What happens when you have a lower corporate tax rate?

lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Huh? What kinda liberal fucktard bullshit tripe is that?

Lower corporate taxes = higher profits = growth and expansion = higher profits.....

Again, the link says there is no growth and no expansion, because the company neither produces nor sells its products in Ireland. All it has is a corporate office with minimum jobs. The numbers look good when you look at Ireland's GDP numbers but the numbers don't reflect the value of goods and service produced in Ireland, only the profits of the companies located there.

Again these are profits for the 1%, and not even the Irish 1%, which are being funneled through Ireland before being dispersed elsewhere. Tax havens provide their residents with lower taxes by collecting taxes from people who neither live their nor use their infrastructure. These absentee residents subsidize the infrastructure and tax base for the residents, Usually a win/win for both, but the tax haven needs to be a small country with not too large a population, to have a big effect. Think Switzerland.
Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

Did you even read the article linked in the OP? You really should because it has nothing to do with taxation, and everything to do with Ireland getting no economic benefit from lower tax rates. They lowered tax rates, in part to encourage corporations to move to Ireland and it's not happening. The corporations declare an Irish head office, all of their profits get added to the Irish GDP, but these corporations only have a token office in Ireland and are not moving operations there. They create no jobs, and don't otherwise contribute to the Irish economy, so the figures are misleading about how successful they are in attracting jobs.

The Irish are getting lots of high tech jobs. They have a highly educated work force, a stable government, and they speak English.

English speaking countries not bogged down with out of control military spending and which have single payer health care, will always have a competitive advantage over the US. Those countries willing to invest in infrastructure, which Ireland has done, will be successful in future. America boomed in the industrial age because it built infrastructure: railroads, waterways, roadways. FDR's investment in infrastructure in the 1930's, set the stage for the economic rise of the United States post WWII - aided and abetted by the fact that the US was the only major manufacturing country with its infrastructure still intact. America profited while Europe rebuilt.

European economies like Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Austria, and on and on, manage to provide for their workers, as well as their bosses. Manage to build large, successful corporations, without screwing over their low level employees, and bleeding their middle class white.
Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

Did you even read the article linked in the OP? You really should because it has nothing to do with taxation, and everything to do with Ireland getting no economic benefit from lower tax rates. They lowered tax rates, in part to encourage corporations to move to Ireland and it's not happening. The corporations declare an Irish head office, all of their profits get added to the Irish GDP, but these corporations only have a token office in Ireland and are not moving operations there. They create no jobs, and don't otherwise contribute to the Irish economy, so the figures are misleading about how successful they are in attracting jobs.

The Irish are getting lots of high tech jobs. They have a highly educated work force, a stable government, and they speak English.

English speaking countries not bogged down with out of control military spending and which have single payer health care, will always have a competitive advantage over the US. Those countries willing to invest in infrastructure, which Ireland has done, will be successful in future. America boomed in the industrial age because it built infrastructure: railroads, waterways, roadways. FDR's investment in infrastructure in the 1930's, set the stage for the economic rise of the United States post WWII - aided and abetted by the fact that the US was the only major manufacturing country with its infrastructure still intact. America profited while Europe rebuilt.

European economies like Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Austria, and on and on, manage to provide for their workers, as well as their bosses. Manage to build large, successful corporations, without screwing over their low level employees, and bleeding their middle class white.

Read the bolded
Derp Derp derpity derp
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits

That is seriously the most ignorant post I've ever seen. This is how people who have never run a business actually think.
Good lord no wonder they vote for Dems
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

For the slow learners, because Ireland (and most Euro nations) have a big VAT tax producing large amounts of revenue,
they can afford to lower the corporate tax. Savvy?

Um......you aren't understanding much of this are you? The lower rate resulted in a 26% jump in revenue.....the VAT Tax has nothing to with anything concerning the OP.
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Huh? What kinda liberal fucktard bullshit tripe is that?

Lower corporate taxes = higher profits = growth and expansion = higher profits.....

Again, the link says there is no growth and no expansion, because the company neither produces nor sells its products in Ireland. All it has is a corporate office with minimum jobs. The numbers look good when you look at Ireland's GDP numbers but the numbers don't reflect the value of goods and service produced in Ireland, only the profits of the companies located there.

Again these are profits for the 1%, and not even the Irish 1%, which are being funneled through Ireland before being dispersed elsewhere. Tax havens provide their residents with lower taxes by collecting taxes from people who neither live their nor use their infrastructure. These absentee residents subsidize the infrastructure and tax base for the residents, Usually a win/win for both, but the tax haven needs to be a small country with not too large a population, to have a big effect. Think Switzerland.
So, you are telling us these companies move to Ireland, and no one works at them?

How's that Work?
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits

That is seriously the most ignorant post I've ever seen. This is how people who have never run a business actually think.
Good lord no wonder they vote for Dems
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

For the slow learners, because Ireland (and most Euro nations) have a big VAT tax producing large amounts of revenue,
they can afford to lower the corporate tax. Savvy?

Um......you aren't understanding much of this are you? The lower rate resulted in a 26% jump in revenue.....the VAT Tax has nothing to with anything concerning the OP.

