What happens when you excessivily tax people?

The Nazi's were Totalitarian, Socialists. Not much Conservatism there folks. Conservatives support Unalienable Rights. Socialists, Communists, Statists, refuse to.

In a few short years of being told what to FEEL by morons like Limbaugh and Hannity, you "conservatives" now parrot the mantra that Hirohito sneak attacks and torturing human beings are as American as apple pie...

Unscrupulous scum bags like Karl Rove and Grover Norquist have been at it for a lot longer than a few years...they have MADE "gummint" the problem and told you pea brain suckers what to parrot...when you "starve the beast" as they like to call it, and castrate the system our founders created, what you have is self fulfilling prophecy...

Talk about spewing ideology...come up for air Bfgrn. You're drowning in the liberal pool.
95% of the system in place is so far above and beyond what the founders set forth and intended, that starving it would be a damned good thing.

And every real libertarian knows it.

THEN the debate about size and scope of government that has heatedly gone on in this republic since Jefferson and Hamilton went toe to toe is now over...So anarchist DUDe, NOW you need to come up with a new form of government, something better than our founder's created to replace it with...but you better work REAL FAST because Republicans already have, it's called fascism...the seamless marriage of corporations and government. BTW, our founder's called it "taxation without representation"...

And every real libertarian knows it. Not phony right wing corporate libertarians...
The Nazi's were Totalitarian, Socialists. Not much Conservatism there folks. Conservatives support Unalienable Rights. Socialists, Communists, Statists, refuse to.

In a few short years of being told what to FEEL by morons like Limbaugh and Hannity, you "conservatives" now parrot the mantra that Hirohito sneak attacks and torturing human beings are as American as apple pie...

Unscrupulous scum bags like Karl Rove and Grover Norquist have been at it for a lot longer than a few years...they have MADE "gummint" the problem and told you pea brain suckers what to parrot...when you "starve the beast" as they like to call it, and castrate the system our founders created, what you have is self fulfilling prophecy...

Talk about spewing ideology...come up for air Bfgrn. You're drowning in the liberal pool.

Oh, when I nail you pea brains to the wall, you go into pro wrestling mode...
95% of the system in place is so far above and beyond what the founders set forth and intended, that starving it would be a damned good thing.

And every real libertarian knows it.

THEN the debate about size and scope of government that has heatedly gone on in this republic since Jefferson and Hamilton went toe to toe is now over...So anarchist DUDe, NOW you need to come up with a new form of government, something better than our founder's created to replace it with...but you better work REAL FAST because Republicans already have, it's called fascism...the seamless marriage of corporations and government. BTW, our founder's called it "taxation without representation"...

And every real libertarian knows it. Not phony right wing corporate libertarians...
Jeez...It's like we ordered you from the lefty loon stereotype catalog!

Just for your edumacation, Jethro, the biggest multi-national corporation in the world, and the mother ship of all others, is known as "District of Columbia".



Established: Effective June 1, 1871, by an act of February 21, 1871 (16 Stat. 419), abolishing the Corporations of the City of Washington, DC, and Georgetown, DC, and the Levy Court of Washington County, DC; and replacing them with a municipal corporation known as the District of Columbia.

Records of the Government of the District of Columbia

Foo. :lol:
The Nazi's were Totalitarian, Socialists. Not much Conservatism there folks. Conservatives support Unalienable Rights. Socialists, Communists, Statists, refuse to.

Anti gay rights

Anti women's rights

Jim Crow


Oh yea, conservatives are just a perfect examples of "freedom" and "human rights".

I'm Conservative.
I'm not "Anti Gay Rights".

I'm Conservative,
I'm not "Anti Woman's Right's".

I'm Conservative,
I do not support Jim Crow Laws.

I'm Conservative,
I do not support Segregation Laws.

Anything else You want to guess wrong on and make a bigger Jackass of Yourself on?
You seem really expert of knowing hearts and minds huh?

