The Republican base has been tricked by Trump into thinking their jobs will "come back". you're going to try and make me believe it wasn't a fake university? He's really done a number on your one-cell brain.

He's being sued over its can't make that shit up.

Donald Trump sued for $40 million over 'phony' university that 'falsely' promised to make students rich

Romney made a lot of money from his speeches....I didn't hear you yakking about that when you voted for him in 2012......hypocrite.

Romney's speech income big money for most
Romney didn't peddle influence. The Clintons did it back in the WH days. You could rent the Lincoln bedroom for enough dough. A lawsuit is proof to you?

You haven't provided any proof about the Clintons....just a lot of lip.

And no, not just the lawsuit.....the fact that Trumpf is jumping hoops and exposing his racism over it shows that he's really scared that it will be declared a "fake" university and he will have to make restitution. He may not have the money to pay back.....even though he's been bragging about how rich he is, we may find out the truth (that it was just bragging) even if he doesn't release his tax returns.
Your lip won't do either then if you insist on being a smug asshole. But then again, you're a liberal. Just because the media covers it up, hammers Republicans you see no wrong. You're a KoolAid gulper.

Fact-Checking Hillary: No, the Clinton Foundation Hasn't Operated With 'Complete Transparency'
Credit to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow for asking about a thorny issue that has largely receded to the back burner for Hillary -- perhaps rightfully so, given the fact that she's reportedly about to be questioned by the FBI over a separate scandal, about which she's lied constantly. Nevertheless, the heart of the Clinton Foundation controversy sits at the intersection of big money and power politics. couldn't get a more right-wing source?

Townhall - Conservative news, politics, opinion,...

Yep....just like the conservative White Water Scandal, the Benghazi Scandal, the E-Mail Scandal....all down the drain with no proof to support it. Go peddle your conservative opinions to another gullible consersative.
hey sparky....

Smart people with smart people around them know how to hide proof.

Smart people, however, don't always look for proof when making a judgment call. They simply look at patterns.

I know....innocent until proven guilty......That's pertains to the law.

It doesn't pertain to personal decision making.

If my daughter brought home a guy who had bloodshot eyes, a tattoo on his face and a nose ring, I will have no proof that he will be a bad influence on my daughter...

Bu I am not required to have proof.

Hillary has shown a pattern. That's all anyone with an open mind needs to recognize.

Bwahahaha....and Trumpf has been the pillar of honesty and good-will.....You're so gullible and you don't even realize it. At least you admit that Trumpf is stupid, he doesn't know how to hide proof! Bwahaha
CIG wants to replace two-thirds of its 3,000 workers with machines this year. Within a few more years, it wants the operation to be almost entirely automated, creating a so-called “dark factory.” The idea is that with so few people around, you could switch the lights off and leave the place to the machines.
China Is Building a Robot Army of Model Workers

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

If Republicans can't compete with people making $1.06 an hour, how can they compete with the robots replacing those people.

And Republicans, in their vast ignorance, will insist people making 15 dollars an hour will drive business to automate.
Only they are going to automate anyway.

The only thing left is education. And we know what Republicans think of education.
The GOP base doesn't want to work. Instead, they will vote for a con man hoping he some how brings them prosperity.

It won't happen. It's a con dum dums. Get that through your tiny and pointed heads.
It takes mechanics and engineers to fix and maintain those robots. Assembly-line work is tedious and hazardous to your health.
I don't see a problem with this. Remove the jobs that require untrained drones and replace them with robots with highly skilled technicians to keep them running.
So, we are headed towards a uniform basic income, but not during the next President's term(s) that's a little further down the line (even though it would be CHEAPER than our current welfare programs)
Goddamn it, you stole my punchline.

Yes, that is what this is going to boil down to, and I'm almost sure of it.

We've leveraged technology and productivity to make our lives easier and cheaper, but we never gave enough thought to the downside: Fewer workers needed.

Well, here we are. I know that they'll scream "socialism", but that line of thinking simply no longer applies. We've crossed the tipping point, and we'd better address it pretty fucking soon.

Good stuff, thanks.

The ONLY downside to a UBI is this.

Americans ARE stupid. Let's say we settled on $1000 a month for each US citizen. A large portion of citizens would waste that money and be back looking or handouts. You know this, I know this, and everyone else knows this. Then of course the usual suspects would chime in that we can't possibly just let these people starve and why are we so mean, and we need welfare for the children. Further proving just how fucking stupid Americans are.
if you are at the point of equal pay for everyone, then currency should become obsolete.

