"What has happened to our party?" LOLOLOLOLOL

rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

First off, do you kiss your children with that filthy mouth? I removed your last sentence, I won't repost it.

Second, please, talk to your friends. Get them to not vote too. I think you all should just start sitting out all elections until you get the candidates you want.

There's no reason to compromise your crazy beliefs and America is much better off if you and those like you don't vote. So please keep up the good work and spread it around. Enlighten your friends and I hope you start a movement within the crazy population of our nation.

America is much better off if you people stopped voting.
Well, sorry your feelings are hurt.
Having romney or McCain in there would've been really no different than what we have now just more spending, paying debt with more debt In other words spineless moderates.
What vote for moderates? There is no rhyme or reason to it.

Right now it's like we have only one party In Washington, The spineless one.

Oh no...nonononono................. there is no escaping the travesty had Sarah Palin gotten any closer to the oval office.

rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

First off, do you kiss your children with that filthy mouth? I removed your last sentence, I won't repost it.

Second, please, talk to your friends. Get them to not vote too. I think you all should just start sitting out all elections until you get the candidates you want.

There's no reason to compromise your crazy beliefs and America is much better off if you and those like you don't vote. So please keep up the good work and spread it around. Enlighten your friends and I hope you start a movement within the crazy population of our nation.

America is much better off if you people stopped voting.
Well, sorry your feelings are hurt.
Having romney or McCain in there would've been really no different than what we have now just more spending, paying debt with more debt In other words spineless moderates.
What vote for moderates? There is no rhyme or reason to it.

Right now it's like we have only one party In Washington, The spineless one.

Oh no...nonononono................. there is no escaping the travesty had Sarah Palin gotten any closer to the oval office.

So, she had no real experience just like who... Barry. It shows how the country is being run in all of how it's doing.... Suuuucks.
Clueless joe? Nothing to brag about whatsoever there, dumb as a bag of hammers and as perverted as a sex offender.
No, most likely she would not have made a good VP.
One thing for sure about as least Palin has more spine than them(barry, crazy Pervert Joe, wacky Mormon Romney and spineless McCain) all of them put together.

I have not voted in the presidential election since Reagan, the Republican candidates are nothing more than spineless moderates, being very similar to their opponents. Why you vote then??
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

First off, do you kiss your children with that filthy mouth? I removed your last sentence, I won't repost it.

Second, please, talk to your friends. Get them to not vote too. I think you all should just start sitting out all elections until you get the candidates you want.

There's no reason to compromise your crazy beliefs and America is much better off if you and those like you don't vote. So please keep up the good work and spread it around. Enlighten your friends and I hope you start a movement within the crazy population of our nation.

America is much better off if you people stopped voting.
Well, sorry your feelings are hurt.
Having romney or McCain in there would've been really no different than what we have now just more spending, paying debt with more debt In other words spineless moderates.
What vote for moderates? There is no rhyme or reason to it.

Right now it's like we have only one party In Washington, The spineless one.

My feelings aren't hurt. I'm offended by the use of that filthy word. People who have any sort of self respect and class don't use such words whether they're misspelled or not.

romney and mccain would have been much different from Obama.

If mccain had been elected we would still be in another republican great depression.

If romney had won, we would be at full scale war with most of the middle east and we would be losing even more jobs to china and third world nations.

I highly support your belief that you should only vote for the person you want to vote for. Since no one in either of the 2 major parties fits that bill I highly support your belief in not voting.

I also support you telling your friends and anyone who will listen to you so that you convince them to not vote also.

America is much, much better off if you and people like you don't ever vote.
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

First off, do you kiss your children with that filthy mouth? I removed your last sentence, I won't repost it.

Second, please, talk to your friends. Get them to not vote too. I think you all should just start sitting out all elections until you get the candidates you want.

There's no reason to compromise your crazy beliefs and America is much better off if you and those like you don't vote. So please keep up the good work and spread it around. Enlighten your friends and I hope you start a movement within the crazy population of our nation.

