What happens when you have a lower corporate tax rate?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

Maybe the population of the towns have decreased?
Give me specific examples as I live in DFW area and there are new schools opening frequently.
But here are some FACTS about new schools in Texas. Little contrary to your unsubstantiated statement!
School Construction Costs - District Map - Texas Transparency
The map shows the Texas public school districts that opened new campuses between 2007 and 2013 divided into five ranges of cost per square foot. You can click on each district to find out how many new campuses were built, how much was spent on the construction and other related data.
(Isn't the Internet wonderful?... took me less then 5 minutes to find this information...where is yours??)
View attachment 84745

My information that my school was built in 1950?

Wrigley field was built in the 1800s and still alive today..
Your point is? Nothing the south is regrowing

Good for it. Would you not agree that it is the exception rather than the rule? I know you’ll lie here (you always do)….

Would you rather have your kid go to a school built this century or would you rather send your kid to a school built before the Apollo Program was even on the drawing board?
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.
The corporations, ceo's and shareholders of America are doing great.

And they only hire who they need. If the masses have more money that increases demand.

Companies in America should pay taxes. This ain't Ireland. Let Ireland land on the moon or fight Russia.

Are you really that dumb?

They got that fake made up money from the feds and quantum easing.
They made out like a bandit during obama 7 plus years..the feds threw money at them like you throw a biscuit at a dog..

What are they both to think?

Ok the dog is going to eat that free treat and wall street is going to use that freeze treat and invest it in the wall street casino game.

How can I explain it more simple to you?

Your sitting at a casino table down to your last $50 bucks broke scared as can be along comes daddy.war bucks (the feds) and slips you 10 million dollars

All I know is the American ceo's who shipped the most jobs overseas got the biggest bonus'. Now you Republicans say you're going to make them come back? Or beg them to come back by not making them pay any taxes?

We know the game plan

HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU KNOW "ceo's who shipped the most jobs overseas got the biggest bonus'."?
Where is your proof? In your head????
GEEZ this is why we have ignorant people making ignorant statements that ignorant politicians use to pass ignorant laws!
PLEASE prove to me CEOs that got biggest bonuses"? Such a stupid ass statement!
This is such a pathetic uninformed examples of why we have the problems we have NOW!
You make such a stupid wild ass statement! Unbelievable !
It would take a fucking simple Google search to find that fact my friend.

I don't remember the year was it 2009 or 2010 but it's the truth and a fact.

Id love to do your homework for you but I'm on a smart phone so you're just going to have to educate yourself today
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

Maybe the population of the towns have decreased?
Give me specific examples as I live in DFW area and there are new schools opening frequently.
But here are some FACTS about new schools in Texas. Little contrary to your unsubstantiated statement!
School Construction Costs - District Map - Texas Transparency
The map shows the Texas public school districts that opened new campuses between 2007 and 2013 divided into five ranges of cost per square foot. You can click on each district to find out how many new campuses were built, how much was spent on the construction and other related data.
(Isn't the Internet wonderful?... took me less then 5 minutes to find this information...where is yours??)
View attachment 84745

My information that my school was built in 1950?

SO??? You then take ONE school built in 1950 and then make the statement " The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them…."?
By the way what school district did you go to and maybe if you look at this web site you can see your school???
Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 12.30.29 PM.png

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It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google
Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

Maybe the population of the towns have decreased?
Give me specific examples as I live in DFW area and there are new schools opening frequently.
But here are some FACTS about new schools in Texas. Little contrary to your unsubstantiated statement!
School Construction Costs - District Map - Texas Transparency
The map shows the Texas public school districts that opened new campuses between 2007 and 2013 divided into five ranges of cost per square foot. You can click on each district to find out how many new campuses were built, how much was spent on the construction and other related data.
(Isn't the Internet wonderful?... took me less then 5 minutes to find this information...where is yours??)
View attachment 84745

My information that my school was built in 1950?

Wrigley field was built in the 1800s and still alive today..
Your point is? Nothing the south is regrowing

Good for it. Would you not agree that it is the exception rather than the rule? I know you’ll lie here (you always do)….

Would you rather have your kid go to a school built this century or would you rather send your kid to a school built before the Apollo Program was even on the drawing board?

Funny story now that you want to test me, my kids are long gone, an old boss dragged me to Seneca south Carolina high school..

I couldn't believe that place, I wandered the halls, looking in class rooms and thinking to myself.
" Damn I wish I had this electives and high tech stuff and wonderful teachers when I was in high school"

But candy maybe your right , just a little fluke I witnessed

But every time I went to day care or my step daughter and daughters school I was so impressed with the loving and caring teachers

Do we really need to give them more money? Candy?

Yes candy by bringing this subject up me you brought out a soft spot in me..

I really love grade school teachers k through 8 grade
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google
It's not "his homework" it's your claim. Lol

What a scrub
Imagine if Ireland got rid of the Vat.....they wouldn't have banks big enough for the wealth of the people, or enough people for all of the jobs....

Yes of course, it's not like that VAT tax ever went to any end.

