What happens when you have a lower corporate tax rate?

Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

I pay 50% top end tax...
You proud of it knowing your your other 50% goes to the government and cost of living?

So why don't you get a burger flipper job and let everyone else pay for your hard work?

Why are you so stupid and being a slave to your government?

God Damn dude why do you try to get ahead? When after taxes and cost of living you have the same lifstye as a burger flipper?
I guess you didn't read what you posted:

For one, tax inversions artificially inflate the size of Ireland’s economy. When the headquarters of a group of companies becomes resident in Ireland, all of its global profits may be counted as part of the nation’s gross national income, according to the ministry.

Since 2008, that gauge has been boosted by about 7 billion euros thanks to corporate relocations, without accompanying substance or employment, the ministry has said. This in turn drives up the country’s contribution to the European Union budget, which is based on the size of the economy.

So really, the numbers look amazing, but no actual jobs are being created.

Explain then this chart... Ireland Unemployment Rate | 1983-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 12.02.15 PM.png
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.
The corporations, ceo's and shareholders of America are doing great.

And they only hire who they need. If the masses have more money that increases demand.

Companies in America should pay taxes. This ain't Ireland. Let Ireland land on the moon or fight Russia.
There really is no confusion. I started a thread about how to either retain or expand a business base and the first liberal to post changed the subject.

No surprise I suppose

You posted that Ireland lowered corporate tax rates and had amazing growth in businesses moving to Ireland. I didn't change the subject, I simply posted a quote from the article that said the growth in GDP was misleading because it didn't mean that there were jobs created or investments made in the country, just that a large multi-national corporations entire global profits were added to the Irish economy.

This has nothing to do with attracting or retaining a business base at all. Because the business base is somewhere else. The place where the business operates is in another tax jurisdiction, where they use the roads, the infrastructure, and sewage plants, and the education and skills of the workers, without having contributed their share of the costs of maintaining the roads, the infrastructure, or the skills of the workers, because they pay tax in Ireland. Such scofflaws are called "tax cheats" where I come from, because they're making money using the infrastructure and refusing to pay for it. It works for Ireland, because they get 12.5% of those profits, without having to provide infrastructure, and their numbers look fabulous to fools like you who doesn't recognize that when American companies off-shore their head offices, it's people like you who get screwed, again.

I suspect that the taxes paid by the businesses moving to Ireland are going to pay for the roads, infrastructure, the sewage plants,etc. This benefits the workers because the taxes would come out of their pocket if not for these businesses.
I kind of thought that business shouldn't pay taxes at all considering that most of those taxes are passed onto to the consumer.
Some are but that's not a reason to think companies shouldn't pay taxes.

But I'm not completely against lowering taxes on corporations that are overtaxed. Let me know who they are
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

I found this site explaining HOW MUCH in taxes the average American pays...
The below totals 56%.
How much tax do we really pay?
Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 12.10.34 PM.png
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits

That is seriously the most ignorant post I've ever seen. This is how people who have never run a business actually think.
Good lord no wonder they vote for Dems
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.

Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

For the slow learners, because Ireland (and most Euro nations) have a big VAT tax producing large amounts of revenue,
they can afford to lower the corporate tax. Savvy?

Um......you aren't understanding much of this are you? The lower rate resulted in a 26% jump in revenue.....the VAT Tax has nothing to with anything concerning the OP.

It does, indirectly. The lower corporate tax rate is only possible for Ireland because of the VAT. Yes, their revenues went up but they wanted the jobs, not just the revenues. That was what the people were paying that VAT to get for Ireland was JOBS. It's not working. They're not getting the jobs they expected, all they're getting is increased tax revenues.

You conservatives complain about the deficit, and then say, we need to cut corporate taxes. Well how do you propose to pay for that corporate tax cut? The money has to come from somewhere, if not the corporations, then from where?

The residents of Ireland chose to pay for jobs with a 20% VAT, and they're not getting the jobs they paid to bring in.

With the increase revenue Ireland could lower the VAT. That would make their products cheaper and would benefit the working man.
So in your mind the people that work there pay zero taxes and better off with no job getting government welfare?

No Buttmunch. I never said such a thing and you god damned well know it. What I was doing was
pointing out the price Texas and Texans pay for attracting so much businesses with no corporate taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no restrictions of any kind.

