What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

Are you saying that legal immigrants are the same thing as illegal immigrants?

Or that Washington is filled with illegal immigrants?

I've not asserted anything about immigrants -- illegal or legal. I asked a non-rhetorical question and I provided my own direct answer to it.

I mentioned D.C. because I live in D.C.; I didn't note that point of fact in the OP. I should have so that the contextual significance of my statement about "tons of immigrants" living in D.C. was clear. That is my mistake.

A few years back, I was in a DC suburb and went to a Burger King for lunch. Not a single employee spoke English. They did not speak the first word of English! So, I used what little Spanish I know to place my order.

I felt like I was back overseas instead of a block from my son's apartment.

TYVM for your reply. Yours is the first post in the thread (the first I've read) that directly answers exactly the question I asked. I appreciate your having the decency to simply and directly answer the question.
Start on page 1 (or hit your "read ignored content"). Several posters have told you how illegal immigrants have directly affected their / their families' lives. I think it's hard for most posters to know who is legal or illegal just meeting them on the street. Even the Admiral doesn't know if the workers at that Burger King were illegal. They all could have had green cards, for all he knows. Unlike naturalization, one is not required to speak English to get a green card.

Having said all that, in answer to your question, I have no idea if ILLEGAL immigrants are the ones who flood the laundromat on Sundays during blueberry harvest and wreathing seasons. I need to switch to Saturdays during those times. They are all speaking either Spanish or Haitian and are here doing migrant work, but whether they're illegal, I have no idea. The first and not bad Mexican restaurant around here got shut down several years ago when it was determined the owners were bringing in illegals and finding them work. They went to prison. I missed the flan, for sure.

I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate" propaganda. But I see the point of the arguments here that point out the affect of flooded labor markets and the high costs of medical care for the insured, particularly when those people number in the many millions. If folks are here working, I agree they should be paying their share in taxes (including DJTrump). That is as much the responsibility of employers as it is the immigrants themselves, and I'm waiting....waiting....waiting....for that to be the focus of our administration's focus.

If they are here WORKING, and do not speak the first word of English, that is a pretty good indication that they came across the border in the past few months sewn inside a car seat. They definitely were not on a tourist visa.

This whole speak English meme is bullshit. I know for a fact that neither schools, nor church services, conducted services in English until fifty or so years AFTER the American Revolution in this area. Before that those services were conducted in German. In fact, some schools in North Carolina were still conducting classes in German after the Civil War. The local hero that founded the city in this area never ever spoke English. He spoke German and Cherokee.

Besides, your kids best get used to broken English and strong foreign accents if they plan on attaining a college degree in a STEM field.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

That's just foolish. EVERYONE suffers from illegal aliens, EVERYONE. It impossible to NOT to be deprived.

We have millions of tons of drugs being brought in and distributed by illegal aliens. Simply look at Chicago and any other high crime area in the country. Gangs rule half the city. Saying that doesn't affect you, is foolish and uninformed. The increase in the cost of law enforcement, all across the country affects EVERYONE. The increase in the cost of schools due to the population of illegal aliens affects the entire country. The reduced standards in schools due to language barriers affects the entire nation.

Saying "not a damn thing" is both wrong and ignorant.
I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate"

No, I think his (her) point is that if they''re not bothering you directly, you have no reason to complain. If they have no impact on your life directly, we should not be pursuing the agenda of kicking them out and keeping new ones from coming in.

The OP is trying to be thought provocative without considering that immigrants (legal or illegal) have an impact on all our lives either directly or indirectly.
Besides, your kids best get used to broken English and strong foreign accents if they plan on attaining a college degree in a STEM field.

Which is why no child of mine would ever go to a public school.or college. Voke school and/or technical college then a career.

No hablos Español. Je ne parle Francais.
I've not asserted anything about immigrants -- illegal or legal. I asked a non-rhetorical question and I provided my own direct answer to it.

I mentioned D.C. because I live in D.C.; I didn't note that point of fact in the OP. I should have so that the contextual significance of my statement about "tons of immigrants" living in D.C. was clear. That is my mistake.

A few years back, I was in a DC suburb and went to a Burger King for lunch. Not a single employee spoke English. They did not speak the first word of English! So, I used what little Spanish I know to place my order.

