'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air

It's clear to me which one is more evolved,
Like I said....delusional.
You'd be delusional to believe that the average person has more than a high-school or 6th grade's knowledge of evolution, or believes so on the basis of having approximated the theories themselves, as opposed to it simply being what they were taught, much as they'd be believing in alchemy or whatever they were "taught" had they been born in a different day and age.

The number of people who actually go on to study biology at higher levels are a minority, with biology itself being a minor field, arguably less important than physics, it being the most fundamental, with all of the Baconian scientific theories arguably not being a "pure" science in the sense that mathematics Is, given they they are just constructs or approximations of reality to begin with.

So no, there is no "evolutionary" reason to believe in evolution, especially if it's a detriment to your mating success rather than a compliment - only a superstitious nitwit would argue that there is some "inherent" or "faith-based" reason to "believe in evolution" as some naïve end in and of itself, especially given that it's a theory about mankind's common ancestry, not something which is relevant or directly affects most people in day to day life, as opposed to something like the Common Law theory, which most people are blindly ignorant of, in spite of their enthusiasm for political discussion.

Evolution, at least in popular discourse, is just an ugly theory for ugly people, and the majority of the "internet" atheist community will eventually just merge with the "incels" or "MGTOW" and go evolutionarily... extinct. Mhmm
You'd be delusional to believe that the average person has more than a high-school or 6th grade's knowledge of evolution
Which, as you can see for yourself,is infinitely more than the religious goobers who deny evolution.
It's only religious goobers who believe their is some faith-based reason to "believe in evolution to begin with, not being biologists who have approximated it themselves. Being genuinely skeptical of popular wisdom and cultural axioms such as evolution is a sign of intellect and inquisitiveness.

"Hey Mr. Evolution - You're ugly - I deny you".

I just did it - and no, the Flying Spaghetti Monster didn't punish me by having me gang-raped by pirates. Nothing happens, silly, superstitious, nitwit.

Evolution doesn't exist - it can't be seen with your own eyes, it's merely a theory of mankind's ancestral past which exists only in your imagination.
It's only religious goobers who believe their is some faith-based reason to "believe in evolution to begin with, not being biologists who have approximated it themselves.
No, that's idiotic, and you are embarrassing yourself. Trusting the overwhelming consensus of the global scientific community, based on the overwheliming preponderance of evidence that is their success and the the successes of modern science, is precisely the opposite of faith.

Nice try, crybaby.
It's only religious goobers who believe their is some faith-based reason to "believe in evolution to begin with, not being biologists who have approximated it themselves.
No, that's idiotic, and you are embarrassing yourself. Trusting the overwhelming consensus of the global scientific community
Oh the stupidly in regards to what "consensus" means; in science research done validly is accepted, regardless of whether it agrees with any popular consensus.

So, no you apparently believe that science isn't science, but merely "Survivor", in which popular views merely vote unpopular ones off the Island - that's about as anti-scientific and superstitious as you can get. Not to mention believing that science as an institution has any inherent validity outside of its industries or pragmatic utilities, in some quaint superstitious fashion reminiscent of faith in a Catholic Church of sorts. It doesn't.

A scientific theory is no more valid in and of itself than any other body of theory or abstraction, such as legal theory, which is arguably much more important to everyday life. As far as "scientists" themselves, the average one isn't a Newton or an Einstein, and I'm unsure if deficits in emotional intelligence tend to be a trait of those who work in scientific industries, but that would be an interesting study to undertake.

, based on the overwheliming preponderance of evidence that is their success and the the successes of modern science, is precisely the opposite of faith.