You end up with thousands of residents all taxing (pun intended) the system and a system that just gets over-used, polluted, wears out quickly, and doesn’t work. And what happens is that the plants go shopping for another victim that will even reduce still further the hinderance from the governments or lose the reason for the plant to be open at all…

For an example:

WASHINGTON — The Houston-area economy suffered a second blow Friday, with the U.S. Army rejecting a Sealy-based company’s appeal to keep combat truck production in Texas, where it has been for 17 years.

Sealy plant's loss of Army truck deal puts 3,000 jobs at risk

Meanwhile, the 8 lane Interstate that was expanded from Houston to near Sealy has to be maintained…Then there is this: United and Continental merged and what-do-you-know….
There are whispers that Continental’s hub in Houston may be reduced:

United to throttle down in Houston even as profits soar

This, after the HAS built, in essence, an entire terminal just for Continental/United flights. The bonds that built that terminal must be re-paid; with interest. Of course.

Attract business; just do it smartly to where you’re State’s citizens come out ahead. The roads are shot, the schools are shot, the air quality sucks….

What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..
lower taxes = higher profits for companies

increasing the work force eat those profits

That is seriously the most ignorant post I've ever seen. This is how people who have never run a business actually think.
Good lord no wonder they vote for Dems
Ireland has a 21% VAT tax. Do we?

For the slow learners, because Ireland (and most Euro nations) have a big VAT tax producing large amounts of revenue,
they can afford to lower the corporate tax. Savvy?

Um......you aren't understanding much of this are you? The lower rate resulted in a 26% jump in revenue.....the VAT Tax has nothing to with anything concerning the OP.

It does, indirectly. The lower corporate tax rate is only possible for Ireland because of the VAT. Yes, their revenues went up but they wanted the jobs, not just the revenues. That was what the people were paying that VAT to get for Ireland was JOBS. It's not working. They're not getting the jobs they expected, all they're getting is increased tax revenues.

You conservatives complain about the deficit, and then say, we need to cut corporate taxes. Well how do you propose to pay for that corporate tax cut? The money has to come from somewhere, if not the corporations, then from where?

The residents of Ireland chose to pay for jobs with a 20% VAT, and they're not getting the jobs they paid to bring in.

You aren't posting anything that has anything to do with the OP, the VAT has NOTHNG to do with the fact that they got the 26% jump. It is completely separate from what the point of the thread is.

The VAT is a major source of revenue that Ireland has that we don't have. You don't seem to understand tax revenues.

I have been led to believe that the VAT adds to the final cost of a product. Q. Who pays for the end product? A. The consumer.
Depends on the type of company. Manufacturing vs financial for instance

production companies wont hire more labor unless theres a significant increase in demand for the product, lower their taxes and they enjoy the profit
And that's bad why?
Are you one of these people that think corporate profits are stuffed in a mattress rather than reinvested in other areas?

Reagan cut taxes and tripled the deficits for years. Bush cut taxes and threw away a surplus.

Projected surplus, sorry I know you Clintonista's don't like to use that word.
Kennedy cut taxes, revenue went up.
Reagan cut taxes, revenue went up.
Bush cut taxes, revenues went up.

But here's the rub, it's the spending stupid. No matter WHAT your "revenue" is ( and I hate that word in conjunction with taxes), if you send MORE than you make you have a problem. I don't care if you are Saint Ronnie or the Shrub.

The problem ole Barak has is that his deficits are killing us. You CAN'T keep spending shit loads more than you take in. He could push the top rate to 100% but if he keeps spending like a drunken Sailor it's all for naught.

Economics 101 son.

Revenue went up under Bush and Reagan because we were coming out of recessions, and revenues always go up.

Clinton RAISED taxes and revenues went up.

The dot com revolution saved Clinton.
So in your mind the people that work there pay zero taxes and better off with no job getting government welfare?

No Buttmunch. I never said such a thing and you god damned well know it. What I was doing was
pointing out the price Texas and Texans pay for attracting so much businesses with no corporate taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no restrictions of any kind.

You end up with thousands of residents all taxing (pun intended) the system and a system that just gets over-used, polluted, wears out quickly, and doesn’t work. And what happens is that the plants go shopping for another victim that will even reduce still further the hinderance from the governments or lose the reason for the plant to be open at all…

For an example:

WASHINGTON — The Houston-area economy suffered a second blow Friday, with the U.S. Army rejecting a Sealy-based company’s appeal to keep combat truck production in Texas, where it has been for 17 years.

