'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air

It’s common sense, that’s why it flies right over your head.
Wow, professor! What a brilliant,insightful argument! Have you published your research paper on this, yet? Have you spoken to any conferences of scientists, yet?

Science is a hard subject for you.

I just checked the scoreboard again. Evolution: eleventy trillion, Crybaby religious trolls like you: 0.
Has your dirt written you anything yet?
It’s common sense, that’s why it flies right over your head.
Wow, professor! What a brilliant,insightful argument! Have you published your research paper on this, yet? Have you spoken to any conferences of scientists, yet?

Science is a hard subject for you.

I just checked the scoreboard again. Evolution: eleventy trillion, Crybaby religious trolls like you: 0.
Negroids not as evolved as you is your comfort saying.
A little satire that drives home the topic.

View attachment 292178

LYNNWOOD, WA—Sources confirmed Tuesday that local freethinker Jared Olson called into question the “absurd” idea that God had ever done anything for him, all while inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in a complex process well beyond his mind’s capability of understanding in its entirety.

“The idea of ‘god’ is really just holding us back,” Olson opined, addressing the other members of the philosophy club at Edmonds Community College, as the membrane across his larynx vibrated to modulate the flow of air from his lungs, making his speech audible to the people listening, whose intricate ear structures then instantly transformed the invisible sound waves into abstract thought in their brain’s nervous tissue.

Olson went on to pursue the line of reasoning even further, claiming that mankind has science, medicine, and mathematics to thank for its continued existence rather than any sort of all-powerful creator, for which there is “absolutely no evidence.” According to eyewitnesses, he made these claims as the surface his feet rested on continued to spin around the earth’s core without any input from him, all while the only known habitable planet on which he stood rocketed around the center of the galaxy in perfect formation at the unfathomable rate of 490,000 miles per hour.

At one point during his expertly-crafted speech, Olson reportedly glanced around the room to observe the nods of approval from his peers, his eyes’ hundreds of millions of cone and rod cells responding to stimuli in an unimaginably sophisticated procedure. As these elaborate structures continued to capture and process an unbelievable volume of input per second, Olson reported he was all the more confident from the looks of those around him that he had proved his case.

According to Olson, he plans to detail religion’s negative influence on society at next week’s meeting, which is being held in the annex adjacent to both a Christian homeless shelter and Catholic hospital.

'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air
And yet you claim evolution is not real while standing upright and typing on your phone with opposable thumbs.
How does THAT prove evil-ution?

These animals share this trait

Other animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and other variants of apes; certain frogs, koalas, pandas, possums and opossums, and many birds have an opposable digit of some sort.
A little satire that drives home the topic.

View attachment 292178

LYNNWOOD, WA—Sources confirmed Tuesday that local freethinker Jared Olson called into question the “absurd” idea that God had ever done anything for him, all while inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in a complex process well beyond his mind’s capability of understanding in its entirety.

“The idea of ‘god’ is really just holding us back,” Olson opined, addressing the other members of the philosophy club at Edmonds Community College, as the membrane across his larynx vibrated to modulate the flow of air from his lungs, making his speech audible to the people listening, whose intricate ear structures then instantly transformed the invisible sound waves into abstract thought in their brain’s nervous tissue.

Olson went on to pursue the line of reasoning even further, claiming that mankind has science, medicine, and mathematics to thank for its continued existence rather than any sort of all-powerful creator, for which there is “absolutely no evidence.” According to eyewitnesses, he made these claims as the surface his feet rested on continued to spin around the earth’s core without any input from him, all while the only known habitable planet on which he stood rocketed around the center of the galaxy in perfect formation at the unfathomable rate of 490,000 miles per hour.

At one point during his expertly-crafted speech, Olson reportedly glanced around the room to observe the nods of approval from his peers, his eyes’ hundreds of millions of cone and rod cells responding to stimuli in an unimaginably sophisticated procedure. As these elaborate structures continued to capture and process an unbelievable volume of input per second, Olson reported he was all the more confident from the looks of those around him that he had proved his case.

According to Olson, he plans to detail religion’s negative influence on society at next week’s meeting, which is being held in the annex adjacent to both a Christian homeless shelter and Catholic hospital.

'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air
And yet you claim evolution is not real while standing upright and typing on your phone with opposable thumbs.
How does THAT prove evil-ution?

These animals share this trait

Other animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and other variants of apes; certain frogs, koalas, pandas, possums and opossums, and many birds have an opposable digit of some sort.
That was kinda my point.
A little satire that drives home the topic.

View attachment 292178

LYNNWOOD, WA—Sources confirmed Tuesday that local freethinker Jared Olson called into question the “absurd” idea that God had ever done anything for him, all while inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in a complex process well beyond his mind’s capability of understanding in its entirety.