America is much better off if you people stopped voting.
Well, sorry your feelings are hurt.
Having romney or McCain in there would've been really no different than what we have now just more spending, paying debt with more debt In other words spineless moderates.
What vote for moderates? There is no rhyme or reason to it.

Right now it's like we have only one party In Washington, The spineless one.

My feelings aren't hurt. I'm offended by the use of that filthy word. People who have any sort of self respect and class don't use such words whether they're misspelled or not.

romney and mccain would have been much different from Obama.

If mccain had been elected we would still be in another republican great depression.

If romney had won, we would be at full scale war with most of the middle east and we would be losing even more jobs to china and third world nations.

I highly support your belief that you should only vote for the person you want to vote for. Since no one in either of the 2 major parties fits that bill I highly support your belief in not voting.

I also support you telling your friends and anyone who will listen to you so that you convince them to not vote also.

America is much, much better off if you and people like you don't ever vote.
I was being polite by putting the "k" there instead of the "c" just for you, sunshine.

They are all spineless moderates, to hell with them.
There would be no difference, the country in a sh!t hole. That it can't get out.

It's so bad, that our dumba$$ politicians think paying debt with more debt is a solution. Too bad for all of our kids/grandkids... They are the ones who are really going to be paying for it.
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

First off, do you kiss your children with that filthy mouth? I removed your last sentence, I won't repost it.

Second, please, talk to your friends. Get them to not vote too. I think you all should just start sitting out all elections until you get the candidates you want.

There's no reason to compromise your crazy beliefs and America is much better off if you and those like you don't vote. So please keep up the good work and spread it around. Enlighten your friends and I hope you start a movement within the crazy population of our nation.

America is much better off if you people stopped voting.
Well, sorry your feelings are hurt.
Having romney or McCain in there would've been really no different than what we have now just more spending, paying debt with more debt In other words spineless moderates.
What vote for moderates? There is no rhyme or reason to it.

Right now it's like we have only one party In Washington, The spineless one.

My feelings aren't hurt. I'm offended by the use of that filthy word. People who have any sort of self respect and class don't use such words whether they're misspelled or not.

romney and mccain would have been much different from Obama.

If mccain had been elected we would still be in another republican great depression.

If romney had won, we would be at full scale war with most of the middle east and we would be losing even more jobs to china and third world nations.

I highly support your belief that you should only vote for the person you want to vote for. Since no one in either of the 2 major parties fits that bill I highly support your belief in not voting.

I also support you telling your friends and anyone who will listen to you so that you convince them to not vote also.

America is much, much better off if you and people like you don't ever vote.

Everything is great now that we have 100 million out of work and record numbers on welfare. America is way better off now.
We have a President that is an embarrassment to the nation worldwide with consistent failures foreign, domestic and morally.

It seems to me that the Republicans are in a transition period to better serve their constituency while the Democratic Party representatives remain monotoned and controlled trained monkeys to their party leadership.

Worldwide, Obama is respected and praised. You dupes read spend way too much of your time listening to drivel from conservative sites rather than looking at what is really going on in the world.


Funny how the countries who do not think Obama is on the right track happen to mostly be our enemies or countries that have never had good relations with the US.

Dictators across globe want 4 more years
Published: 10/21/2012 at 10:05 PM

Read more at Chavez, Castro, Putin endorse Obama

As did most of the leaders throughout the world. What is your point?
rubio is an establishment pig.
Another Rino to poach

Which clearly describes the Repub's biggest prob ... hardcore ideologues.

The choice next November may well be Rubio/Kasich vs. Hillary.

Will you be voting for Mickey Mouse?
Like the last two presidential elections, I will not be voting.
Just like millions of other libertarians/conservatives did in the last two presidential elections, no show.

First off, do you kiss your children with that filthy mouth? I removed your last sentence, I won't repost it.

Second, please, talk to your friends. Get them to not vote too. I think you all should just start sitting out all elections until you get the candidates you want.