Who said equal pay?

See this kind of thinking is what prevents us from moving forward.

Surely you can see that the lower level jobs are going the way of the dodo. We can't just ignore that and pretend like those people will suddenly become smart enough to be engineers and doctors and lawyers.
Romney didn't peddle influence. The Clintons did it back in the WH days. You could rent the Lincoln bedroom for enough dough. A lawsuit is proof to you?

You haven't provided any proof about the Clintons....just a lot of lip.

And no, not just the lawsuit.....the fact that Trumpf is jumping hoops and exposing his racism over it shows that he's really scared that it will be declared a "fake" university and he will have to make restitution. He may not have the money to pay back.....even though he's been bragging about how rich he is, we may find out the truth (that it was just bragging) even if he doesn't release his tax returns.
Your lip won't do either then if you insist on being a smug asshole. But then again, you're a liberal. Just because the media covers it up, hammers Republicans you see no wrong. You're a KoolAid gulper.

Fact-Checking Hillary: No, the Clinton Foundation Hasn't Operated With 'Complete Transparency'
Credit to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow for asking about a thorny issue that has largely receded to the back burner for Hillary -- perhaps rightfully so, given the fact that she's reportedly about to be questioned by the FBI over a separate scandal, about which she's lied constantly. Nevertheless, the heart of the Clinton Foundation controversy sits at the intersection of big money and power politics. couldn't get a more right-wing source?

Townhall - Conservative news, politics, opinion,...

Yep....just like the conservative White Water Scandal, the Benghazi Scandal, the E-Mail Scandal....all down the drain with no proof to support it. Go peddle your conservative opinions to another gullible consersative.
hey sparky....

Smart people with smart people around them know how to hide proof.

Smart people, however, don't always look for proof when making a judgment call. They simply look at patterns.

I know....innocent until proven guilty......That's pertains to the law.

It doesn't pertain to personal decision making.

If my daughter brought home a guy who had bloodshot eyes, a tattoo on his face and a nose ring, I will have no proof that he will be a bad influence on my daughter...

Bu I am not required to have proof.

Hillary has shown a pattern. That's all anyone with an open mind needs to recognize.

Bwahahaha....and Trumpf has been the pillar of honesty and good-will.....You're so gullible and you don't even realize it. At least you admit that Trumpf is stupid, he doesn't know how to hide proof! Bwahaha

What ? You think knowing how to hide proof of wrongdoing is an admiral quality? No wonder you support Hillary.
Romney didn't peddle influence. The Clintons did it back in the WH days. You could rent the Lincoln bedroom for enough dough. A lawsuit is proof to you?

You haven't provided any proof about the Clintons....just a lot of lip.

And no, not just the lawsuit.....the fact that Trumpf is jumping hoops and exposing his racism over it shows that he's really scared that it will be declared a "fake" university and he will have to make restitution. He may not have the money to pay back.....even though he's been bragging about how rich he is, we may find out the truth (that it was just bragging) even if he doesn't release his tax returns.
Your lip won't do either then if you insist on being a smug asshole. But then again, you're a liberal. Just because the media covers it up, hammers Republicans you see no wrong. You're a KoolAid gulper.

Fact-Checking Hillary: No, the Clinton Foundation Hasn't Operated With 'Complete Transparency'
Credit to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow for asking about a thorny issue that has largely receded to the back burner for Hillary -- perhaps rightfully so, given the fact that she's reportedly about to be questioned by the FBI over a separate scandal, about which she's lied constantly. Nevertheless, the heart of the Clinton Foundation controversy sits at the intersection of big money and power politics. couldn't get a more right-wing source?

Townhall - Conservative news, politics, opinion,...

Yep....just like the conservative White Water Scandal, the Benghazi Scandal, the E-Mail Scandal....all down the drain with no proof to support it. Go peddle your conservative opinions to another gullible consersative.
hey sparky....

Smart people with smart people around them know how to hide proof.

Smart people, however, don't always look for proof when making a judgment call. They simply look at patterns.

I know....innocent until proven guilty......That's pertains to the law.

It doesn't pertain to personal decision making.

If my daughter brought home a guy who had bloodshot eyes, a tattoo on his face and a nose ring, I will have no proof that he will be a bad influence on my daughter...

Bu I am not required to have proof.

Hillary has shown a pattern. That's all anyone with an open mind needs to recognize.