“The idea of ‘god’ is really just holding us back,” Olson opined, addressing the other members of the philosophy club at Edmonds Community College, as the membrane across his larynx vibrated to modulate the flow of air from his lungs, making his speech audible to the people listening, whose intricate ear structures then instantly transformed the invisible sound waves into abstract thought in their brain’s nervous tissue.

Olson went on to pursue the line of reasoning even further, claiming that mankind has science, medicine, and mathematics to thank for its continued existence rather than any sort of all-powerful creator, for which there is “absolutely no evidence.” According to eyewitnesses, he made these claims as the surface his feet rested on continued to spin around the earth’s core without any input from him, all while the only known habitable planet on which he stood rocketed around the center of the galaxy in perfect formation at the unfathomable rate of 490,000 miles per hour.

At one point during his expertly-crafted speech, Olson reportedly glanced around the room to observe the nods of approval from his peers, his eyes’ hundreds of millions of cone and rod cells responding to stimuli in an unimaginably sophisticated procedure. As these elaborate structures continued to capture and process an unbelievable volume of input per second, Olson reported he was all the more confident from the looks of those around him that he had proved his case.

According to Olson, he plans to detail religion’s negative influence on society at next week’s meeting, which is being held in the annex adjacent to both a Christian homeless shelter and Catholic hospital.

'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air
And yet you claim evolution is not real while standing upright and typing on your phone with opposable thumbs.
How does THAT prove evil-ution?

These animals share this trait

Other animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and other variants of apes; certain frogs, koalas, pandas, possums and opossums, and many birds have an opposable digit of some sort.
His point is that there’s no way a creator of the entire universe could create opposable thumbs.

Yeah, real deep thinker he is, said no one ever.
He's making a dishonest argument from authority, his assertion in regards to evidence is made based on faith, not on having gathered evidence himself.

Likewise, none of his secular Humanist beliefs, which I assume he's espousing (not likely a freethinker, so much as just an adherent of the secular Humanist religion) are backed by scientific evidence, nor are they repeatable or testable per Bacon's scientific method, just religious or philosophical axioms held based on faith, nothing more.
You get a 9.8 for your gymnastics.
I thought Questioner was spot on.

No gymnastics needed.
He's making a dishonest argument from authority, his assertion in regards to evidence is made based on faith, not on having gathered evidence himself.

Likewise, none of his secular Humanist beliefs, which I assume he's espousing (not likely a freethinker, so much as just an adherent of the secular Humanist religion) are backed by scientific evidence, nor are they repeatable or testable per Bacon's scientific method, just religious or philosophical axioms held based on faith, nothing more.
You get a 9.8 for your gymnastics.
Not at all, secular Humanism is recognized as a religion by the Supreme Court. It was inspired by Auguste Comte and other post-French revolution thinkers, who originally wanted it to be a full fledged replacement for the Catholic Church, complete with "secular" saints and sacraments.

Affirmations of Humanism | Free Inquiry

The beliefs of the Secular Humanist religion or philosophy are here, and include various beliefs axioms accepted on faith, which have nothing to with "science", "emperical evidence", "testability" or notions of that nature, such as:

We attempt to transcend divisive parochial loyalties based on race, religion, gender, nationality, creed, class, sexual orientation, or ethnicity, and strive to work together for the common good of humanity.

We want to protect and enhance the earth, to preserve it for future generations, and to avoid inflicting needless suffering on other species.

We believe in the common moral decencies: altruism, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, responsibility. Humanist ethics is amenable to critical, rational guidance. There are normative standards that we discover together. Moral principles are tested by their consequences.

Even Francis Bacon's scientific method as a means of learning about or understanding the world is predicated on faith-based axioms, such as the "inherent" worth of that method in comparison to other methods or bodies of knowledge which can't be substantiated without circular reasoning - empiricism, reductionism, and so forth were only one of many, even during the Enlightenment era in which their modern incarnations originated.
Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx
A little satire that drives home the topic.

View attachment 292178

LYNNWOOD, WA—Sources confirmed Tuesday that local freethinker Jared Olson called into question the “absurd” idea that God had ever done anything for him, all while inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in a complex process well beyond his mind’s capability of understanding in its entirety.

“The idea of ‘god’ is really just holding us back,” Olson opined, addressing the other members of the philosophy club at Edmonds Community College, as the membrane across his larynx vibrated to modulate the flow of air from his lungs, making his speech audible to the people listening, whose intricate ear structures then instantly transformed the invisible sound waves into abstract thought in their brain’s nervous tissue.

Olson went on to pursue the line of reasoning even further, claiming that mankind has science, medicine, and mathematics to thank for its continued existence rather than any sort of all-powerful creator, for which there is “absolutely no evidence.” According to eyewitnesses, he made these claims as the surface his feet rested on continued to spin around the earth’s core without any input from him, all while the only known habitable planet on which he stood rocketed around the center of the galaxy in perfect formation at the unfathomable rate of 490,000 miles per hour.