Nice try, crybaby.
That's just a simple argument from authority fallacy, based on faith in your exaggerated notion of "scientists" and who they are, not based on having approximated any of the theories yourself. So yes, that is indeed faith - must as the axioms which Bacon's scientific method are based on, are also held to on the basis of faith in that particular method, not something which can be substantive other than via circular reasoning and self-referential definitions of evidence, which are just as well easily changeable.
Oh the stupidly in regards to what "consensus" means; in science research done validly is accepted, regardless of whether it agrees with any popular consensus.
Domt change lanes, you fraud. You specifically and intentionally constrained the discussion to laymen who do not read research. You then called their trust of scientific consensus, "faith". Having realized your idiotic error, you now try to change lanes to something else.

Which is what is going to happen with every iditotic point you make, as they are all idiotic.
Oh the stupidly in regards to what "consensus" means; in science research done validly is accepted, regardless of whether it agrees with any popular consensus.
Domt change lanes, you fraud. You specifically and intentionally constrained the discussion to laymen who do not read research. You then called their trust of scientific consensus, "faith".
That's what it is, yes. "Consenus" is just an add populum fallacy, and the opposite of how science actually works.

So yes, that is faith in some idiotic popular axiom or another, such as in scientists as people or their allege consensus.

Having realized your idiotic error, you now try to change lanes to something else.
You're talking about researching "scientific consensuses", not researching or approximating the scientific theories yourself. Not the same thing, all you're get out of researching "consensuses" is a silly ad populum fallacy and anti-scientific notion, given that the development of new scientific theories itself is predicated on being outside the realm of changing whims like "consensus". Theories currently accepted, like those of Newton, were originally outside of whatever consensuses existed at its time - science is based on its research methodology, not on consensus.

So no, your misusing the notion of consensus in anti-scientific ways for your own political purposes or to attack scientists and scientists who don't agree with consensuses with anti-intellectual conspiracy theories, such as them being in league with mythical notions like "capitalism" and so forth - at best, you're misinformed, at worst you're dishonest.

The local court Judge in your area has more authority than any "scientist" does, as far as mandating what people should do, believe, act, and so forth.
Evolution primer,for small children and religious goobers:

BIO101 - From Genes To Species: A Primer on Evolution
If that's your reading level on it, I feel sorry for you - I prefer books like this, and this, and this:




And no, I don't "believe in it" like a small child in need of a sky daddy surrogate, or political idiot who think it means "change or progress", and ever gave anyone an "equal" chance of living, dying, or thriving.

I find useful information, that is all. Evolution and other scientific theories will likely become archaic and looked back on as we do alchemy today, so there's no rational reason for getting emotionally invested in any of them. It's just faith for the faithless, and need to believe in something because it's 'been around for awhile' and "stood the test of time", not because it's true in any inherent sense, or that there is any inherent reason to have faith in it to begin with.
The evolution of birds from dinosaurs is well established , with new discoveries filling the gaps on a regular basis.

New species of ‘missing link’ between dinosaurs and birds identified
I'm sorry you aren't on the reading level to read the books on evolution which I posted. Most of what's on the popular media is outdated scientific information from the 19th century anyway.

As an example, some people still believe in Newtonian atomism despite it being outdated (not even counting that atomism itself was a theory as old as Epicurus and the ancient greeks), with smaller particles such as quarks being documented, as well as Newtonian physics being superseded by quantum physics, and traditional physical sciences by computer sciences.

You're a few centuries off the mark.
The evolution of birds from dinosaurs is well established , with new discoveries filling the gaps on a regular basis.

New species of ‘missing link’ between dinosaurs and birds identified
You’ll swallow anything they feed you.
The famous “missing link” fossil between dinosaurs and birds, archaeopteryx, is an extinct bird – very clearly not dinosaur. Even many scientists who accept evolution don’t agree with dinosaur-to-bird evolution. To top it all off, birds have been found buried in the same rock layers that we find dinosaurs in. Even the lowest (relatively oldest) dinosaur-containing rock layers have bird footprint fossils.

A little satire that drives home the topic.

View attachment 292178

LYNNWOOD, WA—Sources confirmed Tuesday that local freethinker Jared Olson called into question the “absurd” idea that God had ever done anything for him, all while inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in a complex process well beyond his mind’s capability of understanding in its entirety.