I felt like I was back overseas instead of a block from my son's apartment.

TYVM for your reply. Yours is the first post in the thread (the first I've read) that directly answers exactly the question I asked. I appreciate your having the decency to simply and directly answer the question.
Start on page 1 (or hit your "read ignored content"). Several posters have told you how illegal immigrants have directly affected their / their families' lives. I think it's hard for most posters to know who is legal or illegal just meeting them on the street. Even the Admiral doesn't know if the workers at that Burger King were illegal. They all could have had green cards, for all he knows. Unlike naturalization, one is not required to speak English to get a green card.

Having said all that, in answer to your question, I have no idea if ILLEGAL immigrants are the ones who flood the laundromat on Sundays during blueberry harvest and wreathing seasons. I need to switch to Saturdays during those times. They are all speaking either Spanish or Haitian and are here doing migrant work, but whether they're illegal, I have no idea. The first and not bad Mexican restaurant around here got shut down several years ago when it was determined the owners were bringing in illegals and finding them work. They went to prison. I missed the flan, for sure.

I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate" propaganda. But I see the point of the arguments here that point out the affect of flooded labor markets and the high costs of medical care for the insured, particularly when those people number in the many millions. If folks are here working, I agree they should be paying their share in taxes (including DJTrump). That is as much the responsibility of employers as it is the immigrants themselves, and I'm waiting....waiting....waiting....for that to be the focus of our administration's focus.

If they are here WORKING, and do not speak the first word of English, that is a pretty good indication that they came across the border in the past few months sewn inside a car seat. They definitely were not on a tourist visa.

This whole speak English meme is bullshit. I know for a fact that neither schools, nor church services, conducted services in English until fifty or so years AFTER the American Revolution in this area. Before that those services were conducted in German. In fact, some schools in North Carolina were still conducting classes in German after the Civil War. The local hero that founded the city in this area never ever spoke English. He spoke German and Cherokee.

Besides, your kids best get used to broken English and strong foreign accents if they plan on attaining a college degree in a STEM field.

I was born in an ethnic community back in the 60's. Yes, in our little community, people spoke Polish. The vendors spoke Polish, the masses were in Polish, some store signs were written in Polish. But outside our community, nobody expected the rest of the country to cater to us. Outside our community, you spoke and read English only.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

This is such an ignorant point of view. Out of sight so it must not hurt anyone. Carbon Monoxide is out of sight also, I guess you think that's harmless as well.
Not to mention the underground economy of cheap labor instead of tax paying union scale labor. How many small businesses went under because of cheap illegal labor? Its the law of supply and demand, when we pay actual/real/legitimate costs for labor the US workers get better pay and benefits.

Unions are like a buggy whip today, quaint but no longer needed.

A prime example is a vote this past week of Boeing employees in South Carolina.


The NLRB said 74 percent of the 2,828 workers who cast ballots voted against joining the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).


Workers at Boeing's South Carolina plant reject union
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

I could write a novel about how illegals have negatively affected me. Honestly, I find it very hard to believe you haven't been negatively affected; I'm pretty sure you're self-manipulating.
I'll give it to you in short without nitpicking the smaller stuff:
Higher taxes
Crowded emergency rooms
Extreme traffic on roadways
Slower response times from fire and police
Trash and Bud Light cans thrown out on roadways
Trash and dirty diapers left on our beaches
Old couches and mattresses thrown out in vacant lots
Graffiti all over the place
Degenerate filth loitering at every Home Depot and pissing in public
Abandoned stray pit bulls and chihuahua's run the streets of ghettos
I've had to send my three kids to private schools their whole lives to keep them from the filth at $2,000 per month
Uninsured and underinsured drivers on roadways. (Family has been hit three times by illegals without insurance)
Real American's who speak English in Southern California feel like foreigners on their own soil
My high school age kids can't get work experience or entry level high school age jobs because illegals have made burger flipping a career job

Again, I could go on and on...but hopefully you get the drift by now.

very good summary, but the leftists will never understand.

I agree but I also think they won't ADMIT they understand, they don't WANT to understand.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Yeah Ted Bundy never did anything to me either. Neither did Bernie Madoff, Charlie Manson, or O.J. Simpson.
By sucking on the healthcare system they suck money out of all of our pockets by distributing the cost to people that actually pay for service.

