What happens when you have a lower corporate tax rate?

lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits

That is seriously the most ignorant post I've ever seen. This is how people who have never run a business actually think.
Good lord no wonder they vote for Dems
Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

For the slow learners, because Ireland (and most Euro nations) have a big VAT tax producing large amounts of revenue,
they can afford to lower the corporate tax. Savvy?

Um......you aren't understanding much of this are you? The lower rate resulted in a 26% jump in revenue.....the VAT Tax has nothing to with anything concerning the OP.

It does, indirectly. The lower corporate tax rate is only possible for Ireland because of the VAT. Yes, their revenues went up but they wanted the jobs, not just the revenues. That was what the people were paying that VAT to get for Ireland was JOBS. It's not working. They're not getting the jobs they expected, all they're getting is increased tax revenues.

You conservatives complain about the deficit, and then say, we need to cut corporate taxes. Well how do you propose to pay for that corporate tax cut? The money has to come from somewhere, if not the corporations, then from where?

The residents of Ireland chose to pay for jobs with a 20% VAT, and they're not getting the jobs they paid to bring in.

You aren't posting anything that has anything to do with the OP, the VAT has NOTHNG to do with the fact that they got the 26% jump. It is completely separate from what the point of the thread is.

The VAT is a major source of revenue that Ireland has that we don't have. You don't seem to understand tax revenues.

You don't seem to be able to actually separate the issues. One tax does not beget the other, I'm sorry you don't understand that. VAT or no the other gave a 26% bump. That bum would have come regardless of the VAT.
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

When businesses leave the U.S. to go other places where it's low, some people don't seem to understand that and consider those businesses greedy.
I kind of thought that business shouldn't pay taxes at all considering that most of those taxes are passed onto to the consumer.

Even if taxes are placed on businesses, they don't pay them in the end. Taxes, just like the items necessary to do the business, are all considered part of the cost of doing business. They're pass along to the consumer.
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

When businesses leave the U.S. to go other places where it's low, some people don't seem to understand that and consider those businesses greedy.

I owe you an apology, I broke my own rule yesterday....I came into a convo late and didn't bother to read the rest of it. My apologies.
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

When businesses leave the U.S. to go other places where it's low, some people don't seem to understand that and consider those businesses greedy.

I owe you an apology, I broke my own rule yesterday....I came into a convo late and didn't bother to read the rest of it. My apologies.

Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

When businesses leave the U.S. to go other places where it's low, some people don't seem to understand that and consider those businesses greedy.

I owe you an apology, I broke my own rule yesterday....I came into a convo late and didn't bother to read the rest of it. My apologies.


Thank you. It doesn't mean I won't be an ass at times, but thank you. ;)
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan based on normal situations. Clinton had to TAKE it. Revenues go up when thieves take what isn't theirs.
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Cutting spending never seems to get more than lip service, no matter which party ends up in power. :(
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

LOL, the Tax cuts brought us 0ut of the recessions, do try and keep up.

It's the spending stupid. (Not you stupid, but Presidents in general).
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Cutting spending never seems to get more than lip service, no matter which party ends up in power. :(

Absolutely true which is why we will/can never get out of debt.
production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan based on normal situations. Clinton had to TAKE it. Revenues go up when thieves take what isn't theirs.

Did revenue go up AND the budget get balanced under Clinton? Yes.

Under Bush or Reagan? No.
production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

LOL, the Tax cuts brought us 0ut of the recessions, do try and keep up.

It's the spending stupid. (Not you stupid, but Presidents in general).

Wrong. Economies come out of recession tax cuts or not. It's called the business cycle. Look it up.
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan based on normal situations. Clinton had to TAKE it. Revenues go up when thieves take what isn't theirs.

Did revenue go up AND the budget get balanced under Clinton? Yes.

Under Bush or Reagan? No.

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan based on normal situations. Clinton had to TAKE it. Revenues go up when thieves take what isn't theirs.

Did revenue go up AND the budget get balanced under Clinton? Yes.

Under Bush or Reagan? No.

The first 6 Clinton years were deficit years, the last he was forced to cut back on (here's that word again) SPENDING and he ran surpluses. Bush inherited the Clinton recession (yes Clinton recession) . He cut taxes and revenues went up....and the recession was ending. Then all hell broke loose and he spent us into oblivion. The difference between you and I is that I am not a blind partisan, you are.

And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

LOL, the Tax cuts brought us out of the recessions, do try and keep up.

It's the spending stupid. (Not you stupid, but Presidents in general).

Wrong. Economies come out of recession tax cuts or not. It's called the business cycle. Look it up.

I have history backing me up, you? Not so much. I have cited facts and figures, posted all of my sources...and all you've got is "nuh-uh".
You aren't very good at this.
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.
As soon as I saw the headline I thought of Ireland. 20 years ago Ireland was in deep do do. Today, big turnaround as companies move there.
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan based on normal situations. Clinton had to TAKE it. Revenues go up when thieves take what isn't theirs.

Did revenue go up AND the budget get balanced under Clinton? Yes.

Under Bush or Reagan? No.

It was the dot com era under Clinton, Reagan cleaned up Nixon, Ford and Carter's mess. And paved it in gold for Bush Sr and Clinton..

Bush Jr fucked it up along with Obama..

Can Hillary save us? Maybe
Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan based on normal situations. Clinton had to TAKE it. Revenues go up when thieves take what isn't theirs.

Did revenue go up AND the budget get balanced under Clinton? Yes.

Under Bush or Reagan? No.

It was the dot com era under Clinton, Reagan cleaned up Nixon, Ford and Carter's mess. And paved it in gold for Bush Sr and Clinton..

Bush Jr fucked it up along with Obama..

Can Hillary save us? Maybe

Friend, Hillary is Bush on steroids. She is every bit the Neo-Con.

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