What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

Are you saying that legal immigrants are the same thing as illegal immigrants?

Or that Washington is filled with illegal immigrants?

I've not asserted anything about immigrants -- illegal or legal. I asked a non-rhetorical question and I provided my own direct answer to it.

I mentioned D.C. because I live in D.C.; I didn't note that point of fact in the OP. I should have so that the contextual significance of my statement about "tons of immigrants" living in D.C. was clear. That is my mistake.

I gave an answer. Here it is again.

If oversupply of labor in the work force is such that demand drops and price (wages) drop, how is someone supposed to directly see that?

If the guy that got the job you wanted is only applying for that job, because his old job was given to a cheaper illegal worker, how would someone see that?

ect. ect. ect.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Just because your bubble appears to be unaffected doesn't mean there are no problems.
Be that as it may, I didn't ask what problems illegal immigrants pose. I didn't ask that because that isn't what I wanted to learn about. There are plenty of sources of information on the Internet, in libraries, etc. that I can consult to obtain that information.

It's interesting that people here are more than willing to inform me about all manners of things, but not about the one thing I wanted to know about.

As a reminder, I asked: "What has an illegal immigrant don't to deprive you of something?"
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

ask the family of Kate Steinle.

Do you have their email address? I'd be glad to send the question to them.

I asked the members here. Do you have any specific ways in which an illegal immigrant has done something to you?

think you are being cute? well you aren't. Their daughter was murdered by an illegal immigrant who had been deported 7 times and kept coming back. What would you tell them? What would you tell the other families who have lost loved ones to illegal criminals?
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Just because your bubble appears to be unaffected doesn't mean there are no problems.
Be that as it may, I didn't ask what problems illegal immigrants pose. I didn't ask that because that isn't what I wanted to learn about. There are plenty of sources of information on the Internet, in libraries, etc. that I can consult to obtain that information.

As a reminder, I asked: "What has an illegal immigrant don't to deprive you of something?"
I compete against people who hire them which drives down bids. They also take from my tax revenue.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

ask the family of Kate Steinle.

Do you have their email address? I'd be glad to send the question to them.

I asked the members here. Do you have any specific ways in which an illegal immigrant has done something to you?

think you are being cute? well you aren't. Their daughter was murdered by an illegal immigrant who had been deported 7 times and kept coming back. What would you tell them? What would you tell the other families who have lost loved ones to illegal criminals?

No, I don't think I'm being cute. I asked a very specific question and hoped that people would simply answer it directly. I don't want to know what you people have to share about other individuals. That is why the title question is posed as it is.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Just because your bubble appears to be unaffected doesn't mean there are no problems.
Be that as it may, I didn't ask what problems illegal immigrants pose. I didn't ask that because that isn't what I wanted to learn about. There are plenty of sources of information on the Internet, in libraries, etc. that I can consult to obtain that information.

As a reminder, I asked: "What has an illegal immigrant don't to deprive you of something?"
I compete against people who hire them which drives down bids. They also take from my tax revenue.

TY for your answer.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Nothing, in fact most coming in from the southern border are practically invisible...I think the problem is the size of immigration without restraint which amounts to an "invasion" force policy...even if it is a benign one, and that worries people, there should not be any such thing as unchecked immigration, getting that fixed will stop all [or at least most] of our political immigration problems...think about this, the reason people have always fought wars on their own territory was to repel invaders, why didn't they just let them stay instead?
I think this whole thing with illegal immigration is a tit-for-tat war between the left and right with us viewing it through the looking glass, I believe it is the right that both needs and wants illegals here because they are detrimental to union jobs and illegals do not get minimum wage or benefits of any kind including healthcare and holiday/overtime pay, the left needs to protect the unions but they cannot be the ones to demand an end to it lest they be exposed, so they retaliate by giving illegals all the benefits they would get if they were here legally making the rights use of them null.
Are you saying that legal immigrants are the same thing as illegal immigrants?

Or that Washington is filled with illegal immigrants?

