What happens when you make people work for food stamps!

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?
I thought Obama created record numbers of jobs this past year?
Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!
9,000 people say otherwise, apparently. Once you get someone hooked on sucking off the government teat, it seems it's nearly impossible to get them off. It's one of the most destructive characteristics of modern liberalism.
Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal?
No one in their right mind would turn it down.

But 9,000 able-bodied professional victims dependent on government did.

And now you can look forward to the screams of "That Republicans took away my food stamps and want me to starve!!!" - neglecting to mention that it was easy for them to keep their food stamps if they would just get off their asses. And THAT'S where the problem actually lies.

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?

And how many times do I have to post the FactCheck link showing you that Republicans did not give tax breaks to anybody moving jobs overseas? I know how liberals love to lie, but repeating the same lie over and over again won't make it truth.

That's besides the fact you didn't address the topic. People would rather give up their food stamps than actually have to work for them.
And the Rust Belt started under LBJ and Carter owns Stagflation. Neither party is blameless in jobs being lost.

LBJ intentionally destroyed our work force like the GOP did?

that's news.

Intentionally, accidentally, because of incompetence, because the rest of the world finally rebuilt after WW2, the reasons don't matter. Economic woes starting with LBJ are still with us today.
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?

And how many times do I have to post the FactCheck link showing you that Republicans did not give tax breaks to anybody moving jobs overseas? I know how liberals love to lie, but repeating the same lie over and over again won't make it truth.

That's besides the fact you didn't address the topic. People would rather give up their food stamps than actually have to work for them.

what factcheck link are you referring to?

i think you're probably not on the same page vis a vis the term "tax breaks". the reality is that corporatists have set out to destroy union labor and collective bargaining. they've moved jobs overseas because they can pay a pittance. then they're allowed to move their assets and income to places like the cayman islands where they can evade taxes

i pay taxes. i'll assume you pay taxes. don't you think that exxon/mobil should pay taxes?

and if a corporation, any corporation, doesn't use american labor, shouldn't there be a penalty for that?
And the Rust Belt started under LBJ and Carter owns Stagflation. Neither party is blameless in jobs being lost.

LBJ intentionally destroyed our work force like the GOP did?

that's news.

Intentionally, accidentally, because of incompetence, because the rest of the world finally rebuilt after WW2, the reasons don't matter. Economic woes starting with LBJ are still with us today.

if you're going to assert that LBJ himself DID something that caused the rust belt, you should probably expound on that.

and of course doing things intentionally matters. *shakes head*
This article merely points out that people do not need these food stamps. It's there for the taking as long as it's offered for free. That's in contrast to liberals who told us these programs are a necessity and people would die without them.
"Work requirements" are a disastrous policy. First of all, the "programs" meant to help people get jobs who aren't currently employed aren't doing well, at all. In fact, it's absolutely horrific the state these are in right now. You want to force people to get jobs? Great, support state run employment programs, but telling people they have to seek out private employment which may or may not be available or they lose their food stamps.. that's just cruel.
"Work requirements" are a disastrous policy. First of all, the "programs" meant to help people get jobs who aren't currently employed aren't doing well, at all. In fact, it's absolutely horrific the state these are in right now. You want to force people to get jobs? Great, support state run employment programs, but telling people they have to seek out private employment which may or may not be available or they lose their food stamps.. that's just cruel.
So what happened to all those great jobs Obozo's creating every month????

After all, he says the economy is really booming, and the Libs are constantly on these boards agreeing with him...

Could it be that Democrats are compulsive liars????
Typical left wing BS.
The republicans under GW Bush chased jobs out of the country. How? by raising taxes, What made it so easy for them to relocate? trade deals made by Clinton.
but what is the main cry from the left? big business isnt paying their fair share of taxes, so lets raise it.
I guess a dollar in liberal tax is less than a dollar in conservative tax.
The left never wants to take responsibility for anything they do. abortions, poverty nothing. Just screw things up then blame someone else and hope you can make them pay your way out.
Mommy, I'm hungry.

Tough shit kid. I ain't gettin' no job!

If you bothered to read the article, the program only applies to abled bodied adults with no children.
And you assume that jobs are infinite/these "work requirements" actually do something useful.

Well let me tell you, I'm a truck driver and this year alone, we need over 60,000 new drivers that industry can't find. When I go to industrial areas, I see countless sign after sign on companies that are looking for help. Go back three weeks later, the signs are still posted.

So the question is are these programs there for the truly indigent, or are people using them as an option to working?

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