"What has happened to our party?" LOLOLOLOLOL

I love getting the last laugh. It's the best laugh.

John Kasich Says He’s ‘Had It’ With Rivals Peddling ‘Crazy’ Ideas

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.

At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”

First Bush and now Kasich blowing a gasket, I love it. Their seeing the status quo ain't selling and are getting pissed, it's about time the establishment guys start getting the message, they may as well pack up their toys and go home.

The message will be loud and clear next November when Hillary wins in a landslide, the Senate goes back to the Dems, and Republicans only keep a small majority in the House.
We have a President that is an embarrassment to the nation worldwide with consistent failures foreign, domestic and morally.

It seems to me that the Republicans are in a transition period to better serve their constituency while the Democratic Party representatives remain monotoned and controlled trained monkeys to their party leadership.
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I love getting the last laugh. It's the best laugh.

John Kasich Says He’s ‘Had It’ With Rivals Peddling ‘Crazy’ Ideas

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.

At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”

Kasich is one of the few sane people on the Republican side. I'm an independent and if Kasich were to be the nominee for that party I would have to watch the debates to decide who to vote for.

He is an adult among children on a sugar high in the Republican party.
I love getting the last laugh. It's the best laugh.

John Kasich Says He’s ‘Had It’ With Rivals Peddling ‘Crazy’ Ideas

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.

At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”

First Bush and now Kasich blowing a gasket, I love it. Their seeing the status quo ain't selling and are getting pissed, it's about time the establishment guys start getting the message, they may as well pack up their toys and go home.

The message will be loud and clear next November when Hillary wins in a landslide, the Senate goes back to the Dems, and Republicans only keep a small majority in the House.

The hildabeast has a better chance at going to the big house instead of the white house. If the dear leader doesn't pardon her she's done, if he does she's done. So the real question is how do you feel about voting for an old socialist who hasn't had an original thought in 50+ years? I doubt the majority of Americans will do it.
I love getting the last laugh. It's the best laugh.

John Kasich Says He’s ‘Had It’ With Rivals Peddling ‘Crazy’ Ideas

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.

At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”

Kasich is one of the few sane people on the Republican side. I'm an independent and if Kasich were to be the nominee for that party I would have to watch the debates to decide who to vote for.

He is an adult among children on a sugar high in the Republican party.
The fact that you would even consider voting for the no real choice coronation candidate proves you're a lemming.
It was the election in 2008 of Obama that pushed the GOP as far right as it could be, because of their interest in making Obama a one term President.
No, it happened long before that. It happened after 9/11. They were excusing waterboarding (and still do), getting anal about flag pins, and foaming at the mouth over Muslims long before Obama came along.
I love getting the last laugh. It's the best laugh.

John Kasich Says He’s ‘Had It’ With Rivals Peddling ‘Crazy’ Ideas

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.

At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”
I guess Kasich will now join a long list of RINOs.
I love getting the last laugh. It's the best laugh.

John Kasich Says He’s ‘Had It’ With Rivals Peddling ‘Crazy’ Ideas

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.

At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”

Kasich is one of the few sane people on the Republican side. I'm an independent and if Kasich were to be the nominee for that party I would have to watch the debates to decide who to vote for.

He is an adult among children on a sugar high in the Republican party.
I have been cheering for Kasich since before he announced.

A Kasich-Rubio ticket would be unbeatable.
It has been a progressive/Rino party for decades, it will not be missed.

To hell with moderates

Rodney king didn't know jack sh!t... Getting along is waaaay over rated
So I was curious what "crazy ideas" Kasich is mad about. Thought someone would have mentioned them by now...

Mr. Kasich went on to argue that Republicans who proposed abolishing Medicaid and Medicare, imposing a 10 percent flat tax, or deporting millions of people were out of touch with reality.

“What has happened to our party?” he asked. “What has happened to the conservative movement?”

It's been hijacked by psychopaths, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, sir.
I love getting the last laugh. It's the best laugh.

John Kasich Says He’s ‘Had It’ With Rivals Peddling ‘Crazy’ Ideas

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.

At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”
I guess Kasich will now join a long list of RINOs.
I like Kasich, he's a successful and acceptable choice but there's no doubt he's a RINO.
I love getting the last laugh. It's the best laugh.

John Kasich Says He’s ‘Had It’ With Rivals Peddling ‘Crazy’ Ideas

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio shed his nice-guy image on Tuesday, lamenting the decline of the conservative movement and accusing his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination of peddling “crazy” ideas.

At a rally in Ohio, Mr. Kasich, a popular governor known for his moderate views, unloaded on his opponents.
“Let me tell you something,” Mr. Kasich said, his anger boiling over. “I’ve about had it with these people.”

Kasich is one of the few sane people on the Republican side. I'm an independent and if Kasich were to be the nominee for that party I would have to watch the debates to decide who to vote for.

He is an adult among children on a sugar high in the Republican party.
I have been cheering for Kasich since before he announced.

A Kasich-Rubio ticket would be unbeatable.
He's a spineless Rino and should be poached, hes all Washington that being bat sh!t crazy spender.
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

Who the hell wants to vote for spineless kunts??
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

Who the hell wants to vote for spineless kunts??
Definitely Democrats, it's people like you that stuck us with Obama.. Change your diaper and go vote.
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Hillary is depending on you to vote for Mickey Mouse.

I think it's going to be Trump/Carson or Kasich or some real smart successful woman.

I can see Carson, Fiorina or Kasich as the number 2 but still cling to the idea that someone will overtake Trump as the field narrows.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, eh?

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