Sealy plant's loss of Army truck deal puts 3,000 jobs at risk

Meanwhile, the 8 lane Interstate that was expanded from Houston to near Sealy has to be maintained…Then there is this: United and Continental merged and what-do-you-know….
There are whispers that Continental’s hub in Houston may be reduced:

United to throttle down in Houston even as profits soar

This, after the HAS built, in essence, an entire terminal just for Continental/United flights. The bonds that built that terminal must be re-paid; with interest. Of course.

Attract business; just do it smartly to where you’re State’s citizens come out ahead. The roads are shot, the schools are shot, the air quality sucks….

What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….
I kind of thought that business shouldn't pay taxes at all considering that most of those taxes are passed onto to the consumer.
Some are but that's not a reason to think companies shouldn't pay taxes.

But I'm not completely against lowering taxes on corporations that are overtaxed. Let me know who they are

U.S. Companies Are Stashing $2.1 Trillion Overseas to Avoid Taxes
Keeping money overseas is particularly easy for technology and pharmaceutical companies whose profits stem from intellectual property that can swiftly be moved.

“It’s very easy to place a patent in another country and accrue the income there,” Altshuler said. “They’re very sensitive to differentials in corporate tax rates.”

Gilead Sciences Inc., for example, reported that it held $15.6 billion outside the U.S. as of Dec. 31, up from $8.6 billion a year earlier. That’s because the intellectual property for the company’s blockbuster drug -- Sovaldi -- was in Ireland before the Food and Drug Administration approved it in 2013.

Corporations that rely on intellectual property -- trademarks, logos or patents -- have an advantage over heavy industrial companies and the financial industry, which relies on providing services to customers, said Jennifer Blouin, an associate professor of accounting at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

“You can’t move an oil rig out of certain jurisdictions,” she said. “You can’t shift the service income without moving the people.”

Here are all 299 companies on Bloomberg's list, arranged from greatest to least total profits stockpiled abroad. Click the buttons to sort by the amount added in the past year, and by industry.
U.S. Companies Are Stashing $2.1 Trillion Overseas to Avoid Taxes
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.
The corporations, ceo's and shareholders of America are doing great.

And they only hire who they need. If the masses have more money that increases demand.

Companies in America should pay taxes. This ain't Ireland. Let Ireland land on the moon or fight Russia.

Are you really that dumb?

They got that fake made up money from the feds and quantum easing.
They made out like a bandit during obama 7 plus years..the feds threw money at them like you throw a biscuit at a dog..

What are they both to think?

Ok the dog is going to eat that free treat and wall street is going to use that freeze treat and invest it in the wall street casino game.

How can I explain it more simple to you?

Your sitting at a casino table down to your last $50 bucks broke scared as can be along comes daddy.war bucks (the feds) and slips you 10 million dollars
No Buttmunch. I never said such a thing and you god damned well know it. What I was doing was
pointing out the price Texas and Texans pay for attracting so much businesses with no corporate taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no restrictions of any kind.

You end up with thousands of residents all taxing (pun intended) the system and a system that just gets over-used, polluted, wears out quickly, and doesn’t work. And what happens is that the plants go shopping for another victim that will even reduce still further the hinderance from the governments or lose the reason for the plant to be open at all…

For an example:

WASHINGTON — The Houston-area economy suffered a second blow Friday, with the U.S. Army rejecting a Sealy-based company’s appeal to keep combat truck production in Texas, where it has been for 17 years.

Sealy plant's loss of Army truck deal puts 3,000 jobs at risk

Meanwhile, the 8 lane Interstate that was expanded from Houston to near Sealy has to be maintained…Then there is this: United and Continental merged and what-do-you-know….
There are whispers that Continental’s hub in Houston may be reduced:

United to throttle down in Houston even as profits soar

This, after the HAS built, in essence, an entire terminal just for Continental/United flights. The bonds that built that terminal must be re-paid; with interest. Of course.

Attract business; just do it smartly to where you’re State’s citizens come out ahead. The roads are shot, the schools are shot, the air quality sucks….