I'm looking at an ER bill of 2K+ out of pocket right now for an ER visit that consisted of a couple of nebulizer treatments for my young son. Realistic cost, including personnel time, which totaled about 30 minutes, a few hundred bucks. Usual out of pocket on that same scenario, which has happened before, is 25 bucks. It was a holiday, other service centers were closed, so we had no choice but the ER in this case and got utterly reamed.

The same is true of other services. Schools, cops, firemen, emt and so forth. That shit isn't free. They jack demand, requiring expansion of infrastructure and personnel, don't pay and the cost gets shifted to other people.

Sorry, but your emergency room bill is not high due to illegal immigrants. First, illegal immigrants rarely show up in the emergency room, pretty easy way to get discovered by the INS. Second, when they do show up, they often pay. Third, illegal immigrants contribute more money to the Medicare Trust fund than the care they receive. Hell, the illegal immigrants are SUBSIDIZING YOU, it is not the other way around.

The study found that in 2011 alone, undocumented immigrants paid in $3.5 billion more than they needed in care. “Unauthorized immigrants generated an average surplus of $316 per capita to the Trust Fund, while other Americans generated a deficit of $106 per capita,” the study’s press release indicated.

No, Undocumented Immigrants Aren’t A Burden On The Health Care System
By sucking on the healthcare system they suck money out of all of our pockets by distributing the cost to people that actually pay for service.

I'm looking at an ER bill of 2K+ out of pocket right now for an ER visit that consisted of a couple of nebulizer treatments for my young son. Realistic cost, including personnel time, which totaled about 30 minutes, a few hundred bucks. Usual out of pocket on that same scenario, which has happened before, is 25 bucks. It was a holiday, other service centers were closed, so we had no choice but the ER in this case and got utterly reamed.

The same is true of other services. Schools, cops, firemen, emt and so forth. That shit isn't free. They jack demand, requiring expansion of infrastructure and personnel, don't pay and the cost gets shifted to other people.

Sorry, but your emergency room bill is not high due to illegal immigrants. First, illegal immigrants rarely show up in the emergency room, pretty easy way to get discovered by the INS. Second, when they do show up, they often pay. Third, illegal immigrants contribute more money to the Medicare Trust fund than the care they receive. Hell, the illegal immigrants are SUBSIDIZING YOU, it is not the other way around.

The study found that in 2011 alone, undocumented immigrants paid in $3.5 billion more than they needed in care. “Unauthorized immigrants generated an average surplus of $316 per capita to the Trust Fund, while other Americans generated a deficit of $106 per capita,” the study’s press release indicated.

No, Undocumented Immigrants Aren’t A Burden On The Health Care System

I see some articles that support your position and some that refute it, such as this one

“What is unseen is their [illegal aliens’] free medical care that has degraded and closed some of America’s finest emergency medical facilities, and caused hospital bankruptcies: 84 California hospitals are closing their doors,” Madeleine Peiner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq., “Illegal Aliens and American Medicine,” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Spring 2005.

Or this one


  • We have previously estimated that taxpayer-provided health care for uninsured illegal immigrants costs $4.3 billion annually. About half of that goes to those with incomes below 133 percent of poverty.

  • While the annual costs run into the billions, because of their relatively young age and generally good health, the average cost of Medicaid for illegal immigrants is about half of the average general cost of Medicaid per enrollee.

  • During the budget period 2014-2019, in which Medicaid expansion takes effect, covering 3.1 million amnestied immigrants would conservatively cost taxpayers $48.6 billion.

So, I obviously disagree with your assessment, and certainly with the statement that these people are subsidizing me, or anyone else. They're a net negative acording to that information and someone is paying for that.

Now, if you have some info that illegals, as a whole, are a net positive for the taxpayer in terms of medical care you might have a point. Sans that, you dont.

And I would note that I did not indicate at any point that they are solely responsible, only that they contribute to a rise in cost to these and other services.
I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate"

No, I think his (her) point is that if they''re not bothering you directly, you have no reason to complain. If they have no impact on your life directly, we should not be pursuing the agenda of kicking them out and keeping new ones from coming in.