It can just be removed completely without any downsides, just upsides. Free lunch at last.
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google
It's not "his homework" it's your claim. Lol

What a scrub
You are all too stupid if you doubt my claim. Did you bother trying to Google it?

And if I'm able to show you the ceo's who cuut the most jobs got paid the most, what will you two say? What's in it for me? Will it change your minds?
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google

So you are on an iPhone and dealing with a funeral! Says it all! And of course like most ignorant people when confronted with simple question as to where you come up with your statement of fact... you want ME to prove you are right? Typical.
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google

So you are on an iPhone and dealing with a funeral! Says it all! And of course like most ignorant people when confronted with simple question as to where you come up with your statement of fact... you want ME to prove you are right? Typical.
I know I'm right.
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google
It's not "his homework" it's your claim. Lol

What a scrub
You are all too stupid if you doubt my claim. Did you bother trying to Google it?

And if I'm able to show you the ceo's who cuut the most jobs got paid the most, what will you two say? What's in it for me? Will it change your minds?

We are TOO stupid to doubt your claim? Who in the hell made YOU OMNISCIENT?
You are the one making the claim we should not doubt! Well until you prove differently you are truly ignorant about how to present salient and convincing arguments!
Grow up and do some research!
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google
It's not "his homework" it's your claim. Lol

What a scrub
You are all too stupid if you doubt my claim. Did you bother trying to Google it?

And if I'm able to show you the ceo's who cuut the most jobs got paid the most, what will you two say? What's in it for me? Will it change your minds?

We are TOO stupid to doubt your claim? Who in the hell made YOU OMNISCIENT?
You are the one making the claim we should not doubt! Well until you prove differently you are truly ignorant about how to present salient and convincing arguments!
Grow up and do some research!
You can see I've been here a long time. I know when someone isn't worth my time. If you doubt the claim I made that's a clear indicators this person doesn't have a clue.
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google
It's not "his homework" it's your claim. Lol

What a scrub
You are all too stupid if you doubt my claim. Did you bother trying to Google it?

And if I'm able to show you the ceo's who cuut the most jobs got paid the most, what will you two say? What's in it for me? Will it change your minds?
I don't care either way. But if you're gonna make a claim don't whine about someone asking for proof.
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google
It's not "his homework" it's your claim. Lol

What a scrub
You are all too stupid if you doubt my claim. Did you bother trying to Google it?

And if I'm able to show you the ceo's who cuut the most jobs got paid the most, what will you two say? What's in it for me? Will it change your minds?

We are TOO stupid to doubt your claim? Who in the hell made YOU OMNISCIENT?
You are the one making the claim we should not doubt! Well until you prove differently you are truly ignorant about how to present salient and convincing arguments!
Grow up and do some research!
You can see I've been here a long time. I know when someone isn't worth my time. If you doubt the claim I made that's a clear indicators this person doesn't have a clue.
It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google
It's not "his homework" it's your claim. Lol

What a scrub
You are all too stupid if you doubt my claim. Did you bother trying to Google it?

And if I'm able to show you the ceo's who cuut the most jobs got paid the most, what will you two say? What's in it for me? Will it change your minds?

We are TOO stupid to doubt your claim? Who in the hell made YOU OMNISCIENT?
You are the one making the claim we should not doubt! Well until you prove differently you are truly ignorant about how to present salient and convincing arguments!
Grow up and do some research!
You can see I've been here a long time. I know when someone isn't worth my time. If you doubt the claim I made that's a clear indicators this person doesn't have a clue.

For someone who's been here a long time you certainly are a slow learner! Most intelligent people find statements like you made.."ceo's(sic) who "cuut" (sic) the most jobs" laughable! When you make statements like that at least have a link to show the validity...something someone who's been here a long time should know.
Your credibility is at question here.
It is a fact during the years following the great recession the highest paid ceo's were the ones who cut the most jobs and sent the most jobs overseas. Can't believe anyone would deny this or not believe it

It's a fact JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO???? No wonder you are in a low paying job because NOT one intelligent person would make such a claim with out
having the proof to back it up. I think you are lying. Prove to me "it is a fact"!!!! Facts come from substantiation articles and links... WHERE in the hell are YOURS??
I can't believe people like you can't take a little time to prove your statement.
I told you I'm on a smart phone. Do your own Google search. If you can't find it on PM me your a retard and I'll find it for you Thursday. Im dealing w a funeral today and tomorrow and with family Wed.

Doing your homework is sort of low priority right now but if you want PM me so I won't forget.

But I'm sure e you can find it if you try. Use the google
It's not "his homework" it's your claim. Lol

What a scrub
You are all too stupid if you doubt my claim. Did you bother trying to Google it?

And if I'm able to show you the ceo's who cuut the most jobs got paid the most, what will you two say? What's in it for me? Will it change your minds?
I don't care either way. But if you're gonna make a claim don't whine about someone asking for proof.

You're right, but I was curious, so I looked this up myself. I think this might be what he is talking about : Executive Excess 2010: CEO Pay and the Great Recession - IPS


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