one would you consider a plan to rectify the problem?
So, we are headed towards a uniform basic income, but not during the next President's term(s) that's a little further down the line (even though it would be CHEAPER than our current welfare programs)
Goddamn it, you stole my punchline.

Yes, that is what this is going to boil down to, and I'm almost sure of it.

We've leveraged technology and productivity to make our lives easier and cheaper, but we never gave enough thought to the downside: Fewer workers needed.

Well, here we are. I know that they'll scream "socialism", but that line of thinking simply no longer applies. We've crossed the tipping point, and we'd better address it pretty fucking soon.

Good stuff, thanks.
That's as good as this is gonna get?
not sure what you mean by that, but I find it interesting how people accept Hillary saying:
"I will ensure equality for all women"
"I will protect the middle class"
"I will make sure no one is left behind"

Yet no one asks HER:

"what is your plan"
"How do you plan to do it"
"What is your time frame"
Of course not, we live in a bumper sticker culture, detail is icky.

The thread is about Trump, and that's why I asked.

But there is a big difference between the two of them:
Trump says what his plan is...albeit with few details of how he will implement it.
Clinton simply gives the vision...she doesn't even offer a plan...much less details of implementation.
Here's some stuff from her website: Manufacturing

It will be what you might expect: More government spending, some tax incentives, stronger unions, clean energy, some tax credits.
You can prevent a boat from sinking by installing a very expensive water pump that pumps the water quicker than it comes in....and when the hole gets bigger, install an even more expensive pump...and so on.

Or you can simply fix the hole.

Which one would you consider a plan to rectify the problem?
What do you think of post 52?
Oh my.....what do you have against rich people? Why are you jealous of her wealth? She didn't start a fake University...:eusa_naughty:
It wasn't a fake university. you're going to try and make me believe it wasn't a fake university? He's really done a number on your one-cell brain.

You need to quit gobbling up leftist shit. There were many satisfied with it, some weren't, but that's true with anything. Lot's of accredited universities ripping off students and lefties yawn in indifference. Unless it's their bill.
He's being sued over its can't make that shit up.

Donald Trump sued for $40 million over 'phony' university that 'falsely' promised to make students rich

The Clintons have made a lot of money with influence peddling. A quarter million for 20 minute speeches and you think it's legit? You've been had.
Romney made a lot of money from his speeches....I didn't hear you yakking about that when you voted for him in 2012......hypocrite.

Romney's speech income big money for most
Romney didn't peddle influence. The Clintons did it back in the WH days. You could rent the Lincoln bedroom for enough dough. A lawsuit is proof to you?

You haven't provided any proof about the Clintons....just a lot of lip.

And no, not just the lawsuit.....the fact that Trumpf is jumping hoops and exposing his racism over it shows that he's really scared that it will be declared a "fake" university and he will have to make restitution. He may not have the money to pay back.....even though he's been bragging about how rich he is, we may find out the truth (that it was just bragging) even if he doesn't release his tax returns.
Your lip won't do either then if you insist on being a smug asshole. But then again, you're a liberal. Just because the media covers it up, hammers Republicans you see no wrong. You're a KoolAid gulper.

Fact-Checking Hillary: No, the Clinton Foundation Hasn't Operated With 'Complete Transparency'
Credit to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow for asking about a thorny issue that has largely receded to the back burner for Hillary -- perhaps rightfully so, given the fact that she's reportedly about to be questioned by the FBI over a separate scandal, about which she's lied constantly. Nevertheless, the heart of the Clinton Foundation controversy sits at the intersection of big money and power politics. couldn't get a more right-wing source?

Townhall - Conservative news, politics, opinion,...