At one point during his expertly-crafted speech, Olson reportedly glanced around the room to observe the nods of approval from his peers, his eyes’ hundreds of millions of cone and rod cells responding to stimuli in an unimaginably sophisticated procedure. As these elaborate structures continued to capture and process an unbelievable volume of input per second, Olson reported he was all the more confident from the looks of those around him that he had proved his case.

According to Olson, he plans to detail religion’s negative influence on society at next week’s meeting, which is being held in the annex adjacent to both a Christian homeless shelter and Catholic hospital.

'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air
To anyone who underatands evolution, there is no mystery or miracle to be found here.
I disagree.

Creating existence from nothing would qualify as a miracle to us.

Life making the leap from inanimate matter would qualify as a miracle to us.
A little satire that drives home the topic.

View attachment 292178

LYNNWOOD, WA—Sources confirmed Tuesday that local freethinker Jared Olson called into question the “absurd” idea that God had ever done anything for him, all while inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in a complex process well beyond his mind’s capability of understanding in its entirety.

“The idea of ‘god’ is really just holding us back,” Olson opined, addressing the other members of the philosophy club at Edmonds Community College, as the membrane across his larynx vibrated to modulate the flow of air from his lungs, making his speech audible to the people listening, whose intricate ear structures then instantly transformed the invisible sound waves into abstract thought in their brain’s nervous tissue.

Olson went on to pursue the line of reasoning even further, claiming that mankind has science, medicine, and mathematics to thank for its continued existence rather than any sort of all-powerful creator, for which there is “absolutely no evidence.” According to eyewitnesses, he made these claims as the surface his feet rested on continued to spin around the earth’s core without any input from him, all while the only known habitable planet on which he stood rocketed around the center of the galaxy in perfect formation at the unfathomable rate of 490,000 miles per hour.

At one point during his expertly-crafted speech, Olson reportedly glanced around the room to observe the nods of approval from his peers, his eyes’ hundreds of millions of cone and rod cells responding to stimuli in an unimaginably sophisticated procedure. As these elaborate structures continued to capture and process an unbelievable volume of input per second, Olson reported he was all the more confident from the looks of those around him that he had proved his case.

According to Olson, he plans to detail religion’s negative influence on society at next week’s meeting, which is being held in the annex adjacent to both a Christian homeless shelter and Catholic hospital.

'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air
And yet you claim evolution is not real while standing upright and typing on your phone with opposable thumbs.
How does THAT prove evil-ution?

These animals share this trait

Other animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and other variants of apes; certain frogs, koalas, pandas, possums and opossums, and many birds have an opposable digit of some sort.
His point is that there’s no way a creator of the entire universe could create opposable thumbs.

Yeah, real deep thinker he is, said no one ever.
I know they think that SOMEHOW proves evil-ution. It doesnt. They think only the primates have this trait. That's not true. Possums have nearly human hands. Many creatures also have it, as I pointed our.
He's making a dishonest argument from authority, his assertion in regards to evidence is made based on faith, not on having gathered evidence himself.

Likewise, none of his secular Humanist beliefs, which I assume he's espousing (not likely a freethinker, so much as just an adherent of the secular Humanist religion) are backed by scientific evidence, nor are they repeatable or testable per Bacon's scientific method, just religious or philosophical axioms held based on faith, nothing more.
You get a 9.8 for your gymnastics.
Not at all, secular Humanism is recognized as a religion by the Supreme Court. It was inspired by Auguste Comte and other post-French revolution thinkers, who originally wanted it to be a full fledged replacement for the Catholic Church, complete with "secular" saints and sacraments.

Affirmations of Humanism | Free Inquiry

The beliefs of the Secular Humanist religion or philosophy are here, and include various beliefs axioms accepted on faith, which have nothing to with "science", "emperical evidence", "testability" or notions of that nature, such as:

We attempt to transcend divisive parochial loyalties based on race, religion, gender, nationality, creed, class, sexual orientation, or ethnicity, and strive to work together for the common good of humanity.

We want to protect and enhance the earth, to preserve it for future generations, and to avoid inflicting needless suffering on other species.

We believe in the common moral decencies: altruism, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, responsibility. Humanist ethics is amenable to critical, rational guidance. There are normative standards that we discover together. Moral principles are tested by their consequences.

Even Francis Bacon's scientific method as a means of learning about or understanding the world is predicated on faith-based axioms, such as the "inherent" worth of that method in comparison to other methods or bodies of knowledge which can't be substantiated without circular reasoning - empiricism, reductionism, and so forth were only one of many, even during the Enlightenment era in which their modern incarnations originated.
Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx
I believe ownership of private property is natural; even animals have concepts of hierarchy and owernship.
A little satire that drives home the topic.