What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

Maybe the population of the towns have decreased?
Give me specific examples as I live in DFW area and there are new schools opening frequently.
But here are some FACTS about new schools in Texas. Little contrary to your unsubstantiated statement!
School Construction Costs - District Map - Texas Transparency
The map shows the Texas public school districts that opened new campuses between 2007 and 2013 divided into five ranges of cost per square foot. You can click on each district to find out how many new campuses were built, how much was spent on the construction and other related data.
(Isn't the Internet wonderful?... took me less then 5 minutes to find this information...where is yours??)
Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 12.30.29 PM.png
What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

Maybe the population of the towns have decreased?
Give me specific examples as I live in DFW area and there are new schools opening frequently.
But here are some FACTS about new schools in Texas. Little contrary to your unsubstantiated statement!
School Construction Costs - District Map - Texas Transparency
The map shows the Texas public school districts that opened new campuses between 2007 and 2013 divided into five ranges of cost per square foot. You can click on each district to find out how many new campuses were built, how much was spent on the construction and other related data.
(Isn't the Internet wonderful?... took me less then 5 minutes to find this information...where is yours??)
View attachment 84745

My information that my school was built in 1950?
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.
The corporations, ceo's and shareholders of America are doing great.

And they only hire who they need. If the masses have more money that increases demand.

Companies in America should pay taxes. This ain't Ireland. Let Ireland land on the moon or fight Russia.

Are you really that dumb?

They got that fake made up money from the feds and quantum easing.
They made out like a bandit during obama 7 plus years..the feds threw money at them like you throw a biscuit at a dog..

What are they both to think?

Ok the dog is going to eat that free treat and wall street is going to use that freeze treat and invest it in the wall street casino game.

How can I explain it more simple to you?

Your sitting at a casino table down to your last $50 bucks broke scared as can be along comes daddy.war bucks (the feds) and slips you 10 million dollars
All I know is the American ceo's who shipped the most jobs overseas got the biggest bonus'. Now you Republicans say you're going to make them come back? Or beg them to come back by not making them pay any taxes?

We know the game plan
No Buttmunch. I never said such a thing and you god damned well know it. What I was doing was
pointing out the price Texas and Texans pay for attracting so much businesses with no corporate taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no restrictions of any kind.

You end up with thousands of residents all taxing (pun intended) the system and a system that just gets over-used, polluted, wears out quickly, and doesn’t work. And what happens is that the plants go shopping for another victim that will even reduce still further the hinderance from the governments or lose the reason for the plant to be open at all…

For an example:

WASHINGTON — The Houston-area economy suffered a second blow Friday, with the U.S. Army rejecting a Sealy-based company’s appeal to keep combat truck production in Texas, where it has been for 17 years.

Sealy plant's loss of Army truck deal puts 3,000 jobs at risk

Meanwhile, the 8 lane Interstate that was expanded from Houston to near Sealy has to be maintained…Then there is this: United and Continental merged and what-do-you-know….
There are whispers that Continental’s hub in Houston may be reduced:

United to throttle down in Houston even as profits soar

This, after the HAS built, in essence, an entire terminal just for Continental/United flights. The bonds that built that terminal must be re-paid; with interest. Of course.

Attract business; just do it smartly to where you’re State’s citizens come out ahead. The roads are shot, the schools are shot, the air quality sucks….

What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

Seriously you never heard of Texas millions of dollar high school?
No Buttmunch. I never said such a thing and you god damned well know it. What I was doing was
pointing out the price Texas and Texans pay for attracting so much businesses with no corporate taxes, no regulation, no oversight, no restrictions of any kind.

You end up with thousands of residents all taxing (pun intended) the system and a system that just gets over-used, polluted, wears out quickly, and doesn’t work. And what happens is that the plants go shopping for another victim that will even reduce still further the hinderance from the governments or lose the reason for the plant to be open at all…

For an example:

WASHINGTON — The Houston-area economy suffered a second blow Friday, with the U.S. Army rejecting a Sealy-based company’s appeal to keep combat truck production in Texas, where it has been for 17 years.

Sealy plant's loss of Army truck deal puts 3,000 jobs at risk

Meanwhile, the 8 lane Interstate that was expanded from Houston to near Sealy has to be maintained…Then there is this: United and Continental merged and what-do-you-know….
There are whispers that Continental’s hub in Houston may be reduced:

United to throttle down in Houston even as profits soar

This, after the HAS built, in essence, an entire terminal just for Continental/United flights. The bonds that built that terminal must be re-paid; with interest. Of course.