During the Reconstruction period of 1865–1877 federal law provided civil rights protection in the South for "freedmen" — the African Americans who had formerly been slaves. In the 1870s, white Democrats gradually returned to power in southern states, sometimes as a result of elections in which paramilitary groups intimidated opponents, attacking blacks or preventing them from voting.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You would surmise from this that All White Men, or All Democrat Men, or All Democrat White Men, or All Democrat White Men from the South were Racist? I didn't think so.
When you are done cleaning yourself up, you might practice narrating your bullshit in the mirror before dumping it here.

Nazi's We're a different brand of Socialists, Totalitarians, Statist's, like the DNC today. Government Control over every aspect of our lives, and a different standard for every circumstance, defending Irrational Thought, Incompetence, and Arbitrary Power at All Cost.
Have a Nice Day Comrade, Citizen!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
95% of the system in place is so far above and beyond what the founders set forth and intended, that starving it would be a damned good thing.

And every real libertarian knows it.

THEN the debate about size and scope of government that has heatedly gone on in this republic since Jefferson and Hamilton went toe to toe is now over...So anarchist DUDe, NOW you need to come up with a new form of government, something better than our founder's created to replace it with...but you better work REAL FAST because Republicans already have, it's called fascism...the seamless marriage of corporations and government. BTW, our founder's called it "taxation without representation"...

And every real libertarian knows it. Not phony right wing corporate libertarians...
Jeez...It's like we ordered you from the lefty loon stereotype catalog!

Just for your edumacation, Jethro, the biggest multi-national corporation in the world, and the mother ship of all others, is known as "District of Columbia".



Established: Effective June 1, 1871, by an act of February 21, 1871 (16 Stat. 419), abolishing the Corporations of the City of Washington, DC, and Georgetown, DC, and the Levy Court of Washington County, DC; and replacing them with a municipal corporation known as the District of Columbia.

Records of the Government of the District of Columbia

Foo. :lol:

WOW...you latched onto a "word" that you recognize. What difference does it make that it bears NO relationship to private corporations...

Kind like the National Socialist German Workers' Party was neither "socialist" or "for workers"...but for pea brains like you...close enough...

The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 (41st Congress, 3d Sess., ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, enacted 1871-02-21) is an Act of Congress, which revoked the individual charters of the City of Washington, the City of Georgetown, and the County of Washington and created a new city government for the entire District of Columbia. The legislation effectively merged what had been separate municipalities within the federal territory into a single entity. It is for this reason that the city, while legally named the District of Columbia, is still commonly known as Washington, D.C.

Municipal charter
A municipal corporation is the legal term for a local governing body, including (but not necessarily limited to) cities, counties, towns, townships, charter townships, villages, and boroughs. Municipal incorporation occurs when such municipalities become self-governing entities under the laws of the state or province in which they are located. Often, this event is marked by the award or declaration of a municipal charter.
In a few short years of being told what to FEEL by morons like Limbaugh and Hannity, you "conservatives" now parrot the mantra that Hirohito sneak attacks and torturing human beings are as American as apple pie...

Unscrupulous scum bags like Karl Rove and Grover Norquist have been at it for a lot longer than a few years...they have MADE "gummint" the problem and told you pea brain suckers what to parrot...when you "starve the beast" as they like to call it, and castrate the system our founders created, what you have is self fulfilling prophecy...

Talk about spewing ideology...come up for air Bfgrn. You're drowning in the liberal pool.

Oh, when I nail you pea brains to the wall, you go into pro wrestling mode...

Do you need one of us to act as your wake up call? Cuz if you think you've nailed anyone's brains to the wall, you're dreamin'.
In a few short years of being told what to FEEL by morons like Limbaugh and Hannity, you "conservatives" now parrot the mantra that Hirohito sneak attacks and torturing human beings are as American as apple pie...

Unscrupulous scum bags like Karl Rove and Grover Norquist have been at it for a lot longer than a few years...they have MADE "gummint" the problem and told you pea brain suckers what to parrot...when you "starve the beast" as they like to call it, and castrate the system our founders created, what you have is self fulfilling prophecy...

Talk about spewing ideology...come up for air Bfgrn. You're drowning in the liberal pool.

Oh, when I nail you pea brains to the wall, you go into pro wrestling mode...