View attachment 292178

LYNNWOOD, WA—Sources confirmed Tuesday that local freethinker Jared Olson called into question the “absurd” idea that God had ever done anything for him, all while inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in a complex process well beyond his mind’s capability of understanding in its entirety.

“The idea of ‘god’ is really just holding us back,” Olson opined, addressing the other members of the philosophy club at Edmonds Community College, as the membrane across his larynx vibrated to modulate the flow of air from his lungs, making his speech audible to the people listening, whose intricate ear structures then instantly transformed the invisible sound waves into abstract thought in their brain’s nervous tissue.

Olson went on to pursue the line of reasoning even further, claiming that mankind has science, medicine, and mathematics to thank for its continued existence rather than any sort of all-powerful creator, for which there is “absolutely no evidence.” According to eyewitnesses, he made these claims as the surface his feet rested on continued to spin around the earth’s core without any input from him, all while the only known habitable planet on which he stood rocketed around the center of the galaxy in perfect formation at the unfathomable rate of 490,000 miles per hour.

At one point during his expertly-crafted speech, Olson reportedly glanced around the room to observe the nods of approval from his peers, his eyes’ hundreds of millions of cone and rod cells responding to stimuli in an unimaginably sophisticated procedure. As these elaborate structures continued to capture and process an unbelievable volume of input per second, Olson reported he was all the more confident from the looks of those around him that he had proved his case.

According to Olson, he plans to detail religion’s negative influence on society at next week’s meeting, which is being held in the annex adjacent to both a Christian homeless shelter and Catholic hospital.

'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air
And yet you claim evolution is not real while standing upright and typing on your phone with opposable thumbs.
How does THAT prove evil-ution?

These animals share this trait

Other animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and other variants of apes; certain frogs, koalas, pandas, possums and opossums, and many birds have an opposable digit of some sort.
His point is that there’s no way a creator of the entire universe could create opposable thumbs.

Yeah, real deep thinker he is, said no one ever.
tenor (9).gif
It’s common sense, that’s why it flies right over your head.
Wow, professor! What a brilliant,insightful argument! Have you published your research paper on this, yet? Have you spoken to any conferences of scientists, yet?

Science is a hard subject for you.

I just checked the scoreboard again. Evolution: eleventy trillion, Crybaby religious trolls like you: 0.
There is no evidence within the Baconian theory of evolution that anyone "should" believe in evolution, whatever that means, arguing that a person should "believe" in evolution, or any other theory - whether those of Francis Bacon's scientific methodology, theological, philosophical, or otherwise is a faith-based belief in and of itself.

Ang given that one's knowledge of evolution and actual reproductive ability often seem inversely proportionate, as per aberrations such as "The Amazing Atheist" which undoubtedly have more in common with the apes than well-adjusted human beings do, it seems that believing in evolution may actually correlate more with de-volution in anything else.

A chimpanzee doesn't know what the theory of evolution is, but has no trouble finding a mate, whereas an obese, white male atheist typing about evolution from his sticky keyboard seems to be less evolutionary successful at reproduction than a married Catholic, Protestant, or in some cases, even a Muslim.

(And yes, everyone knows that Waifus can't bear children - they don't count).

As far as "what happens" if you don't believe in evolution - I don't think that the Flying Spaghetti Monster or some other ugly aberration will smite you, send you to "non-hell", and force you to be gang-raped by pirates, so who cares, honestly?

Not to mention the idiots who think that Darwin solely discovered the theory, when it had been postulated in many cultures as a early as the pre-Socratic philosophers, and is a component of other theories and abstractions as well, such as Oliver Wendall Holmes' theory of the Common Law.
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it seems that believing in evolution may actually correlate more with de-volution in anything else.
Maybe in the delusional mind of someone desperate for an overwrought point. In what the rest of us call "reality", the overwhelming majority of educated, successdul people accept evolution as fact.
it seems that believing in evolution may actually correlate more with de-volution in anything else.
Maybe in the delusional mind of someone desperate for an overwrought point.

I think not:



A picture's worth a thousand words. It's clear to me which one is more evolved, and which one has more in common with a feral ape, he he he.

In what the rest of us call "reality", the overwhelming majority of educated, successdul people accept evolution as fact.

No, just the majority of ugly people.
it seems that believing in evolution may actually correlate more with de-volution in anything else.
Maybe in the delusional mind of someone desperate for an overwrought point. In what the rest of us call "reality", the overwhelming majority of educated, successdul people accept evolution as fact.
Those educated people don't exist anymore. They believed in the theory of evolution was about former inferior, simpler and worst species "evolved" into modern superior, more complex and better species.

Of course they were dead wrong, but they were educated.

Today the debunked theory of evolution is supported by poor ignorant people who follow their theory because faith and fanaticism.

We live in sad times.

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