What happens when you have a lower corporate tax rate?

You don't want to confuse people with facts do you?
Actually he confused himself.

Since 2008, that gauge has been boosted by about 7 billion euros thanks to corporate relocations, without accompanying substance or employment, the ministry has said. This in turn drives up the country’s contribution to the European Union budget, which is based on the size of the economy.

That said, Obama and McConnell could have compromised in one meeting on lowering the corp tax rate .... If McConnell would take a meeting. And I'm no Obama fan, but that's the sad state of affairs.
We should ave lowered our Corporate Tax Rate a long time ago. Canada did it recently, and it's worked out great. The time has come.
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

You've been getting ever lower corporate tax rates for 60 years.

Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

You've been getting ever lower corporate tax rates for 60 years.


That chart doesn't show corporate tax rates. It shows corporate tax income. That income can be affected by things other than rates.

Here's the IRS showing corporate tax brackets and rates from 1909-2002 : https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/02corate.pdf
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Or you end up with a situation like you have in Texas where these massive factories are opened up for 10 years before they move somewhere else who under cuts them. For the 10 years, thousands of kids are put into the public school system:

View attachment 84710

While the factories that were built pay zero taxes. So that is how you end up 38th in spending.

The good news is that traffic is so bad that air quality goes into the shitter also as thousands of cars are stuck on highways. Meanwhile, the factories pay no taxes to build new roads OR clean up the air.


So in your mind the people that work there pay zero taxes and better off with no job getting government welfare?
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

You've been getting ever lower corporate tax rates for 60 years.


Ita to fight company's oving idiot in a world economy, raise taxes and sed how fast they move, raise the national minimum wage up and see how fast they move...throw tariffs on imports and watch jobs leave, company's close and unemployment goes sky high
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

You've been getting ever lower corporate tax rates for 60 years.


That chart doesn't show corporate tax rates. It shows corporate tax income. That income can be affected by things other than rates.

Here's the IRS showing corporate tax brackets and rates from 1909-2002 : https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/02corate.pdf

NO, it shows corporate income tax.
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

You've been getting ever lower corporate tax rates for 60 years.

So in your mind the people that work there pay zero taxes and better off with no job getting government welfare?

No Buttmunch. I never said such a thing and you god damned well know it. What I was doing was
pointing out the price Texas and Texans pay for attracting so much businesses with no corporate taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no restrictions of any kind.

You end up with thousands of residents all taxing (pun intended) the system and a system that just gets over-used, polluted, wears out quickly, and doesn’t work. And what happens is that the plants go shopping for another victim that will even reduce still further the hinderance from the governments or lose the reason for the plant to be open at all…

For an example:

WASHINGTON — The Houston-area economy suffered a second blow Friday, with the U.S. Army rejecting a Sealy-based company’s appeal to keep combat truck production in Texas, where it has been for 17 years.

Sealy plant's loss of Army truck deal puts 3,000 jobs at risk

Meanwhile, the 8 lane Interstate that was expanded from Houston to near Sealy has to be maintained…Then there is this: United and Continental merged and what-do-you-know….
There are whispers that Continental’s hub in Houston may be reduced:

United to throttle down in Houston even as profits soar

This, after the HAS built, in essence, an entire terminal just for Continental/United flights. The bonds that built that terminal must be re-paid; with interest. Of course.

Attract business; just do it smartly to where you’re State’s citizens come out ahead. The roads are shot, the schools are shot, the air quality sucks….
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

You've been getting ever lower corporate tax rates for 60 years.


That chart doesn't show corporate tax rates. It shows corporate tax income. That income can be affected by things other than rates.

Here's the IRS showing corporate tax brackets and rates from 1909-2002 : https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/02corate.pdf

NO, it shows corporate income tax.

It doesn't show corporate income tax rates. I gave a link that actually shows that, at least from 1909-2002.

Showing corporate tax revenues as a share of GDP does not show what those corporate tax rates were.
So in your mind the people that work there pay zero taxes and better off with no job getting government welfare?

