What happens when the GOP base finds out Trump is lying about bringing back jobs?

China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

The same thing that happens whenever they find out that Trump is lying to them now; 'cognitive realignment' to perceive reality as always having matched Trump's new narrative......or blame Democrats.
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

The same thing that happens whenever they find out that Trump is lying to them now; 'cognitive realignment' to perceive reality as always having matched Trump's new narrative......or blame Democrats.

There is that.
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

What happens then? We'll be saying thank God Hillary didn't get elected, now we have all these jobs that Trump didn't create.
For cons results don't matter. The only thing they care about is their team 'winning'. Trump won't be able to do anything about jobs, it's just one of his bullshit planks. Just like every other person that has ever run for president.
The minimum wage has nothing to do with it. China is replacing people making $170 a month. That's a buck six an hour. It's not about how much the workers make but how cheap robots make productions. They are replacing McDonald's workers now. And they don't make $15 bucks an hour. That means they were going to do it anyway. Get it?


That's a logical fallacy. Chinese robots replacing assembly labor in China is as relevant as robotics being used in auto plants in America today replacing jobs at McDonald's to jobs as McDonald's.

What matters - as anyone who has studied economics knows - is the cost structure of the industry in which the business operates. Jacking up minimum wage by 50% will accelerate the replacement of labor with machines. That may have happened over time anyways - check into an airline lately? - but the government is hastening the process by setting the industry wage above the replacement cost of technology.

Bye-bye jobs! Thanks liberal big government.
Trump, once he gains the nomination, will walk back a lot of his "promises." Everyone knows, possible with the exception of the rabid knuckle draggers, that he is a liberal in conservative clothing.

China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

I reckon voters in the GOP will do the same thing those in the DNC did when Obama lied to you about health care.

Just shake your head and continue to vote for your party nominee.


I say there are far more brain dead morons in the democrat party than there are in the GOP. After all, you would have to be a brain dead moron to vote for either Hillary or Trump.

Therefore, Hillary wins by a landslide.

BTW, the US has plenty of jobs but only if Repubs stop obstructing infrastructure and green energy. Other countries invest in their own country to the extent that some are selling their green energy, but not us.

Much more important that we rape the working class, starve children, shit on vets, punish women and further enrich the 1%.

Stupid RWNJs will do anything they believe will harm their own country - even vote for a reality tv personality whose only talent is insulting them.

Bottom line in this mess is that Dems don't vote, they deserve the sky high tax rates Trumpery promises.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

I did not know being this clueless is even possible. Exactly how many jobs do you think can be added to green energy and infrastructure?

Oh, that's right - yours. Classic regressive liberal conflict of interest.

You might also ask how productive those jobs are - not very. But then again the purpose of liberal parasitism is not to be productive, but to take other people's money.

Hundreds of thousands at least. It depends how far we go with it. The struggling coal industry could convert all of those flattened mountaintops into wind and solar making the Appalachians a clean energy provider for the Eastern seaboard.A 50 yr infrastructure plan could employ multiple generations with modest investments in trade training. A solution exists but only if leaders are serious.
The minimum wage has nothing to do with it. China is replacing people making $170 a month. That's a buck six an hour. It's not about how much the workers make but how cheap robots make productions. They are replacing McDonald's workers now. And they don't make $15 bucks an hour. That means they were going to do it anyway. Get it?


That's a logical fallacy. Chinese robots replacing assembly labor in China is as relevant as robotics being used in auto plants in America today replacing jobs at McDonald's to jobs as McDonald's.

What matters - as anyone who has studied economics knows - is the cost structure of the industry in which the business operates. Jacking up minimum wage by 50% will accelerate the replacement of labor with machines. That may have happened over time anyways - check into an airline lately? - but the government is hastening the process by setting the industry wage above the replacement cost of technology.

Bye-bye jobs! Thanks liberal big government.
Oh puh leez!

First you say : "That may have happened over time anyways" Then you say, "government is hastening the process". Then what the fuck does it matter??????? The jobs aren't coming back. Trump is lying.
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

I reckon voters in the GOP will do the same thing those in the DNC did when Obama lied to you about health care.

Just shake your head and continue to vote for your party nominee.


I say there are far more brain dead morons in the democrat party than there are in the GOP. After all, you would have to be a brain dead moron to vote for either Hillary or Trump.

Therefore, Hillary wins by a landslide.