People nail brains to the wall? I put them in display jars. Got a baby food jar for you Bfgrn. Explain pro wrestling mode. I'm guessing your wearing the tight shorts with leotards, because I sure wouldn't.
THEN the debate about size and scope of government that has heatedly gone on in this republic since Jefferson and Hamilton went toe to toe is now over...So anarchist DUDe, NOW you need to come up with a new form of government, something better than our founder's created to replace it with...but you better work REAL FAST because Republicans already have, it's called fascism...the seamless marriage of corporations and government. BTW, our founder's called it "taxation without representation"...

And every real libertarian knows it. Not phony right wing corporate libertarians...
Jeez...It's like we ordered you from the lefty loon stereotype catalog!

Just for your edumacation, Jethro, the biggest multi-national corporation in the world, and the mother ship of all others, is known as "District of Columbia".



Established: Effective June 1, 1871, by an act of February 21, 1871 (16 Stat. 419), abolishing the Corporations of the City of Washington, DC, and Georgetown, DC, and the Levy Court of Washington County, DC; and replacing them with a municipal corporation known as the District of Columbia.

Records of the Government of the District of Columbia

Foo. :lol:

WOW...you latched onto a "word" that you recognize. What difference does it make that it bears NO relationship to private corporations...

Kind like the National Socialist German Workers' Party was neither "socialist" or "for workers"...but for pea brains like you...close enough...

The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 (41st Congress, 3d Sess., ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, enacted 1871-02-21) is an Act of Congress, which revoked the individual charters of the City of Washington, the City of Georgetown, and the County of Washington and created a new city government for the entire District of Columbia. The legislation effectively merged what had been separate municipalities within the federal territory into a single entity. It is for this reason that the city, while legally named the District of Columbia, is still commonly known as Washington, D.C.

Municipal charter
A municipal corporation is the legal term for a local governing body, including (but not necessarily limited to) cities, counties, towns, townships, charter townships, villages, and boroughs. Municipal incorporation occurs when such municipalities become self-governing entities under the laws of the state or province in which they are located. Often, this event is marked by the award or declaration of a municipal charter.
It has everything to do with cause and effect...Masters and servants.

Like every other left wing barking moonbat, you have the relationship between gubmint and corporations off by 180°.....The feds are the Godfather and the corporations are merely capos and regional enforcers. But sputtering authoritarian half wits like you keep demanding that the Godfather protect you from the petty goons who are his servants.

And you have the stones to call others pea brains? :rofl:
People nail brains to the wall? I put them in display jars. Got a baby food jar for you Bfgrn. Explain pro wrestling mode. I'm guessing your wearing the tight shorts with leotards, because I sure wouldn't.

Last edited:
Talk about spewing ideology...come up for air Bfgrn. You're drowning in the liberal pool.

Oh, when I nail you pea brains to the wall, you go into pro wrestling mode...

Do you need one of us to act as your wake up call? Cuz if you think you've nailed anyone's brains to the wall, you're dreamin'.

Like I said...pro wrestling mode...ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taken seconds before the ten times smarter (lib) guy whacks you with the chair

Oh, when I nail you pea brains to the wall, you go into pro wrestling mode...

Do you need one of us to act as your wake up call? Cuz if you think you've nailed anyone's brains to the wall, you're dreamin'.

Like I said...pro wrestling mode...ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taken seconds before the ten times smarter (lib) guy whacks you with the chair


Thanks for proving my point about who was wearing the tights. You just punked your own ass! :clap2:
And to what nation would they be moving, these poor rich bastards? They pay a much smaller percentage of their income than does the middle class. In every other industrial nation in the world, they would be paying a much higher percentage of their income in taxes.

In 2006, the richest 400 people in this nation paid an actual rate of 17.2% of their income in taxes. Counting all the taxes, that is less than I pay. I really do feel for them.

Buffett tells Dems rich need to pay more - TheHill.com

It is an argument the investor has made before. Buffett said he paid a 16.5 percent tax rate on all his income because the tax rate on investment dividends and long-term capital gains is only 15 percent.

By contrast, a single employee at Buffet’s firm, Berkshire Hathaway, who earns between $33,000 and $83,000 must pay a 25 percent federal income tax rate.