Attract business; just do it smartly to where you’re State’s citizens come out ahead. The roads are shot, the schools are shot, the air quality sucks….

What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

What is it with you candy and propaganda?


I don't understand?

Why do you ignore facts from reason?

Why do you have to play this game like it is the 1980s?
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

Maybe the population of the towns have decreased?
Give me specific examples as I live in DFW area and there are new schools opening frequently.
But here are some FACTS about new schools in Texas. Little contrary to your unsubstantiated statement!
School Construction Costs - District Map - Texas Transparency
The map shows the Texas public school districts that opened new campuses between 2007 and 2013 divided into five ranges of cost per square foot. You can click on each district to find out how many new campuses were built, how much was spent on the construction and other related data.
(Isn't the Internet wonderful?... took me less then 5 minutes to find this information...where is yours??)
View attachment 84745

My information that my school was built in 1950?

Wrigley field was built in the 1800s and still alive today..

Your point is? Nothing the south is regrowing
What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

Seriously you never heard of Texas millions of dollar high school?
What candy I know the L.A. area and Chicago area as well..
Building 18 lane super highways don't encourage less driving, don't encourage less congestion it supports them.

You can't relieve congestion by builiding more lanes...
Candy having obama gas at under two bucks a gallon don't support the notion of saving the planet..it encourages people to buy more SuVs

We need better solution candy then build more super highways, yes Texas is luring company's there, yes company's are getting free tax breaks, but the employees are paying taxes.

So what do want candy? Company's not to move and held hostage in blue states like California , NEW York and Illinois?

And you tell them what they must pay regardless of their profit margin?

So you can have high paying slacker public unions?

Please feel free to re-read what I posted 30 minutes ago:

Attract business; just do it smartly to where your State’s citizens come out ahead.

Listen candy, you do know I love your brain it's like mine.

Your just on the opposite of the spectrum.

Why can't you comprehend all states were not created equal? And have the same mineral and fossil fuels?

Sure candy I admit back in the 1700s till before the industrial revolution the red states were rich ..got slave labor to farm, but that all changed when slavery was abolished and people up north realized what they had.

So the south became poor and the north prospered..

Now in 2016 the south realized that we are in global economy..

The only way to compete is keep taxes low, get rid of unions and attract over sea jobs..

And the south will continue to evolve toward a third world nation. The schools I went to in Texas were built in 1950. Some in the district I went to were built in 1937…. No plans on replacing them….

What is it with you candy and propaganda?


I don't understand?

Why do you ignore facts from reason?

Why do you have to play this game like it is the 1980s?

How’s that stadium doing by the way?
Ireland’s Economists Left Speechless by 26% Growth Figure

Businesses flood your Nation. Their corporate tax rate is effectively half of ours and their growth is unheard of.

On the opposite end of the spectrum you have Socialism like Brazil or Venezuela where the economy has been destroyed by the politicians despite being high in natural resources.
The corporations, ceo's and shareholders of America are doing great.

And they only hire who they need. If the masses have more money that increases demand.

Companies in America should pay taxes. This ain't Ireland. Let Ireland land on the moon or fight Russia.

Are you really that dumb?

They got that fake made up money from the feds and quantum easing.
They made out like a bandit during obama 7 plus years..the feds threw money at them like you throw a biscuit at a dog..

What are they both to think?

Ok the dog is going to eat that free treat and wall street is going to use that freeze treat and invest it in the wall street casino game.

How can I explain it more simple to you?

Your sitting at a casino table down to your last $50 bucks broke scared as can be along comes daddy.war bucks (the feds) and slips you 10 million dollars

All I know is the American ceo's who shipped the most jobs overseas got the biggest bonus'. Now you Republicans say you're going to make them come back? Or beg them to come back by not making them pay any taxes?

We know the game plan

HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU KNOW "ceo's who shipped the most jobs overseas got the biggest bonus'."?
Where is your proof? In your head????
GEEZ this is why we have ignorant people making ignorant statements that ignorant politicians use to pass ignorant laws!
PLEASE prove to me CEOs that got biggest bonuses"? Such a stupid ass statement!
This is such a pathetic uninformed examples of why we have the problems we have NOW!
You make such a stupid wild ass statement! Unbelievable !

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