There's no reason to compromise your crazy beliefs and America is much better off if you and those like you don't vote. So please keep up the good work and spread it around. Enlighten your friends and I hope you start a movement within the crazy population of our nation.

America is much better off if you people stopped voting.
Well, sorry your feelings are hurt.
Having romney or McCain in there would've been really no different than what we have now just more spending, paying debt with more debt In other words spineless moderates.
What vote for moderates? There is no rhyme or reason to it.

Right now it's like we have only one party In Washington, The spineless one.

My feelings aren't hurt. I'm offended by the use of that filthy word. People who have any sort of self respect and class don't use such words whether they're misspelled or not.

romney and mccain would have been much different from Obama.

If mccain had been elected we would still be in another republican great depression.

If romney had won, we would be at full scale war with most of the middle east and we would be losing even more jobs to china and third world nations.

I highly support your belief that you should only vote for the person you want to vote for. Since no one in either of the 2 major parties fits that bill I highly support your belief in not voting.

I also support you telling your friends and anyone who will listen to you so that you convince them to not vote also.

America is much, much better off if you and people like you don't ever vote.
If McCain had been elected we'd have that full-scale war in the ME well before 2012.

Indeed, this is why no republican can be trusted as president, the likelihood that he or she would start a conventional war in the ME with thousands of Americans again dying pointlessly is far too great.
Did anyone see where all the GOP candidate campaign managers with the exception of one got together this weekend to discuss the debates WITHOUT the RNC leadership?

Rince Prebus thinks everything is going along okay, and the GOP leadership still has control of the GOP candidates.

He couldn't be farther from the truth, the GOP is starting to fight openly with itself.
Did anyone see where all the GOP candidate campaign managers with the exception of one got together this weekend to discuss the debates WITHOUT the RNC leadership?

Rince Prebus thinks everything is going along okay, and the GOP leadership still has control of the GOP candidates.

He couldn't be farther from the truth, the GOP is starting to fight openly with itself.

Yes indeed the Democrat leadership has their members working in lock step and the citizens they represent have zero to limited representation, yup, one size fits all in the Democratic Socialist Party.
Did anyone see where all the GOP candidate campaign managers with the exception of one got together this weekend to discuss the debates WITHOUT the RNC leadership?

Rince Prebus thinks everything is going along okay, and the GOP leadership still has control of the GOP candidates.

He couldn't be farther from the truth, the GOP is starting to fight openly with itself.

Yes indeed the Democrat leadership has their members working in lock step and the citizens they represent have zero to limited representation, yup, one size fits all in the Democratic Socialist Party.

no. democrats don't all agree.

but your guys are insane and the wingers just tossed management.

that's because answering questions is harrrrrrrd. *sniff*

I love it... it's great entertainment. of course, it's an embarrassment to the GOP and pretty much insures that you won't win a national election for a generation. but as long as you're happy.
Did anyone see where all the GOP candidate campaign managers with the exception of one got together this weekend to discuss the debates WITHOUT the RNC leadership?

Rince Prebus thinks everything is going along okay, and the GOP leadership still has control of the GOP candidates.

He couldn't be farther from the truth, the GOP is starting to fight openly with itself.

Yes indeed the Democrat leadership has their members working in lock step and the citizens they represent have zero to limited representation, yup, one size fits all in the Democratic Socialist Party.

no. democrats don't all agree.

but your guys are insane and the wingers just tossed management.

that's because answering questions is harrrrrrrd. *sniff*

I love it... it's great entertainment. of course, it's an embarrassment to the GOP and pretty much insures that you won't win a national election for a generation. but as long as you're happy.
They may disagree but their leadership tells them how to vote in Congress regardless. They don't represent their constituents, they represent top down leadership, the wealthy contributors and baggy old special interest groups. Tossing leadership and allowing congress persons to represent their voters is a good thing. Democrats are still represented and fully controlled by Reid and Pelosi, old used up demented dinosaurs by any scale.
Last edited:
Yeah! Pack it up and put an egomaniacal ex-surgeon in the Oval Office. That will show 'em.
Why, he's had to manage WHOLE operating room crews of 5-6 at a time!
Had to walk into the waiting room and tell WHOLE families that the operation was or was not successful.
Had to stand up to WHOLE hospital admins and discuss his surgeries.
Yeah! Go America! Go with Bennie!

oh Bennie & his little closet skeletons...