I've not asserted anything about immigrants -- illegal or legal. I asked a non-rhetorical question and I provided my own direct answer to it.

I mentioned D.C. because I live in D.C.; I didn't note that point of fact in the OP. I should have so that the contextual significance of my statement about "tons of immigrants" living in D.C. was clear. That is my mistake.

A few years back, I was in a DC suburb and went to a Burger King for lunch. Not a single employee spoke English. They did not speak the first word of English! So, I used what little Spanish I know to place my order.

I felt like I was back overseas instead of a block from my son's apartment.

TYVM for your reply. Yours is the first post in the thread (the first I've read) that directly answers exactly the question I asked. I appreciate your having the decency to simply and directly answer the question.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
Lot's of people have lost jobs that were given to illegal immigrants. Furthermore, I have suffered plenty from all the legal immigrants the government has imported. Due to all the H1-B software coolies from India, wages in the software industry haven't increased an iota in the last 15 years.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

They stole my bright future in tomato harvesting.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Mostly th y get in car accidents after getting drunk at strip clubs and hit other cars causing my insurance to go up. They do the same with health care because they go to the ER whenever their kids get a diaper rash.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

They stole my bright future in tomato harvesting.
LOL -- Pardon me for laughing. I do hope that statement is a joke, but if it's not, please do forgive my laughing at it.
By sucking on the healthcare system they suck money out of all of our pockets by distributing the cost to people that actually pay for service.

I'm looking at an ER bill of 2K+ out of pocket right now for an ER visit that consisted of a couple of nebulizer treatments for my young son. Realistic cost, including personnel time, which totaled about 30 minutes, a few hundred bucks. Usual out of pocket on that same scenario, which has happened before, is 25 bucks. It was a holiday, other service centers were closed, so we had no choice but the ER in this case and got utterly reamed.

The same is true of other services. Schools, cops, firemen, emt and so forth. That shit isn't free. They jack demand, requiring expansion of infrastructure and personnel, don't pay and the cost gets shifted to other people.

Sorry, but your emergency room bill is not high due to illegal immigrants. First, illegal immigrants rarely show up in the emergency room, pretty easy way to get discovered by the INS. Second, when they do show up, they often pay. Third, illegal immigrants contribute more money to the Medicare Trust fund than the care they receive. Hell, the illegal immigrants are SUBSIDIZING YOU, it is not the other way around.

The study found that in 2011 alone, undocumented immigrants paid in $3.5 billion more than they needed in care. “Unauthorized immigrants generated an average surplus of $316 per capita to the Trust Fund, while other Americans generated a deficit of $106 per capita,” the study’s press release indicated.

No, Undocumented Immigrants Aren’t A Burden On The Health Care System
Are you saying that legal immigrants are the same thing as illegal immigrants?

Or that Washington is filled with illegal immigrants?

I've not asserted anything about immigrants -- illegal or legal. I asked a non-rhetorical question and I provided my own direct answer to it.

I mentioned D.C. because I live in D.C.; I didn't note that point of fact in the OP. I should have so that the contextual significance of my statement about "tons of immigrants" living in D.C. was clear. That is my mistake.

A few years back, I was in a DC suburb and went to a Burger King for lunch. Not a single employee spoke English. They did not speak the first word of English! So, I used what little Spanish I know to place my order.

I felt like I was back overseas instead of a block from my son's apartment.

TYVM for your reply. Yours is the first post in the thread (the first I've read) that directly answers exactly the question I asked. I appreciate your having the decency to simply and directly answer the question.
Start on page 1 (or hit your "read ignored content"). Several posters have told you how illegal immigrants have directly affected their / their families' lives. I think it's hard for most posters to know who is legal or illegal just meeting them on the street. Even the Admiral doesn't know if the workers at that Burger King were illegal. They all could have had green cards, for all he knows. Unlike naturalization, one is not required to speak English to get a green card.