Yes, that Buffett...he and Gates of microsoft had millions they wanted to donate, did they check that box on the tax form to give it to the country that made their lives comfortable, no, they formed a "charity" to protect that money from the gov and to direct it to where "they" thought it would do what they wanted.

Another example of an elitist saying do as I say, not as I do. The press could stop this by asking them that when they are talking about raising taxes, ask them why they don't give more to the gov on their own.
Jeez...It's like we ordered you from the lefty loon stereotype catalog!

Just for your edumacation, Jethro, the biggest multi-national corporation in the world, and the mother ship of all others, is known as "District of Columbia".


Records of the Government of the District of Columbia

Foo. :lol:

WOW...you latched onto a "word" that you recognize. What difference does it make that it bears NO relationship to private corporations...

Kind like the National Socialist German Workers' Party was neither "socialist" or "for workers"...but for pea brains like you...close enough...

The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 (41st Congress, 3d Sess., ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, enacted 1871-02-21) is an Act of Congress, which revoked the individual charters of the City of Washington, the City of Georgetown, and the County of Washington and created a new city government for the entire District of Columbia. The legislation effectively merged what had been separate municipalities within the federal territory into a single entity. It is for this reason that the city, while legally named the District of Columbia, is still commonly known as Washington, D.C.

Municipal charter
A municipal corporation is the legal term for a local governing body, including (but not necessarily limited to) cities, counties, towns, townships, charter townships, villages, and boroughs. Municipal incorporation occurs when such municipalities become self-governing entities under the laws of the state or province in which they are located. Often, this event is marked by the award or declaration of a municipal charter.
It has everything to do with cause and effect...Masters and servants.

Like every other left wing barking moonbat, you have the relationship between gubmint and corporations off by 180°.....The feds are the Godfather and the corporations are merely capos and regional enforcers. But sputtering authoritarian half wits like you keep demanding that the Godfather protect you from the petty goons who are his servants.

And you have the stones to call others pea brains? :rofl:

So pea brain, WHAT you're claiming is our founding fathers were a sham...they replaced the divine right of kings with themselves AS king...

So pea brain anarchist DUDe, let's hear about your new form of "gubmint" to replace what the dolt Jefferson concocted?
And to what nation would they be moving, these poor rich bastards? They pay a much smaller percentage of their income than does the middle class. In every other industrial nation in the world, they would be paying a much higher percentage of their income in taxes.

In 2006, the richest 400 people in this nation paid an actual rate of 17.2% of their income in taxes. Counting all the taxes, that is less than I pay. I really do feel for them.

Buffett tells Dems rich need to pay more - TheHill.com

It is an argument the investor has made before. Buffett said he paid a 16.5 percent tax rate on all his income because the tax rate on investment dividends and long-term capital gains is only 15 percent.

By contrast, a single employee at Buffet’s firm, Berkshire Hathaway, who earns between $33,000 and $83,000 must pay a 25 percent federal income tax rate.

Yes, that Buffett...he and Gates of microsoft had millions they wanted to donate, did they check that box on the tax form to give it to the country that made their lives comfortable, no, they formed a "charity" to protect that money from the gov and to direct it to where "they" thought it would do what they wanted.

Another example of an elitist saying do as I say, not as I do. The press could stop this by asking them that when they are talking about raising taxes, ask them why they don't give more to the gov on their own.

They pay taxes, what else they do with their money is their own damned business.
95% of the system in place is so far above and beyond what the founders set forth and intended, that starving it would be a damned good thing.

And every real libertarian knows it.

THEN the debate about size and scope of government that has heatedly gone on in this republic since Jefferson and Hamilton went toe to toe is now over...So anarchist DUDe, NOW you need to come up with a new form of government, something better than our founder's created to replace it with...but you better work REAL FAST because Republicans already have, it's called fascism...the seamless marriage of corporations and government. BTW, our founder's called it "taxation without representation"...

And every real libertarian knows it. Not phony right wing corporate libertarians...

The Birth of The Marriage with Government and Business Right from The Jackass's Mouth.

Hamilton: The Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States, 1791

Oligarchy is What Hamilton turned us into.