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson says he's soft-spoken now -- but he hasn't always been so calm.

"As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone," Carson said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." ...

Ben Carson's violent past: Bricks, bats, hammers - CNNPolitics.com
I never understood why someone would hate on someone getting OUT of the ghetto..
Do you think Jim Webb would do well as an independent?
I wish independents had a chance!
I like Webb. Hell I liked Kasich too until I saw that ordeal with blockbuster. That was a BIG turnoff for me.
Yeah! Pack it up and put an egomaniacal ex-surgeon in the Oval Office. That will show 'em.
Why, he's had to manage WHOLE operating room crews of 5-6 at a time!
Had to walk into the waiting room and tell WHOLE families that the operation was or was not successful.
Had to stand up to WHOLE hospital admins and discuss his surgeries.
Yeah! Go America! Go with Bennie!

oh Bennie & his little closet skeletons...

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson says he's soft-spoken now -- but he hasn't always been so calm.

"As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone," Carson said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." ...

Ben Carson's violent past: Bricks, bats, hammers - CNNPolitics.com
I never understood why someone would hate on someone getting OUT of the ghetto..

I don't have a hate on for people getting out of poverty. but please- he was a little psychopath in the making & I don't think he totally shook that off.
It was the election in 2008 of Obama that pushed the GOP as far right as it could be, because of their interest in making Obama a one term President.

Only trouble is, the more they yelled, the farther right the party kept going until you ended up with the Tea Party and the Freedom Coalition fracturing the GOP.

Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves, what with all the years of rhetoric and screaming about Obama being a dictator and taking back the country, they've managed to let the inmates take over the asylum.

And...........because the base has gone so far right, the politicians in the GOP have to keep saying crazier and crazier things to keep the support of the base (which used to be the far right fringe).

Left wingers living in a glass house throwing stones. They are a pile of political bs.
True, but if the current gop field is not causing you to verge on outright horror, you are incapable of being horrified. LOL
Did anyone see where all the GOP candidate campaign managers with the exception of one got together this weekend to discuss the debates WITHOUT the RNC leadership?

Rince Prebus thinks everything is going along okay, and the GOP leadership still has control of the GOP candidates.

He couldn't be farther from the truth, the GOP is starting to fight openly with itself.

YEP. They are forming a union- imagine that.
A network televises something at a deficit and makes $$ from licensing... so how much are the rw candidates willing to spend to get on the tube? As much as the GOP?

all talk imo ...
Yeah! Pack it up and put an egomaniacal ex-surgeon in the Oval Office. That will show 'em.
Why, he's had to manage WHOLE operating room crews of 5-6 at a time!
Had to walk into the waiting room and tell WHOLE families that the operation was or was not successful.
Had to stand up to WHOLE hospital admins and discuss his surgeries.
Yeah! Go America! Go with Bennie!

oh Bennie & his little closet skeletons...

Washington (CNN)Ben Carson says he's soft-spoken now -- but he hasn't always been so calm.

"As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone," Carson said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." ...

Ben Carson's violent past: Bricks, bats, hammers - CNNPolitics.com
I never understood why someone would hate on someone getting OUT of the ghetto..

I don't have a hate on for people getting out of poverty. but please- he was a little psychopath in the making & I don't think he totally shook that off.
He lived in the hood. IDK what you expect someone to do when they are surrounded by that stuff.. Plus, he was a kid.. If this is all you have on him, than he looks pretty damn good!

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