No Buttmunch. I never said such a thing and you god damned well know it. What I was doing was
pointing out the price Texas and Texans pay for attracting so much businesses with no corporate taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no restrictions of any kind.

You end up with thousands of residents all taxing (pun intended) the system and a system that just gets over-used, polluted, wears out quickly, and doesn’t work. And what happens is that the plants go shopping for another victim that will even reduce still further the hinderance from the governments or lose the reason for the plant to be open at all…

For an example:

WASHINGTON — The Houston-area economy suffered a second blow Friday, with the U.S. Army rejecting a Sealy-based company’s appeal to keep combat truck production in Texas, where it has been for 17 years.

Sealy plant's loss of Army truck deal puts 3,000 jobs at risk

Meanwhile, the 8 lane Interstate that was expanded from Houston to near Sealy has to be maintained…Then there is this: United and Continental merged and what-do-you-know….
There are whispers that Continental’s hub in Houston may be reduced:

United to throttle down in Houston even as profits soar

This, after the HAS built, in essence, an entire terminal just for Continental/United flights. The bonds that built that terminal must be re-paid; with interest. Of course.

Attract business; just do it smartly to where you’re State’s citizens come out ahead. The roads are shot, the schools are shot, the air quality sucks….

What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
So in your mind the people that work there pay zero taxes and better off with no job getting government welfare?

No Buttmunch. I never said such a thing and you god damned well know it. What I was doing was
pointing out the price Texas and Texans pay for attracting so much businesses with no corporate taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no restrictions of any kind.

You end up with thousands of residents all taxing (pun intended) the system and a system that just gets over-used, polluted, wears out quickly, and doesn’t work. And what happens is that the plants go shopping for another victim that will even reduce still further the hinderance from the governments or lose the reason for the plant to be open at all…

For an example:

WASHINGTON — The Houston-area economy suffered a second blow Friday, with the U.S. Army rejecting a Sealy-based company’s appeal to keep combat truck production in Texas, where it has been for 17 years.

Sealy plant's loss of Army truck deal puts 3,000 jobs at risk

Meanwhile, the 8 lane Interstate that was expanded from Houston to near Sealy has to be maintained…Then there is this: United and Continental merged and what-do-you-know….
There are whispers that Continental’s hub in Houston may be reduced:

United to throttle down in Houston even as profits soar

This, after the HAS built, in essence, an entire terminal just for Continental/United flights. The bonds that built that terminal must be re-paid; with interest. Of course.

Attract business; just do it smartly to where you’re State’s citizens come out ahead. The roads are shot, the schools are shot, the air quality sucks….

What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

The Irish economy did not grow by 26%... They were speechless alright because it didn't grow by 26%, it grew by about 4%...
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

You've been getting ever lower corporate tax rates for 60 years.


Btw it's called " fighting for jobs to flee"

Lets see trumps dad left him 40 million dollars, if he was a hippie he would just put that money in the bank, smoke pot and live off the interest in a nice house 4 bedroom house in the Hampton.

But instead he decided to make more money, and invested the 40 million to grow his emprire and prop people up in the entire world?

What did Hillary do? She helped people through politics. And on your dime and mine

Hillary and Bill never used their own money.

They always used ours
I guess you didn't read what you posted:

For one, tax inversions artificially inflate the size of Ireland’s economy. When the headquarters of a group of companies becomes resident in Ireland, all of its global profits may be counted as part of the nation’s gross national income, according to the ministry.

Since 2008, that gauge has been boosted by about 7 billion euros thanks to corporate relocations, without accompanying substance or employment, the ministry has said. This in turn drives up the country’s contribution to the European Union budget, which is based on the size of the economy.

So really, the numbers look amazing, but no actual jobs are being created.
They never addressed Ireland's unemployment numbers but you're free to make up any stats you like I suppose, it's what liberals do

Dragonlady quoted the article in your OP and you say she's making up stats?
Yes, there are no stats in the op. Duh

Ireland's unemployment is lower than the EU average and less than half of the 15% number high from the crash.