Actually, I'm going to be calling an exchange for health care in a couple of months when I retire. It's been a huge success in Kentucky. They call it Kynnect. They say it should replace Obamacare. Too stupid to know it IS Obamacare but by a different name.
The places it's failed are the places the GOP is making it fail.
The U.S. wouldn't have to "bring back jobs" if Barry Hussein didn't lie about losing them in the first place. While the administration has been wringing it's hands and blaming American decadence for the non-issue of global warming and Barry has been hopscotching the world in a non-stop apology tour the jobs have been going overseas. Instead of leadership we get lectures about global warming and men in the freaking ladies room.
Shut up idiot asshole until you come back with real facts.

Decline in US Manufacturing employment

Senator Bernie Sanders' quote that in the 8 years of the GW Bush adminstration, we closed over 42,000 factories in the US. This came from an American Prospect article by Richard McCormack:

For American manufacturers, the bad years didn't begin with the banking crisis of 2008. Indeed, the U.S. manufacturing sector never emerged from the 2001 recession, which coincided with China's entry into the World Trade Organization. Since 2001, the country has lost 42,400 factories, including 36 percent of factories that employ more than 1,000 workers
At least Bernie has the solution to the problem:
Increase everyone's MW to $15 and allow anyone who wants to go to college or university to study what the impact of medieval shoe design had on the socio-economic future in Wales ...........for free at the
expense of the evil 1% ers.
If Americans can tolerate liar of the yr as President I dont see any prob ...do you
I don't know what you are talking about. Trump gives more lies in one day than Obama has in 8 years.

It's going to be fascinating to watch a POTUS attend his own trial for fraud if Trump gets elected.

Bad news for The Donald on Super Tuesday as court rules N.Y. attorney general's Trump University fraud lawsuit can proceed
Court says A.G.'s Trump University fraud lawsuit can proceed
After Trump's epic successes winning all five states and every county and district if a judge ruling a lawsuit can proceed Trump will take that news all day.
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

I would suggest poor people have fewer kids or none at all. We need to right size our population so that every person has a job and good standard of living. Hard to feel sorry for poor people who have kids they can't afford. They raise poor children who grow up to raise poor kids who repeat the cycle. The less people the less poverty.

We could make it easier. Provide free contraception for everyone.

If you are 'poor' as in receiving food stamps etc you can get BC for free.
The 'poor' (cough) men will not use a condom. The women will not use the 'pill'. Their preferred form of BC is having abortions. (You get free coffee and donuts while you wait your turn). So that's a good thing right?
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

What's funny is you get that with Trump but all Trump would be doing is continuing Obama's anti-free trade policies that got us where we are and you don't get that

I have no idea what you are talking about. And worse, I bet you don't either.

Of course you don't, you just drank the kool-aid, again and again. It killed your mind, your zombie body lives on

Sorry, I never studied ignorance nor delusion. Clearly, you are at the head of the class.

You never studied anything, that's your problem
In a few decades, the issue manufacturing jobs will be as relevant as the issue of what to do with all the triceratops poop piling up in Central Park, mere political fodder. Robots work faster, work longer hours with better quality, and have no attitude problems. The reality is, high paying, low skilled manufacturing jobs will not "return" to the US. In fact, as we see with China replacing workers with robots, manufacturing jobs are on their way out world wide. It is inevitable when the cost of human labor rises above the cost of automation. The world has changed and pining for the days when Dad could graduate from high school, work the factory floor for 40 years, raise a family and send his kids to college while Mom stayed home is useless.
It’s more a matter of republicans’ ignorance and stupidity than Trump’s lies – that anyone is so clueless and gullible as to believe any president has the ‘authority’ to prohibit US companies from moving jobs overseas, or compel them to ‘bring them back,’ for that matter.

Indeed, Trump as ‘president’ can petition Congress all he wants to enact trade tariffs, but it will never happen – consequently Trump is either a liar or an ignorant fool, much like his supporters.

And as for Trump’s advocacy for ‘tariffs’:

“A new tariff -- and therefore, a higher import cost -- would simply push U.S. companies to raise prices in order to keep turning a profit. That means the average shopper in the U.S. would be forced to pay more.

In the long run, businesses would eventually seek to move production elsewhere, like Vietnam or India, where costs are cheaper -- the same reason they moved to China in the first place.”

U.S. entrepreneur says Trump's China tariffs are a bad idea

Lessons you people have been learning from Obama's attempts, huh? Wow, and it only took 7 1/2 years for you to do it. I wonder how long it'll take Trump supporters. Anyway, game on apparently
Another fucking idiot. Obama has helped Manufacturing in this country more than any Republican in decades.

