What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics


Trump* has gone from stupid to dangerous and deadly stupid. He must be removed before he starts World War III.

Iran Says It Will No Longer Abide By Nuclear Deal After U.S. Assassinates Soleimani

Iraqi Parliament Votes To Expel Foreign Troops After Soleimani Killing
Lakota is scared of the Iranian moron Khomeini
Our President mocked Obama’s deal with Iran and said he would get a better one.
Now Iran can restart its nuclear program
Until they get hit by a bunker buster bomb.

.@davidfrum: “Donald Trump never even aspired to be President of the United States.... He’s President of a little less than half the US... and that’s the only job he’s ever wanted. He regards the majority of the country as his enemies.”

“How can he lead a united nation to war?”
Your link:

"This source said the argument for targeting Soleimani, rather than Iranian assets, centers around the idea that it was a preemptive move intended to de-escalate the situation by deterring any plans to attack American embassies or bases.

"The reasoning behind this, the same source told CNN, is that if Iran were to fire on a US base or embassy, it would trigger a large scale military response by the US, so by killing Soleimani, the hope was that it would cause the Iranians to change their behavior."

Seems like something of a long shot at any time.

What impact on next November's election will oil prices have on US voters?

US-Iran tensions threaten the world’s most important oil-shipping route
Nice link

Says such attacks are possible but no information that they are imminent like Trump claimed.
But given the escalating tensions due to Trumps attack, they seem more likely
Nice link

Says such attacks are possible but no information that they are imminent like Trump claimed.
But given the escalating tensions due to Trumps attack, they seem more likely
Ten months to election day. I wonder what effect a doubling or tripling of oil prices would have on voters?

THE STRAIT of Hormuz, a narrow stretch of water connecting the Persian Gulf to the rest of the world’s oceans, has long been recognised as the most important choke-point for global oil supplies.

"Accounting for about a third of the world’s sea-borne oil (and a fifth of the world’s total oil exports), the strait links oil and gas producers in the Middle East with consumers around the globe, including those in Europe, Asia and America."
Tempting target

We didnt have this problem until Trump upset the balance of power
The last I checked gas was $2.30/gal
Try to keep up with the thread

Straights have not been attacked yet
So far we have nothing but mass hysteria from turds like you.
Drunk Indian is looking for TP for his Bunghole.

Only his bunghole is laying in a casket in Iran.

What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics


Trump* has gone from stupid to dangerous and deadly stupid. He must be removed before he starts World War III.

Iran Says It Will No Longer Abide By Nuclear Deal After U.S. Assassinates Soleimani

Iraqi Parliament Votes To Expel Foreign Troops After Soleimani Killing
Lakota is scared of the Iranian moron Khomeini
Last edited:
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

What happened when a leader is a liar?

Means no credibility, unreliable and nothing but a worthless leader.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

You don't get to keep your doctor?
I kept my doctor
So did 98 percent of Americans
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

What happened when a leader is a liar?

Means no credibility, unreliable and nothing but a worthless leader.
Trump has created a Shit Storm

Now he is on his own to fix it. He can’t count on our allies who were satisfied with the deal with Iran

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