Bwahahaha....and Trumpf has been the pillar of honesty and good-will.....You're so gullible and you don't even realize it. At least you admit that Trumpf is stupid, he doesn't know how to hide proof! Bwahaha
Now look who's being stupid.

Okay everyone.......repeat after me; To you Republicans are basically the following:

  1. Racists
  2. Wealthy white guys
  3. Stupid
  4. Hate women, children (except gooey fetuses), and fuzzy puppies.

For crying out loud. That's all you people have. You suck at running things. Obamacare and the V.A. proves that. You vote for criminals. You think America doesn't really exist because you don't believe in actual borders. You attack cops. You reward criminals and wrap your arms around thugs and degenerates. You support murdering terrorists.

Jesus Christ, you people are so God Damned stupid.
Romney didn't peddle influence. The Clintons did it back in the WH days. You could rent the Lincoln bedroom for enough dough. A lawsuit is proof to you?

You haven't provided any proof about the Clintons....just a lot of lip.

And no, not just the lawsuit.....the fact that Trumpf is jumping hoops and exposing his racism over it shows that he's really scared that it will be declared a "fake" university and he will have to make restitution. He may not have the money to pay back.....even though he's been bragging about how rich he is, we may find out the truth (that it was just bragging) even if he doesn't release his tax returns.
Your lip won't do either then if you insist on being a smug asshole. But then again, you're a liberal. Just because the media covers it up, hammers Republicans you see no wrong. You're a KoolAid gulper.

Fact-Checking Hillary: No, the Clinton Foundation Hasn't Operated With 'Complete Transparency'
Credit to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow for asking about a thorny issue that has largely receded to the back burner for Hillary -- perhaps rightfully so, given the fact that she's reportedly about to be questioned by the FBI over a separate scandal, about which she's lied constantly. Nevertheless, the heart of the Clinton Foundation controversy sits at the intersection of big money and power politics. couldn't get a more right-wing source?

Townhall - Conservative news, politics, opinion,...

Yep....just like the conservative White Water Scandal, the Benghazi Scandal, the E-Mail Scandal....all down the drain with no proof to support it. Go peddle your conservative opinions to another gullible consersative.
hey sparky....

Smart people with smart people around them know how to hide proof.

Smart people, however, don't always look for proof when making a judgment call. They simply look at patterns.

I know....innocent until proven guilty......That's pertains to the law.

It doesn't pertain to personal decision making.

If my daughter brought home a guy who had bloodshot eyes, a tattoo on his face and a nose ring, I will have no proof that he will be a bad influence on my daughter...

Bu I am not required to have proof.

Hillary has shown a pattern. That's all anyone with an open mind needs to recognize.

Bwahahaha....and Trumpf has been the pillar of honesty and good-will.....You're so gullible and you don't even realize it. At least you admit that Trumpf is stupid, he doesn't know how to hide proof! Bwahaha
You dumb bitch. You need to assign my mindset for me so you can have something to argue about. I can't stand Hillary and scumbag supporters like you make it easy.
CIG wants to replace two-thirds of its 3,000 workers with machines this year. Within a few more years, it wants the operation to be almost entirely automated, creating a so-called “dark factory.” The idea is that with so few people around, you could switch the lights off and leave the place to the machines.
China Is Building a Robot Army of Model Workers

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

If Republicans can't compete with people making $1.06 an hour, how can they compete with the robots replacing those people.

And Republicans, in their vast ignorance, will insist people making 15 dollars an hour will drive business to automate.
Only they are going to automate anyway.

The only thing left is education. And we know what Republicans think of education.
The GOP base doesn't want to work. Instead, they will vote for a con man hoping he some how brings them prosperity.

It won't happen. It's a con dum dums. Get that through your tiny and pointed heads.
It takes mechanics and engineers to fix and maintain those robots. Assembly-line work is tedious and hazardous to your health.
I don't see a problem with this. Remove the jobs that require untrained drones and replace them with robots with highly skilled technicians to keep them running.
Only you need educated people to do those jobs.

This is what the GOP elite has been telling it's base:

Scientists are liars about everything from the age of the earth to climate change to evolution.

Liberals are now teaching "fuzzy" math that even uses letters instead of numbers.

Doctors will give your kids autism.

Scientists have no integrity. They work for grants so they lie to get more grants.

Trump will be running on what Republicans already believe.

Hillary will be running on facts.

Lou Dobbs said from a survey, over 80% of his viewers believes Trump has every right to bring up Mexican heritage.

