What have the Zionists done?

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I'm not making that argument. I think the Palestinians have done a lot of bad shit. I am only here to find out what responsibilities the Israelis have, and I'm still waiting to hear someone admit they have a big part in the conflict too.

The problem with these discussions is that there is never an allowance that people can see the issue from both sides.

And decent people really ought to condemn comments like the one from that punk assed bitch Ghook. Don't you agree?

Why don't you tell us what responsibilities YOU think Israel has?

Not my place to do so and not why I started this discussion. I want Jews to reveal that. Why? Because there's no way a conflict can ever end unless people look at their own part in it.

Will you willingfully start a same thread about the Palestinians?:eusa_whistle:
Why don't you tell us what responsibilities YOU think Israel has?

Not my place to do so and not why I started this discussion. I want Jews to reveal that. Why? Because there's no way a conflict can ever end unless people look at their own part in it.

Will you willingfully start a same thread about the Palestinians?:eusa_whistle:

Why not start by participating here?

Everyone hates the Palestinians and lays all the blame on them already.
Take off the Zion blinders and focus. The only one in this conversation claiming the conflict is one-sided, is you.

I started the thread because all I ever hear is about the awful Arabs. It's what I was taught and what I heard daily from American media. There is blame all around, so why don't you offer up your thoughts on Israel's part.

The insanity that the turmoil is all about "Jew haters" has to stop at some point. It's laughable, were it not so disgustingly dishonest.

Lets see now 99% of the inhabitants are the arab muslims who have it as a direct command from their god to KILL THE JEWS. This they have practised for over 1400 and still have not managed with odds of 100 to 1 to eliminate the Jews. The Jews have been brutalised and violated by the muslims right up until they declared independence in 1948, then they fought back against the violence and atrocities. To you this is the Jews attacking the muslims and brutalising them, when in fact they have treated them fairly and with decency.

The insanity that the Jews are the cause of the problem will stop eventually when the muslims start accepting responsibility for their actions

Until recently, since Zionism, the Jews were treated better by the Muslims than by adherents of any other religion. Certainly better than they were treated by Christians.

Not according to the Pact of Omar, Jewish historians, Islamic boasts and all the other evidence around. Try reading the Koran and hadiths that command the muslims to KILLTHE JEWS, then look up the history of BLOOD LIBEL
Despite what a few petulant morons around here say every time I post on this subject, my issue with problem of Israel is that there never seems to be any responsibility taken by Jews for the unceasing violence and bad feelings toward them. As though they are innocent bystanders in a one-sided conflict toward them. So I have a serious question and even though I expect the same old Zionist bullshit calling me a Nazi, etc., I'm throwing it out there anyway.

What part of this mess can be placed on the backs of Israel?

Fucked your mother!

Firstly, I reported your post for rules violations.

Secondly, your Jewish psychosis is on display. It's people like you and Roudy and a few others here who cause hatred of Jews in general. Way to go, asshole.

So now it is our fault that you hate the Jews and have done since before you even came across us on this message board. You have just blown your cover
Will you be so kind as to help me show those Zionists the truth about Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization? Thank you sir.

Firstly, I reported your post for rules violations.

Secondly, your Jewish psychosis is on display. It's people like you and Roudy and a few others here who cause hatred of Jews in general. Way to go, asshole.

I'm not making that argument. I think the Palestinians have done a lot of bad shit. I am only here to find out what responsibilities the Israelis have, and I'm still waiting to hear someone admit they have a big part in the conflict too.

The problem with these discussions is that there is never an allowance that people can see the issue from both sides.

And decent people really ought to condemn comments like the one from that punk assed bitch Ghook. Don't you agree?

Get it right you just want a pro Jew to say that so you can use it time after time. When the truth is the Israelis have done very little to escalate the problem. The arab muslims fire illegal weapons at Israeli children so the Israelis respond with their weapons. This is how it has been since 1929 when the muslims massacred the Jews in Hebron. They by their much smaller population have a very small part to play in the problem, and in view of the recent events surrounding Palestinian hostilities in Jordan and Lebanon the number of friendly arab countries are diminishing all the time. The Palestinians only have half of Syria and Iran as friends, the rest look on them with distrust and loathing.
Take off the Zion blinders and focus. The only one in this conversation claiming the conflict is one-sided, is you.

I started the thread because all I ever hear is about the awful Arabs. It's what I was taught and what I heard daily from American media. There is blame all around, so why don't you offer up your thoughts on Israel's part.