The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Trade Enforcement Record | United States Trade Representative

WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case

Have Republicans ever defended America at the WTO. Do you fuckers even know what that is?

Thought so. Fucking dumb ass Republicans. So stupid. So ignorant.

Low margin jobs, the dream of leftists
Abolishing minimum wage and living off the crumbs of the rich. Today's GOP reality.

Nice guy, wanting the lowest end workers to get fired. Is that so you have more of your peers to hang out in the park with? They want to improve their lives, you don't, so you fuck them and get them fired?
The minimum wage has nothing to do with it. China is replacing people making $170 a month. That's a buck six an hour. It's not about how much the workers make but how cheap robots make productions. They are replacing McDonald's workers now. And they don't make $15 bucks an hour. That means they were going to do it anyway. Get it?


That's a logical fallacy. Chinese robots replacing assembly labor in China is as relevant as robotics being used in auto plants in America today replacing jobs at McDonald's to jobs as McDonald's.

What matters - as anyone who has studied economics knows - is the cost structure of the industry in which the business operates. Jacking up minimum wage by 50% will accelerate the replacement of labor with machines. That may have happened over time anyways - check into an airline lately? - but the government is hastening the process by setting the industry wage above the replacement cost of technology.

Bye-bye jobs! Thanks liberal big government.
Oh puh leez!

First you say : "That may have happened over time anyways" Then you say, "government is hastening the process". Then what the fuck does it matter??????? The jobs aren't coming back. Trump is lying.

I'm not talking about Trump, rderp. The jobs he's promising aren't coming back.

I'm talking about the $15 minimum wage that you say has no affect on technology adoption. That's dumb.
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

you know dean i bet if trump was running as a democrat with many of the same ideas he is talking about now and was bad mouthing the GOP....i bet you would be saying the guy knows what he is talking about...

No I wouldn't and that's a stupid thing to say even for you. Calling Hispanic's rapists mean he wouldn't ever be the Democrat nominee. DUH! Did that need to be explained?

Did Trump actually say that Hispanics, meaning all of them, were rapists? I think not. What he is really saying is that we have massive illegal immigration from south of the border, and no ability to separate the criminals from the non criminals. And good luck with being all humanitarian in accepting as many unvetted young male muslims from the middle east, and ridiculing the very practical prediction that a certain percentage of them may be jihadists.

It doesn't matter what he actually said. All that matters is he's running as a Republican, which means he's automatically evil, and he said something negative about some people who are here illegally. To the average incurious and uninformed democrat voter, that's enough to scream that Trump is racist all day every day.
It’s more a matter of republicans’ ignorance and stupidity than Trump’s lies – that anyone is so clueless and gullible as to believe any president has the ‘authority’ to prohibit US companies from moving jobs overseas, or compel them to ‘bring them back,’ for that matter.

Indeed, Trump as ‘president’ can petition Congress all he wants to enact trade tariffs, but it will never happen – consequently Trump is either a liar or an ignorant fool, much like his supporters.

And as for Trump’s advocacy for ‘tariffs’:

“A new tariff -- and therefore, a higher import cost -- would simply push U.S. companies to raise prices in order to keep turning a profit. That means the average shopper in the U.S. would be forced to pay more.

In the long run, businesses would eventually seek to move production elsewhere, like Vietnam or India, where costs are cheaper -- the same reason they moved to China in the first place.”

U.S. entrepreneur says Trump's China tariffs are a bad idea
Tariffs and the minimum wage have the same effect on the consumer, higher prices.
China’s factories are building a robot nation

The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors

For decades, manufacturers employed waves of young migrant workers from China's countryside to work at countless factories in coastal provinces, churning out cheap toys, clothing and electronics that helped power the country's economic ascent.

Now, factories are rapidly replacing those workers with automation, a pivot that's encouraged by rising wages and new official directives aimed at helping the country move away from low-cost manufacturing as the supply of young, pliant workers shrinks.


So what happens? During the general election, the news will be coming out. Already Trump has provided lots of ignorant sound bites. Is this something he can take back. But then what does he have to run on?

The same thing that happens whenever they find out that Trump is lying to them now; 'cognitive realignment' to perceive reality as always having matched Trump's new narrative......or blame Democrats.

I think Trump's supporters have the same concern about him lying to them as Hillary's supporters have for her's. That is to say, none. Both groups want their champion to win and will excuse anything and everything negative about them.

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