The OP is trying to be thought provocative without considering that immigrants (legal or illegal) have an impact on all our lives either directly or indirectly.

The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Took corn detasseling jobs from my kids and others. They were sent home early from fields numerous times when illegal crews showed up offering to work cheaper.

Hit to my credit when illegal purchased furniture using my identity and SSN. I was lucky compared to many who had credit rating destroyed, were denied more credit, denied aid, and some had the IRS after them for money someone else earned in their name. Many children are victims of identity theft. The scammers, including many illegal aliens and the people who help them, realized that stealing children's identities is best because they won't realize it for years.
Besides, your kids best get used to broken English and strong foreign accents if they plan on attaining a college degree in a STEM field.

Which is why no child of mine would ever go to a public school.or college. Voke school and/or technical college then a career.

No hablos Español. Je ne parle Francais.

Hah, that is pretty funny.

Nope, I got to give my sons' high school props. It is a small county school--2A. Not exactly a feeder school for the Ivy League although the oldest has a friend at MIT. But the diversity is quite impressive. Cliches in the lunchroom can be heard speaking Spanish, Madarin Chinese, Hmong, Russian, and yes, German. When children have trouble "fitting in" at other schools the county sends them to this school.

They don't produce the kids with the highest test scores. They don't produce any stellar athletes for the NFL, NBA, or MLB. But what they do produce is productive, well-rounded, hard working CITIZENS.

And now, after twelve years in a PUBLIC SCHOOL, he is graduating from a PUBLIC UNIVERSITY. He already has a job offer with a starting salary a good 25% higher than the average starting salary of a Harvard graduate. Of course, in the area of starting salaries, Ivy League graduates don't even scratch the top thirty.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

ask the family of Kate Steinle.

Do you have their email address? I'd be glad to send the question to them.

I asked the members here. Do you have any specific ways in which an illegal immigrant has done something to you?

think you are being cute? well you aren't. Their daughter was murdered by an illegal immigrant who had been deported 7 times and kept coming back. What would you tell them? What would you tell the other families who have lost loved ones to illegal criminals?

No, I don't think I'm being cute. I asked a very specific question and hoped that people would simply answer it directly. I don't want to know what you people have to share about other individuals. That is why the title question is posed as it is.

Yes, you did ask a very specific question. You were also provided with very specific answers which, typical of a far left Progressive, you CHOSE not to accept.

Face it, you asked a foolish question you had NOT thought through and got skunked. Admit your gross error, apologize and...move on to your next foolish question.
By sucking on the healthcare system they suck money out of all of our pockets by distributing the cost to people that actually pay for service.

I'm looking at an ER bill of 2K+ out of pocket right now for an ER visit that consisted of a couple of nebulizer treatments for my young son. Realistic cost, including personnel time, which totaled about 30 minutes, a few hundred bucks. Usual out of pocket on that same scenario, which has happened before, is 25 bucks. It was a holiday, other service centers were closed, so we had no choice but the ER in this case and got utterly reamed.

The same is true of other services. Schools, cops, firemen, emt and so forth. That shit isn't free. They jack demand, requiring expansion of infrastructure and personnel, don't pay and the cost gets shifted to other people.

Sorry, but your emergency room bill is not high due to illegal immigrants. First, illegal immigrants rarely show up in the emergency room, pretty easy way to get discovered by the INS. Second, when they do show up, they often pay. Third, illegal immigrants contribute more money to the Medicare Trust fund than the care they receive. Hell, the illegal immigrants are SUBSIDIZING YOU, it is not the other way around.

The study found that in 2011 alone, undocumented immigrants paid in $3.5 billion more than they needed in care. “Unauthorized immigrants generated an average surplus of $316 per capita to the Trust Fund, while other Americans generated a deficit of $106 per capita,” the study’s press release indicated.

No, Undocumented Immigrants Aren’t A Burden On The Health Care System

I've not asserted anything about immigrants -- illegal or legal. I asked a non-rhetorical question and I provided my own direct answer to it.

I mentioned D.C. because I live in D.C.; I didn't note that point of fact in the OP. I should have so that the contextual significance of my statement about "tons of immigrants" living in D.C. was clear. That is my mistake.

A few years back, I was in a DC suburb and went to a Burger King for lunch. Not a single employee spoke English. They did not speak the first word of English! So, I used what little Spanish I know to place my order.

