What have the Zionists done?

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Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Despite what a few petulant morons around here say every time I post on this subject, my issue with problem of Israel is that there never seems to be any responsibility taken by Jews for the unceasing violence and bad feelings toward them. As though they are innocent bystanders in a one-sided conflict toward them. So I have a serious question and even though I expect the same old Zionist bullshit calling me a Nazi, etc., I'm throwing it out there anyway.

What part of this mess can be placed on the backs of Israel?
You don't sounds like one asking a serious question, but a one looking for bashing.

But if indeed a serious answer is what you're looking for, the mess is due to the fact that the government is unsure of its own steps, and there is no agreement between right-wingers and left-wingers about the most ideal solution for this conflict.

Our government bothers more with inner battles and selfish motives than to do what's best for the people.

That's the root of the problems in Israel.
You don't sounds like one asking a serious question, but a one looking for bashing.

But if indeed a serious answer is what you're looking for, the mess is due to the fact that the government is unsure of its own steps, and there is no agreement between right-wingers and left-wingers about the most ideal solution for this conflict.

Our government bothers more with inner battles and selfish motives than to do what's best for the people.

That's the root of the problems in Israel.

I am looking for serious answers and I appreciate your contribution.
Hey Moron,

Try answering the question if you are even smart enough to understand just exactly what the fuck you support. Your silly name calling has gotten really old.

Now answer the question or STFU and go play in the traffic.



Stop whining, Nazi scumbag. You don't like when people tell the truth about you? Then go back to stormfront, where scumbags like you belong.
People like you are are the LOWEST scum if the earth.

The lowest scum on earth are people who blame others for their bullshit in life. Your response is what I hoped wouldn't happen, but of course I expected it.

You are a weak child, only capable of calling names.

Now go get yourself a juice box and ask mommy to put on Sesame Street.

Wrong again. I never blame anyone for anything I am responsible.

But if you didn't focus on bashing Israel so much, you would see that Palestinians are exactly like that: they blame EVERYTHING on other people for their bullshit.
Stop whining, Nazi scumbag. You don't like when people tell the truth about you? Then go back to stormfront, where scumbags like you belong.
People like you are are the LOWEST scum if the earth.

The lowest scum on earth are people who blame others for their bullshit in life. Your response is what I hoped wouldn't happen, but of course I expected it.

You are a weak child, only capable of calling names.

Now go get yourself a juice box and ask mommy to put on Sesame Street.

Wrong again. I never blame anyone for anything I am responsible.

But if you didn't focus on bashing Israel so much, you would see that Palestinians are exactly like that: they blame EVERYTHING on other people for their bullshit.

And what part does Israel have in all this mess? Are the Zionist Jews just victims of aggression? Totally innocent of any part in the conflict?

Is that your story?
The lowest scum on earth are people who blame others for their bullshit in life. Your response is what I hoped wouldn't happen, but of course I expected it.

You are a weak child, only capable of calling names.

Now go get yourself a juice box and ask mommy to put on Sesame Street.

Wrong again. I never blame anyone for anything I am responsible.

But if you didn't focus on bashing Israel so much, you would see that Palestinians are exactly like that: they blame EVERYTHING on other people for their bullshit.

And what part does Israel have in all this mess? Are the Zionist Jews just victims of aggression? Totally innocent of any part in the conflict?

Is that your story?

No, I never said that. Do you think Israel is 100% responsible for the ongoing conflict?
Wrong again. I never blame anyone for anything I am responsible.

But if you didn't focus on bashing Israel so much, you would see that Palestinians are exactly like that: they blame EVERYTHING on other people for their bullshit.

And what part does Israel have in all this mess? Are the Zionist Jews just victims of aggression? Totally innocent of any part in the conflict?

Is that your story?

No, I never said that. Do you think Israel is 100% responsible for the ongoing conflict?

Of course not.
Israel takes 10% of the blame for caving in to international pressure for 50 years and not just stamping their overt enemies out of existence.
Israel takes 10% of the blame for caving in to international pressure for 50 years and not just stamping their overt enemies out of existence.

That's interesting. So Israel's part in the mess is not further abusing the Arabs.

This is kind of what I expected to hear a lot of. It stems from wholesale ignorance.
And what part does Israel have in all this mess? Are the Zionist Jews just victims of aggression? Totally innocent of any part in the conflict?

Is that your story?

No, I never said that. Do you think Israel is 100% responsible for the ongoing conflict?

Of course not.

I think Lipush's answer is pretty accurate. Extremists, on both sides are barriers to peace.
It's like a tug of war, where both sides are equally strong . No one really wins in the end.
Israel takes 10% of the blame for caving in to international pressure for 50 years and not just stamping their overt enemies out of existence.

That's interesting. So Israel's part in the mess is not further abusing the Arabs.

This is kind of what I expected to hear a lot of. It stems from wholesale ignorance.

I know my history.
If you love the Arabs so much, go spend a your next vacation in Syria or the West Bank.
Israel takes 10% of the blame for caving in to international pressure for 50 years and not just stamping their overt enemies out of existence.

That's interesting. So Israel's part in the mess is not further abusing the Arabs.

This is kind of what I expected to hear a lot of. It stems from wholesale ignorance.

I know my history.
If you love the Arabs so much, go spend a your next vacation in Syria or the West Bank.

This is exactly the kind of response that makes things worse. If you sincerely believe that the only fault in the mess is due to Arabs, you are ignorant and have been fed too large a diet of Zionist media.

There are a lot of bad actors in the ME, and there are a lot of innocent bystanders all around the region who only want to live their lives without worrying about getting blown up.
That's interesting. So Israel's part in the mess is not further abusing the Arabs.