The insanity that the turmoil is all about "Jew haters" has to stop at some point. It's laughable, were it not so disgustingly dishonest.

Lets see now 99% of the inhabitants are the arab muslims who have it as a direct command from their god to KILL THE JEWS. This they have practised for over 1400 and still have not managed with odds of 100 to 1 to eliminate the Jews. The Jews have been brutalised and violated by the muslims right up until they declared independence in 1948, then they fought back against the violence and atrocities. To you this is the Jews attacking the muslims and brutalising them, when in fact they have treated them fairly and with decency.

The insanity that the Jews are the cause of the problem will stop eventually when the muslims start accepting responsibility for their actions

Until recently, since Zionism, the Jews were treated better by the Muslims than by adherents of any other religion. Certainly better than they were treated by Christians.
Would that be before or after Arab Muslim committed genocide on the Jews of Hebron in 1929, and the pogroms on 1.5 million Jews that had been living in Arab countries for thousands of years, that is, Jews who were living as second class citizens under a system of religious apartheid, after the arrival of Islam.

Or perhaps maybe it's the Nazi Muslim Mufti who personally requested that Hitler kill all the Jews he can, as opposed to letting them escape?

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
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Not my place to do so and not why I started this discussion. I want Jews to reveal that. Why? Because there's no way a conflict can ever end unless people look at their own part in it.

Will you willingfully start a same thread about the Palestinians?:eusa_whistle:

Why not start by participating here?

Everyone hates the Palestinians and lays all the blame on them already.

With very good reasons, they have been the inspiration for the deaths of thousands world wide at the hands of ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS. Now can you produce one instance of am Israeli terrorist that has murdered anyone in support of Israel
Despite what a few petulant morons around here say every time I post on this subject, my issue with problem of Israel is that there never seems to be any responsibility taken by Jews for the unceasing violence and bad feelings toward them. As though they are innocent bystanders in a one-sided conflict toward them. So I have a serious question and even though I expect the same old Zionist bullshit calling me a Nazi, etc., I'm throwing it out there anyway.

What part of this mess can be placed on the backs of Israel?
The Jew hating Nazi wanna be is acting like he doesn't know about all of Israel's contributions to humanity, science, medicine, technology, etc. And when you slap them in the face with the facts, they'll either deny it, or squeal like pigs: "it's because of the US...blah blah blah". Ha ha ha.

You gotta love these people. Oink oink oink.
I don't understand this. Finally the Palestinian supporters are given a golden opportunity to educate us to Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization & not a single one has been listed. Why have the Palestinian supporters just disappeared on this important issue?

So true. We never see any Zionists praising the Palestinians for all their contributions to peace, mankind & civilization. Therefore I now give the Palestinian supporters an opportunity to enlighten us with the truth on this subject. Take that you Zionists.

Whenever anyone asks what have the Palestinians done there is no answer. You are asking about one party, I have a right to ask about the other. There will still be no response from you. For those that are serious, I appreciate your contribution.

Is the Arab Peace Plan Really About Peace? « Commentary Magazine

It should be conceded that this is better than the famous “three no’s” enforced throughout the Arab world in the aftermath of the 1967 Six-Day War, when Muslim countries said they would not make peace, recognize or negotiate with Israel. But the effect is not all that different. The Arab League proposal envisions normal relations with an Israel that has been forced to retreat from all territories it won in a defensive war in 1967. But the Israel they want to make peace with is one that would be forced to accept millions of Arabs who would change it from a Jewish nation into yet another Arab one.

Not going to happen, BigMouth :D

» Abbas Shuts Down The Peace Process

Abbas’s new red lines block just about every concession that the Israelis, and even the U.S., have requested. Abbas demands: a total Israeli withdrawal from all territories that went to Israel in 1967; that Israel complete that withdrawal within three to four years; that the Palestinians not be required to recognize the Jewish state; that east Jerusalem be specified as the capital of a Palestinian state; the release of all Palestinian prisoners; and resolving the refugee issue along the lines of UN General Assembly resolution 194, which in essence means sending those Palestinians claiming to be refugees, not to a Palestinian state, but to Israel, thus terminating the existence of the Jewish state Abbas refuses to recognize.

Not going to happen either. :cuckoo:

Because they haven't made any contributions to " peace" which is why there will never be a Palestinian State. Let's hear from one Pro Palestinian Kool Aid Drinker what proposals Abbas put forth that Israel rejected. It's a fair question. :smiliehug:
Fucked your mother!