Having said all that, in answer to your question, I have no idea if ILLEGAL immigrants are the ones who flood the laundromat on Sundays during blueberry harvest and wreathing seasons. I need to switch to Saturdays during those times. They are all speaking either Spanish or Haitian and are here doing migrant work, but whether they're illegal, I have no idea. The first and not bad Mexican restaurant around here got shut down several years ago when it was determined the owners were bringing in illegals and finding them work. They went to prison. I missed the flan, for sure.

I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate" propaganda. But I see the point of the arguments here that point out the affect of flooded labor markets and the high costs of medical care for the uninsured, particularly when those people number in the many millions. If folks are here working, I agree they should be paying their share in taxes (including DJTrump). That is as much the responsibility of employers as it is the immigrants themselves, and I'm waiting....waiting....waiting....for that to be the focus of our administration's policy.
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For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

For me it's money they've taken. A large percentage of illegals end up on State and/or Federal assistance. Programs,which are largely illegal for everyone, but doubly so for illegals. That money has to come from somewhere. Like from my taxes. Monies I could use to improve my life are being taken to provide for these illegals.
Are you saying that legal immigrants are the same thing as illegal immigrants?

Or that Washington is filled with illegal immigrants?

I've not asserted anything about immigrants -- illegal or legal. I asked a non-rhetorical question and I provided my own direct answer to it.

I mentioned D.C. because I live in D.C.; I didn't note that point of fact in the OP. I should have so that the contextual significance of my statement about "tons of immigrants" living in D.C. was clear. That is my mistake.

A few years back, I was in a DC suburb and went to a Burger King for lunch. Not a single employee spoke English. They did not speak the first word of English! So, I used what little Spanish I know to place my order.

I felt like I was back overseas instead of a block from my son's apartment.

TYVM for your reply. Yours is the first post in the thread (the first I've read) that directly answers exactly the question I asked. I appreciate your having the decency to simply and directly answer the question.
Start on page 1 (or hit your "read ignored content"). Several posters have told you how illegal immigrants have directly affected their / their families' lives. I think it's hard for most posters to know who is legal or illegal just meeting them on the street. Even the Admiral doesn't know if the workers at that Burger King were illegal. They all could have had green cards, for all he knows. Unlike naturalization, one is not required to speak English to get a green card.

Having said all that, in answer to your question, I have no idea if ILLEGAL immigrants are the ones who flood the laundromat on Sundays during blueberry harvest and wreathing seasons. I need to switch to Saturdays during those times. They are all speaking either Spanish or Haitian and are here doing migrant work, but whether they're illegal, I have no idea. The first and not bad Mexican restaurant around here got shut down several years ago when it was determined the owners were bringing in illegals and finding them work. They went to prison. I missed the flan, for sure.

I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate" propaganda. But I see the point of the arguments here that point out the affect of flooded labor markets and the high costs of medical care for the insured, particularly when those people number in the many millions. If folks are here working, I agree they should be paying their share in taxes (including DJTrump). That is as much the responsibility of employers as it is the immigrants themselves, and I'm waiting....waiting....waiting....for that to be the focus of our administration's focus.

If they are here WORKING, and do not speak the first word of English, that is a pretty good indication that they came across the border in the past few months sewn inside a car seat. They definitely were not on a tourist visa.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

They stole my bright future in tomato harvesting.
LOL -- Pardon me for laughing. I do hope that statement is a joke, but if it's not, please do forgive my laughing at it.

My great grandfather was a farmer and logger. He owned thousands of acres at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. He passed his land on to his many children, my grandfather being one of them. Grandpaw, like his brothers, ran a dairy farm. Grandmother met him as he was ripping up a field in his new Cadillac at 16. And Mom is about as spoiled an individual that has ever walked the face of the earth.

The point is that after three generations, well damn near nothing is left. All those kids just sat around waiting for someone to die and then they sold their inheritance and pissed away the money. A few have nasty ass chicken farms--watch Fusion networks Cockfight if you want to see how that works out. But of those thousands of acres, only a few hundred is now being worked. That is the few hundred that my family just financed and sold to, wait for it---Mexicans.

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