This is kind of what I expected to hear a lot of. It stems from wholesale ignorance.

I know my history.
If you love the Arabs so much, go spend a your next vacation in Syria or the West Bank.

This is exactly the kind of response that makes things worse. If you sincerely believe that the only fault in the mess is due to Arabs, you are ignorant and have been fed too large a diet of Zionist media.

There are a lot of bad actors in the ME, and there are a lot of innocent bystanders all around the region who only want to live their lives without worrying about getting blown up.

Let's analyze your post...
"There are a lot of bad actors in the ME"
Considering that about 99% of the population in the ME is Arab, and MANY of them are Moslem, are you're going to exhibit bad math and attribute a significant percentage of the troubles in the ME to THE JEWS?!

The ME is comprised of dozens of nations which have been at constant war with each other, as well as with most European nations, for nearly a millennia, and you're going to exhibit bad math and attribute a significant percentage of the troubles in the ME to THE JEWS?!
Israel takes 10% of the blame for caving in to international pressure for 50 years and not just stamping their overt enemies out of existence.

That's interesting. So Israel's part in the mess is not further abusing the Arabs.

This is kind of what I expected to hear a lot of. It stems from wholesale ignorance.

The Arabs started the war. They should have foreseen the consequence. That's THEIR responsibility.

When an enemy rises up to destroy you, you shouldn't feel guilty for winning and surviving.

That's why Israel does not.

Israel's only guilt is that it's forced to sometimes do to the Arab civilians what they try to do to us.
I know my history.
If you love the Arabs so much, go spend a your next vacation in Syria or the West Bank.

This is exactly the kind of response that makes things worse. If you sincerely believe that the only fault in the mess is due to Arabs, you are ignorant and have been fed too large a diet of Zionist media.

There are a lot of bad actors in the ME, and there are a lot of innocent bystanders all around the region who only want to live their lives without worrying about getting blown up.

Let's analyze your post...
"There are a lot of bad actors in the ME"
Considering that about 99% of the population in the ME is Arab, and MANY of them are Moslem, are you're going to exhibit bad math and attribute a significant percentage of the troubles in the ME to THE JEWS?!

The ME is comprised of dozens of nations which have been at constant war with each other, as well as with most European nations, for nearly a millennia, and you're going to exhibit bad math and attribute a significant percentage of the troubles in the ME to THE JEWS?!

Take off the Zion blinders and focus. The only one in this conversation claiming the conflict is one-sided, is you.

I started the thread because all I ever hear is about the awful Arabs. It's what I was taught and what I heard daily from American media. There is blame all around, so why don't you offer up your thoughts on Israel's part.

The insanity that the turmoil is all about "Jew haters" has to stop at some point. It's laughable, were it not so disgustingly dishonest.
That's interesting. So Israel's part in the mess is not further abusing the Arabs.

This is kind of what I expected to hear a lot of. It stems from wholesale ignorance.

I know my history.
If you love the Arabs so much, go spend a your next vacation in Syria or the West Bank.

This is exactly the kind of response that makes things worse. If you sincerely believe that the only fault in the mess is due to Arabs, you are ignorant and have been fed too large a diet of Zionist media.

There are a lot of bad actors in the ME, and there are a lot of innocent bystanders all around the region who only want to live their lives without worrying about getting blown up.

It is you who doesn't understand.

Someone who's sure Israel is the only guilty without seeing that its the only sparkle of sanity between states that massacre their own people, then there must be something wrong with the same individual.

Israel sees countless of times how the Palestinians use propaganda and lies and twists of truths to try and gain sympathy, and doesn't do enough to stop it.

That's ISRAEL's responsibility. Many who are against Israel are not wicked or even ignorant. They're told things which they believe to be true, but they're not.
Israel takes 10% of the blame for caving in to international pressure for 50 years and not just stamping their overt enemies out of existence.

That's interesting. So Israel's part in the mess is not further abusing the Arabs.

This is kind of what I expected to hear a lot of. It stems from wholesale ignorance.

The Arabs started the war. They should have foreseen the consequence. That's THEIR responsibility.

When an enemy rises up to destroy you, you shouldn't feel guilty for winning and surviving.

That's why Israel does not.

Israel's only guilt is that it's forced to sometimes do to the Arab civilians what they try to do to us.

It always comes down to this. It's why I asked the question. I wanted to know if there were Zionists who were willing to be introspective, and I have yet to find one.

I was taught all this shit I read here about Israel great, Arab awful. You people would do well to start looking in the mirror. The idea that Israel is just some benevolent lamb trying to survive is garbage. They have ownership in this just like the Arabs.
I know my history.
If you love the Arabs so much, go spend a your next vacation in Syria or the West Bank.

This is exactly the kind of response that makes things worse. If you sincerely believe that the only fault in the mess is due to Arabs, you are ignorant and have been fed too large a diet of Zionist media.

There are a lot of bad actors in the ME, and there are a lot of innocent bystanders all around the region who only want to live their lives without worrying about getting blown up.

It is you who doesn't understand.

Someone who's sure Israel is the only guilty without seeing that its the only sparkle of sanity between states that massacre their own people, then there must be something wrong with the same individual.

Israel sees countless of times how the Palestinians use propaganda and lies and twists of truths to try and gain sympathy, and doesn't do enough to stop it.

That's ISRAEL's responsibility. Many who are against Israel are not wicked or even ignorant. They're told things which they believe to be true, but they're not.

I never said anything of the sort. Stopping putting words in my mouth.
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