Yep....just like the conservative White Water Scandal, the Benghazi Scandal, the E-Mail Scandal....all down the drain with no proof to support it. Go peddle your conservative opinions to another gullible consersative.
CIG wants to replace two-thirds of its 3,000 workers with machines this year. Within a few more years, it wants the operation to be almost entirely automated, creating a so-called “dark factory.” The idea is that with so few people around, you could switch the lights off and leave the place to the machines.
China Is Building a Robot Army of Model Workers

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

If Republicans can't compete with people making $1.06 an hour, how can they compete with the robots replacing those people.

And Republicans, in their vast ignorance, will insist people making 15 dollars an hour will drive business to automate.
Only they are going to automate anyway.

The only thing left is education. And we know what Republicans think of education.
The GOP base doesn't want to work. Instead, they will vote for a con man hoping he some how brings them prosperity.

It won't happen. It's a con dum dums. Get that through your tiny and pointed heads.
It's not their jobs dumbass, they are AMERICAN jobs. You know, for the left & the right.

But I digress. The next time Hillary mentions creating or bringing back jobs can we expect you to troll her too?

Seriously, your gonna go with mocking job creation this election?

Derp Derp Derp We Go.......
As I've endlessly pointed out, we could make robots here. Industry that includes are steel, plastic and anything that supports those industries along with needing engineering, technicians, water, sewers, power, transportation and so on.

But you, calling jobs that don't exist "American jobs" is the height of ignorant sick fuck delusions.

Why Employers Are Struggling to Fill 5.8 Million Open Jobs

Something tells my you are one of those ignorant right wing fucks who think education is for snobs.
No Derp, this is the height of delusion.....

So, we are headed towards a uniform basic income, but not during the next President's term(s) that's a little further down the line (even though it would be CHEAPER than our current welfare programs)
Goddamn it, you stole my punchline.

Yes, that is what this is going to boil down to, and I'm almost sure of it.

We've leveraged technology and productivity to make our lives easier and cheaper, but we never gave enough thought to the downside: Fewer workers needed.

Well, here we are. I know that they'll scream "socialism", but that line of thinking simply no longer applies. We've crossed the tipping point, and we'd better address it pretty fucking soon.

Good stuff, thanks.
I don't see it as socialism.

It is basic logic. It is how things will develop.
So, we are headed towards a uniform basic income, but not during the next President's term(s) that's a little further down the line (even though it would be CHEAPER than our current welfare programs)
Goddamn it, you stole my punchline.

Yes, that is what this is going to boil down to, and I'm almost sure of it.

We've leveraged technology and productivity to make our lives easier and cheaper, but we never gave enough thought to the downside: Fewer workers needed.

Well, here we are. I know that they'll scream "socialism", but that line of thinking simply no longer applies. We've crossed the tipping point, and we'd better address it pretty fucking soon.

Good stuff, thanks.

The ONLY downside to a UBI is this.

Americans ARE stupid. Let's say we settled on $1000 a month for each US citizen. A large portion of citizens would waste that money and be back looking or handouts. You know this, I know this, and everyone else knows this. Then of course the usual suspects would chime in that we can't possibly just let these people starve and why are we so mean, and we need welfare for the children. Further proving just how fucking stupid Americans are.
It wasn't a fake university. you're going to try and make me believe it wasn't a fake university? He's really done a number on your one-cell brain.

You need to quit gobbling up leftist shit. There were many satisfied with it, some weren't, but that's true with anything. Lot's of accredited universities ripping off students and lefties yawn in indifference. Unless it's their bill.
He's being sued over its can't make that shit up.

Donald Trump sued for $40 million over 'phony' university that 'falsely' promised to make students rich

The Clintons have made a lot of money with influence peddling. A quarter million for 20 minute speeches and you think it's legit? You've been had.
Romney made a lot of money from his speeches....I didn't hear you yakking about that when you voted for him in 2012......hypocrite.

Romney's speech income big money for most
Romney didn't peddle influence. The Clintons did it back in the WH days. You could rent the Lincoln bedroom for enough dough. A lawsuit is proof to you?

You haven't provided any proof about the Clintons....just a lot of lip.