Republican's think more like Federalist's, of the Madison Persuasion. Conservatives definitely do.

Statist's or both Parties, primarily Democrat though, Believe in Government the same way Conservatives Believe in God.

Statist's are Totalitarian, like You, like the DNC, Socialism, Fascism, different means to the same end, different brands of poison, that produce the same result, Total Control, and Mass Graves for all of the mistakes.

Free Market Trades in Currency, Totalitarian Regimes trade in Mandates, Total Control, Guns, Prisons, Torture, and Death. Thought Crimes come from the Left, Hate Crimes come from the Left, Unearned Privilege and Exemption, Special Treatment, and Partiality, come from the Left.

Nazi's didn't need to be bothered by owning Industry, It controlled Industry and the Union's through Fear and Terror. Total Leftist Control over Every Aspect of Life. Thought, Word, Action, Inaction. Government It's God, Hitler, the face of the Deity.

Hitler, Mao, Stalin, The brand matters when One World Government is the end?
And to what nation would they be moving, these poor rich bastards? They pay a much smaller percentage of their income than does the middle class. In every other industrial nation in the world, they would be paying a much higher percentage of their income in taxes.

In 2006, the richest 400 people in this nation paid an actual rate of 17.2% of their income in taxes. Counting all the taxes, that is less than I pay. I really do feel for them.

Buffett tells Dems rich need to pay more - TheHill.com

It is an argument the investor has made before. Buffett said he paid a 16.5 percent tax rate on all his income because the tax rate on investment dividends and long-term capital gains is only 15 percent.

By contrast, a single employee at Buffet’s firm, Berkshire Hathaway, who earns between $33,000 and $83,000 must pay a 25 percent federal income tax rate.

Yes, that Buffett...he and Gates of microsoft had millions they wanted to donate, did they check that box on the tax form to give it to the country that made their lives comfortable, no, they formed a "charity" to protect that money from the gov and to direct it to where "they" thought it would do what they wanted.

Another example of an elitist saying do as I say, not as I do. The press could stop this by asking them that when they are talking about raising taxes, ask them why they don't give more to the gov on their own.

What Right do You have to a single Penney of Someone Else's Money? What right gives you expectation or the right to Judge? People are not Property. It is not for You to determine for Anyone but Yourself. What is your example? Envy? Jealousy? Evil Intent? Schemes?
WOW...you latched onto a "word" that you recognize. What difference does it make that it bears NO relationship to private corporations...

Kind like the National Socialist German Workers' Party was neither "socialist" or "for workers"...but for pea brains like you...close enough...

The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 (41st Congress, 3d Sess., ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, enacted 1871-02-21) is an Act of Congress, which revoked the individual charters of the City of Washington, the City of Georgetown, and the County of Washington and created a new city government for the entire District of Columbia. The legislation effectively merged what had been separate municipalities within the federal territory into a single entity. It is for this reason that the city, while legally named the District of Columbia, is still commonly known as Washington, D.C.

Municipal charter
A municipal corporation is the legal term for a local governing body, including (but not necessarily limited to) cities, counties, towns, townships, charter townships, villages, and boroughs. Municipal incorporation occurs when such municipalities become self-governing entities under the laws of the state or province in which they are located. Often, this event is marked by the award or declaration of a municipal charter.
It has everything to do with cause and effect...Masters and servants.

Like every other left wing barking moonbat, you have the relationship between gubmint and corporations off by 180°.....The feds are the Godfather and the corporations are merely capos and regional enforcers. But sputtering authoritarian half wits like you keep demanding that the Godfather protect you from the petty goons who are his servants.

And you have the stones to call others pea brains? :rofl:

So pea brain, WHAT you're claiming is our founding fathers were a sham...they replaced the divine right of kings with themselves AS king...

So pea brain anarchist DUDe, let's hear about your new form of "gubmint" to replace what the dolt Jefferson concocted?

Right Bfgrn, that is why we call them king today...you know, those president guys.

pea- brain - Someone who doesn't think before speaking/posting. We have a winner, the guy in the tights...Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...Bf...........grn!!! (how was that for pro wrestling?)

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