I felt like I was back overseas instead of a block from my son's apartment.

TYVM for your reply. Yours is the first post in the thread (the first I've read) that directly answers exactly the question I asked. I appreciate your having the decency to simply and directly answer the question.
Start on page 1 (or hit your "read ignored content"). Several posters have told you how illegal immigrants have directly affected their / their families' lives. I think it's hard for most posters to know who is legal or illegal just meeting them on the street. Even the Admiral doesn't know if the workers at that Burger King were illegal. They all could have had green cards, for all he knows. Unlike naturalization, one is not required to speak English to get a green card.

Having said all that, in answer to your question, I have no idea if ILLEGAL immigrants are the ones who flood the laundromat on Sundays during blueberry harvest and wreathing seasons. I need to switch to Saturdays during those times. They are all speaking either Spanish or Haitian and are here doing migrant work, but whether they're illegal, I have no idea. The first and not bad Mexican restaurant around here got shut down several years ago when it was determined the owners were bringing in illegals and finding them work. They went to prison. I missed the flan, for sure.

I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate" propaganda. But I see the point of the arguments here that point out the affect of flooded labor markets and the high costs of medical care for the insured, particularly when those people number in the many millions. If folks are here working, I agree they should be paying their share in taxes (including DJTrump). That is as much the responsibility of employers as it is the immigrants themselves, and I'm waiting....waiting....waiting....for that to be the focus of our administration's focus.

If they are here WORKING, and do not speak the first word of English, that is a pretty good indication that they came across the border in the past few months sewn inside a car seat. They definitely were not on a tourist visa.

This whole speak English meme is bullshit. I know for a fact that neither schools, nor church services, conducted services in English until fifty or so years AFTER the American Revolution in this area. Before that those services were conducted in German. In fact, some schools in North Carolina were still conducting classes in German after the Civil War. The local hero that founded the city in this area never ever spoke English. He spoke German and Cherokee.

Besides, your kids best get used to broken English and strong foreign accents if they plan on attaining a college degree in a STEM field.

Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
For you to say nothing would mean you pay absolutely no taxes.

Yes, the money given to illegals did not grow in your garden. It was taken by hard working legal workers.

Meanwhile working poor are being forced out of work they could do.

YES, illegal activity costs us ALL money, even if you don't realize it.
TY for your reply.

Having said all that, in answer to your question, I have no idea if ILLEGAL immigrants are the ones who flood the laundromat on Sundays during blueberry harvest and wreathing seasons.

In my OP, I said "nothing." I'm going to stand by that because in the areas that matter and that I can identify on a personal level, it's highly implausible to think an illegal could have deprived me of anything that merits my claiming they did. If I couldn't get a reservation for a dinner table, or a movie was sold out or something and an illegal immigrant is the reason why, I wouldn't know, but I also wouldn't care.

I think it's hard for most posters to know who is legal or illegal just meeting them on the street. Even the Admiral doesn't know if the workers at that Burger King were illegal. They all could have had green cards, for all he knows.

Right. I believe irosie91 said something similar. I think "I don't know" is a fair answer and it is one of the answers I expected to receive, the others being "nothing,' or the member's specific depiction of one or more instances of their having been deprived of something (presumably in a meaningful rather than offhand way) by an illegal immigrant. (I'm not generally of a mind to challenge a person's attestation about another individual with whom they had an encounter that lead to the member's deprivation. The member would have to share something very extraordinary/implausible/irrational before there'd be reason to make such a challenge.)

I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us.

That has certainly crossed my mind before, not only regarding remarks I've read in other threads, but also in talking to some people in the "real world." Here, however, I just want folks to respond to the title question.

In this thread, I'm truly curious to learn what individuals have to say. It's just simple question that solicits an equally simple and straightforward answer. I know I have in other threads asked what are indeed hard/complicated to answer questions, but this time I have not.
I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate"

No, I think his (her) point is that if they''re not bothering you directly, you have no reason to complain. If they have no impact on your life directly, we should not be pursuing the agenda of kicking them out and keeping new ones from coming in.

The OP is trying to be thought provocative without considering that immigrants (legal or illegal) have an impact on all our lives either directly or indirectly.

The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.

Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

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