It does, indirectly. The lower corporate tax rate is only possible for Ireland because of the VAT. Yes, their revenues went up but they wanted the jobs, not just the revenues. That was what the people were paying that VAT to get for Ireland was JOBS. It's not working. They're not getting the jobs they expected, all they're getting is increased tax revenues.

You conservatives complain about the deficit, and then say, we need to cut corporate taxes. Well how do you propose to pay for that corporate tax cut? The money has to come from somewhere, if not the corporations, then from where?

The residents of Ireland chose to pay for jobs with a 20% VAT, and they're not getting the jobs they paid to bring in.
I guess you didn't read what you posted:

For one, tax inversions artificially inflate the size of Ireland’s economy. When the headquarters of a group of companies becomes resident in Ireland, all of its global profits may be counted as part of the nation’s gross national income, according to the ministry.

Since 2008, that gauge has been boosted by about 7 billion euros thanks to corporate relocations, without accompanying substance or employment, the ministry has said. This in turn drives up the country’s contribution to the European Union budget, which is based on the size of the economy.

So really, the numbers look amazing, but no actual jobs are being created.

The OP isn't about jobs Granny, it's about economic increase from lower taxes. Your post says nothing about "jobs" , you brought up jobs to deflect.
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits

That is seriously the most ignorant post I've ever seen. This is how people who have never run a business actually think.
Good lord no wonder they vote for Dems
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

For the slow learners, because Ireland (and most Euro nations) have a big VAT tax producing large amounts of revenue,
they can afford to lower the corporate tax. Savvy?

Um......you aren't understanding much of this are you? The lower rate resulted in a 26% jump in revenue.....the VAT Tax has nothing to with anything concerning the OP.

It does, indirectly. The lower corporate tax rate is only possible for Ireland because of the VAT. Yes, their revenues went up but they wanted the jobs, not just the revenues. That was what the people were paying that VAT to get for Ireland was JOBS. It's not working. They're not getting the jobs they expected, all they're getting is increased tax revenues.

You conservatives complain about the deficit, and then say, we need to cut corporate taxes. Well how do you propose to pay for that corporate tax cut? The money has to come from somewhere, if not the corporations, then from where?

The residents of Ireland chose to pay for jobs with a 20% VAT, and they're not getting the jobs they paid to bring in.

You aren't posting anything that has anything to do with the OP, the VAT has NOTHNG to do with the fact that they got the 26% jump. It is completely separate from what the point of the thread is.
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits

That is seriously the most ignorant post I've ever seen. This is how people who have never run a business actually think.
Good lord no wonder they vote for Dems
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

For the slow learners, because Ireland (and most Euro nations) have a big VAT tax producing large amounts of revenue,
they can afford to lower the corporate tax. Savvy?

Um......you aren't understanding much of this are you? The lower rate resulted in a 26% jump in revenue.....the VAT Tax has nothing to with anything concerning the OP.

It does, indirectly. The lower corporate tax rate is only possible for Ireland because of the VAT. Yes, their revenues went up but they wanted the jobs, not just the revenues. That was what the people were paying that VAT to get for Ireland was JOBS. It's not working. They're not getting the jobs they expected, all they're getting is increased tax revenues.

You conservatives complain about the deficit, and then say, we need to cut corporate taxes. Well how do you propose to pay for that corporate tax cut? The money has to come from somewhere, if not the corporations, then from where?

The residents of Ireland chose to pay for jobs with a 20% VAT, and they're not getting the jobs they paid to bring in.

You aren't posting anything that has anything to do with the OP, the VAT has NOTHNG to do with the fact that they got the 26% jump. It is completely separate from what the point of the thread is.
It's deflection Saturday bruh. Get with the program yo
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

will lowering GM's corporate tax rate make you rush out and buy a Corvette?

big shots get bonuses when profits rise

new employees get hired when production rises
The point is about business retention. Ford is planning to move some of its production to Mexico. Not to build cars for Mexico but to escape our high tax rate and ship cars back into the US. That decision is a direct result of our high tax rate. We are not competitive on a national stage.

It's no different than your own savings. You keep money in a non interest bearing account or do you move it where it's most productive?

remember when oil went from $25 to $140 ....

remember when those companies paid their CEO's $400+ million dollar bonuses

there was no mass hiring surge in the industry ... none.

Provide the Rig count from the timeframe of your assertion, nobody is going to take your word for it.......not to mention that you seem to be ignorant of the North Dakota boom, jobs, businesses, housing went through the roof up there.
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. Though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis, it can be calculated on a quarterly basis as well
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

will lowering GM's corporate tax rate make you rush out and buy a Corvette?

big shots get bonuses when profits rise

new employees get hired when production rises
The point is about business retention. Ford is planning to move some of its production to Mexico. Not to build cars for Mexico but to escape our high tax rate and ship cars back into the US. That decision is a direct result of our high tax rate. We are not competitive on a national stage.

It's no different than your own savings. You keep money in a non interest bearing account or do you move it where it's most productive?

Is it really due to our high taxes of the cost of labor in Mexico?