Firstly, I reported your post for rules violations.

Secondly, your Jewish psychosis is on display. It's people like you and Roudy and a few others here who cause hatred of Jews in general. Way to go, asshole.

So now it is our fault that you hate the Jews and have done since before you even came across us on this message board. You have just blown your cover

I don't hate any group of people, but I do hate the scumbag I quoted.
Will you willingfully start a same thread about the Palestinians?:eusa_whistle:

Why not start by participating here?

Everyone hates the Palestinians and lays all the blame on them already.

With very good reasons, they have been the inspiration for the deaths of thousands world wide at the hands of ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS. Now can you produce one instance of am Israeli terrorist that has murdered anyone in support of Israel

Awesome. Thanks for continuing the tradition of Jewish deflection.

Still waiting for someone to come forward and accept some of the blame. :eusa_whistle:
Despite what a few petulant morons around here say every time I post on this subject, my issue with problem of Israel is that there never seems to be any responsibility taken by Jews for the unceasing violence and bad feelings toward them. As though they are innocent bystanders in a one-sided conflict toward them. So I have a serious question and even though I expect the same old Zionist bullshit calling me a Nazi, etc., I'm throwing it out there anyway.

What part of this mess can be placed on the backs of Israel?
The Jew hating Nazi wanna be is acting like he doesn't know about all of Israel's contributions to humanity, science, medicine, technology, etc. And when you slap them in the face with the facts, they'll either deny it, or squeal like pigs: "it's because of the US...blah blah blah". Ha ha ha.

You gotta love these people. Oink oink oink.

The oh so predictable roudy child. Find some new material, you feeble-minded dolt.
Lets see now 99% of the inhabitants are the arab muslims who have it as a direct command from their god to KILL THE JEWS. This they have practised for over 1400 and still have not managed with odds of 100 to 1 to eliminate the Jews. The Jews have been brutalised and violated by the muslims right up until they declared independence in 1948, then they fought back against the violence and atrocities. To you this is the Jews attacking the muslims and brutalising them, when in fact they have treated them fairly and with decency.

The insanity that the Jews are the cause of the problem will stop eventually when the muslims start accepting responsibility for their actions

Until recently, since Zionism, the Jews were treated better by the Muslims than by adherents of any other religion. Certainly better than they were treated by Christians.

Not according to the Pact of Omar, Jewish historians, Islamic boasts and all the other evidence around. Try reading the Koran and hadiths that command the muslims to KILLTHE JEWS, then look up the history of BLOOD LIBEL

Blood Libel was a Christian accusation:

"Toaff's most recent book, Pasque di sangue. Ebrei d'Europa e omicidi rituali ("Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders"), was published in February 2007. The book analyzes the cultural and historical background to a notorious 1475 murder trial in Italy. A group of Jews were accused of murdering a young boy, later known as Simon of Trent, and using his blood for Passover rites."

Ariel Toaff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't understand this. Finally the Palestinian supporters are given a golden opportunity to educate us to Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization & not a single one has been listed. Why have the Palestinian supporters just disappeared on this important issue?

So true. We never see any Zionists praising the Palestinians for all their contributions to peace, mankind & civilization. Therefore I now give the Palestinian supporters an opportunity to enlighten us with the truth on this subject. Take that you Zionists.

Because they haven't made any contributions to " peace" which is why there will never be a Palestinian State. Let's hear from one Pro Palestinian Kool Aid Drinker what proposals Abbas put forth that Israel rejected. It's a fair question. :smiliehug:

You children cannot grasp the difference between a person siding with Arabs and a person not siding with Israel. I'm sure you cannot even decipher the meaning of that so allow me to put it bluntly-

Other than the fact that there are people throughout the ME (Jew and Arab) who are stuck in the middle of conflicts to which they are uninvolved in any real sense, I could not care less if the entire region blew up and obliterated every single person there, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or religion.

I do see now why there will never be peace though.
Despite what a few petulant morons around here say every time I post on this subject, my issue with problem of Israel is that there never seems to be any responsibility taken by Jews for the unceasing violence and bad feelings toward them. As though they are innocent bystanders in a one-sided conflict toward them. So I have a serious question and even though I expect the same old Zionist bullshit calling me a Nazi, etc., I'm throwing it out there anyway.

