"What has happened to our party?" LOLOLOLOLOL

rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

Who the hell wants to vote for spineless kunts??

Hillary thanks you.
BTW ... not everyone is a stud-muff like you.
Last edited:
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

Who the hell wants to vote for spineless kunts??
Definitely Democrats, it's people like you that stuck us with Obama.. Change your diaper and go vote.
A progressive is a progressive no matter if they say they are an "r" or "d"...
I can't vote for pretenders.
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Hillary is depending on you to vote for Mickey Mouse.

I think it's going to be Trump/Carson or Kasich or some real smart successful woman.

I can see Carson, Fiorina or Kasich as the number 2 but still cling to the idea that someone will overtake Trump as the field narrows.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, eh?
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Hillary is depending on you to vote for Mickey Mouse.

I think it's going to be Trump/Carson or Kasich or some real smart successful woman.

I can see Carson, Fiorina or Kasich as the number 2 but still cling to the idea that someone will overtake Trump as the field narrows.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, eh?

Fiorina is okay but I think there's more impressive conservative women to choose from.
Trump reminds me of great bosses I've had in the past, gruff, demanding, expects your best and kicks the freeloaders out the door, I think that's what the wimps find scary.

Fiorina is okay but I think there's more impressive conservative women to choose from.
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

Who the hell wants to vote for spineless kunts??
Definitely Democrats, it's people like you that stuck us with Obama.. Change your diaper and go vote.
A progressive is a progressive no matter if they say they are an "r" or "d"...
I can't vote for pretenders.

Well okay but the result ended up Obama... do you feel better off now?
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”

As have the American people.

And the insanity exists not just among the republican candidates, but in the republican party itself, where House republicans have nothing but contempt for sound responsible governance.
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

Who the hell wants to vote for spineless kunts??
Definitely Democrats, it's people like you that stuck us with Obama.. Change your diaper and go vote.
A progressive is a progressive no matter if they say they are an "r" or "d"...
I can't vote for pretenders.

Well okay but the result ended up Obama... do you feel better off now?
With the other two choices I see no difference, all three spineless.
"Our Party"? Democrats have a choice between a socialist, a brain injured VP and a woman who spent her entire married life covering up her pervert husband's assaults on women and the idiot left asks what happened?
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”

As have the American people.

And the insanity exists not just among the republican candidates, but in the republican party itself, where House republicans have nothing but contempt for sound responsible governance.
Governance is over rated, it costs too much...
"Our Party"? Democrats have a choice between a socialist, a brain injured VP and a woman who spent her entire married life covering up her pervert husband's assaults on women and the idiot left asks what happened?
Loopy kunts...
Do you think Jim Webb would do well as an independent?

Welcome to the USMB ret54cmh55, sheesh, mind if I call you Ret?

Best wishes and remember.. sure, blow off some steam, don't take all the crap to seriously but mostly have fun.

He had a bad showing in the Dem debate. Being told to toe the line by Debbie Shultz the Democratic Party grand inquisitor didn't agree with him I'm thinking. If he has the financial backing I believe he could have an effect .. it doesn't take much in these probable close elections.
Sorry John, let him die, feed the poor and they will breed and anti science IS your party now.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”

As have the American people.

And the insanity exists not just among the republican candidates, but in the republican party itself, where House republicans have nothing but contempt for sound responsible governance.

More than doubling the national debt, de-patriating capital investment in the country, promoting racism country wide and making citizens slaves to government etc. etc. etc. isn't responsible governance, it's Democratic Party governance.
I love getting the last laugh. It's the best laugh.

John Kasich Says He’s ‘Had It’ With Rivals Peddling ‘Crazy’ Ideas

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.

At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”
Kasich was a crazy in his day

but today's crazies are in a league of their own. even in a universe of their own
Wanting guns is not crazy, luddly
Whatever gun restriction the Democrats opt for must still allow for the average sounded minded citizen to own guns. That is pretty much 2nd Amend stuff.

Now for ;"an end to individual rights (except for when its them) and they want business sent to China and India, and talent hired from other countries"

Sorry, but I must have missed a lot from the last news cycle. Who wants that crap?

Guess you missed where they've been talking about the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) that would open up trade with many Asian nations which have lower wages, and the TPP would make it easier for corporations to ship jobs overseas where those low wage workers are.

Many Republicans are for the TPP. Many Americans are against it.

Oh yell, Kasich was talking about his fellow candidates crazy ideas.
Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

Who the hell wants to vote for spineless kunts??
Definitely Democrats, it's people like you that stuck us with Obama.. Change your diaper and go vote.
A progressive is a progressive no matter if they say they are an "r" or "d"...
I can't vote for pretenders.

Well okay but the result ended up Obama... do you feel better off now?
With the other two choices I see no difference, all three spineless.

:laugh: well, I can't disagree with that in some respects. One thing about Mitt though, he has a long list of successes, Obama's only successes are getting elected after that consistent failure.
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

Who the hell wants to vote for spineless kunts??
Definitely Democrats, it's people like you that stuck us with Obama.. Change your diaper and go vote.

I don't get it.

During 2007, Republicans whined about dynasty and some even said "Anyone but Hillary"!!

Gave them the most far left radical we could find, and now they whine even more about Obama than they have about both Clintons combined!!

That is it. You are getting Hillary. Don't cry for Sanders, and Webb is out!!
I was just watching him talking about how crazy his fellow Clown Candidates are ... no argument from me.

A few years ago, these guys would have been laughed off the debate stage.

RW voters want crazy though. They want guns and an end to individual rights (except for when its them) and they want business sent to China and India, and talent hired from other countries -- and they are voting for that.

The clown candidates wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the clown base of the GOP.
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

Who the hell wants to vote for spineless kunts??
Definitely Democrats, it's people like you that stuck us with Obama.. Change your diaper and go vote.

I don't get it.

During 2007, Republicans whined about dynasty and some even said "Anyone but Hillary"!!

Gave them the most far left radical we could find, and now they whine even more about Obama than they have about both Clintons combined!!

That is it. You are getting Hillary. Don't cry for Sanders, and Webb is out!!

The country is whiny, selfish and many would rather sit on there ass and be wards of the state. To be blunt, this country is headed into a deep depression and all that goes with it. It may be delayed for a while with a jobs, jobs, jobs President and a repatriation of capital investment but all the signs point to America going down... I'm just having some fun along the way...

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