Probably both!

Inany case, Ford is not trying to produce more goods, they are trying to cut costs and increase profits and they are betting on the fact that they can have free access to our markets by doing this.

Close the market to them and Ford loses big!!
Very typical of liberals their dumb ass policies assume business has a bottomless well of money they are hoarding so the liberals just keep sucking like vampires until the business finally says fuck you liberals packs up and leaves. Liberals are a parasite that's so dumb it kills its host killing itself in the process.

Did you even read the article linked in the OP? You really should because it has nothing to do with taxation, and everything to do with Ireland getting no economic benefit from lower tax rates. They lowered tax rates, in part to encourage corporations to move to Ireland and it's not happening. The corporations declare an Irish head office, all of their profits get added to the Irish GDP, but these corporations only have a token office in Ireland and are not moving operations there. They create no jobs, and don't otherwise contribute to the Irish economy, so the figures are misleading about how successful they are in attracting jobs.

The Irish are getting lots of high tech jobs. They have a highly educated work force, a stable government, and they speak English.

English speaking countries not bogged down with out of control military spending and which have single payer health care, will always have a competitive advantage over the US. Those countries willing to invest in infrastructure, which Ireland has done, will be successful in future. America boomed in the industrial age because it built infrastructure: railroads, waterways, roadways. FDR's investment in infrastructure in the 1930's, set the stage for the economic rise of the United States post WWII - aided and abetted by the fact that the US was the only major manufacturing country with its infrastructure still intact. America profited while Europe rebuilt.

European economies like Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Austria, and on and on, manage to provide for their workers, as well as their bosses. Manage to build large, successful corporations, without screwing over their low level employees, and bleeding their middle class white.

I don't have time for your manifestos lib, my pinky toe knows more about business than you do.
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits

That is seriously the most ignorant post I've ever seen. This is how people who have never run a business actually think.
Good lord no wonder they vote for Dems
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

For the slow learners, because Ireland (and most Euro nations) have a big VAT tax producing large amounts of revenue,
they can afford to lower the corporate tax. Savvy?

Um......you aren't understanding much of this are you? The lower rate resulted in a 26% jump in revenue.....the VAT Tax has nothing to with anything concerning the OP.

It does, indirectly. The lower corporate tax rate is only possible for Ireland because of the VAT. Yes, their revenues went up but they wanted the jobs, not just the revenues. That was what the people were paying that VAT to get for Ireland was JOBS. It's not working. They're not getting the jobs they expected, all they're getting is increased tax revenues.

You conservatives complain about the deficit, and then say, we need to cut corporate taxes. Well how do you propose to pay for that corporate tax cut? The money has to come from somewhere, if not the corporations, then from where?

The residents of Ireland chose to pay for jobs with a 20% VAT, and they're not getting the jobs they paid to bring in.

You aren't posting anything that has anything to do with the OP, the VAT has NOTHNG to do with the fact that they got the 26% jump. It is completely separate from what the point of the thread is.

The VAT is a major source of revenue that Ireland has that we don't have. You don't seem to understand tax revenues.
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.
Mix that with getting rid of the parasitic invaders that drive wages down and we will be doing wonders!
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits

That is seriously the most ignorant post I've ever seen. This is how people who have never run a business actually think.
Good lord no wonder they vote for Dems
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

For the slow learners, because Ireland (and most Euro nations) have a big VAT tax producing large amounts of revenue,
they can afford to lower the corporate tax. Savvy?

Um......you aren't understanding much of this are you? The lower rate resulted in a 26% jump in revenue.....the VAT Tax has nothing to with anything concerning the OP.

It does, indirectly. The lower corporate tax rate is only possible for Ireland because of the VAT. Yes, their revenues went up but they wanted the jobs, not just the revenues. That was what the people were paying that VAT to get for Ireland was JOBS. It's not working. They're not getting the jobs they expected, all they're getting is increased tax revenues.

You conservatives complain about the deficit, and then say, we need to cut corporate taxes. Well how do you propose to pay for that corporate tax cut? The money has to come from somewhere, if not the corporations, then from where?

The residents of Ireland chose to pay for jobs with a 20% VAT, and they're not getting the jobs they paid to bring in.

You aren't posting anything that has anything to do with the OP, the VAT has NOTHNG to do with the fact that they got the 26% jump. It is completely separate from what the point of the thread is.

It has a lot to do with the OP because if you're collecting a huge tax by one method, you can afford to lower taxes somewhere else.
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit

They used to pay
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

will lowering GM's corporate tax rate make you rush out and buy a Corvette?

big shots get bonuses when profits rise

new employees get hired when production rises
The point is about business retention. Ford is planning to move some of its production to Mexico. Not to build cars for Mexico but to escape our high tax rate and ship cars back into the US. That decision is a direct result of our high tax rate. We are not competitive on a national stage.

It's no different than your own savings. You keep money in a non interest bearing account or do you move it where it's most productive?

And you'd have us believe the 26 bucks a day autoworker wage in Mexico has nothing to do with it?

Then it might make sense to give companies incentive to stay, or watch them leave.

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