What part of this mess can be placed on the backs of Israel?
The Jew hating Nazi wanna be is acting like he doesn't know about all of Israel's contributions to humanity, science, medicine, technology, etc. And when you slap them in the face with the facts, they'll either deny it, or squeal like pigs: "it's because of the US...blah blah blah". Ha ha ha.

You gotta love these people. Oink oink oink.

The oh so predictable roudy child. Find some new material, you feeble-minded dolt.
Yeah, let's just pretend you're not a Jew hating Nazi, how's that.

"What has Zionism done, after all?" Said the ignorant moron.

Look it up.
Yes, I hate Jews and am a Nazi. God, you're brilliant Roudy.

So tell the class why I site Jews for Justice as a source of my opinions? Dipshit.
I don't understand this. Finally the Palestinian supporters are given a golden opportunity to educate us to Palestinian contributions to peace, mankind & civilization & not a single one has been listed. Why have the Palestinian supporters just disappeared on this important issue?

Because they haven't made any contributions to " peace" which is why there will never be a Palestinian State. Let's hear from one Pro Palestinian Kool Aid Drinker what proposals Abbas put forth that Israel rejected. It's a fair question. :smiliehug:

You children cannot grasp the difference between a person siding with Arabs and a person not siding with Israel. I'm sure you cannot even decipher the meaning of that so allow me to put it bluntly-

Other than the fact that there are people throughout the ME (Jew and Arab) who are stuck in the middle of conflicts to which they are uninvolved in any real sense, I could not care less if the entire region blew up and obliterated every single person there, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or religion.

I do see now why there will never be peace though.

Most are fanatics that have been conditioned to hate Arabs and blindly support Israel regardless of what murderous enterprises it is up to. The cannot fathom that some of us are neutrals and, like you, have no more empathy for Jews than we have for the Muslims involved in this confrontation. Personally, I do have more empathy for the Christians, but that's because I am a Christian.
Until recently, since Zionism, the Jews were treated better by the Muslims than by adherents of any other religion. Certainly better than they were treated by Christians.

Not according to the Pact of Omar, Jewish historians, Islamic boasts and all the other evidence around. Try reading the Koran and hadiths that command the muslims to KILLTHE JEWS, then look up the history of BLOOD LIBEL

Blood Libel was a Christian accusation:

"Toaff's most recent book, Pasque di sangue. Ebrei d'Europa e omicidi rituali ("Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders"), was published in February 2007. The book analyzes the cultural and historical background to a notorious 1475 murder trial in Italy. A group of Jews were accused of murdering a young boy, later known as Simon of Trent, and using his blood for Passover rites."

Ariel Toaff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And yet, it was recently made by Arab Muslim animals into a riveting hit TV series that was broadcasted into Most Muslim shithole nations. Muslim love for Nazis is never ending.

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Not my place to do so and not why I started this discussion. I want Jews to reveal that. Why? Because there's no way a conflict can ever end unless people look at their own part in it.

Will you willingfully start a same thread about the Palestinians?:eusa_whistle:

Why not start by participating here?

Everyone hates the Palestinians and lays all the blame on them already.

Why not start by participating here?

Because that's not the topic of this thread. And the Title will be decieving.

I see you're set on an answer which is "no". you're proving the point of those who disagree with you.

Everyone hates the Palestinians and lays all the blame on them already.

That's far from being true. They simply see the Israeli side, and refuse to be called "Israeli firstirs" just because of their sypmathy for the Jews.
Because they haven't made any contributions to " peace" which is why there will never be a Palestinian State. Let's hear from one Pro Palestinian Kool Aid Drinker what proposals Abbas put forth that Israel rejected. It's a fair question. :smiliehug:

You children cannot grasp the difference between a person siding with Arabs and a person not siding with Israel. I'm sure you cannot even decipher the meaning of that so allow me to put it bluntly-

Other than the fact that there are people throughout the ME (Jew and Arab) who are stuck in the middle of conflicts to which they are uninvolved in any real sense, I could not care less if the entire region blew up and obliterated every single person there, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or religion.

I do see now why there will never be peace though.

Most are fanatics that have been conditioned to hate Arabs and blindly support Israel regardless of what murderous enterprises it is up to. The cannot fathom that some of us are neutrals and, like you, have no more empathy for Jews than we have for the Muslims involved in this confrontation. Personally, I do have more empathy for the Christians, but that's because I am a Christian.

We have all been conditioned to think that way. I was an absolute supporter of Israel most of my life, until I decided it was time to really look at the entirety of the issue. Hell, I sent money to "holocaust survivors" not ten years ago.
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