'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air

I never saw an ape that could speak, write, or create their own language.
Actually you have, as humans are apes.

Your watching too many movies :abgg2q.jpg:

The evolution of birds from dinosaurs is well established , with new discoveries filling the gaps on a regular basis.

New species of ‘missing link’ between dinosaurs and birds identified
That is not evolution but you are supporting MY theory: Degeneration.

Observing the physical and functional characteristics of ancient species compared with physical and functional characteristics of their descendants, it is clearly noticeable that those species lost more than gaining characteristics.

To this process of losing characteristics as the main outcome, this is called degeneration. (go and learn basic biology)

This is what the bible also implies between its verses.

The bible is scientifically correct one more time.

Your theory of evolution sucks, stinks, is obsolete, a mere fantasy.

The whole evidence shows degeneration in the species throughout generations. The former birds known wrongly as dino-"saurus" losing characteristics to become the birds of today is the clear evidence.

Learn it, live it, love it.
I never saw an ape that could speak, write, or create their own language.
Actually you have, as humans are apes.

Your watching too many movies :abgg2q.jpg:

And you are reading to many books from the iron age, instead of actual scientific books. One too many, to be exact.

I'll take my old book over this fairy tale any day
Oh yes, we know. That's why the educated world is laughing at you.
A little satire that drives home the topic.

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LYNNWOOD, WA—Sources confirmed Tuesday that local freethinker Jared Olson called into question the “absurd” idea that God had ever done anything for him, all while inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in a complex process well beyond his mind’s capability of understanding in its entirety.

“The idea of ‘god’ is really just holding us back,” Olson opined, addressing the other members of the philosophy club at Edmonds Community College, as the membrane across his larynx vibrated to modulate the flow of air from his lungs, making his speech audible to the people listening, whose intricate ear structures then instantly transformed the invisible sound waves into abstract thought in their brain’s nervous tissue.

Olson went on to pursue the line of reasoning even further, claiming that mankind has science, medicine, and mathematics to thank for its continued existence rather than any sort of all-powerful creator, for which there is “absolutely no evidence.” According to eyewitnesses, he made these claims as the surface his feet rested on continued to spin around the earth’s core without any input from him, all while the only known habitable planet on which he stood rocketed around the center of the galaxy in perfect formation at the unfathomable rate of 490,000 miles per hour.

At one point during his expertly-crafted speech, Olson reportedly glanced around the room to observe the nods of approval from his peers, his eyes’ hundreds of millions of cone and rod cells responding to stimuli in an unimaginably sophisticated procedure. As these elaborate structures continued to capture and process an unbelievable volume of input per second, Olson reported he was all the more confident from the looks of those around him that he had proved his case.

According to Olson, he plans to detail religion’s negative influence on society at next week’s meeting, which is being held in the annex adjacent to both a Christian homeless shelter and Catholic hospital.

'What Has God Ever Done For Me?' Asks Man Breathing Air
And yet you claim evolution is not real while standing upright and typing on your phone with opposable thumbs.
How does THAT prove evil-ution?

These animals share this trait

Other animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and other variants of apes; certain frogs, koalas, pandas, possums and opossums, and many birds have an opposable digit of some sort.
His point is that there’s no way a creator of the entire universe could create opposable thumbs.

Yeah, real deep thinker he is, said no one ever.
I know they think that SOMEHOW proves evil-ution. It doesnt. They think only the primates have this trait. That's not true. Possums have nearly human hands. Many creatures also have it, as I pointed our.

I never saw an ape that could speak, write, or create their own language. Funny how evolution got everything right....day & night, the sun and moon in the perfect positions, the four seasons, water, dirt, rock, mountains all from nothing. All the different insects and animals....nuts and acorns for the animals to eat during the winter months....fruit and vegetables.....all from nothing. Proof weak minded people will believe anything a liberal professor tells them.
Your statements prove you haven't the slightest idea what evolution means.

Get an education, and we will talk about this when you get back.
I never saw an ape that could speak, write, or create their own language.
Actually you have, as humans are apes.

Your watching too many movies :abgg2q.jpg:

And you are reading to many books from the iron age, instead of actual scientific books. One too many, to be exact.

I'll take my old book over this fairy tale any day
Oh yes, we know. That's why the educated world is laughing at you.
Oh yes, we know. That's why the educated world is laughing at you.

That’s what they said to Galileo.
And yet you claim evolution is not real while standing upright and typing on your phone with opposable thumbs.
How does THAT prove evil-ution?

These animals share this trait

Other animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and other variants of apes; certain frogs, koalas, pandas, possums and opossums, and many birds have an opposable digit of some sort.
His point is that there’s no way a creator of the entire universe could create opposable thumbs.

Yeah, real deep thinker he is, said no one ever.
I know they think that SOMEHOW proves evil-ution. It doesnt. They think only the primates have this trait. That's not true. Possums have nearly human hands. Many creatures also have it, as I pointed our.

I never saw an ape that could speak, write, or create their own language. Funny how evolution got everything right....day & night, the sun and moon in the perfect positions, the four seasons, water, dirt, rock, mountains all from nothing. All the different insects and animals....nuts and acorns for the animals to eat during the winter months....fruit and vegetables.....all from nothing. Proof weak minded people will believe anything a liberal professor tells them.
Your statements prove you haven't the slightest idea what evolution means.

Get an education, and we will talk about this when you get back.
Know who else had faith in evolution? NAZI’s.

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