What Has He Done?

I’m afraid the Democrats are going to put up Newsome.

And don’t think he can’t win - with the media’s complicity, anything’s possible. Look at how they convinced enough useful idiots that a corrupt, demented man who ran a campaign from his basement and never accomplished a thing in 50 years of government service, was a better option that Trump, who had inflation low, an energy surplus, thr lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and real wages among the lower-income growing for the first time in eons.

Of course, the Dems will need to harvest a lot of ballots, too.
A lot of mainstream democrats are a lot wiser than they were a year and a half ago. They aren't socialists.
Don't flatter yourself. I can piss you off far better than you can piss me off, son. And like I said, I voted for someone and something. All you did was a knee-jerk reflex reaction to someone that hurt your little feelings. You might as well have stayed home on election day.

The whole Trump thing wasn't a sharp stick in the eye to liberals?

Ummmm yea it was
He removed an evil psychopath from power. He should retire now.
With Trump we had 4 years of peace. A growing economy. Making outstanding progress in controlling the border. And we were slowly returning manufacturing back here in the United States. If you want to see evil, let's keep going in the direction we are.
This is for the more liberal here on USMB:

What has Joe Biden done, since taking office, that has made this country better, safer, more prosperous or stronger?

Rational input is appreciated...
This is for the more liberal here on USMB:

What has Joe Biden done, since taking office, that has made this country better, safer, more prosperous or stronger?

Rational input is appreciated...
I'm still a liberal. I'm still not a Democrat. The answer to that is: nothing.

AND we are going to do it all again. Yep.

There was a concentrated effort to elect Biden by the people who stood the most to profit and they did that through a never ending smear campaign of Trump. Trump did not help matters. At all. However, he was taken out of context by people who sat on the board of a media conglomerate and also on the board over there and on that board over there and this one here. Those people are laughing all the way to the bank.

We are going to do this again because it's more important that I smack the shit out of you for being a republican or conservative or right wing and you do the same to me than it is to actually take into account ANYTHING going down in congress.

You're welcome and have a great night!
Serious and rational,workmanlike?
The dude doesn't know where he is half the time and cant complete a sentence even with a teleprompter.
We know that you know biden is a disaster and a complete embarrassment to America,you can stop pretending otherwise.
The only disaster here for you is that Trump lost. Everything else is just the continuing fallout from a host of long festering issues republicans have no intention of doing anything about.
I guess the Trumptards' propaganda outlets have been keeping them ignorant. Like always.

Biden's accomplishments?

6 million jobs created in his first year. The most in American history.

Unemployment rate dropped from 6.2% to 3.6%.

Number of Americans filing for unemployment at lowest level since1969.

Lowest child poverty rate ever.

Expanded health care to 5 million Americans.

Put in place a $20 billion vaccination program.

The most judges confirmed to lower courts since Kennedy.

Passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill. Something Trump promised but failed to achieve.

Trump could not get Mexico to pay for the wall, but Biden has gotten Mexico to pay for enhanced border security screening. Ain't that a BITCH!?! :lol:

And most importantly, he beat Trump like a drum.
The only disaster here for you is that Trump lost. Everything else is just the continuing fallout from a host of long festering issues republicans have no intention of doing anything about.

The disaster is what biden has done to this country.
No one believes you when you say biden is doing a good job,you know as well as anybody how bad he is.
You pretending he's a good president only makes you look like a complete moron.
The disaster is what biden has done to this country.
No one believes you when you say biden is doing a good job,you know as well as anybody how bad he is.
You pretending he's a good president only makes you look like a complete moron.
You look like a flaming drama-queen simpleton. Crying about the sky falling and blaming it 100% on one guy.
No one in this country has to wake up and wonder what unhinged, unprecedented, unprincipled, unexplainable, indefensible, ego-tripping crap the president is going to do today. To me that's worth a lot. I prefer politicians who are entirely predictable and go about their jobs in a serious, rational workmanlike fashion.
I agree with you. However Old Joe is no improvement and in many ways he’s worse. His constant gaffes and lack of mental acuity should concern you.

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