“The idea of ‘god’ is really just holding us back,” Olson opined, addressing the other members of the philosophy club at Edmonds Community College, as the membrane across his larynx vibrated to modulate the flow of air from his lungs, making his speech audible to the people listening, whose intricate ear structures then instantly transformed the invisible sound waves into abstract thought in their brain’s nervous tissue.

Olson went on to pursue the line of reasoning even further, claiming that mankind has science, medicine, and mathematics to thank for its continued existence rather than any sort of all-powerful creator, for which there is “absolutely no evidence.” According to eyewitnesses, he made these claims as the surface his feet rested on continued to spin around the earth’s core without any input from him, all while the only known habitable planet on which he stood rocketed around the center of the galaxy in perfect formation at the unfathomable rate of 490,000 miles per hour.

At one point during his expertly-crafted speech, Olson reportedly glanced around the room to observe the nods of approval from his peers, his eyes’ hundreds of millions of cone and rod cells responding to stimuli in an unimaginably sophisticated procedure. As these elaborate structures continued to capture and process an unbelievable volume of input per second, Olson reported he was all the more confident from the looks of those around him that he had proved his case.

According to Olson, he plans to detail religion’s negative influence on society at next week’s meeting, which is being held in the annex adjacent to both a Christian homeless shelter and Catholic hospital.

'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air
And yet you claim evolution is not real while standing upright and typing on your phone with opposable thumbs.
How does THAT prove evil-ution?

These animals share this trait

Other animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and other variants of apes; certain frogs, koalas, pandas, possums and opossums, and many birds have an opposable digit of some sort.
His point is that there’s no way a creator of the entire universe could create opposable thumbs.

Yeah, real deep thinker he is, said no one ever.
I know they think that SOMEHOW proves evil-ution. It doesnt. They think only the primates have this trait. That's not true. Possums have nearly human hands. Many creatures also have it, as I pointed our.

I never saw an ape that could speak, write, or create their own language. Funny how evolution got everything right....day & night, the sun and moon in the perfect positions, the four seasons, water, dirt, rock, mountains all from nothing. All the different insects and animals....nuts and acorns for the animals to eat during the winter months....fruit and vegetables.....all from nothing. Proof weak minded people will believe anything a liberal professor tells them.
A little satire that drives home the topic.

View attachment 292178

LYNNWOOD, WA—Sources confirmed Tuesday that local freethinker Jared Olson called into question the “absurd” idea that God had ever done anything for him, all while inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in a complex process well beyond his mind’s capability of understanding in its entirety.

“The idea of ‘god’ is really just holding us back,” Olson opined, addressing the other members of the philosophy club at Edmonds Community College, as the membrane across his larynx vibrated to modulate the flow of air from his lungs, making his speech audible to the people listening, whose intricate ear structures then instantly transformed the invisible sound waves into abstract thought in their brain’s nervous tissue.

Olson went on to pursue the line of reasoning even further, claiming that mankind has science, medicine, and mathematics to thank for its continued existence rather than any sort of all-powerful creator, for which there is “absolutely no evidence.” According to eyewitnesses, he made these claims as the surface his feet rested on continued to spin around the earth’s core without any input from him, all while the only known habitable planet on which he stood rocketed around the center of the galaxy in perfect formation at the unfathomable rate of 490,000 miles per hour.

At one point during his expertly-crafted speech, Olson reportedly glanced around the room to observe the nods of approval from his peers, his eyes’ hundreds of millions of cone and rod cells responding to stimuli in an unimaginably sophisticated procedure. As these elaborate structures continued to capture and process an unbelievable volume of input per second, Olson reported he was all the more confident from the looks of those around him that he had proved his case.

According to Olson, he plans to detail religion’s negative influence on society at next week’s meeting, which is being held in the annex adjacent to both a Christian homeless shelter and Catholic hospital.

'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air

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