Democrats will have an up hill battle.
CIG wants to replace two-thirds of its 3,000 workers with machines this year. Within a few more years, it wants the operation to be almost entirely automated, creating a so-called “dark factory.” The idea is that with so few people around, you could switch the lights off and leave the place to the machines.
China Is Building a Robot Army of Model Workers

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

If Republicans can't compete with people making $1.06 an hour, how can they compete with the robots replacing those people.

And Republicans, in their vast ignorance, will insist people making 15 dollars an hour will drive business to automate.
Only they are going to automate anyway.

The only thing left is education. And we know what Republicans think of education.
The GOP base doesn't want to work. Instead, they will vote for a con man hoping he some how brings them prosperity.

It won't happen. It's a con dum dums. Get that through your tiny and pointed heads.
It takes mechanics and engineers to fix and maintain those robots. Assembly-line work is tedious and hazardous to your health.
I don't see a problem with this. Remove the jobs that require untrained drones and replace them with robots with highly skilled technicians to keep them running.
Only you need educated people to do those jobs.

This is what the GOP elite has been telling it's base:

Scientists are liars about everything from the age of the earth to climate change to evolution.

Liberals are now teaching "fuzzy" math that even uses letters instead of numbers.

Doctors will give your kids autism.

Scientists have no integrity. They work for grants so they lie to get more grants.

Trump will be running on what Republicans already believe.

Hillary will be running on facts.

Lou Dobbs said from a survey, over 80% of his viewers believes Trump has every right to bring up Mexican heritage.

Democrats will have an up hill battle.

Rdean , if Dems love science so much , how come they believe a person can change their gender?
You haven't provided any proof about the Clintons....just a lot of lip.

And no, not just the lawsuit.....the fact that Trumpf is jumping hoops and exposing his racism over it shows that he's really scared that it will be declared a "fake" university and he will have to make restitution. He may not have the money to pay back.....even though he's been bragging about how rich he is, we may find out the truth (that it was just bragging) even if he doesn't release his tax returns.
Your lip won't do either then if you insist on being a smug asshole. But then again, you're a liberal. Just because the media covers it up, hammers Republicans you see no wrong. You're a KoolAid gulper.

Fact-Checking Hillary: No, the Clinton Foundation Hasn't Operated With 'Complete Transparency'
Credit to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow for asking about a thorny issue that has largely receded to the back burner for Hillary -- perhaps rightfully so, given the fact that she's reportedly about to be questioned by the FBI over a separate scandal, about which she's lied constantly. Nevertheless, the heart of the Clinton Foundation controversy sits at the intersection of big money and power politics. couldn't get a more right-wing source?

Townhall - Conservative news, politics, opinion,...

Yep....just like the conservative White Water Scandal, the Benghazi Scandal, the E-Mail Scandal....all down the drain with no proof to support it. Go peddle your conservative opinions to another gullible consersative.
hey sparky....

Smart people with smart people around them know how to hide proof.

Smart people, however, don't always look for proof when making a judgment call. They simply look at patterns.

I know....innocent until proven guilty......That's pertains to the law.

It doesn't pertain to personal decision making.

If my daughter brought home a guy who had bloodshot eyes, a tattoo on his face and a nose ring, I will have no proof that he will be a bad influence on my daughter...

Bu I am not required to have proof.

Hillary has shown a pattern. That's all anyone with an open mind needs to recognize.

Bwahahaha....and Trumpf has been the pillar of honesty and good-will.....You're so gullible and you don't even realize it. At least you admit that Trumpf is stupid, he doesn't know how to hide proof! Bwahaha
Now look who's being stupid.

Okay everyone.......repeat after me; To you Republicans are basically the following:

  1. Racists
  2. Wealthy white guys
  3. Stupid
  4. Hate women, children (except gooey fetuses), and fuzzy puppies.

For crying out loud. That's all you people have. You suck at running things. Obamacare and the V.A. proves that. You vote for criminals. You think America doesn't really exist because you don't believe in actual borders. You attack cops. You reward criminals and wrap your arms around thugs and degenerates. You support murdering terrorists.

Jesus Christ, you people are so God Damned stupid.
Obamacare was a GOP idea.
Republicans cut VA funding.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and tried to take credit from Obama because he took Bin Laden down.
The GOP lied America into Iraq so who are the criminals?

I know degenerate is code for gay. We already know Republicans want gays dead.

Cruz Campaign Quietly Admits 'It Was A Mistake' To Attend Radical 'Kill-The-Gays' Conference

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