And no, not just the lawsuit.....the fact that Trumpf is jumping hoops and exposing his racism over it shows that he's really scared that it will be declared a "fake" university and he will have to make restitution. He may not have the money to pay back.....even though he's been bragging about how rich he is, we may find out the truth (that it was just bragging) even if he doesn't release his tax returns.
Your lip won't do either then if you insist on being a smug asshole. But then again, you're a liberal. Just because the media covers it up, hammers Republicans you see no wrong. You're a KoolAid gulper.

Fact-Checking Hillary: No, the Clinton Foundation Hasn't Operated With 'Complete Transparency'
Credit to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow for asking about a thorny issue that has largely receded to the back burner for Hillary -- perhaps rightfully so, given the fact that she's reportedly about to be questioned by the FBI over a separate scandal, about which she's lied constantly. Nevertheless, the heart of the Clinton Foundation controversy sits at the intersection of big money and power politics. couldn't get a more right-wing source?

Townhall - Conservative news, politics, opinion,...

Yep....just like the conservative White Water Scandal, the Benghazi Scandal, the E-Mail Scandal....all down the drain with no proof to support it. Go peddle your conservative opinions to another gullible consersative.
hey sparky....

Smart people with smart people around them know how to hide proof.

Smart people, however, don't always look for proof when making a judgment call. They simply look at patterns.

I know....innocent until proven guilty......That's pertains to the law.

It doesn't pertain to personal decision making.

If my daughter brought home a guy who had bloodshot eyes, a tattoo on his face and a nose ring, I will have no proof that he will be a bad influence on my daughter...

Bu I am not required to have proof.

Hillary has shown a pattern. That's all anyone with an open mind needs to recognize.
So, we are headed towards a uniform basic income, but not during the next President's term(s) that's a little further down the line (even though it would be CHEAPER than our current welfare programs)
Goddamn it, you stole my punchline.

Yes, that is what this is going to boil down to, and I'm almost sure of it.

We've leveraged technology and productivity to make our lives easier and cheaper, but we never gave enough thought to the downside: Fewer workers needed.

Well, here we are. I know that they'll scream "socialism", but that line of thinking simply no longer applies. We've crossed the tipping point, and we'd better address it pretty fucking soon.

Good stuff, thanks.

The ONLY downside to a UBI is this.

Americans ARE stupid. Let's say we settled on $1000 a month for each US citizen. A large portion of citizens would waste that money and be back looking or handouts. You know this, I know this, and everyone else knows this. Then of course the usual suspects would chime in that we can't possibly just let these people starve and why are we so mean, and we need welfare for the children. Further proving just how fucking stupid Americans are.
Yeah, can't argue. Just thinking out loud here, but there would have to be some kind of requirements attached to it - volunteer work, government work, I don't know.

And we really should have thought this all through by now. Worse, it's going to take a cooperative effort to do so, and cooperative effort is currently not allowed.
So, we are headed towards a uniform basic income, but not during the next President's term(s) that's a little further down the line (even though it would be CHEAPER than our current welfare programs)
Goddamn it, you stole my punchline.

Yes, that is what this is going to boil down to, and I'm almost sure of it.

We've leveraged technology and productivity to make our lives easier and cheaper, but we never gave enough thought to the downside: Fewer workers needed.

Well, here we are. I know that they'll scream "socialism", but that line of thinking simply no longer applies. We've crossed the tipping point, and we'd better address it pretty fucking soon.

Good stuff, thanks.

The ONLY downside to a UBI is this.

Americans ARE stupid. Let's say we settled on $1000 a month for each US citizen. A large portion of citizens would waste that money and be back looking or handouts. You know this, I know this, and everyone else knows this. Then of course the usual suspects would chime in that we can't possibly just let these people starve and why are we so mean, and we need welfare for the children. Further proving just how fucking stupid Americans are.
if you are at the point of equal pay for everyone, then currency should become obsolete.

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