Look at our emigration figures, A lot of Irish go aboard when they can't find jobs... A lot went to Canada this time, Australia is popular as well, US less so due to visa problems...
So in your mind the people that work there pay zero taxes and better off with no job getting government welfare?

No Buttmunch. I never said such a thing and you god damned well know it. What I was doing was
pointing out the price Texas and Texans pay for attracting so much businesses with no corporate taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no restrictions of any kind.

You end up with thousands of residents all taxing (pun intended) the system and a system that just gets over-used, polluted, wears out quickly, and doesn’t work. And what happens is that the plants go shopping for another victim that will even reduce still further the hinderance from the governments or lose the reason for the plant to be open at all…

For an example:

WASHINGTON — The Houston-area economy suffered a second blow Friday, with the U.S. Army rejecting a Sealy-based company’s appeal to keep combat truck production in Texas, where it has been for 17 years.

Sealy plant's loss of Army truck deal puts 3,000 jobs at risk

Meanwhile, the 8 lane Interstate that was expanded from Houston to near Sealy has to be maintained…Then there is this: United and Continental merged and what-do-you-know….
There are whispers that Continental’s hub in Houston may be reduced:

United to throttle down in Houston even as profits soar

This, after the HAS built, in essence, an entire terminal just for Continental/United flights. The bonds that built that terminal must be re-paid; with interest. Of course.

Attract business; just do it smartly to where you’re State’s citizens come out ahead. The roads are shot, the schools are shot, the air quality sucks….

What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.
I guess you didn't read what you posted:

For one, tax inversions artificially inflate the size of Ireland’s economy. When the headquarters of a group of companies becomes resident in Ireland, all of its global profits may be counted as part of the nation’s gross national income, according to the ministry.

Since 2008, that gauge has been boosted by about 7 billion euros thanks to corporate relocations, without accompanying substance or employment, the ministry has said. This in turn drives up the country’s contribution to the European Union budget, which is based on the size of the economy.

So really, the numbers look amazing, but no actual jobs are being created.

Where are your facts because HERE ARE MINE!

The ACCI’s latest report into foreign direct investment shows that 700 US companies based in Ireland now employ 130,000 people.
The list of major firms operating in the Republic includes Intel, Boston Scientific, Dell, Pfizer, Google, Hewlett Packard, Facebook and Johnson and Johnson.
Four years ago, there were just over 600 American companies based in Ireland, according to the country’s industrial development authority.
The report by Wall Street economist Joseph Quinlan revealed that even in 2013, the first year of a fragile economic recovery, American foreign direct investment rose by 42% to $37bn (£24m). In the same period, total US investment to Europe fell by 19% to $115bn (£75bn).
While big US firms such as Intel have been in Ireland for more than 20 years, several other giants arrived in the Republic when the financial crash occurred in 2008.
In the midst of the crash, Facebook established a presence in Dublin and created 250 jobs. Its European HQ is located in what is now known as the Google Quarter in south-central Dublin.
Google and PayPal, which also use Ireland as a bridgehead into the European market, increased their workforces during the worst years of the recession.
At the world web summit in Dublin’s RDS conference centre last autumn, the IDA and the Irish government announced the creation of a further 1,000 technology jobs, the majority of which were with firms from the US.
In February, Apple announced a further major investment in its long-standing Irish operation with the construction of a giant €850m (£615m) data centre in Athenry, Co Galway. The centre is expected to create 300 new jobs and will be Apple’s largest data collection hub in Europe.

700 US companies now located in Ireland as direct investment soars
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
raise their taxes and the cost of product goes up by that amount. What is the gain other than more unemployment and higher cost products?
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

will lowering GM's corporate tax rate make you rush out and buy a Corvette?

big shots get bonuses when profits rise

new employees get hired when production rises
that use to be true, no longer that way thanks to obamacare. look it up.

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